An app that helps users to find a professional/shop in the field of home repair "renovation"
In some occasions we have to reapir a leak in our bath sink or we suddenly do not have electricity at home. In those occasions it would be nice to have list of professionals in our city to call them and ask them to reapair.
HoseFix is an app that helps users in need of any reparation in their houses.
When there's a failure, the user through a list of professionals or stores can find easily on their cities the professional they are looking for.
Users get in contact with a professional expalining the problem and if necessary adding a photo of the leak or whatever other failure.
Professionals and clients
- Add their services in the city/ies and section they belong. For example: "Tabbuk", "electrical".
- For each section there are professionals/shops in which it is possible to choose. The user can see information about the professional/shop like evaluation of previous customers, working hours, contact numbers, location and expected prices.
- He can add and modify his personal shop, receive orders, and communicate with the needy for service
- Several sections like electrical, plumber, dyeing and building, for easy browsing.
- Get in contact with a professional explaining the problem and sending photos if necessary.
- He can take pictures, describe them, and include his personal number to communicate with him
- Sign in screen.
- Edit profile.
- Additional password Text field to compare that the password is correct
- Authentication with Firebase back-end
- support for English and Arabic languages
- Dark mode
- Several sections like electrical, plumber, dyeing and building, for easy browsing.
- Get in contact with a professional explaining the problem and sending photos if necessary.
- He can take pictures, describe them, and include his personal number to communicate with him