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Twilio Function: Create Direct Outbound SMS Chat Task


When an agent needs to send an outbound SMS message to a customer, it may be desired to have them send the message using the stock Flex UI chat interface.

This Twilio Function makes that possible by creating a chat task for the agent and setting up the backend resources so messages the agent adds to the chat are sent to the mobile number via SMS.

Please review this entire README to ensure all pre-requisites are met and in place prior to using the Function.

How to use the Function

Example REST request

You can invoke the Function as a JSON REST API call. The request body should be a JSON object with these properties:

  "fromNumber": "+1555XXXXXXX",
  "toName": "Customer Name",
  "toNumber": "+1555XXXXXXX"

Here is an explanation of each property:

  • fromNumber
    • This is the Twilio number that will be used to send/receive SMS messages
  • toName
    • This is the name of the customer the agent is communicating with
    • The name entered here will show up as the customer name on the task and in the chat channel
  • toNumber
    • This is the mobile number of the customer the agent is communicating with

Example REST response

If the Function executes successfully, you should receive a 200 OK response with a response body similar to the following:

  "chatChannel": {
    "identity": "08d8c950-8d3c-11e9-b8c4-db01a11a1915",
    "task_sid": "{u'prefix': u'WT', u'bytes': u'XXXXXX', u'value': u'WTXXXXXXX', u'compact_hex': u'XXXXXXX'}",
    "flex_flow_sid": "FOXXXXXX",
    "account_sid": "ACXXXXXX",
    "user_sid": "USXXXXXX",
    "url": "",
    "sid": "CHXXXXXX"
  "proxySession": {
    "sid": "KCXXXXXX",
    "serviceSid": "KSXXXXXX",
    "accountSid": "ACXXXXXX",
    "dateStarted": null,
    "dateEnded": null,
    "dateLastInteraction": null,
    "dateExpiry": null,
    "uniqueName": "CHXXXXXX",
    "status": "open",
    "closedReason": null,
    "ttl": 0,
    "mode": "message-only",
    "dateCreated": "2019-06-12T18:01:00.000Z",
    "dateUpdated": "2019-06-12T18:01:00.000Z",
    "url": "",
    "links": {
      "participants": "",
      "interactions": ""

If the function does not execute successfully, you'll receive an HTTP error code and the response body will contain the details of why it failed.

Expected outcome of the Function call

When the Function executes successfully, the following resources are created:

  1. A new chat channel (if the Flex Flow LongLived parameter is set to false. See 'Create Direct to Task Flex Flow' section below for more details)
  2. A new chat task with the targetWorkerPhone attribute to ensure it goes only to the worker with a matching phone attribute (see 'How to match task to requesting worker' section below for more details)
  3. A new Proxy session tied to the chat channel. This ensure that any messages the agent adds to the chat are sent to the customer's mobile number via SMS, and any messages received from the customer's mobile number are added to the chat so the agent sees them.

When the receiving agent accepts the task in Flex, they will be joined to the chat channel and any messages they add to the chat will be sent via SMS to the customer's mobile number.

How to auto accept the task in Flex

This Function adds attribute autoAnswer: true to the task. This can be used by a custom Flex plugin to auto accept the task reservation when it reaches the agent's Flex interface.

Please see the Twilio Flex Quickstart for creating custom Flex plugins with React. Once you have your plugin created, you can use the following code to auto accept tasks with attribute autoAnswer: true.

manager.workerClient.on('reservationCreated', reservation => {
  if (reservation.task.attributes.autoAnswer === true) {
    flex.Actions.invokeAction('AcceptTask', { sid: reservation.sid });
    // select the task
    flex.Actions.invokeAction('SelectTask', { sid: reservation.sid });

Deployment Instructions

Create Function Environment Variables

Follow these steps to ensure all required environment variables are available for the Function to use:

  1. In your Twilio Console, navigate to Runtime -> Functions -> Configure.
  2. Make sure Enable ACCOUNT_SID and AUTH_TOKEN is checked
  3. Under Environment Variables add the following:
  4. Click Save at the bottom of the window if the button is enabled

Add Function Node Package Dependencies

Follow these steps to ensure all required Node packages are available for the Function to use:

  1. In your Twilio Console, navigate to Runtime -> Functions -> Configure.
  2. Under Dependencies add the following (only name is required; version can be left blank, unless you want to lock the package to a specific release):
    • node-fetch
      • A light-weight module that brings window.fetch to Node.js
      • Used in our Function for making REST API calls
    • uuid
      • Simple, fast generation of RFC4122 UUIDS
      • Used in our Function to create a unique identifier for the chat channel Identity parameter
    • js-base64
      • Base64 transcoder
      • Required for any REST API calls using Basic Authentication
  3. Click Save at the bottom of the window if the button is enabled

How to match task to requesting worker

In this use case, we want to be sure the worker that requested the task receives it. To ensure the task only goes to that worker and no other, we will use a combination of worker attributes and task attributes.

Add 'phone' attribute to workers

For our example, each worker will have their own dedicated Twilio number for sending and receiving SMS messages.

  1. In your Twilio Console, navigate to TaskRouter -> Workspaces -> [YourWorkspace] -> Workers
  2. Click on a worker to modify
  3. In the Attributes field, add the following property to the JSON object:
    • "phone": "TwilioPhoneNumberForWorker"
      • For example, "phone": "+18885551212"
  4. Click the Save button at the bottom of the screen
  5. Go back to the Workers page and repeat steps 2 - 4 for each worker needing this functionality
    • Be sure each worker has a unique Twilio number

Note: If you would prefer to use the Twilio Workers API to make these changes instead of the Twilio Console, please reference the TaskRouter Workers API documentation.

Create a Matching Worker Workflow

Now that the workers have the 'phone' attribute, we can create a Workflow that matches the worker attribute with an appropriate task attribute. In this function, we're using a task attribute called 'targetWorkerPhone' for that purpose.

  1. In your Twilio Console, navigate to TaskRouter -> Workspaces -> [YourWorkspace] -> Workflows
  2. Add a new workflow with name 'Match Worker', or something similar, so it's clear what this workflow is used for
  3. On the Create Workflow page, click the Add a Filter button
  4. Replace 'Unnamed Filter' with 'Target Worker Phone'
  5. For 'Matching Tasks' enter:
    • targetWorkerPhone != null
  6. You can leave 'Queue' as the default 'Everyone' which will automatically consider all agents
    • If you'd prefer to have a dedicated TaskQueue for this purpose, feel free to create one and select it here instead
  7. In the 'Matching Workers' 'Expression' field enter:
    • task.targetWorkerPhone ==
  8. All other fields can remain at their default values
  9. Click the Create button at the bottom of this screen
  10. Make note of the Workflow SID under Properties at the top of this screen
    • We will use this later when creating our Direct To Task Flex Flow

Create Direct to Task Flex Flow

Flex Flows define how messages intended to reach the Flex UI should be handled. You can see your Flex Flows in the Twilio Console at Flex -> Messaging.

Typically inbound messages are routed to a Studio Flow and then to Flex using the Studio Send to Flex widget. The Send to Flex widget will create a task on the specified Workflow SID for routing to a Worker.

However, the use case this Function handles requires that inbound messages be routed directly to the chat channel. The Function creates a task as part of its process, so we don't want the inbound message to hit a Studio Flow which creates a new task.

For this to happen, we need to use the Flex Flows API to create a Direct to Task Flex Flow associated with our inbound number. You will need a separate Flex Flow for each unique Twilio number.

Follow these steps to create a Direct to Task Flex Flow:

  1. First, we'll need to gather the following information required for our API call
    • Twilio Account Sid and Auth Token
    • Twilio number to be used for sending/receiving SMS messages
    • Chat Service SID
      • In your Twilio Console, navigate to Programmable Chat -> Services and copy the SID for the desired chat service
    • TaskRouter Workspace SID
      • In your Twilio Console, navigate to TaskRouter -> Workspaces and copy the SID for the desired workspace
    • TaskRouter Workflow SID
      • In your Twilio Console, navigate to TaskRouter -> Workspaces -> [YourWorkspace] -> Workflows and copy the SID for the workflow used to match the task to a specific worker
      • If you followed the steps in Create a Matching Worker Workflow above, then copy the SID for the workflow you created
    • TaskRouter TaskChannel SID
      • In your Twilio Console, navigate to TaskRouter -> Workspaces -> [_YourWorkspace] -> TaskChannels and copy the SID for the Programmable Chat TaskChannel
  2. Here is the API call using curl. You can of course use any API tool you prefer, such as Postman. Replace the parameter values with the information you gathered.
curl -X POST \ \
  --data-urlencode "ChannelType=sms" \
  --data-urlencode "IntegrationType=task" \
  --data-urlencode "Enabled=false" \
  --data-urlencode "FriendlyName=Flex SMS To Task Flow" \
  --data-urlencode "ContactIdentity=+1888XXXXXXX" \
  --data-urlencode "ChatServiceSid=ISXXXXXX" \
  --data-urlencode "Integration.WorkspaceSid=WSXXXXXX" \
  --data-urlencode "Integration.WorkflowSid=WWXXXXXX" \
  --data-urlencode "Integration.Channel=TCXXXXXX \
  --data-urlencode "LongLived=false" \
  1. Here is an explanation of each parameter:
    • ChannelType
      • web or sms
      • Using sms defines this flow for SMS messages
    • IntegrationType
      • studio or task
      • Using task indicates this is a Direct to Task flow
    • Enabled
      • true or false
      • Controls whether initial inbound messages will consider this flow or not
      • Using false since this flow is only triggered by manually creating a chat channel
    • FriendlyName
      • string value
      • Allows for easy identification of this flows purpose when looking through the list of Flex Flows
    • ContactIdentity
      • string value
      • Must be the Twilio phone number that will be used to send/receive SMS messages
    • ChatServicesSid
      • string value
      • SID of the Programmable Chat Service to use for this Flex Flow
    • Integration.WorkspaceSid
      • string value
      • SID of the TaskRouter Workspace to use for the task that's created on chat channel creation
    • Integration.WorkflowSid
      • string value
      • SID of the TaskRouter Workflow to use for the task that's created on chat channel creation
    • Integration.Channel
      • string value
      • SID of the TaskRouter TaskChannel to use for the task that's created on chat channel creation
      • This must be the Programmable Chat channel in order to support messaging
    • LongLived
      • true or false
      • If true, the chat channel will not be closed when the agent ends the chat. This means that the entire chat history will be retained. New chat tasks that are subsequently created will display the previous chat history to the receiving agent.
      • If false, the chat channel will be closed when the agent ends the chat. This means that each new chat task will be a new chat channel, with none of the previous chat messages displayed in this channel.
  2. After making the API call, you will receive a 201 Created response with the Flex Flow details in the response body if it worked successfully
  3. Validate the integration object details and that integration_type is task
  4. If all that is true then the Flex Flow is ready for use
  5. The Function will dynamically locate this Flex Flow based on the fromNumber property passed into the Function call