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1) Installation

Tyler Nijmeh edited this page Jul 16, 2020 · 18 revisions


Option A) Path Install

  1. Navigate to a reliable directory of your choice.
  2. git clone ChArch
  3. Add export PATH="$PATH:</path/to/ChArch/>" to a shell profile of your choice.

Option B) Direct Install

In a root shell, type this comamnd to clone the latest ChArch shell commands into your /usr/bin/ folder.

git clone ChArch && chmod +x ChArch/* && cp ChArch/*arch /usr/bin/ && rm -rf ChArch

Or if you prefer to do each step manually:

  1. Navigate to any folder of your choice
  2. git clone ChArch
  3. chmod +x ChArch/*
  4. sudo cp ChArch/*arch /usr/bin/
  5. (optional) rm -rf ChArch


Option A) Clone (more updated; less stable)

  1. git clone --recurse-submodules ChArch-Magisk-Module
  2. sed -i -e 's/\!\/bin\/bash/\!\/system\/bin\/sh/g' ChArch-Magisk-Module/system/bin/*
  3. Zip up the inner contents of the cloned ChArch-Magisk-Module folder and install it as a Magisk Module.

Option B) Releases (less updated, more stable)

  1. Download the most recent Magisk Module release on the releases page.
  2. Install the zip file as a Magisk Module.
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