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Matt Wagner
Oct 26, 2012
8833ae1 · Oct 26, 2012


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888 lines (838 loc) · 44.7 KB
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Aeolus 0.3.0 - Release Notes
Aeolus 0.3.0 - Release Notes

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Aeolus 0.3.0 Milestone - Release Notes

This is a **signficant** new release of Aeolus.

It is our first to use the new, user friendly, web interface designed by Ken Keiter and Jonell Lay.

Additionally, this release brings initial support for VMware vSphere 4.1, and tentative support for Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV).

Installation is very straightforward, with instructions on the website:

Packages are available for Fedora 14 x86_64, and RHEL 6.1 x86_64.

All testing and bug reports are hugely appreciated, directly contributing towards the quality of Aeolus releases and future growth.

NOTE - Although Aeolus is still some way from production quality, it is suitable for testing. Please don't use it with live data yet.

## New virtualization platforms {#newplatforms}

Initial working support has been added for:

  • VMware vSphere 4.1
    Setup instructions are presently being created. Use this recent development snapshot of them for now.

  • Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization 2.x
    This is very early stage support, and still fragile. This should start to shape up from the next major Aeolus release (0.4.0).

    Initial setup instructions are here. They are in rough initial form, with more user friendly ones due for creation soon.

## New features {#newfeaturesummary}
  • Completely new, user friendly, web interface
    Screenshots here.

  • Secure HTTP (https) for browser sessions
    The new web interface is now configured by default to use https, for improved security.

  • New command line tool for managing images
    aeolus-image is a powerful, new command line tool, for managing Aeolus images.
    This should allow many image management tasks to now become automated.

  • Logging improvements for command line configuration tools
    Both aeolus-configure and aeolus-cleanup now support run time configurable verbosity level, though a new -v/--verbose command line argument.

## Known issues still remaining {#knownissues}

These are known problems due to be resolved in a subsequent release:

  • The Aeolus "Getting Started Guide" needs updating for version 0.3.0.

    • Some parts of the Getting Started Guide, which were correct for the 0.2.0 release, no longer work with the 0.3.0 release.
    • The updated version of the Getting Started Guide, for this release, will be ready soon.
  • BZ 726428 - EC2 push failure when deleting temporary security group

    • Pushes to Amazon EC2 Cloud occasionally fail with an error in the /var/log/imagefactory.log file.
    • Users can still proceed to deploy images as long as they use both the image id and build id in their deployable xml file.
    • Users should clean up defunct security groups resulting from a failed push.
  • BZ 717987 - Instance fails to launch with message "The requested Availability Zone is no longer supported..."

    • On occasion, Amazon changes which Availability Zones new instances can be launched on.
    • This causes new instances to fail, if Aeolus has been configured to start them in that zone.
    • The error message can be seen in the deltacloud daemon log file on the Aeolus server.
    • At present, the workaround is to change the realm the instance is launched with, to only use supported availability zones. Then relaunch it.
  • BZ 726206 - With RHEV, only the Default Datacenter with Default Cluster can be used

    • In order to use Redhat Enterprise Virtualization Manager, hypervisor servers must be members of the default datacenter and default cluster.
  • BZ 723896 - Need smarter conductor RHEV-M heartbeat

    • Current implementation can result in overloading the RHEV-M v2.2 server if more than five instances exist due to limitation in the RHEV-M api.
    • Users should limit the number of instances running within RHEV-M.
  • BZ 725672 - RHEV instances do not report IP after being launched

    • Due to a limitation of the RHEV 2.2 API, the IP displayed for instances never progresses past "pending".
  • BZ 723894 - VMware deployments to low performance datastores error out

    • Low performance datastores are not recommend due to poor performance.
  • BZ 723897 - Unable to build RHEV-M and VMware at the same time with aeolus-image

    • Users should not attempt to build/push images to both rhevm and vmware at the same time.
  • BZ 723327 - aeolus-push fails to push images to the correct provider when multiple, different sets of credentials are used

    • Multiple provider accounts for a single provider are not supported in the beta.
  • BZ 719377 - Guests built for VMware/rhevm allow ssh as root with default password

    • Users should specify the root password when building templates for rhevm or vmware:

        <install type='iso'>
  • BZ 719972 - Need documentation around the Oz tdl, for creating custom templates

    • Due to be created soon, with examples.

## Redmine items completed {#redmine}
  • Redmine 1914 - Remove unimplemented admin settings
  • Redmine 1882 - Find_index method doesn't find breadcrumb for slice! method
  • Redmine 1870 - Conductor supports HWPs with nil attributes
  • Redmine 1869 - Build imagefactory 0.2.2
  • Redmine 1866 - Create config file for aeolus-cli if one doesn't exist
  • Redmine 1845 - As a user, I would like the look of tab navigation to match that of the visual designs
  • Redmine 1844 - As a self service user, I would like permission to launch deployables in all pools by default
  • Redmine 1830 - When admin is adding new suggested deployables, warn if the URL they enter doesn't resolve to a valid XML file
  • Redmine 1809 - aeolus-list
  • Redmine 1799 - As RCM, I have access to updated packages in brew & a list of NEVRs for the rpms that need to be included
  • Redmine 1796 - As a conductor/rhev-m user, I can launch a deployable on RHEV-M
  • Redmine 1790 - As a conductor/rhev-m user, when I push an image the image is exported as a template in rhevm that is launchable
  • Redmine 1784 - Removed the legacy Configure code whichs adds aeolus repos to /etc/yum.repos.d/
  • Redmine 1761 - Fix JS method for selecting Provider in New ProviderAccount view
  • Redmine 1683 - As a developer, I have an understanding of the IPA/SSO integration strategy so I can execute on future work
  • Redmine 1681 - Resolve critical rubygem-rails bug
  • Redmine 1663 - As an aeolus-conductor developer, there is an automated sequence to build an srpm using mock and trigger staged QE tests to pass rpm to fp-testing repo
  • Redmine 1658 - Broken translations in next, after merge of newui
  • Redmine 1650 - As an admin, I have a cli tool for building and importing images
  • Redmine 1631 - As an end-user, pulp is not installed by an installation of aeolus-all
  • Redmine 1618 - Check if pool has set up quota in pretty/filter view
  • Redmine 1597 - Prepare to remove old/unnecessary components
  • Redmine 1595 - building aeolus conductor from src instructions are no longer accurate
  • Redmine 1575 - Implement loading/switching of AJAX partials for pretty/grid views on any pages which offer both
  • Redmine 1566 - dbomatic periodically crashes (the next iteration)
  • Redmine 1563 - As an aeous developer I want to work against puppet components in the upstream project
  • Redmine 1524 - Dependency analysis for rails 3 upgrade next sprint
  • Redmine 1514 - As a admin of machines running Fedora / Java stacks, I would like to see jruby in Fedora so as to eventually support aeolus on my platform
  • Redmine 1487 - As an admin I would like more options to configure aeolus-configure logging
  • Redmine 1473 - As a user of aeolus-configure, web requests should have consistent error handling/management
  • Redmine 1458 - Fix public redmine issues
  • Redmine 1453 - As a developer, I want the Rails application to know if the user's browser supports javascript
  • Redmine 1451 - As a developer, I want ensure that my controllers adhere to REST principles
  • Redmine 1449 - As a developer, I need the CRUD actions in the pools, deployments, and instances controllers to be able to render only a partial of the page when the request is made by XHR
  • Redmine 1447 - As a developer, I need the CRUD actions in the pools, deployments, and instances controllers to respond_to :json requests
  • Redmine 1444 - As a developer, I want to simplify the controller namespacing
  • Redmine 1439 - deltacloud-core-0.3.0 available in f14
  • Redmine 1429 - As a team member, I have seen the QE automation suite in action and can run it myself
  • Redmine 1406 - As a user, When I destroy a pool, I dont want to destroy Hardware Profile
  • Redmine 1402 - RHEV-M issue encountered by iwhd
  • Redmine 1386 - As a mainter of aeolus-conductor, there is a scripted way to synchronize the results of a mock build with the correct fedora public repo on fedorapeople
  • Redmine 1384 - As an internal user of redmine, I can verify that reset password works as expected
  • Redmine 1383 - As an internal user of redmine,I will get an email when I request a password change, create a new account, etc
  • Redmine 1382 - As an end user, I can configure an aeolus-conductor machine by specifying the layout in yml. (external puppet node)
  • Redmine 1381 - As an end user, I can launch an instance in RHEV
  • Redmine 1379 - As an admin, I have access to imagefactory (0.1.7 +)
  • Redmine 1378 - As an admin, I have libdeltacloud (0.8) + new condor (7.6.0 + patches for libdeltacloud 0.8 compatibility)
  • Redmine 1374 - As a community member, I can see 'bleeding edge' rpms in the new repo locations. (peers to 0.2.0)
  • Redmine 1363 - As a community member, both F14 and RHEL-6 versions of 0.2.0 appear to work as intended
  • Redmine 1363 - rubygem_rsolr 1.0.0 package in conductor 0.2.0 F14 repo is busted
  • Redmine 1342 - As a user, I want the application to be capable of retaining the state of pages I've viewed
  • Redmine 1341 - As a user, I want the application to include a breadcrumb trail for site navigation
  • Redmine 1339 - As an Infrastructure Consumer, I want to review the operational status of a Deployment such as uptime, resource consumption, etc
  • Redmine 1318 - Wrap up the public redmine installation
  • Redmine 1303 - apply imagefactory-v0.5-amis.patch & build in brew
  • Redmine 1302 - apply imcleod's ec2-repofix patch & build in brew
  • Redmine 1272 - Review the patches for #1270
  • Redmine 1245 - Add some last minute in-place changes for a demo
  • Redmine 1241 - As an end-user of aeolus, I want https on by default, with no other security features enabled
  • Redmine 1230 - Verify localization infrastructure is functional
  • Redmine 1192 - Template creation should generate assembly
  • Redmine 1160 - As a team member, I have constant access to the internal bleeding edge yum repo
  • Redmine 1142 - 692161: Fix how /etc/init.d/solr reports status
  • Redmine 1112 - Write up design doc for installation and puppet's role in same
  • Redmine 1095 - As a scrum master, I have a way import & sync content from bugzilla
  • Redmine 1082 - As an SA I want to create a Provider definition
  • Redmine 1081 - As an SA I want to review the user who launched a deployment in the pool
  • Redmine 1078 - As an SA I want to enable the pool so that it can be used for a deployment
  • Redmine 1077 - As an SA I want to delete an existing pool
  • Redmine 1075 - As an SA I want to create a pool
  • Redmine 1074 - As an SA I want to create 3 pools that can be used for the development, test and production use of the applications/services that will utilize resources in the cloud
  • Redmine 1040 - As an Infrastructure Consumer, I want to review the operational status of a Deployment such as uptime, resource consumption, etc
  • Redmine 1013 - As an SA, I want to update an existing Deployable definition
  • Redmine 1010 - As an SA, I want to delete an existing Deployable
  • Redmine 1009 - As an SA, I want to review running Deployments that were derived from a Deployable
  • Redmine 995 - As an SA, I want to create a Deployable definition
  • Redmine 945 - As an SA, I want to create a Template
  • Redmine 888 - As a system administrator, I want Conductor to work with SELinux turned on
  • Redmine 751 - aeolus-configure output should be logged
  • Redmine 680 - As a community member, I have access to a working aeolus ami
  • Redmine 633 - As a sys admin, I want to configure location for factory connector
  • Redmine 495 - As a member of the aeolus community, I would like the public aeolus redmine site to be production ready
  • Redmine 459 - As a user I want to see instances running in a pool
  • Redmine 409 - I want to launch a deployable in the cloud
  • Redmine 315 - As a RHEL 6 user, I am able to cleanly install conductor
  • Redmine 58 - As an admin, I would like to be able to deploy Aeolus on RHEL 6

## Issues resolved (Bugzilla issue list) {#issuesresolvedbz}
  • BZ 641385 - Setups with lots of images/realms/providers/provider accounts may be slow
  • BZ 723585 - Create generic hardware profiles and remove provider specific ones
  • BZ 722340 - Conductor service does not start in aeolus-configure script
  • BZ 721333 - Alert count not reflected correctly in UI
  • BZ 721036 - aeolus-configure fails in latest installs, rubygem-image_factory_connector has failures: true
  • BZ 720780 - RHEL 6.1 jeos image from EC2 tracker
  • BZ 720772 - Enable/Disable Pools does not do anything.. leave it in the webui?
  • BZ 720706 - aeolus-image list --images, include provider type
  • BZ 720645 - Deployment with long name gets truncated.
  • BZ 720426 - Deployment launch form is ugly
  • BZ 720342 - Provider account quota is not enforced
  • BZ 720337 - Pool family quota is not enforced
  • BZ 720312 - Hardware profile page displayed while trying to sort provider account name
  • BZ 719723 - Can't toggle collapse icons (in text)
  • BZ 719590 - Aeolus does not start properly after reboot
  • BZ 719481 - Need to install gem rbvmomi
  • BZ 719383 - New deployable missing check on hw profile names
  • BZ 719227 - Uninitialized constant Deltacloud::BackendError : On adding provider account on RHEL
  • BZ 719122 - Need service restart after configuring iwhd conf for rhev
  • BZ 719055 - Unable to deploy 32-bit Amazon Images
  • BZ 719011 - Oz aborted the build after going 300 seconds with no disk activity
  • BZ 718968 - Provider field blank in deployments
  • BZ 718712 - Typo error: "vant should be replaced by want"
  • BZ 718680 - Unable to delete deployments
  • BZ 718354 - aeolus-image rails.log exception, RoutingError No route matching "/builds/update_status"
  • BZ 718331 - Building x86_64 F15 Image fails on RHEVM/VMWARE
  • BZ 718325 - view deployable def does not work
  • BZ 718246 - aeolus configure adding erroneous entries to /etc/fstab
  • BZ 718216 - Unable to build simple RHEL6.1 images
  • BZ 718153 - frontend: undefined local variable or method `brealms' for # : when launching instances for all realms
  • BZ 717967 - solr is not shutting down correctly
  • BZ 717963 - cloud ssh key for the instance shall be available for running instances
  • BZ 717673 - tracker bug for iteration three fixed bugs
  • BZ 717634 - IP address of a launched instance is not displayed
  • BZ 717585 - Multiple Image displayed for Invalid credentials.
  • BZ 717571 - Remove selected button in pool family does not work.
  • BZ 717569 - Pool Family sorting does not work
  • BZ 717542 - Hardware profile page is loaded when clicked on Realm
  • BZ 717541 - Need proper validation messages if images to be stopped are not selected
  • BZ 717538 - Pools delete button not working
  • BZ 717533 - Admin shall not be able to delete itself.
  • BZ 717276 - Adding a rhevm provider account w/ bad username causes proxy error
  • BZ 717219 - 0.2.0 install Error: Package: rubygem-right_aws-2.0.0-1.fc14.noarch
  • BZ 717176 - Frontend: undefined method `kind' for nil:NilClass : when launching instance
  • BZ 717172 - Realm Mapping deletion does not work
  • BZ 717150 - Undefined method `storage' for # on adding VMWare Provider on Fedora
  • BZ 716958 - Aeolus configure error: /Stage[main]/Aeolus::Conductor/Rails::Migrate::Db[migrate_aeolus_database]/Exec[migrate_rails_database]/
  • BZ 716948 - Aeolus-configure error: /Stage[main]/Aeolus::Conductor::Seed_data/Aeolus::Provider
  • BZ 716866 - admin user can be created twice with different mail id
  • BZ 716296 - Monitor, deployment list view , new deployments does not work
  • BZ 716294 - pool quotas not not registered or enforced in new ui
  • BZ 716286 - Could not find a matching backend provider
  • BZ 715601 - match provider names between image factory and deltacloud
  • BZ 715506 - aeolus-configure runs into multiple errors
  • BZ 715218 - Install aeolus-all gives "Error: Package: rubygem-aws-2.5.2-1.fc14.noarch (updates)Requires: rubygem(right_http_connection)"
  • BZ 715087 - match provider names between image factory and deltacloud
  • BZ 714940 - URL Validation required while adding new deployable
  • BZ 714935 - "No Matching Provider Hardware Profiles Could be found" is displayed when clicked on New Hardware profile
  • BZ 714930 - Select:All/None option for selecting/deselecting multiple values should be made available in Users and Suggested deployables section
  • BZ 714927 - Realm gets created with same name- Realm name validation required
  • BZ 714816 - Provider account, editing an account fails
  • BZ 714790 - Default non admin users have no rights, roles or privileges in new UI
  • BZ 714787 - Fail error w/ green check box
  • BZ 714757 - /usr/bin/rake dc:prepare_repos returned 1 instead of one of [0]
  • BZ 714287 - Uptime reported for instances that do not start
  • BZ 714281 - getSchema error when building a template
  • BZ 714276 - aeolus-image list --builds $image_id has an error
  • BZ 714269 - /var/lib/aeolus-conductor/jobs not created, not owned by aeolus
  • BZ 714052 - 'PGError: ERROR: null value in column "realm_or_provider_id" violates not-null constraint" when Add mapping to realm
  • BZ 713418 - Clicking on administrator/monitor tab does not display control panels drop-down list
  • BZ 713048 - New Deployement : getaddrinfo: Name or service not known (Error should be handled by proper message )
  • BZ 713045 - Delete a realm says "Please make a selection before clicking Delete button"
  • BZ 713010 - Changing provider type in New Provider Account page causes error
  • BZ 713010 - RFE : Remove failed option on instances should remove the erroneous instances not just stop them.
  • BZ 713010 - Dbomatic fails to start after install
  • BZ 711112 - F14 yum errors with public production repo
  • BZ 711084 - Hardware Profiles are not loaded in the instance launch Page
  • BZ 710041 - Condormatic - job_name with slashes
  • BZ 710033 - Building image from Image fails
  • BZ 709980 - New UI : No Logout button under new UI
  • BZ 709817 - iwhd initscript continues on in the face of failure
  • BZ 709598 - Deltacloud::BackendError On adding provider account
  • BZ 709584 - Install aeolus-all doesn't install/update puppet dependency
  • BZ 706100 - Conductor displays incorrect error message on image import
  • BZ 701482 - Building/pushing templates may bring down warehouse
  • BZ 700953 - AMI needs manual run of aeolus-configure
  • BZ 699906 - EC2 credentials printed to log file
  • BZ 699831 - Templates, building templates in us-west fails, us-east works
  • BZ 699783 - httpd does not start after cleanup/configure, missing rpms
  • BZ 699417 - RFE: creating buckets/key should return server response '201 Created'
  • BZ 698765 - Additional log files to cover in documentation
  • BZ 698763 - Additional log files found under /var/log/condor
  • BZ 698762 - aeolus-conductor logs are not accurate
  • BZ 698759 - Documentation bug in CloudForms Admin Guide
  • BZ 698753 - Please add documentation for "self-service" users and the difference between self-service and regular users
  • BZ 698750 - User details
  • BZ 698747 - "System entities" is a little too ambiguous
  • BZ 698716 - Dbomatic periodically crashes, no clear recreate atm
  • BZ 698689 - Instances: periodic ssh failures
  • BZ 698510 - QE Review: Cloud Engine Administration Guide should have correct Bugzilla component
  • BZ 698509 - QE Review: Assumption of familiarity with interface layout
  • BZ 698508 - QE Review: Superfluous Index
  • BZ 698507 - QE Review: Cloud Engine Administration Guide TYPO's
  • BZ 698270 - RFE: allow stopped instances to be removed from webui
  • BZ 698259 - Duplicate aeolus-configure logs
  • BZ 697906 - Aeolus related daemons need to be turned off at ami boot
  • BZ 697552 - Some error messages persist on next tab click
  • BZ 697543 - Misspelled word in provider error message
  • BZ 697478 - Templates, adding package groups to template builds fails @push
  • BZ 696710 - Aeolus configure stops aeolus connector when reexecuted
  • BZ 696228 - Template builds stay in queued due to missing uuid in conductor
  • BZ 695770 - Instance creation gui needs redhat/fedora logos
  • BZ 695489 - Aeolus deltacloudd wrapper scripts report invalid status
  • BZ 694060 - Image imports: On importing non existent image, unhandled error is thrown
  • BZ 693715 - Self Service: Once validation for user creation fails, user save button disappears
  • BZ 693699 - Template build fails
  • BZ 693669 - Account Id is blank in UI after adding a provider account
  • BZ 693514 - aeolus-cleanup need to clean up /var/tmp and /var/lib/iwhd/images
  • BZ 693369 - Guarantee providers created w/ one run of aeolus-configure
  • BZ 692923 - imgfactory is not stopped by aeolus-cleanup
  • BZ 692651 - Template build failed status should be reflected in the webui
  • BZ 692626 - condor_q -better shows 1 "reject your job..."
  • BZ 692207 - aeolus-connector stop does not work
  • BZ 692204 - Several errors in connector.log while attempting to build templates
  • BZ 692190 - Error while bulding simple f13 template, libvirt_xml = self.guest.install(self.app_config["timeout"])
  • BZ 692173 - aeolus-configure needs to verify/install libvirtd before trying to start it
  • BZ 692161 - /etc/init.d/solr status returns rake info. should return status
  • BZ 690960 - Aeolus user does not exist error on rpm install
  • BZ 690811 - Missing mongodb-server dependency
  • BZ 690656 - Template builds do not progress past the queued state, due to network error
  • BZ 690467 - Realm: Deleting mapping of realm w/o selecting anything throws error
  • BZ 690436 - Hardware Profiles sorting doesn't work
  • BZ 690266 - Libvirtd not started, causes image-factory exception (no building)
  • BZ 690228 - aeolus-connector failed to start with aeolus-configure
  • BZ 690154 - Hwp page misrenders the details pane
  • BZ 689863 - aeolus-configure should no longer deploy /etc/init.d/iwhd and /etc/iwhd/conf.js
  • BZ 689442 - Field check for pool families (it accepts special chars)
  • BZ 688924 - Push requests not sent to factory connector for EC2
  • BZ 688706 - Update copyright to 2011
  • BZ 688688 - Sufficient libmicrohttpd missing from RHEL 6
  • BZ 685046 - Validation for Hardware Profile fields
  • BZ 685039 - Creating duplicate roles need to be handled by error message
  • BZ 685036 - Edit admin launches the deployment page
  • BZ 685036 - RFE: provider account should show quota percentage
  • BZ 684105 - Delete h/w Profile w/o selecting a profile :Couldn't find HardwareProfile
  • BZ 683190 - Template queued status no longer appears when build is waiting
  • BZ 682277 - Unable to ssh into instances started from conductor
  • BZ 681977 - Ruby deprecation warning with aeolus-configure
  • BZ 680435 - Httpd not starting after reboot
  • BZ 679890 - Incorrect label "Username" and "Password" on "New Account Provider" form
  • BZ 679147 - Template build status changes depending on which tab you have selected
  • BZ 678600 - Template build marked as complete even though it failed
  • BZ 678597 - Yum xml issues, packages getting added to template that do NOT exist in repository
  • BZ 678071 - Deleting provider accounts w/ instances, needs error message.
  • BZ 676654 - Concurrent user test fails.. deleting objects w/ one user while another user views object
  • BZ 674899 - The ssh key downloaded from instance details page has formatting issues
  • BZ 674661 - PGError value too long on role name field
  • BZ 674557 - After deletion of default pool, User creation fails.
  • BZ 669246 - Launching an instance fails in Jan 4th build
  • BZ 667927 - Set correct iwhd path
  • BZ 662994 - When No access key provided :"No :access_key_id provided"
  • BZ 662957 - Provider Account : Field Validation errors
  • BZ 662947 - Provider Account : Test Account errors
  • BZ 657025 - Some /var/log/dcloud-agg logs missing log-rotate, causing filesystem full
  • BZ 649879 - Image fails to build when template name has single quote or semi-colon
  • BZ 649473 - Instance: name too long throws PGError
  • BZ 645370 - Don't show hardware profiles that can't possibly work
  • BZ 645370 - EC2: key.pem returns a "corrupted" private key
  • BZ 644050 - Instance Management: instances launched by non-admin users are listed as started by Admin
  • BZ 643812 - Feature Request : Checkbox to select all users at once
  • BZ 643096 - New User Account Cancel button is unstyled and does not work
  • BZ 641948 - No error information is presented to the user on a failed "Provider Account"
  • BZ 641376 - Clicking on actions without checking an instance in Instance Management shows confusing error
  • BZ 640319 - Manage Providers: cloud engine does not accept URL redirect for provider url
  • BZ 638326 - With no available images, EC2 driver throws a stack trace
  • BZ 618307 - Support custom HW profiles in condor_submit
  • BZ 618306 - Support custom HW profiles in C libdeltacloud