Support chat for frontend users
This typo3 extension was created to manage support requests of library clients.
Library stuff answers to clients at typo3 backend module in single chat windows.
- Typo3 > 9.5 < 10.4.99
- PHP >= 7.4
It's not tested with higher versions but codebase should be sufficient.
This extension provides a plugin which has to be assigned to the designated page.
- Add a New content element->Plugins->General Plugin.
- Under Tab Plugin choose Support Chat.
Go to your page where do you like include the chat.
- Create a new template e.g. ext: Support Chat
- Edit template and load typoscript settings Support Chat (supportchat) at tab Contains
There is a cleanup-command on typo3's commandline interface to remove chat messages from tx_supportchat_messages table.
--days int (Default: 7) Amount of days to keep chat message.
There is a cleanup-command on typo3's commandline interface to remove chat logs from tx_supportchat_logs table.
--days int (Default: 30) Amount of days to keep chat logs.
Go to Scheduler->Add Task
- At Class choose Extbase-CommandController-Task
- At Frequency specify how often and in which period scheduler task should be run. (Seconds or cronjob settings required.)
- At select box of CommandController Command choose Supportchat Cleanup: cleanupChatMessages
- On next step save the task! This is important to display the form element for additional arguments of command line tool.
- Scroll down and specify the amount of days to keep the record since last login of user. Default are 7 days.
- Save the task again!
For developing issue it is also possible to run the task on a terminal. Go to typo3 root folder and try:
/usr/bin/php typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase cleanup:cleanupchatmessages -days=7