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Lab 2: Vectors

Gaston Sanchez

Learning Objectives

  • Work with vectors of different data types
  • Understand the concept of atomic structures
  • Learn how to subset and slice R vectors
  • Understand the concept of vectorization
  • Understand recycling rules in R

General Instructions

  • Write your descriptions, explanations, and code in an Rmd (R markdown) file.
  • Name this file as lab02-first-last.Rmd, where first and last are your first and last names (e.g. lab02-gaston-sanchez.Rmd).
  • Knit your Rmd file as an html document (default option).
  • Submit your Rmd and html files to bCourses, in the corresponding lab assignment.
  • Due date displayed in the syllabus (see github repo).

Getting the Data File

In this lab, you are going to work with a handful of variables about NBA players from the regular season 2017-2018:

  • player: name of player.
  • team: team name abbreviation.
  • position: player position.
  • age: age of player.
  • experience: years of experience in NBA.
  • salary: salary (in dollars).
  • scored: total scored points.
  • points1: number of free throws, worth 1 point each.
  • points2: number of 2-point field goals, worth 2 points each.
  • points3: number of 3-point field goals, worth 3 points each.

The data is in the file nba2018-salary-points.RData, located in the github repository The original source of the data is the website

Open a new session in Rstudio, and make sure you have a clean workspace by typing this command on the console:

# remove existing objects
rm(list = ls())

You can download the .RData file to your working directory, and then load() it with the code below. Do NOT include these commands in your source Rmd file; simply type them directly on the console:

# download RData file into your working directory
rdata <- ""

download.file(url = rdata, destfile = 'nba2018-salary-points.RData')

What’s happening in the code above?

The function download.file() allows you to download any type of file from the Web. In this case you are downloading the file called nba2018-salary-points.RData which is located in the github repository of the course. This file is a binary file. To be more precise, the file extension .RData is the default extension used by R for its binary native format.

Where does the file get downloaded? By default, the file nba2018-salary-points.RData gets downloaded to your working directory. If you are curious about what is the current directory to which R is paying attention to, simply type the function getwd()—which stands for get the working directory.

If you want to specify a specific location for the downloaded file, then modify the destfile parameter. For instance, if you are using Mac, and you want the file to be downloaded to your desktop, you can use:

# download RData file to your Desktop (assuming you use Mac)
rdata <- ""
download.file(url = rdata, destfile = '~/Desktop/nba2018-salary-points.RData')

Loading the data file

To load or import the contents of the binary file into your R session you use load(). This function allows you to import R binary files. This time, include the code below in your Rmd file:

# load data in your R session

Note: the code above will only work as long as your Rmd file lives in the same directory of the .RData file. So far I’m assuming that you have both files in your working directory.

Once you imported (or loaded) the data, use the function ls() which allows you to list all the available R objects:

# list the available objects with ls()

Your turn: subsetting vectors

Create a vector four by selecting the first four elements in player:

four <- head(player, n = 4)

Single brackets [ ] are used to subset (i.e. subscript, split) vectors. Find out what happens if you specify:

  • number one: four[1]
  • an index of zero: four[0]?
  • a negative index: four[-1]?
  • various negative indices: four[-c(1,2,3)]?
  • an index greater than the length of the vector: four[5]?
  • repeated indices: four[c(1,2,2,3,3,3)]?

Often, you will need to generate vectors of numeric sequences, like the first five elements 1:5, or from the first till the last element 1:length(player). R provides the colon operator :, and the functions seq(), and rep() to create various types of sequences.

Your turn: sequences and repetitions

Figure out how to use seq(), rep(), and bracket notation, to extract:

  • all the even elements in player
  • all the odd elements in salary
  • all multiples of 5 (e.g. 5, 10, 15, etc) of team
  • elements in positions 10, 20, 30, 40, etc of scored
  • all the even elements in team but this time in reverse order

Logical Subsetting and Comparisons

Another kind of subsetting/subscripting is the so-called logical subsetting. This kind of subsetting typically takes place when making comparisons. A comparison operation occurs when you use comparison operators such as:

  • > greater than
  • >= greater than or equal
  • < less than
  • <= less than or equal
  • == equal
  • != different

For example:

scored_four <- scored[1:4]

# elements greater than 100
scored_four[scored_four > 100]

# elements less than 100
scored_four[scored_four < 100]

# elements less than or equal to 10
scored_four[scored_four <= 10]

# elements different from 10
scored_four[scored_four != 10]

In addition to using comparison operators, you can also use logical operators to produce a logical vector. The most common type of logical operators are:

  • & AND
  • | OR
  • ! negation

Run the following commands to see what R does:


# OR


Logical operators allow you to combine several comparisons:

# players of Golden State (GSW)
player[team == 'GSW']

# name of players with salaries greater than 20 million dollars
player[salary > 20000000]

# name of players with scored points between 1000 and 1200 (exclusive)
player[scored > 1000 & points < 1200]

Your turn: logical subsetting

Write commands, using bracket notation, to answer the following questions (you may need to use min(), max(), which(), which.min(), which.max()):

  • players in position Center, of Warriors (GSW)
  • players of both GSW (warriors) and LAL (lakers)
  • players in positions Shooting Guard and Point Guards, of Lakers (LAL)
  • subset Small Forwards of GSW and LAL
  • name of the player with largest salary
  • name of the player with smallest salary
  • name of the player with largest number of scored points
  • salary of the player with largest number of points
  • largest salary of all Centers
  • team of the player with the largest number of scored points
  • name of the player with the largest number of 3-pointers

Some plotting

Use the function plot() to make a scatterplot of scored and salary

plot(scored, salary)

Keep in mind that plot() is a generic function. This means that the behavior of plot() depends on the type of input. When you pass two numeric vectors, plot() will attempt to create a scatter plot.

Plots with "plotly"

The function plot() produces static plots. But you can also try to get interactive plots. One option to do this is via the R package "plotly". To use this package, you will have to install "ggplot2" and "plotly". Remember to use the install.packages() function but do NOT include it in your Rmd:

install.packages(c("ggplot2", "plotly"))

What you DO need to include is the library() function to load "plotly“:

## Loading required package: ggplot2

## Attaching package: 'plotly'

## The following object is masked from 'package:ggplot2':
##     last_plot

## The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter

## The following object is masked from 'package:graphics':
##     layout

The main function to graph data with "plotly" is the plot_ly() function. When your data is in vectors, you can graph a scatterplot like this:

plot_ly(x = scored, y = salary, type = "scatter", mode = "markers")

By the way, the output of plot_ly() will only work when you knit an html file. If you try to knit using a different format, then plot_ly() won’t work.

Looking at the generated plot, can you see any issues?

To get a better display of the scatterplot, let’s create two vectors log_scored and log_salary by transforming scored and salary with the logarithm function log()

log_scored <- log(scored)
log_salary <- log(salary)

Make another scatterplot but now use the log-transformed vectors:

plot(log_scored, log_salary)

To add the names of the players in the plot, you can use the low-level graphing function text():

plot(log_scored, log_salary)
text(log_scored, log_salary, labels = player)

Now we have another problem. The labels in the plot are very messy. A quick and dirty fix is to use abbreviate() to shorten the displayed names:

plot(log_scored, log_salary)
text(log_scored, log_salary, labels = abbreviate(player))

Your Turn: create a scatterplot of points and salary for the Warriors (GSW), displaying the names of the players. Generate two scatterplots, one with raw values (original scale, and another plot with log-transformations).


As mentioned before, vectors are the most essential type of data structure in R. They are atomic structures (can contain only one type of data): integers, real numbers, logical values, characters, complex numbers.

Related to vectors, there is another important data structure in R called factor. Factors are data structures exclusively designed to handle categorical data.

The object team is an R factor. You can confirm this by using is.factor() or class()

## [1] TRUE

Creating Factors

Use factor() to create an object position_fac by converting position into a factor:

position_fac <- factor(position)

If you have a factor, you can invoke table() to get a table with the frequencies (i.e. counts) of the factor categories or levels:

## position_fac
##   C  PF  PG  SF  SG 
##  97  98  96  84 102

Your turn: Manipulating Factors

Because factors are internally stored as integers, you can manipulate factors as any other vector:

## [1] C  PF SG PG SF
## Levels: C PF PG SF SG

Practice manipulating position_fac to get:

  • positions of Warriors
  • positions of players with salaries > 15 millions
  • frequencies (counts) of positions with salaries > 15 millions
  • relative frequencies (proportions) of ‘SG’ (Shooting Guards) in each team

Your turn: More Plots

Let’s go back to the scatterplot of scored and salary

plot(scored, salary)
  • Use your factor position_fac to add some color to the dots in the scatterplot.
  • Pass the factor to the col = parameter inside plot()
  • Experiment with other plot() arguments like the point character pch =, the size of dots with the parameter cex =, the axes labels xlab and ylab and so on.