Gaston Sanchez
- To gain familiarity interacting with R
- To gain familiarity with the pane layout of RStudio
- To understand the help documentation in R
- To be able to manage your workspace in an interactive R session
- Introduction to package management
- Differentiate between
I’m assuming that you already installed R and RStudio. If that is not the case, you can check these links and follow the corresponding instructions:
- Install R
- R for Mac:
- R for windows:
- Install RStudio
- RStudio download:
When you install R, it comes with a basic graphical user interface (GUI). Launching the R-GUI will let you interact with R in a “minimalist” way.
Nowadays, however, it is more convenient to interact with R through a more advanced and sophisticated development environment like RStudio.
Difference between R-GUI and RStudio:
- R-GUI is a simple graphical user interface.
- RStudio is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
- It is much more than a simple GUI.
- It provides a nice working environment and development framework.
- In this course you are going to use mainly RStudio.
- But remember: RStudio is NOT R!
- RStudio is like an outer layer that makes it easy to interact with R.
For the most part in this course, you are going to be working with R in what is called interactive mode. This means establishing a dialogue between you and R. How? By writing commands, executing them, checking the output, and repeating these steps again, and again, until you get the job done. The main device to establish this interaction is the so-called console. This is where commands get executed, and it is also the place where most outputs get displayed.
There are various ways to work with R in interactive mode (via its console):
- Using the basic R-GUI.
- Using R via RStudio (or any other IDE).
- Using R via a terminal emulator (e.g. command line).
Just for illustration purposes, I will briefly show you the basic R-GUI. However, your main workbench will be RStudio.
To have a working example that allows us to introduce and discuss many of the concepts in this course, I will make extensive use of data about NBA players. The main source is the website
To make things more concrete, let’s focus on data about the Golden State Warriors. Below are two screenshots; the first one shows part of the season statistics, and the second one shows the player salaries:
: Rank of player- Name of player
of playerG
number of games playedGS
nuber of games startedMP
minutes playedFG
number of field goals (3-pts and 2-pts shots)FGA
number of field goal attempts
The most recommended way to break the ice with R is by using it as a scientific calculator. Open RStudio and locate the console (or prompt). Let’s start typing basic calculations in the console:
- addition
1 + 1
2 + 3
- subtraction
4 - 2
5 - 7
- multiplication
10 * 0
7 * 7
- division
9 / 3
1 / 2
- power
5 ^ 2
2 ^ 3
R has many functions. To use a function, type its name followed by parenthesis. Inside the parenthesis you pass one or more inputs. Most functions will display some sort of output on the console:
- absolute value
## [1] 4
- square root
## [1] 3
- natural logarithm
## [1] 0.6931472
R is more powerful than a calculator, and you can do many more things than practically most scientific calculators. One of the things you will be doing a lot in R is creating variables or objects to store values.
For instance, you can create a variable thompson
and give it the value
of Field Goals made by Klay Thompson (644). This is done using what is
known as the assignment operator <-
, also known in R as the
arrow operator:
thompson <- 644
## [1] 644
This is a way to tell R: create an object thompson
and store in it the
number 644. Alternatively, you can use the equals sign =
as an
assignment operator. Here’s how to create a variable (or object)
curry = 675
## [1] 675
With variables, you can operate in the same way you do algebraic operations:
thompson + curry
## [1] 1319
thompson - curry
## [1] -31
thompson * curry
## [1] 434700
thompson / curry
## [1] 0.9540741
R is case sensitive. This means that abs()
is not the same as Abs()
or ABS()
. Only the function abs()
is the valid one. When working
with variables and objects, make sure you are calling the right name:
# case sensitive
green <- 272
durant <- 551
Durant <- 0
green + durant
## [1] 823
green + Durant
## [1] 272
durant + Durant
## [1] 551
All programming languages use a set of characters to indicate that a
specifc part or lines of code are comments, that is, things that are
not to be executed. R uses the hash or pound symbol #
to specify
comments. Any code to the right of #
will not be executed by R.
# this is a comment
# this is another comment
thompson + curry
thompson + curry + green # you can place comments like this
Here are some examples that illustrate how to use R to define variables and perform basic calculations:
# convert Fahrenheit degrees to Celsius degrees
fahrenheit <- 50
celsius <- (fahrenheit - 32) * (5/9)
## [1] 10
# compute the area of a rectangle
rec_length <- 10
rec_height <- 5
rec_area <- rec_length * rec_height
## [1] 50
# degrees to radians
deg <- 90
rad <- (deg * pi) / 180
## [1] 1.570796
You will be working with RStudio a lot, and you will have time to learn most of the bells and whistles RStudio provides. Think about RStudio as your “workbench”. Keep in mind that RStudio is NOT R. RStudio is an environment that makes it easier to work with R, while taking care of many of the little tasks than can be a hassle.
- Understand the pane layout (i.e. windows) of RStudio
- Source
- Console
- Environment, History, etc
- Files, Plots, Packages, Help, Viewer
- Customize RStudio Appearance of source pane
- font
- size
- background
Because we work with functions all the time, it’s important to know certain details about how to use them, what input(s) is required, and what is the returned output.
There are several ways to get information about a function in R. We refer to this as “getting help”.
If you know the name of a function you are interested in knowing more,
you can use the function help()
and pass it the name of the function
you are looking for:
# documentation about the 'abs' function
# documentation about the 'mean' function
Alternatively, you can use a shortcut using the question mark ?
followed by the name of the function:
# documentation about the 'abs' function
# documentation about the 'mean' function
- Anatomy of the manual documentation of a function:
- Title
- Description
- Usage of function
- Arguments
- Details
- See Also
- Examples!!!
only works if you know the name of the function your are
looking for. Sometimes, however, you don’t know the name but you may
know some keywords. To look for related functions associated to a
keyword, use
or simply a double question mark: ??
# search for 'absolute'"absolute")
# alternatively you can also search like this:
Notice the use of quotes surrounding the input name inside
Let’s go back to the Warriors data. Often, you want to create variables
or objects that store more than one value. One way to do this in R is
with vectors, which is the most basic data structure. To create a
vector you can use the combine function c()
by passing different
values separated by comma:
# last name
player <- c('Thompson', 'Curry', 'Green', 'Durant', 'Iguodala')
# field goals
goals <- c(644, 675, 272, 551, 219)
# salary (dollars)
salary <- c(16663575, 12112359, 15330435, 26540100, 11131368)
In this case we don’t really have all the points scored by each player but we have information about the field goals (combined number of 2-points and 3-points goals).
In order to investigate our research question, we can start visualizing
the data with a scatterplot of goals
and salary
using the function
plot(goals, salary)
text(goals, salary, labels = player)
Furthermore, we can calculate the correlation coefficient:
cor(goals, salary)
## [1] 0.2920802
R comes with a large set of functions and packages. A package is a collection of functions that have been designed for a specific purpose. One of the great advantages of R is that many analysts, scientists, programmers, and users can create their own pacakages and make them available for everybody to use them. R packages can be shared in different ways. The most common way to share a package is to submit it to what is known as CRAN, the Comprehensive R Archive Network.
You can install a package using the install.packages()
function. Just
give it the name of a package, surrounded by qoutes, and R will look for
it in CRAN, and if it finds it, R will download it to your computer.
# installing
You can also install a bunch of packages at once:
install.packages(c("readr", "ggplot2"))
Once you installed a package, you can start using its functions by
loading the package with the function library()
Notice that when invoking library()
, you can type the name of the
package without using quotes:
# no quotes
The package "ggplot2"
provides a wide range of functions to create
nicer graphics than those offered in base R. We will cover how the
functions in "ggplot2"
work in a couple of weeks. In the meantime,
here’s some sample code to create a more visually apealing scatterplot:
dat <- data.frame(
player = player,
goals = goals,
salary = salary
## player goals salary
## 1 Thompson 644 16663575
## 2 Curry 675 12112359
## 3 Green 272 15330435
## 4 Durant 551 26540100
## 5 Iguodala 219 11131368
Scatter plot with ggplot2()
ggplot(data = dat, aes(x = goals, y = salary)) +
geom_point() +
geom_text(aes(label = player))
To quit an R session, you can simply type the function quit()
or its
abbreviated version q()
By default, every time you quit a session, R will ask you if you want to
save your workspace image. What does this mean? Your workspace
involves all the objects that you’ve created in your current session. A
workspace image, in turn, is a special type of R file. This is
actually a binary file (using R’s native binary format), and the default
file extension is .RData
. You can only open these files with R.
The workspace only contains the objects (variables, data objects, functions that you have created). But it does not contain all the commands that you’ve been invoking. The invoked commands, are actually in a separate file.
R keeps a log of all the commands that you’ve used in the current (and
past) session(s). This log is known as the history, and R keeps this
information in another special file called by default .Rhistory
. In
RStudio, you can actually see the history of your commands in the pane
that has the tabs Environment
and History
is a simple text file, and you should be able to find it in
your working directory.
Most of the times you won’t be working directly on the console. Instead,
you will be typing your commands in some source file. The basic type of
source files are known as R script files, commonly referred to as .R
files. Another type of source file that is becoming quite popular are R
Markdown files or .Rmd
Open a new script file in the source pane and let’s rewrite some of the previous commands.
How do you execute the commands in your source file? You can copy the commands in your source file and paste them in the console. But that’s not very efficient. Alternatively, you can run (execute) the commands with some keyboard shortcuts. Or you can also use some buttons in RStudio (look for the “Run” icon).
In the next tutorial we’ll see how to use the so-called Rmd
Getting Started with R Markdown files