description | page_title | nav_title |
The `ucloud-uhost` Packer builder plugin provides the capability to build
customized images based on an existing base image for use in UHost Instance.
UCloud Image Builder |
UCloud |
Type: ucloud-uhost
Artifact BuilderId: ucloud.uhost
The ucloud-uhost
Packer builder plugin provides the capability to build
customized images based on an existing base image for use in UHost Instance.
This builder builds an UCloud image by launching an UHost instance from a source image, provisioning that running machine, and then creating an image from that machine.
The following configuration options are available for building UCloud images. They are segmented below into two categories: required and optional parameters.
In addition to the options listed here, a communicator can be configured for this builder.
~> Note: The builder doesn't support Windows images for now and only supports CentOS and Ubuntu images via SSH authentication with ssh_username
(Required) and ssh_password
(Optional). The ssh_username
must be root
for CentOS images and ubuntu
for Ubuntu images. The ssh_password
may contain 8-30 characters, and must consist of at least 2 items out of the capital letters, lower case letters, numbers and special characters. The special characters include ()~!@#\$%^&\*-+=\_|{}\[]:;'<>,.?/
@include 'builder/ucloud/common/AccessConfig-required.mdx'
@include 'builder/ucloud/common/RunConfig-required.mdx'
@include 'builder/ucloud/common/ImageConfig-required.mdx'
@include 'builder/ucloud/common/AccessConfig-not-required.mdx'
@include 'builder/ucloud/common/RunConfig-not-required.mdx'
@include 'builder/ucloud/common/ImageConfig-not-required.mdx'
Here is a basic example for build UCloud CentOS image:
"variables": {
"ucloud_public_key": "{{env `UCLOUD_PUBLIC_KEY`}}",
"ucloud_private_key": "{{env `UCLOUD_PRIVATE_KEY`}}",
"ucloud_project_id": "{{env `UCLOUD_PROJECT_ID`}}"
"builders": [
"type": "ucloud-uhost",
"public_key": "{{user `ucloud_public_key`}}",
"private_key": "{{user `ucloud_private_key`}}",
"project_id": "{{user `ucloud_project_id`}}",
"region": "cn-bj2",
"availability_zone": "cn-bj2-02",
"instance_type": "n-basic-2",
"source_image_id": "uimage-f1chxn",
"ssh_username": "root",
"image_name": "packer-test{{timestamp}}"
// .pkr.hcl file
variable "ucloud_public_key" {
type = string
default = "xxx"
variable "ucloud_private_key" {
type = string
default = "xxx"
variable "ucloud_project_id" {
type = string
default = "xxx"
source "ucloud-uhost" "basic-example" {
public_key = var.ucloud_public_key
private_key = var.ucloud_private_key
project_id = var.ucloud_project_id
region = "cn-bj2"
availability_zone = "cn-bj2-02"
instance_type = "n-basic-2"
source_image_id = "uimage-f1chxn"
ssh_username = "root"
build {
source "sources.ucloud-uhost.basic-example" {
image_name = "packer-test-${timestamp()}"
Here is a example for build UCloud Ubuntu image:
"variables": {
"ucloud_public_key": "{{env `UCLOUD_PUBLIC_KEY`}}",
"ucloud_private_key": "{{env `UCLOUD_PRIVATE_KEY`}}",
"ucloud_project_id": "{{env `UCLOUD_PROJECT_ID`}}",
"password": "ucloud_2020"
"builders": [
"type": "ucloud-uhost",
"public_key": "{{user `ucloud_public_key`}}",
"private_key": "{{user `ucloud_private_key`}}",
"project_id": "{{user `ucloud_project_id`}}",
"region": "cn-bj2",
"availability_zone": "cn-bj2-02",
"instance_type": "n-basic-2",
"source_image_id": "uimage-irofn4",
"ssh_password": "{{user `password`}}",
"ssh_username": "ubuntu",
"image_name": "packer-test-ubuntu{{timestamp}}"
"provisioners": [
"type": "shell",
"execute_command": "echo '{{user `password`}}' | sudo -S '{{.Path}}'",
"inline": ["sleep 30", "sudo apt update", "sudo apt install nginx -y"]
// .pkr.hcl file
variable "ucloud_public_key" {
type = string
default = "xxx"
variable "ucloud_private_key" {
type = string
default = "xxx"
variable "ucloud_project_id" {
type = string
default = "xxx"
variable "password" {
type = string
default = "ucloud_2020"
source "ucloud-uhost" "basic-example" {
public_key = var.ucloud_public_key
private_key = var.ucloud_private_key
project_id = var.ucloud_project_id
region = "cn-bj2"
availability_zone = "cn-bj2-02"
instance_type = "n-basic-2"
ssh_password = var.password
source_image_id = "uimage-irofn4"
ssh_username = "ubuntu"
build {
source "sources.ucloud-uhost.basic-example" {
image_name = "packer-test-ubuntu-${timestamp()}"
provisioner "shell" {
execute_command = "echo '${var.password}' | sudo -S '{{.Path}}'"
inline = ["sleep 30", "sudo apt update", "sudo apt install nginx -y"]
-> Note: Packer can also read the public key and private key from environmental variables. See the configuration reference in the section above for more information on what environmental variables Packer will look for.
~> Note: Source image may be deprecated after a while, you can use the tools like UCloud CLI to run ucloud image list
to find one that exists.