- support naming in batch on creating uhost
- ssh key pair and security group support for creating uhost
- fix cli version config
- update golang version to 1.19
- support repeating generic api call
- update ucloud go sdk version
- fix reinstall password encoding
- fix failing to specify release-eip and delete-cloud-disk to false
- skip no permission region when query all uhosts in all regions
- add concurrent parameter for uhost creating to tune concurrent level
- remove bandwith limit for unet and udpn product in cli
- add
command to calculate signature quickly.
- fix init failure when user donot have a default project in ucloud console.
- update the description of init.
- fix build failure when using go 1.18 on darwin_arm64. (golang/go#49219)
- add the flags:
about commandgssh create
to customize specific instance type of global ssh. - add response fields:
about commandgssh list
to list specific instance type of global ssh. - update cmd
uhost create
about bind EIP: EIP creates and binds to UHost when UHost creating instead of after UHost creating.
- add the flag
about commanducloud uhost create
to customize the startup behaviors when launching the uhost instance and the value must be base64-encode.(#55)
- add the flag
about commanducloud uhost create
to customize the startup behaviors when launching the uhost instance.(#54) - add the flag
about commanducloud uhost create
to define the type of GPU instance.(#54)
- Add command 'ucloud api', which can call any API of ucloud like this
- ucloud api --Action DescribeUHostInstance --Region cn-bj2 or
- ucloud api --local-file ./create_uhost.json
- Adapt to cloudshell
- Fixbug for creating uhost with shared bandwith. Now you can create uhost bound with shared bandwith using follow command.
ucloud uhost create --cpu 1 --memory-gb 2 --image-id uimage-xxx --password xxxxx --create-eip-traffic-mode ShareBandwidth --shared-bw-id bwshare-lxxxx
- fixbug, password missed when creating redis
- support creating uhost without data disk.
- default value of flag '--machine-type' changed to 'N' from empty when creating uhost.
- resize attached disk without stop uhost
- make batch creating uhost faster
- command 'ucloud uhost resize' add flag '--data-disk-id', to resize the specified udisk.
- fixbug #45
- Enable hot-plug for uhost when running 'ucloud uhost create'
- Add command 'ucloud uhost leave-isolation-group', 'ucloud uhost isolation-group create' and 'ucloud uhost isolation-group delete'
- fixbug about base-url
- ask permission for upload log when executing 'ucloud init'
- add global flags --base-url, --timeout-sec, --max-retry-times
- command [ucloud uhost create] add flag --hot-plug, --isolation-group
- add command [ucloud uhost isolation-group list]
- fix dead lock when creating uhosts in parallel
- refactor part of eip and ulb operations
- Add global flag '--public-key' and '--private-key' to override public-key and private-key in local config files.
- Add flag '--max-retry-times' for command 'ucloud config' so that users can set retry times for failed idempotent API calls.
- Add flag '--region-all' and '--output' for command 'ucloud uhost list' so that users can list uhosts in all regions and display more infomations about uhost.
- Add global flag '--profile' to specify profile for any command.
- Add command 'ucloud ext uhost switch-eip'
- Add command: ucloud pathx uga create | delete | list | describe | add-port | delete-port ucloud pathx upath list
- Bugfix for running command ucloud init failed.
Add following commands:
ucloud config add
ucloud config update
ucloud redis restart
ucloud memcache restart
Command [ucloud uhost list --uhost-id-only] list uhost-ids separated by comma
Command [ucloud uhost delete --uhost-id xx,xx] can delete uhost instances concurrently. You can use [ucloud uhost delete --uhost-id `ucloud uhost list --uhost-id-only --page-off`] to delete all uhost instances in parallel.
- add flags page-off and uhost-id-only for uhost list
- Support log rotation. Log file path $HOME/.ucloud/cli.log.
- Bugfix for display nothing when uhost create failed
- Update documents
- Add test for uhost
- Create uhost concurrently
- Update version of ucloud-sdk-go to fix bug
- Preliminary support umem
- Use go modules to manage dependencies
- Fix bug for uhost clone
- Support udb mysql
- Better flag value completion with local cache and multiple resource ID completion
- Command structure adjustment
- ucloud bw-pkg => ucloud bw pkg
- ucloud shared-bw => ucloud bw shared
- ucloud ulb-vserver => ucloud ulb vserver
- ucloud ulb-ssl-certificate => ucloud ulb ssl
- ucloud ulb-vserver add-node/update-node/delete-node/list-node => ucloud ulb vserver backend add/update/delete/list
- ucloud ulb-vserver add-policy/list-policy/update-policy/delete-policy => ucloud ulb vserver policy add/list/update/delete
- Support ulb
- Add udpn, firewall, shared bandwidth and bandwidth package; Refactor vpc, subnet and eip
- Improve uhost,image and disk-snapshot
- support batch operation.
- Support udisk.
- Polling udisk and uhost long time operation
- Async complete resource-id
- Integrate auto completion.
- Support uhost create, stop, delete and so on.
- Simplify config and completion.
- UHost list; EIP list,delete and allocate; GlobalSSH list,delete,modify and create.