diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index dee441537f..84588f3044 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@ out .vscode/ +.idea/ diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile index 17fdd3008c..2c32f4c8da 100644 --- a/Makefile +++ b/Makefile @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -export VERSION=0.1.23 +export VERSION=0.1.24 .PHONY : install install: diff --git a/README-CN.md b/README-CN.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..461622791c --- /dev/null +++ b/README-CN.md @@ -0,0 +1,218 @@ +[English](./README.md) | 简体中文 +## UCloud CLI + +![](./docs/_static/ucloud_cli_demo.gif) + +UCloud CLI为管理UCloud平台上的资源和服务提供了一致性的操作接口,它使用[ucloud-sdk-go](https://github.com/ucloud/ucloud-sdk-go)调用[UCloud OpenAPI](https://docs.ucloud.cn/api/summary/overview),从而实现对资源和服务的操作,兼容Linux, macOS和Windows平台 https://docs.ucloud.cn/software/cli/index + +## 在macOS或Linux平台安装UCloud-CLI + +**通过Homebrew安装(在macOS平台上推荐此方式)** + +[Homebrew](https://docs.brew.sh/Installation) 是macOS平台上非常流行的包管理工具,您可以通过如下命令轻松安装或升级UCloud-CLI + +安装UCloud-CLI +``` +brew install ucloud +``` + +升级到最新版本 + +``` +brew upgrade ucloud +``` + +如果安装过程中遇到错误,请先执行如下命令更新Homebrew + +``` +brew update +``` + +如果问题依然存在,执行如下命令获取更多帮助 + +``` +brew doctor +``` + +**基于源代码编译(需要本地安装golang)** + +如果您已经安装了git和golang在您的平台上,您可以使用如下命令下载源代码并编译 + +``` +git clone https://github.com/ucloud/ucloud-cli.git +cd ucloud-cli +make install +``` + +升级到最新版本 +``` +cd /path/to/ucloud-cli +git pull +make install +``` + +**下载已编译好的二进制可执行文件(Linux上如果选不到非常方便的安装方式,推荐用此办法安装)** + +打开ucloud-cli的[发布页面](https://github.com/ucloud/ucloud-cli/releases),找到适合您平台的ucloud-cli压缩包。点击链接进行下载,下载后,通过比对sha256摘要来检验下载文件未被劫持,然后把ucloud-cli可执行文件解压到$PATH环境变量包含的目录,操作命令如下: + +举个例子 +``` +curl -OL https://github.com/ucloud/ucloud-cli/releases/download/0.1.23/ucloud-cli-linux-0.1.23-amd64.tgz +echo "b480f8621e8d0bd2c121221857029320eb49be708f4d7cb1b197cdc58b071c09 *ucloud-cli-linux-0.1.23-amd64.tgz" | shasum -c //检查下载的tar包是否被劫持,从发布页面获取sha256摘要 +tar zxf ucloud-cli-linux-0.1.23-amd64.tgz -C /usr/local/bin/ +``` + +## 在Windows平台上安装UCloud-CLI + +**基于源代码编译** + +从UCloud-CLI的[发布页面](https://github.com/ucloud/ucloud-cli/releases)下载源代码并解压,您也可以通过git下载源代码,打开Git Bash, 执行命令```git clone https://github.com/ucloud/ucloud-cli.git```。 +切换到源代码所在的目录,编译源代码(执行命令 ```go build -mod=vendor -o ucloud.exe```),然后把可执行文件ucloud.exe所在目录添加到PATH环境变量中,具体操作可参看[文档](https://www.java.com/en/download/help/path.xml) +配置完成后,打开终端(cmd或power shell),执行命令```ucloud --version```检查是否安装成功。 + + +**下载二进制可执行文件** + +打开ucloud-cli的[发布页面](https://github.com/ucloud/ucloud-cli/releases),找到适合您平台的ucloud-cli压缩包。点击链接进行下载并解压,然后把可执行文件ucloud.exe所在目录添加到PATH环境变量中,添加环境变量的操作可参考[文档](https://www.java.com/en/download/help/path.xml) + +## 在Docker容器中使用UCloud-CLI +如果您已安装Docker, 通过如下命令拉取已打包UCloud-CLI的镜像。镜像打包[Dockerfile](./Dockerfile) +``` +docker pull uhub.service.ucloud.cn/ucloudcli/ucloud-cli:source-code +``` + +基于此镜像创建容器 +``` +docker run --name ucloud-cli -it -d uhub.service.ucloud.cn/ucloudcli/ucloud-cli:source-code +``` +连接到容器,开始使用UCloud-CLI +``` +docker exec -it ucloud-cli zsh +``` + +## 开启命令补全(bash或zsh shell) + +UCloud-CLI支持命令自动补全,开启后,您只需要输入命令的部分字符,然后敲击Tab键即可自动补全命令的其余字符。 + +**Bash shell** + +把如下代码添加到文件~/.bash_profile 或 ~/.bashrc中,然后source <~/.bash_profile|~/.bashrc>,或打开一个新终端,命令补全即生效 + +``` +complete -C $(which ucloud) ucloud +``` + +**Zsh shell** + +把如下代码添加到文件~/.zshrc中,然后source ~/.zshrc,或打开一个新终端,命令补全即生效 + +``` +autoload -U +X bashcompinit && bashcompinit +complete -F $(which ucloud) ucloud +``` +Zsh内置命令bashcompinit有可能在某些操作系统中不生效,如果以上脚本不生效,尝试用如下脚本替换 +``` +_ucloud() { + read -l; + local cl="$REPLY"; + read -ln; + local cp="$REPLY"; + reply=(`COMP_SHELL=zsh COMP_LINE="$cl" COMP_POINT="$cp" ucloud`) +} + +compctl -K _ucloud ucloud +``` + + +## 初始化配置 +UCloud CLI支持多个命名配置,这些配置存储在本地文件config.json和credential.json中,位于~/.ucloud目录。 +您可以使用```ucloud config add ```命令添加多个配置,使用--profile指定配置名称,或者直接在本地文件config.json和credential.json中添加配置。 +在本地没有已生效的配置的情况下,```ucloud init```命令会添加一个配置并命名为default,此命令尽可能简化了配置过程,适合第一次使用UCloud CLI的时候初始化配置。 + +总共有10个配置项 +- Profile: 配置名称, 此名称不允许重复。执行命令时可以被参数--profile覆盖 +- Active: 标识此配置是否生效,生效的配置只有一个 +- ProjectID: 默认项目ID,执行命令时可以被参数--project-id覆盖 +- Region: 默认地域,执行命令时可以被参数--region覆盖 +- Zone: 默认可用区,执行命令时可以被参数--zone覆盖 +- BaseURL: 默认的UCloud Open API地址,执行命令时可以被参数--base-url覆盖 +- Timeout: 默认的请求API超时时间,单位秒,执行命令是可以被参数--timeout覆盖 +- PublicKey: 账户公钥,执行命令时可以被参数--public-key覆盖 +- PrivateKey: 账户私钥,执行命令是可以被参数--private-key覆盖 +- MaxRetryTimes: 默认最大的API请求失败重试次数,只对幂等API生效,所谓幂API等是指不会因为多次调用而产生副作用,比如释放EIP(ReleaseEIP),执行命令时可以被参数--max-retry-times覆盖 + +添加或修改配置的命令如下 + +首次使用,初始化配置 +``` +$ ucloud init +``` +查看所有配置 +``` +$ ucloud config list + +Profile Active ProjectID Region Zone BaseURL Timeout PublicKey PrivateKey MaxRetryTimes +default true org-oxjwoi cn-bj2 cn-bj2-05 https://api.ucloud.cn/ 15 YSQGIZrL*****nCRQ= jtma2eqQ*****+Avms 3 +uweb false org-bdks4e cn-bj2 cn-bj2-05 https://api.ucloud.cn/ 15 4E9UU0Vh*****PWQ== 694581ea*****a0d45 3 +``` + +添加配置 +``` +$ ucloud config add --profile --public-key xxx --private-key xxx +``` + +修改某个配置的配置项 + +``` +$ ucloud config update --profile xxx --region cn-sh2 +``` + +更多信息,请参考命令帮助 +``` +$ ucloud config --help +``` + +## 举例说明 + +用UCloud CLI在尼日利亚创建数据中心创建一台主机并绑定一个外网IP,然后配置GlobalSSH加速,加速中国大陆到目的主机的SSH登陆 + +首先,创建云主机 +``` +$ ucloud uhost create --cpu 1 --memory-gb 1 --password **** --image-id uimage-fya3qr + +uhost[uhost-zbuxxxx] is initializing...done +``` + +*备注* + +执行以下命令查看创建主机命令的各参数含义 + +``` +$ ucloud uhost create --help +``` + +其次,申请一个EIP,然后绑定到刚刚创建的主机上 +Secondly, we're going to allocate an EIP and then bind it to the uhost created above. + +``` +$ ucloud eip allocate --bandwidth-mb 1 +allocate EIP[eip-xxx] IP:106.75.xx.xx Line:BGP + +$ ucloud eip bind --eip-id eip-xxx --resource-id uhost-xxx +bind EIP[eip-xxx] with uhost[uhost-xxx] +``` + +以上操作也可以用一个命令完成 +``` +$ ucloud uhost create --cpu 1 --memory-gb 1 --password **** --image-id uimage-fya3qr --create-eip-bandwidth-mb 1 +``` + +配置GlobalSSH,然后通过GlobalSSH登陆主机 + +``` +$ ucloud gssh create --location Washington --target-ip +gssh[uga-0psxxx] created + +$ ssh root@ +root@'s password: password of the uhost instance +``` diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index ba3c48d989..88c0a49d31 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,8 +1,10 @@ +English | [简体中文](./README-CN.md) + ## UCloud CLI ![](./docs/_static/ucloud_cli_demo.gif) -The UCloud CLI provides a unified command line interface to UCloud services. It works on Golang SDK based on UCloud OpenAPI and supports Linux, macOS and Windows. +The UCloud CLI provides a unified command line interface to UCloud services. It works on [ucloud-sdk-go](https://github.com/ucloud/ucloud-sdk-go) based on UCloud OpenAPI and supports Linux, macOS and Windows. https://docs.ucloud.cn/software/cli/index ## Installing ucloud-cli on macOS or Linux @@ -54,7 +56,7 @@ make install **Downloading binary release(Recommended on Linux)** -Vist the [releases page](https://github.com/ucloud/ucloud-cli/releases) of ucloud cli, and find the appropriate archive for your operating system and architecture. +Visit the [releases page](https://github.com/ucloud/ucloud-cli/releases) of ucloud cli, and find the appropriate archive for your operating system and architecture. Download the archive , check the shasum256 hashcode and extract it to your $PATH For example @@ -68,8 +70,8 @@ tar zxf ucloud-cli-linux-0.1.22-amd64.tgz -C /usr/local/bin/ **Building from source** -Download the source code of ucloud cli from [releases page](https://github.com/ucloud/ucloud-cli/releases). You can also download it by running ```git clone https://github.com/ucloud/ucloud-cli.git``` -Ensure you have git installed, because go will download packages using git. Go to the directory of the source code, and then compile the source code by running "go build -mod=vendor -o ucloud.exe" +Download the source code of ucloud cli from [releases page](https://github.com/ucloud/ucloud-cli/releases) and extract it. You can also download it by running ```git clone https://github.com/ucloud/ucloud-cli.git``` +Go to the directory of the source code, and then compile the source code by running ```go build -mod=vendor -o ucloud.exe``` After that add ucloud.exe to your environment variable PATH. You could follow [this document](https://www.java.com/en/download/help/path.xml) if you don't know how to do. Open CMD Terminal and run ```ucloud --version ``` to test installation. @@ -80,7 +82,7 @@ Vist the [releases page](https://github.com/ucloud/ucloud-cli/releases) of uclou Download the archive , and extract it. Add binary file ucloud.exe to your environment variable PATH following [this document](https://www.java.com/en/download/help/path.xml) ## Using ucloud cli in a Docker container -If you have installed docker on your platform, pull the docker image embeded ucloud cli by follow command. Lookup Dockerfile from [here](./Dockerfile) +If you have installed docker on your platform, pull the docker image embedded ucloud cli by follow command. Lookup Dockerfile from [here](./Dockerfile) ``` docker pull uhub.service.ucloud.cn/ucloudcli/ucloud-cli:source-code ``` @@ -102,7 +104,7 @@ UCloud CLI also has auto-completion support. It can be set up so that if you par **Bash shell** -Add following scripts to ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc +Add following scripts to ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc and then restart your terminal or run ```source <~/.bash_profile|~/.bashrc>``` ``` complete -C $(which ucloud) ucloud @@ -110,7 +112,7 @@ complete -C $(which ucloud) ucloud **Zsh shell** -Add following scripts to ~/.zshrc +Add following scripts to ~/.zshrc and then restart your terminal or run ```source ~/.zshrc``` ``` autoload -U +X bashcompinit && bashcompinit @@ -132,17 +134,45 @@ compctl -K _ucloud ucloud ## Setup configuration -Run the command below to get started and configure ucloud-cli. The private key and public key will be saved automatically and locally to directory ~/.ucloud. -You can delete the directory whenever you want. +The UCloud CLI supports using any of multiple named profiles that are stored in config.json and credential.json files which located in ~/.ucloud. +You can configure additional profiles by using ```ucloud config add``` with the --profile flag, or by adding entries to the config.json and credential.json files. +ucloud init will add profile named default if you do not have an active profile, and it does its best to reduce configuration items for first-time use of ucloud-cli. + +There are 10 configuration items + +- Profile: name of the profile, duplicated names are not allowed. It can be override by --profile flag +- Active: Whether to take effect, Only one profile is active +- ProjectID: ID of default project, and it can be override by --project-id flag +- Region: default region, it can be override by --region flag +- Zone: default zone, it can be override by --zone flag +- BaseURL: default url of UCloud Open API, it can be override by --base-url flag +- Timeout: default timeout value of querying UCloud Open API, unit second. It can be override by --timeout flag +- PublicKey: public key of your account. It can be override by --public-key flag +- PrivateKey: private key of your account. It can be override by --private-key flag +- MaxRetryTimes: default max retry times for failed API request. It only works for idempotent APIs which can be called many times without side effect, for example 'ReleaseEIP', and it can be override by --max-retry-times flag +Run the command below to get started and configure ucloud-cli. ``` $ ucloud init ``` +List all profiles (for example) +``` +$ ucloud config list -To reset the configurations, run: +Profile Active ProjectID Region Zone BaseURL Timeout PublicKey PrivateKey MaxRetryTimes +default true org-oxjwoi cn-bj2 cn-bj2-05 https://api.ucloud.cn/ 15 YSQGIZrL*****nCRQ= jtma2eqQ*****+Avms 3 +uweb false org-bdks4e cn-bj2 cn-bj2-05 https://api.ucloud.cn/ 15 4E9UU0Vh*****PWQ== 694581ea*****a0d45 3 +``` +Add additional profiles ``` -$ ucloud config +$ ucloud config add --profile --public-key xxx --private-key xxx +``` + +To change configuration items of specified profile, run: + +``` +$ ucloud config update --profile xxx --region cn-sh2 ``` For more information, run: @@ -158,7 +188,7 @@ I want to create a uhost in Nigeria (region: air-nigeria) and bind a public IP, Firstly, create an uhost instance: ``` -$ ucloud uhost create --cpu 1 --memory 1 --password **** --image-id uimage-fya3qr +$ ucloud uhost create --cpu 1 --memory-gb 1 --password **** --image-id uimage-fya3qr uhost[uhost-zbuxxxx] is initializing...done ``` @@ -174,13 +204,18 @@ $ ucloud uhost create --help Secondly, we're going to allocate an EIP and then bind it to the uhost created above. ``` -$ ucloud eip allocate --line International --bandwidth-mb 1 +$ ucloud eip allocate --bandwidth-mb 1 allocate EIP[eip-xxx] IP:106.75.xx.xx Line:BGP $ ucloud eip bind --eip-id eip-xxx --resource-id uhost-xxx bind EIP[eip-xxx] with uhost[uhost-xxx] ``` +The operations above also can be done by one command +``` +$ ucloud uhost create --cpu 1 --memory-gb 1 --password **** --image-id uimage-fya3qr --create-eip-bandwidth-mb 1 +``` + Configure the GlobalSSH to the uhost instance and login the instance via GlobalSSH ``` diff --git a/base/config.go b/base/config.go index 6886acc0b1..4e5a009c66 100644 --- a/base/config.go +++ b/base/config.go @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ const DefaultBaseURL = "https://api.ucloud.cn/" const DefaultProfile = "default" //Version 版本号 -const Version = "0.1.23" +const Version = "0.1.24" //ConfigIns 配置实例, 程序加载时生成 var ConfigIns = &AggConfig{ @@ -63,15 +63,18 @@ var Global GlobalFlag //GlobalFlag 几乎所有接口都需要的参数,例如 region zone projectID type GlobalFlag struct { - Debug bool - JSON bool - Version bool - Completion bool - Config bool - Signup bool - Profile string - PublicKey string - PrivateKey string + Debug bool + JSON bool + Version bool + Completion bool + Config bool + Signup bool + Profile string + PublicKey string + PrivateKey string + BaseURL string + Timeout int + MaxRetryTimes int } //CLIConfig cli_config element @@ -524,14 +527,25 @@ func GetBizClient(ac *AggConfig) (*Client, error) { if err != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("parse timeout %ds failed: %v", ac.Timeout, err) } + baseURL := ac.BaseURL + if Global.BaseURL != "" { + baseURL = Global.BaseURL + } + if Global.Timeout != 0 { + timeout = time.Duration(Global.Timeout) * time.Second + } + maxRetryTimes := *ac.MaxRetryTimes + if Global.MaxRetryTimes != -1 { + maxRetryTimes = Global.MaxRetryTimes + } ClientConfig = &sdk.Config{ - BaseUrl: ac.BaseURL, + BaseUrl: baseURL, Timeout: timeout, UserAgent: fmt.Sprintf("UCloud-CLI/%s", Version), LogLevel: log.FatalLevel, Region: ac.Region, ProjectId: ac.ProjectID, - MaxRetries: *ac.MaxRetryTimes, + MaxRetries: maxRetryTimes, } if Global.PublicKey != "" && Global.PrivateKey != "" { @@ -584,10 +598,6 @@ func InitConfig() { ins = ConfigIns } - tmpIns := *ins - tmpIns.PublicKey = MosaicString(tmpIns.PublicKey, 5, 5) - tmpIns.PrivateKey = MosaicString(tmpIns.PrivateKey, 5, 5) - LogInfo(fmt.Sprintf("load active config : %#v", tmpIns)) bc, err := GetBizClient(ConfigIns) if err != nil { HandleError(err) diff --git a/cmd/configure.go b/cmd/configure.go index e2178fbefc..7d15877e6c 100644 --- a/cmd/configure.go +++ b/cmd/configure.go @@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ const helloUcloud = ` | | | | __/ | | (_) | | |_| | \__/\ | (_) | |_| | (_| | \_| |_/\___|_|_|\___/ \___/ \____/_|\___/ \__,_|\__,_| - If you want add or modify your configurations, run 'ucloud config add/update' - ` +If you want add or modify your configurations, run 'ucloud config add/update' +` //NewCmdInit ucloud init func NewCmdInit() *cobra.Command { diff --git a/cmd/root.go b/cmd/root.go index c96ce1f2ef..ea79bd3e6a 100644 --- a/cmd/root.go +++ b/cmd/root.go @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import ( "fmt" "io" "os" + "strconv" "github.com/spf13/cobra" "github.com/spf13/cobra/doc" @@ -185,8 +186,11 @@ func Execute() { cmd.AddCommand(NewCmdExt()) for _, c := range cmd.Commands() { if c.Name() != "init" && c.Name() != "gendoc" && c.Name() != "config" { - c.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&global.PublicKey, "public-key", global.PublicKey, "Set public key to override the public key in local config file") - c.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&global.PrivateKey, "private-key", global.PrivateKey, "Set private key to override the private key in local config file") + c.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&global.PublicKey, "public-key", global.PublicKey, "Set public-key to override the public-key in local config file") + c.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&global.PrivateKey, "private-key", global.PrivateKey, "Set private-key to override the private-key in local config file") + c.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&global.BaseURL, "base-url", "", "Set base-url to override the base-url in local config file") + c.PersistentFlags().IntVar(&global.Timeout, "timeout-sec", 0, "Set timeout-sec to override the timeout-sec in local config file") + c.PersistentFlags().IntVar(&global.MaxRetryTimes, "max-retry-times", -1, "Set max-retry-times to override the max-retry-times in local config file") } } if err := cmd.Execute(); err != nil { @@ -205,6 +209,26 @@ func init() { if arg == "--private-key" && len(os.Args) > idx+1 && os.Args[idx+1] != "" { global.PrivateKey = os.Args[idx+1] } + if arg == "--base-url" && len(os.Args) > idx+1 && os.Args[idx+1] != "" { + global.BaseURL = os.Args[idx+1] + } + if arg == "--timeout-sec" && len(os.Args) > idx+1 && os.Args[idx+1] != "" { + sec, err := strconv.Atoi(os.Args[idx+1]) + if err != nil { + fmt.Printf("parse timeout-sec failed: %v\n", err) + } else { + global.Timeout = sec + } + } + if arg == "--max-retry-times" && len(os.Args) > idx+1 && os.Args[idx+1] != "" { + times, err := strconv.Atoi(os.Args[idx+1]) + if err != nil { + fmt.Printf("parse max-retry-times failed: %v\n", err) + } else { + global.MaxRetryTimes = times + } + global.MaxRetryTimes = times + } } cobra.EnableCommandSorting = false cobra.OnInitialize(initialize) diff --git a/cmd/uhost.go b/cmd/uhost.go index b82f20812d..e311da920f 100644 --- a/cmd/uhost.go +++ b/cmd/uhost.go @@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ func NewCmdUHost() *cobra.Command { cmd.AddCommand(NewCmdUhostResetPassword(out)) cmd.AddCommand(NewCmdUhostReinstallOS(out)) cmd.AddCommand(NewCmdUhostCreateImage(out)) + cmd.AddCommand(NewCmdIsolation(out)) return cmd } @@ -65,6 +66,7 @@ func NewCmdUHost() *cobra.Command { //UHostRow UHost表格行 type UHostRow struct { UHostName string + Remark string ResourceID string Group string PrivateIP string @@ -73,6 +75,8 @@ type UHostRow struct { DiskSet string Zone string Image string + VPC string + Subnet string Type string State string CreationTime string @@ -83,6 +87,7 @@ func listUhost(uhosts []uhost.UHostInstanceSet, out io.Writer, output string) { for _, host := range uhosts { row := UHostRow{} row.UHostName = host.Name + row.Remark = host.Remark row.ResourceID = host.UHostId row.Group = host.Tag for _, ip := range host.IPSet { @@ -91,6 +96,8 @@ func listUhost(uhosts []uhost.UHostInstanceSet, out io.Writer, output string) { } if ip.Type == "Private" { row.PrivateIP = ip.IP + row.VPC = ip.VPCId + row.Subnet = ip.SubnetId } else { row.PublicIP += fmt.Sprintf("%s", ip.IP) } @@ -112,6 +119,9 @@ func listUhost(uhosts []uhost.UHostInstanceSet, out io.Writer, output string) { row.CreationTime = base.FormatDate(host.CreateTime) row.State = host.State row.Type = host.MachineType + "/" + host.HostType + if host.HotplugFeature { + row.Type += "/HotPlug" + } list = append(list, row) } if global.JSON { @@ -119,7 +129,7 @@ func listUhost(uhosts []uhost.UHostInstanceSet, out io.Writer, output string) { } else { var cols []string if output == "wide" { - cols = []string{"UHostName", "ResourceID", "Group", "PrivateIP", "PublicIP", "Config", "DiskSet", "Zone", "Image", "Type", "State", "CreationTime"} + cols = []string{"UHostName", "Remark", "ResourceID", "Group", "PrivateIP", "PublicIP", "Config", "DiskSet", "Zone", "Image", "VPC", "Subnet", "Type", "State", "CreationTime"} } else { cols = []string{"UHostName", "ResourceID", "Group", "PrivateIP", "PublicIP", "Config", "Image", "Type", "State", "CreationTime"} } @@ -247,6 +257,7 @@ func NewCmdUHostList(out io.Writer) *cobra.Command { //NewCmdUHostCreate [ucloud uhost create] func NewCmdUHostCreate() *cobra.Command { var bindEipIDs []string + var hotPlug string var async bool var count int @@ -263,6 +274,10 @@ func NewCmdUHostCreate() *cobra.Command { req.VPCId = sdk.String(base.PickResourceID(*req.VPCId)) req.SubnetId = sdk.String(base.PickResourceID(*req.SubnetId)) req.SecurityGroupId = sdk.String(base.PickResourceID(*req.SecurityGroupId)) + req.IsolationGroup = sdk.String(base.PickResourceID(*req.IsolationGroup)) + if hotPlug == "true" { + req.HotplugFeature = sdk.Bool(true) + } wg := &sync.WaitGroup{} tokens := make(chan struct{}, 10) @@ -342,24 +357,28 @@ func NewCmdUHostCreate() *cobra.Command { req.MachineType = flags.String("machine-type", "", "Optional. Accept values: N, C, G, O. Forward to https://docs.ucloud.cn/api/uhost-api/uhost_type for details") req.MinimalCpuPlatform = flags.String("minimal-cpu-platform", "", "Optional. Accpet values: Intel/Auto, Intel/IvyBridge, Intel/Haswell, Intel/Broadwell, Intel/Skylake, Intel/Cascadelake") req.UHostType = flags.String("type", "", "Optional. Accept values: N1, N2, N3, G1, G2, G3, I1, I2, C1. Forward to https://docs.ucloud.cn/api/uhost-api/uhost_type for details") + req.GPU = flags.Int("gpu", 0, "Optional. The count of GPU cores.") req.NetCapability = flags.String("net-capability", "Normal", "Optional. Default is 'Normal', also support 'Super' which will enhance multiple times network capability as before") - req.Disks[0].Type = flags.String("os-disk-type", "LOCAL_NORMAL", "Optional. Enumeration value. 'LOCAL_NORMAL', Ordinary local disk; 'CLOUD_NORMAL', Ordinary cloud disk; 'LOCAL_SSD',local ssd disk; 'CLOUD_SSD',cloud ssd disk; 'EXCLUSIVE_LOCAL_DISK',big data. The disk only supports a limited combination.") + flags.StringVar(&hotPlug, "hot-plug", "false", "Optional. Enable hot plug feature or not. Accept values: true or false") + req.Disks[0].Type = flags.String("os-disk-type", "CLOUD_SSD", "Optional. Enumeration value. 'LOCAL_NORMAL', Ordinary local disk; 'CLOUD_NORMAL', Ordinary cloud disk; 'LOCAL_SSD',local ssd disk; 'CLOUD_SSD',cloud ssd disk; 'EXCLUSIVE_LOCAL_DISK',big data. The disk only supports a limited combination.") req.Disks[0].Size = flags.Int("os-disk-size-gb", 20, "Optional. Default 20G. Windows should be bigger than 40G Unit GB") req.Disks[0].BackupType = flags.String("os-disk-backup-type", "NONE", "Optional. Enumeration value, 'NONE' or 'DATAARK'. DataArk supports real-time backup, which can restore the disk back to any moment within the last 12 hours. (Normal Local Disk and Normal Cloud Disk Only)") - req.Disks[1].Type = flags.String("data-disk-type", "LOCAL_NORMAL", "Optional. Enumeration value. 'LOCAL_NORMAL', Ordinary local disk; 'CLOUD_NORMAL', Ordinary cloud disk; 'LOCAL_SSD',local ssd disk; 'CLOUD_SSD',cloud ssd disk; 'EXCLUSIVE_LOCAL_DISK',big data. The disk only supports a limited combination.") + req.Disks[1].Type = flags.String("data-disk-type", "CLOUD_SSD", "Optional. Enumeration value. 'LOCAL_NORMAL', Ordinary local disk; 'CLOUD_NORMAL', Ordinary cloud disk; 'LOCAL_SSD',local ssd disk; 'CLOUD_SSD',cloud ssd disk; 'EXCLUSIVE_LOCAL_DISK',big data. The disk only supports a limited combination.") req.Disks[1].Size = flags.Int("data-disk-size-gb", 20, "Optional. Disk size. Unit GB") req.Disks[1].BackupType = flags.String("data-disk-backup-type", "NONE", "Optional. Enumeration value, 'NONE' or 'DATAARK'. DataArk supports real-time backup, which can restore the disk back to any moment within the last 12 hours. (Normal Local Disk and Normal Cloud Disk Only)") req.SecurityGroupId = flags.String("firewall-id", "", "Optional. Firewall Id, default: Web recommended firewall. see 'ucloud firewall list'.") req.Tag = flags.String("group", "Default", "Optional. Business group") + req.IsolationGroup = flags.String("isolation-group", "", "Optional. Resource ID of isolation group. see 'ucloud uhost isolation-group list") flags.MarkDeprecated("type", "please use --machine-type instead") flags.SetFlagValues("charge-type", "Month", "Year", "Dynamic", "Trial") + flags.SetFlagValues("hot-plug", "true", "false") flags.SetFlagValues("cpu", "1", "2", "4", "8", "12", "16", "24", "32") flags.SetFlagValues("type", "N2", "N1", "N3", "I2", "I1", "C1", "G1", "G2", "G3") flags.SetFlagValues("machine-type", "N", "C", "G", "O") flags.SetFlagValues("minimal-cpu-platform", "Intel/Auto", "Intel/IvyBridge", "Intel/Haswell", "Intel/Broadwell", "Intel/Skylake", "Intel/Cascadelake") flags.SetFlagValues("net-capability", "Normal", "Super") - flags.SetFlagValues("os-disk-type", "LOCAL_NORMAL", "CLOUD_NORMAL", "LOCAL_SSD", "CLOUD_SSD", "EXCLUSIVE_LOCAL_DISK") + flags.SetFlagValues("os-disk-type", "LOCAL_NORMAL", "CLOUD_NORMAL", "LOCAL_SSD", "CLOUD_SSD", "CLOUD_RSSD", "EXCLUSIVE_LOCAL_DISK") flags.SetFlagValues("os-disk-backup-type", "NONE", "DATAARK") flags.SetFlagValues("data-disk-type", "LOCAL_NORMAL", "CLOUD_NORMAL", "LOCAL_SSD", "CLOUD_SSD", "EXCLUSIVE_LOCAL_DISK") flags.SetFlagValues("data-disk-backup-type", "NONE", "DATAARK") @@ -381,6 +400,9 @@ func NewCmdUHostCreate() *cobra.Command { flags.SetFlagValuesFunc("subnet-id", func() []string { return getAllSubnetIDNames(*req.VPCId, *req.ProjectId, *req.Region) }) + flags.SetFlagValuesFunc("isolation-group", func() []string { + return getIsolationGroupList(*req.ProjectId, *req.Region) + }) cmd.MarkFlagRequired("cpu") cmd.MarkFlagRequired("memory-gb") @@ -482,7 +504,7 @@ func createUhost(req *uhost.CreateUHostInstanceRequest, eipReq *unet.AllocateEIP //NewCmdUHostDelete ucloud uhost delete func NewCmdUHostDelete(out io.Writer) *cobra.Command { var uhostIDs *[]string - var isDestory = sdk.Bool(false) + var isDestroy = sdk.Bool(false) var yes *bool req := base.BizClient.NewTerminateUHostInstanceRequest() @@ -501,7 +523,7 @@ func NewCmdUHostDelete(out io.Writer) *cobra.Command { return } } - if *isDestory { + if *isDestroy { req.Destroy = sdk.Int(1) } else { req.Destroy = sdk.Int(0) @@ -525,11 +547,11 @@ func NewCmdUHostDelete(out io.Writer) *cobra.Command { bindRegion(req, flags) bindProjectID(req, flags) req.Zone = cmd.Flags().String("zone", "", "Optional. availability zone") - isDestory = cmd.Flags().Bool("destory", false, "Optional. false,the uhost instance will be thrown to UHost recycle if you have permission; true,the uhost instance will be deleted directly") + isDestroy = cmd.Flags().Bool("destroy", false, "Optional. false,the uhost instance will be thrown to UHost recycle if you have permission; true,the uhost instance will be deleted directly") req.ReleaseEIP = cmd.Flags().Bool("release-eip", true, "Optional. false,Unbind EIP only; true, Unbind EIP and release it") req.ReleaseUDisk = cmd.Flags().Bool("delete-cloud-disk", false, "Optional. false, detach cloud disk only; true, detach cloud disk and delete it") yes = cmd.Flags().BoolP("yes", "y", false, "Optional. Do not prompt for confirmation.") - cmd.Flags().SetFlagValues("destory", "true", "false") + cmd.Flags().SetFlagValues("destroy", "true", "false") cmd.Flags().SetFlagValues("release-eip", "true", "false") cmd.Flags().SetFlagValues("delete-cloud-disk", "true", "false") cmd.Flags().SetFlagValuesFunc("uhost-id", func() []string { @@ -1248,3 +1270,79 @@ func NewCmdUhostReinstallOS(out io.Writer) *cobra.Command { cmd.MarkFlagRequired("password") return cmd } + +//NewCmdIsolation ucloud uhost isolation-gorup +func NewCmdIsolation(out io.Writer) *cobra.Command { + cmd := &cobra.Command{ + Use: "isolation-group", + Short: "List and manipulate isolation group of uhost", + Long: "List and manipulate isolation group of uhost", + } + cmd.AddCommand(NewCmdIsolationList(out)) + return cmd +} + +type isolationGroupRow struct { + ResourceID string + Name string + Remark string + UHostCount string +} + +//NewCmdIsolationList ucloud uhost isolation-group list +func NewCmdIsolationList(out io.Writer) *cobra.Command { + req := base.BizClient.NewDescribeIsolationGroupRequest() + cmd := &cobra.Command{ + Use: "list", + Short: "List isolation group of uhost", + Run: func(c *cobra.Command, args []string) { + resp, err := base.BizClient.DescribeIsolationGroup(req) + if err != nil { + base.HandleError(err) + return + } + var list []isolationGroupRow + for _, group := range resp.IsolationGroupSet { + row := isolationGroupRow{ + ResourceID: group.GroupId, + Name: group.GroupName, + Remark: group.Remark, + } + var zones []string + for _, item := range group.SpreadInfoSet { + zones = append(zones, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", item.Zone, item.UHostCount)) + } + row.UHostCount = strings.Join(zones, " ") + list = append(list, row) + } + base.PrintList(list, out) + }, + } + flags := cmd.Flags() + flags.SortFlags = false + + flags.String("group-id", "", "Optional. Resource ID of isolation group to describe") + bindRegion(req, flags) + bindProjectID(req, flags) + bindLimit(req, flags) + bindOffset(req, flags) + + return cmd +} + +func getIsolationGroupList(project, region string) []string { + req := base.BizClient.NewDescribeIsolationGroupRequest() + req.ProjectId = sdk.String(project) + req.Region = sdk.String(region) + req.Limit = sdk.Int(50) + resp, err := base.BizClient.DescribeIsolationGroup(req) + if err != nil { + fmt.Println(err) + return nil + } + list := []string{} + for _, group := range resp.IsolationGroupSet { + list = append(list, group.GroupId+"/"+strings.Replace(group.GroupName, " ", "-", -1)) + } + return list +} diff --git a/ux/spinner.go b/ux/spinner.go index b2dcd4e8ab..607a3afcdf 100644 --- a/ux/spinner.go +++ b/ux/spinner.go @@ -6,11 +6,14 @@ import ( "fmt" "io" "os" + "runtime" "time" "github.com/ucloud/ucloud-cli/ansi" ) +const windows = "windows" + // Spinner type type Spinner struct { out io.Writer @@ -59,7 +62,15 @@ func (s *Spinner) reset() { func (s *Spinner) render() { nextFrame := s.newFrameFactory() go func() { + send := false for range s.ticker.C { + if runtime.GOOS == windows { + if !send { + fmt.Printf("%s...\n", s.DoingText) + send = true + } + continue + } frame := nextFrame() s.reset() s.output = fmt.Sprintf("%s...%c\n", s.DoingText, frame) diff --git a/ux/spinnerv2.go b/ux/spinnerv2.go index bb8ae94422..1118759307 100644 --- a/ux/spinnerv2.go +++ b/ux/spinnerv2.go @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ package ux import ( "fmt" "io" + "runtime" "sync" "time" @@ -58,7 +59,15 @@ func (s *Spin) reset() { func (s *Spin) renderToString() chan string { nextFrame := s.newFrameFactory() go func() { + send := false for range s.ticker.C { + if runtime.GOOS == windows { + if !send { + s.textChan <- fmt.Sprintf("%s...", s.DoingText) + send = true + } + continue + } frame := nextFrame() s.textChan <- fmt.Sprintf("%s...%c", s.DoingText, frame) } @@ -69,7 +78,15 @@ func (s *Spin) renderToString() chan string { func (s *Spin) renderToScreen() { nextFrame := s.newFrameFactory() go func() { + send := false for range s.ticker.C { + if runtime.GOOS == windows { + if !send { + fmt.Printf("%s...\n", s.DoingText) + send = true + } + continue + } frame := nextFrame() s.reset() s.output = fmt.Sprintf("%s...%c\n", s.DoingText, frame)