title |
CS 24: Problem Solving with Computers -II , Spring 19 |
{% include collapse-button.html label="Information" id="info-list" %}
{% include info_list.html %}
{% include collapse-button.html label="Lecture Notes and Slides" id="lectures" %}
{%include lecnot_table.html %}
{% include collapse-button.html label="Homework" id="hwk" %}
{% include hwk_table.html %}
{% include collapse-button.html label="Lab" id="lab" %}
{% include lab_table.html %}
{% include collapse-button.html label="Programming Assignments" id="pa" %}
{% include pa_table.html %}
{% include collapse-button.html label="Exams" id="exams" %}
{%include exam_table.html %}
Most of the materials I'm using this quarter were made by Diba Mirza. Anything good about this class can be attributed to her, and all bad things are totally my fault :)