Customized Template based on the original made by Leonardo Nascimento da Silva. Added LLD for Hostname, CPU, Memory and Serial Number.
Also added HA Status and basic SNMP info (Contact, Name, Uptime).
Tested with Fortigate 100D on Zabbix 3.4.6
BTW, I had to create some Value Mappings as follows:
Fortigate HA Auto Sync
1 > Disabled
2 > Enabled
Fortigate HA Status
1 > Standalone
2 > Active/Active
3 > Active/Passive
Template customizado baseado no original do Leonardo Nascimento da Silva. Adicionei LLD's para o Hostname, CPU, Memória e Número de Série das unidades (quando estiverem em HA).
Também adicionei o status do HA e informações básicas do SNMP (Nome, Uptime, Contato)
Testei com o Fortigate 100D no Zabbix 3.4.6
Inclusive, eu tive que criar alguns mapeamentos de valores:
Fortigate HA Auto Sync
1 > Desativado
2 > Ativado
Fortigate HA Status
1 > Sem HA
2 > Ativo/Ativo
3 > Ativo/Passivo
Luiz Fernando Gondin Santos
Luiz Fernando Gondin Santos
There are no macros links in this template.
There are no template links in this template.
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Network Interfaces | - |
SNMP agent |
ifname Update: 300 |
Unit Hostname | - |
SNMP agent |
fgStatsHostName Update: 300 |
Memory Usage | - |
SNMP agent |
fgStatsMemUsage Update: 300 |
CPU Usage | - |
SNMP agent |
fgStatsCpuUsage Update: 300 |
Serial Number | - |
SNMP agent |
fgStatsSerial Update: 300 |
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
HA Auto Sync | - |
SNMP agent |
fgHaAutoSync Update: 30s |
HA Mode | - |
SNMP agent |
fgHaSystemMode Update: 30s |
System Uptime | - |
SNMP agent |
sysUpTime Update: 30s |
System Name | - |
SNMP agent |
sysName Update: 30s |
System Contact | - |
SNMP agent |
sysContact Update: 30s |
Upload $1 | - |
SNMP agent |
ifHCOutOctets[{#SNMPVALUE}] Update: 5 LLD |
Speed $1 | - |
SNMP agent |
ifHighSpeed[{#SNMPVALUE}] Update: 300 LLD |
Download $1 | - |
SNMP agent |
ifInOctets[{#SNMPVALUE}] Update: 5 LLD |
Unit $1 Hostname | - |
SNMP agent |
fgStatsHostName.[{#SNMPINDEX}] Update: 30s LLD |
Memory Usage $1 | - |
SNMP agent |
fgStatsMemUsage.[{#SNMPINDEX}] Update: 30s LLD |
CPU $1 Usage | - |
SNMP agent |
fgStatsCpuUsage.[{#SNMPINDEX}] Update: 30s LLD |
Unit $1 Serial Number | - |
SNMP agent |
fgStatsSerial.[{#SNMPINDEX}] Update: 30s LLD |
Name | Description | Expression | Priority |
CPU {#SNMPINDEX} Load is High | - |
Expression: last(/Fortigate 100D/fgStatsCpuUsage.[{#SNMPINDEX}])>80 Recovery expression: |
average |
Memory {#SNMPINDEX} use is High | - |
Expression: last(/Fortigate 100D/fgStatsMemUsage.[{#SNMPINDEX}])>80 Recovery expression: |
average |
Memory {#SNMPINDEX} use is High (LLD) | - |
Expression: last(/Fortigate 100D/fgStatsMemUsage.[{#SNMPINDEX}])>80 Recovery expression: |
average |
CPU {#SNMPINDEX} Load is High (LLD) | - |
Expression: last(/Fortigate 100D/fgStatsCpuUsage.[{#SNMPINDEX}])>80 Recovery expression: |
average |