chore(deps): bump undici from 6.21.0 to 6.21.1
chore(deps): bump undici from 6.21.0 to 6.21.1
fix(settings): changed structure of settings dialog
fix(settings): changed structure of settings dialog
feat(no-record): automatic nav to main if no steps were recorded
feat(no-record): automatic nav to main if no steps were recorded
chore(dialog-handling): setup new unique dialog data handling
chore(dialog-handling): setup new unique dialog data handling
fix(unnecessary): removed unnecessary type from style
fix(unnecessary): removed unnecessary type from style
Pull request merge
fix(unnecessary): removed unnecessary type from style
fix(unnecessary): removed unnecessary type from style
fix(chrome-130): fixed the issue with dynamically loaded scripts
fix(chrome-130): fixed the issue with dynamically loaded scripts
fix(content-inject): fixed src type within content-inject
fix(content-inject): fixed src type within content-inject
fix(ui5): fixed Typos and misspellings after version upgrade
fix(ui5): fixed Typos and misspellings after version upgrade
fix(code-gen): fixed wrong indentation within generated sources
fix(code-gen): fixed wrong indentation within generated sources
Deleted branch
feat(generator): added final steps for new code generation setup
feat(generator): added final steps for new code generation setup
Pull request merge
feat(generator): added final steps for new code generation setup
feat(generator): added final steps for new code generation setup
feat(generation): started rebuild of code generation
feat(generation): started rebuild of code generation
chore(demo): finished templating tests
chore(demo): finished templating tests
chore(demo): start with generator refactoring
chore(demo): start with generator refactoring
chore(demo): further refactoring
chore(demo): further refactoring
chore(demo): extract similarities between wdi5 and opa5
chore(demo): extract similarities between wdi5 and opa5
chore(demo): first setup for wdi5 finished, adapted Opa5 to mirror wd…
chore(demo): first setup for wdi5 finished, adapted Opa5 to mirror wd…
chore(demo): started with wdi5 templating
chore(demo): started with wdi5 templating