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478 lines (428 loc) · 19.2 KB

Button 按钮

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import { Button, ButtonGroup } from 'uiw';
// or
import Button from '@uiw/react-button';
import ButtonGroup from '@uiw/react-button-group';


import React from 'react';
import { Button, Divider, Icon } from 'uiw';

export default function Demo() {
      <Button type="primary">主要按钮</Button>
      <Button type="success">成功按钮</Button>
      <Button type="warning">警告按钮</Button>
      <Button type="danger">错误按钮</Button>
      <Button type="light">亮按钮</Button>
      <Button type="dark">暗按钮</Button>
      <Divider />
      <Button basic type="primary">主要按钮</Button>
      <Button basic type="success">成功按钮</Button>
      <Button basic type="warning">警告按钮</Button>
      <Button basic type="danger">错误按钮</Button>
      <Button basic type="light">亮按钮</Button>
      <Button basic type="dark">暗按钮</Button>
      <Divider />
      <Button disabled>Disabled</Button>
      <Button type="primary" active>Button</Button>
      <Button type="primary" size="small">more <Icon type="down" /></Button>
      <Button type="link"> (超连接样式)link </Button>


import React from 'react';
import { Button, Divider, ButtonGroup } from 'uiw';

export default function Demo() {
        <Button type="primary">主要按钮</Button>
        <Button type="success">成功按钮</Button>
        <Button type="warning">警告按钮</Button>
        <Button type="danger">错误按钮</Button>
        <Button type="light">亮按钮</Button>
        <Button type="dark">暗按钮</Button>
      <ButtonGroup style={{ marginTop: 5 }}>
        <Button size="small" type="primary">按钮</Button>
        <Button size="small" type="primary">按钮</Button>
        <Button size="small" type="primary">按钮</Button>
        <Button size="small" type="primary">按钮</Button>
      <ButtonGroup style={{ marginTop: 5 }}>
        <Button type="light">按钮</Button>
        <Button type="light">按钮</Button>
        <Button type="light">按钮</Button>
        <Button type="light">按钮</Button>
      <Divider style={{ maxWidth: 220 }}>添加图标</Divider>
        <Button icon="copy" type="primary">复制</Button>
        <Button icon="delete" type="success">删除</Button>
        <Button icon="file-add" type="warning">添加文件</Button>
        <Button icon="map" type="danger">地图</Button>
        <Button icon="linux" type="light">Linux</Button>
        <Button icon="apple" type="dark">Apple</Button>
      <ButtonGroup style={{ marginTop: 5 }}>
        <Button icon="copy" type="primary">复制</Button>
        <Button icon="delete" type="primary">删除</Button>
        <Button icon="file-add" type="primary">添加文件</Button>
        <Button icon="map" type="primary">地图</Button>
        <Button icon="linux" type="primary">Linux</Button>
        <Button icon="apple" type="primary">Apple</Button>
      <ButtonGroup style={{ marginTop: 5 }}>
        <Button icon="copy">复制</Button>
        <Button icon="delete">删除</Button>
        <Button icon="file-add">添加文件</Button>
        <Button icon="map">地图</Button>
        <Button icon="linux">Linux</Button>
        <Button icon="apple">Apple</Button>
      <ButtonGroup style={{ marginTop: 5 }}>
        <Button icon="copy" />
        <Button icon="delete" />
        <Button icon="file-add" />
        <Button icon="map" />
        <Button icon="linux" />
        <Button icon="apple" />


import React from 'react';
import { Button, Icon, Divider } from 'uiw';

const chat = <svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"> <path d="M19 0H7c-.55 0-1 .45-1 1v10c0 .55.45 1 1 1h5.59l3.71 3.71c. 0 1-.45 1-1v-3h1c.55 0 1-.45 1-1V1c0-.55-.45-1-1-1zM7 13c-1.1 0-2-.9-2-2V4H1c-.55 0-1 .45-1 1v10c0 .55.45 1 1 1h1v3a1.003 1.003 0 0 0 1.71.71L7.41 16H13c.55 0 1-.45 1-1v-.17L12.17 13H7z" fillRule="evenodd" /> </svg>;
const open = <svg width="12" height="16" style={{ height: 16 }}> <path fillRule="evenodd" d="M11 11.28V5c-.03-.78-.34-1.47-.94-2.06C9.46 2.35 8.78 2.03 8 2H7V0L4 3l3 3V4h1c. 1.993 0 0 0 10 15a1.993 1.993 0 0 0 1-3.72zm-1 2.92c-.66 0-1.2-.55-1.2-1.2 0-.65.55-1.2 1.2-1.2.65 0 1.2.55 1.2 1.2 0 .65-.55 1.2-1.2 1.2zM4 3c0-1.11-.89-2-2-2a1.993 1.993 0 0 0-1 3.72v6.56A1.993 1.993 0 0 0 2 15a1.993 1.993 0 0 0 1-3.72V4.72c.59-.34 1-.98 1-1.72zm-.8 10c0 .66-.55 1.2-1.2 1.2-.65 0-1.2-.55-1.2-1.2 0-.65.55-1.2 1.2-1.2.65 0 1.2.55 1.2 1.2zM2 4.2C1.34 4.2.8 3.65.8 3c0-.65.55-1.2 1.2-1.2.65 0 1.2.55 1.2 1.2 0 .65-.55 1.2-1.2 1.2z" /> </svg>;
const merged = <svg width="12" height="16" viewBox="0 0 12 16" style={{ height: 16 }}> <path fillRule="evenodd" d="M10 7c-.73 0-1.38.41-1.73 1.02V8C7.22 7.98 6 7.64 5.14 6.98c-.75-.58-1.5-1.61-1.89-2.44A1.993 1.993 0 0 0 2 .99C.89.99 0 1.89 0 3a2 2 0 0 0 1 1.72v6.56c-.59.35-1 .99-1 1.72 0 1.11.89 2 2 2a1.993 1.993 0 0 0 1-3.72V7.67c.67.7 1.44 1.27 2.3 2.03.63 2.97.64v-.02c.36.61 1 1.02 1.73 1.02 1.11 0 2-.89 2-2 0-1.11-.89-2-2-2zm-6.8 6c0 .66-.55 1.2-1.2 1.2-.65 0-1.2-.55-1.2-1.2 0-.65.55-1.2 1.2-1.2.65 0 1.2.55 1.2 1.2zM2 4.2C1.34 4.2.8 3.65.8 3c0-.65.55-1.2 1.2-1.2.65 0 1.2.55 1.2 1.2 0 .65-.55 1.2-1.2 1.2zm8 6c-.66 0-1.2-.55-1.2-1.2 0-.65.55-1.2 1.2-1.2.65 0 1.2.55 1.2 1.2 0 .65-.55 1.2-1.2 1.2z" /> </svg>;
const closed = <svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16"> <path fillRule="evenodd" d="M7 10h2v2H7v-2zm2-6H7v5h2V4zm1.5 1.5l-1 1L12 9l4-4.5-1-1L12 7l-1.5-1.5zM8 13.7A5.71 5.71 0 0 1 2.3 8c0-3.14 2.56-5.7 5.7-5.7 1.83 0 3.45.88 4.5 2.2l.92-.92A6.947 6.947 0 0 0 8 1C4.14 1 1 4.14 1 8s3.14 7 7 7 7-3.14 7-7l-1.52 1.52c-.66 2.41-2.86 4.19-5.48 4.19v-.01z" /> </svg>;

export default function Demo() {
      <Button icon="weibo" type="primary">主要按钮</Button>
      <Button icon="chrome" type="success">成功按钮</Button>
      <Button icon="taobao" type="warning">警告按钮</Button>
      <Button icon="weibo" type="danger" />
      <Button type="danger">
        <Icon type="reload" spin={true} />
        <Icon type="weibo" />
      <Button icon="chrome" type="light">亮按钮</Button>
      <Button icon="apple" type="dark">暗按钮</Button>
      <Button icon={chat} type="dark">暗按钮</Button>
      <Divider style={{ maxWidth: 220 }}>GitHub</Divider>
      <Button icon={open} type="success">Open</Button>
      <Button icon={merged} type="light" style={{ backgroundColor: '#6f42c1', color: '#fff' }}>Merged</Button>
      <Button icon={closed} type="danger">Closed</Button>


import React from 'react';
import { Button, Icon, Divider } from 'uiw';

export default function Demo() {
      <Button type="danger">
        <Icon type="reload" spin={true} />
        <Icon type="weibo" />
      <Button loading type="primary">主要按钮</Button>
      <Button loading type="success">成功按钮</Button>
      <Button loading type="warning">警告按钮</Button>
      <Button loading type="danger">错误按钮</Button>
      <Button loading type="light">亮按钮</Button>
      <Button loading type="dark">暗按钮</Button>
      <Button loading type="danger">亮按钮</Button>
      <Divider style={{ maxWidth: 220 }}>Size</Divider>
      <Button loading size="small" type="primary">主要按钮</Button>
      <Button loading size="default" type="success">成功按钮</Button>
      <Button loading size="large" type="warning">警告按钮</Button>


import React from 'react';
import { Button, ButtonGroup, Divider } from 'uiw';

export default function Demo() {
        <Button disabled type="primary">主要按钮</Button>
        <Button disabled type="success">成功按钮</Button>
        <Button disabled type="warning">警告按钮</Button>
        <Button disabled type="danger">错误按钮</Button>
        <Button disabled type="light">亮按钮</Button>
        <Button disabled type="dark">暗按钮</Button>
      <ButtonGroup style={{ marginTop: 5 }}>
        <Button disabled type="primary">按钮</Button>
        <Button disabled type="primary">按钮</Button>
        <Button disabled type="primary">按钮</Button>
        <Button disabled type="primary">按钮</Button>
      <ButtonGroup style={{ marginTop: 5 }}>
        <Button disabled type="light">按钮</Button>
        <Button disabled type="light">按钮</Button>
        <Button type="light">按钮</Button>
        <Button disabled type="light">按钮</Button>
      <Divider style={{ maxWidth: 220 }}>添加图标</Divider>
        <Button disabled icon="copy" type="primary">复制</Button>
        <Button disabled icon="delete" type="success">删除</Button>
        <Button disabled icon="file-add" type="warning">添加文件</Button>
        <Button disabled icon="map" type="danger">地图</Button>
        <Button disabled icon="linux" type="light">Linux</Button>
        <Button disabled icon="apple" type="dark">Apple</Button>
      <ButtonGroup style={{ marginTop: 5 }}>
        <Button disabled icon="copy" type="primary">复制</Button>
        <Button disabled icon="delete" type="primary">删除</Button>
        <Button icon="file-add" type="primary">添加文件</Button>
        <Button disabled icon="map" type="primary">地图</Button>
        <Button disabled icon="linux" type="primary">Linux</Button>
        <Button disabled icon="apple" type="primary">Apple</Button>
      <ButtonGroup style={{ marginTop: 5 }}>
        <Button disabled icon="copy">复制</Button>
        <Button disabled icon="delete">删除</Button>
        <Button disabled icon="file-add">添加文件</Button>
        <Button disabled icon="map">地图</Button>
        <Button disabled icon="linux">Linux</Button>
        <Button disabled icon="apple">Apple</Button>
      <div style={{ marginTop: 5 }}>
        <Button disabled icon="weibo" basic type="primary" />
        <Button disabled icon="chrome" basic type="success" />
        <Button disabled icon="taobao" basic type="warning" />
        <Button disabled icon="apple" basic type="danger" />
        <Button disabled icon="weibo" basic type="dark" />


import React from 'react';
import { Button, ButtonGroup, Row, Col } from 'uiw';

export default function Demo() {
    <Row gutter={10}>
      <Col style={{ maxWidth: 120 }}>
        <ButtonGroup vertical>
          <Button type="primary">按钮</Button>
          <Button type="primary">按钮</Button>
          <Button type="primary">按钮</Button>
          <Button type="primary">按钮</Button>
      <Col style={{ maxWidth: 120 }}>
        <ButtonGroup vertical>
          <Button type="success">按钮</Button>
          <Button disabled type="success">按钮</Button>
          <Button type="success">按钮</Button>
          <Button type="success">按钮</Button>
      <Col style={{ maxWidth: 120 }}>
        <ButtonGroup vertical>
          <Button type="light">按钮</Button>
          <Button type="light">按钮</Button>
          <Button type="light">按钮</Button>
          <Button type="light">按钮</Button>
      <Col style={{ maxWidth: 120 }}>
        <ButtonGroup vertical>
          <Button type="primary">主要按钮</Button>
          <Button type="success">成功按钮</Button>
          <Button type="warning">警告按钮</Button>
          <Button type="danger">错误按钮</Button>
          <Button type="light">亮按钮</Button>
          <Button type="dark">暗按钮</Button>


设置 basic=true 即可获得基本按钮,没有背景颜色的状态按钮。

import React from 'react';
import { Button, Divider } from 'uiw';

export default function Demo() {
      <Button basic type="primary">主要按钮</Button>
      <Button basic type="success">成功按钮</Button>
      <Button basic type="warning">警告按钮</Button>
      <Button basic type="danger">错误按钮</Button>
      <Button basic type="light">亮按钮</Button>
      <Button basic type="dark">暗按钮</Button>
      <Divider style={{ maxWidth: 220 }}>激活</Divider>
      <Button basic active type="primary">主要按钮</Button>
      <Button basic active type="success">成功按钮</Button>
      <Button basic active type="warning">警告按钮</Button>
      <Button basic active type="danger">错误按钮</Button>
      <Button basic active type="light">亮按钮</Button>
      <Button basic active type="dark">暗按钮</Button>
      <Divider style={{ maxWidth: 220 }}>禁用</Divider>
      <Button basic disabled type="primary">主要按钮</Button>
      <Button basic disabled type="success">成功按钮</Button>
      <Button basic disabled type="warning">警告按钮</Button>
      <Button basic disabled type="danger">错误按钮</Button>
      <Button basic disabled type="light">亮按钮</Button>
      <Button basic disabled type="dark">暗按钮</Button>


设置 basic=true 即可获得基本按钮,没有背景颜色的状态按钮。

import React from 'react';
import { Button, Divider } from 'uiw';

const chat = (
  <svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20">
    <path d="M19 0H7c-.55 0-1 .45-1 1v10c0 .55.45 1 1 1h5.59l3.71 3.71c. 0 1-.45 1-1v-3h1c.55 0 1-.45 1-1V1c0-.55-.45-1-1-1zM7 13c-1.1 0-2-.9-2-2V4H1c-.55 0-1 .45-1 1v10c0 .55.45 1 1 1h1v3a1.003 1.003 0 0 0 1.71.71L7.41 16H13c.55 0 1-.45 1-1v-.17L12.17 13H7z" fillRule="evenodd" />

export default function Demo() {
      <Button icon="weibo" basic type="primary">主要按钮</Button>
      <Button icon="chrome" basic type="success">成功按钮</Button>
      <Button icon="taobao" basic type="warning">警告按钮</Button>
      <Button icon="apple" basic type="danger">错误按钮</Button>
      <Button icon="weibo" basic type="dark">暗按钮</Button>
      <Divider />
      <Button icon="weibo" basic type="primary" />
      <Button icon="chrome" basic type="success" />
      <Button icon="taobao" basic type="warning" />
      <Button icon="apple" basic type="danger" />
      <Button icon="weibo" basic type="dark" />
      <Button icon="weibo" basic type="dark" />


import React from 'react';
import { Button } from 'uiw';

export default function Demo() {
      <Button active type="primary">主要按钮</Button>
      <Button active type="success">成功按钮</Button>
      <Button active type="warning">警告按钮</Button>
      <Button active type="danger">错误按钮</Button>
      <Button active type="light">亮按钮</Button>
      <Button active type="dark">暗按钮</Button>
      <Button active type="link"> (超连接样式)link </Button>


import React from 'react';
import { Button } from 'uiw';

export default function Demo() {
      <Button disabled type="primary">主要按钮</Button>
      <Button disabled type="success">成功按钮</Button>
      <Button disabled type="warning">警告按钮</Button>
      <Button disabled type="danger">错误按钮</Button>
      <Button disabled type="light">亮按钮</Button>
      <Button disabled type="dark">暗按钮</Button>
      <Button disabled type="link"> (超连接样式)link </Button>


import React from 'react';
import { Button, Row, Col } from 'uiw';

export default function Demo() {
    <Row gutter={10}>
      <Col style={{ maxWidth: 320 }}>
        <Button block type="primary">主要按钮</Button>
        <Button block type="success">成功按钮</Button>
        <Button block type="warning">警告按钮</Button>
        <Button block type="danger">错误按钮</Button>
        <Button block type="light">亮按钮</Button>
        <Button block type="dark">暗按钮</Button>



import React from 'react';
import { Button, Divider } from 'uiw';

export default function Demo() {
      <Button size="small" type="primary">主要按钮</Button>
      <Button size="default" type="success">成功按钮</Button>
      <Button size="large" type="warning">警告按钮</Button>
      <Button size="small" type="danger">错误按钮</Button>
      <Button size="default" type="light">亮按钮</Button>
      <Button size="large" type="dark">暗按钮</Button>
      <Divider />
      <Button icon="weibo" size="small" type="primary">微博</Button>
      <Button icon="chrome" size="small" type="success">谷歌浏览器</Button>
      <Button icon="chrome" type="success">谷歌浏览器</Button>
      <Button icon="apple" size="large" type="warning">淘宝</Button>



参数 说明 类型 默认值
size 按钮尺寸 Enum{large, default, small} default
type 按钮状态类型附带颜色 Enum{primary, success, warning, danger, light, dark, link} light
htmlType 设置 button 原生的 type 值,可选值请参考 HTML 标准 String button
icon 设置按钮的图标类型 String/ReactNode -
block 通过设置属性 block 可将按钮宽度设置为 100%,(块级元素),常用于弹窗内操作按钮。 Boolean false
disabled 禁用状态 Boolean false
active 激活状态,其表现为被按压下去(底色更深、边框夜色更深、向内投射阴影)。 Boolean false
loading 加载中状态 Boolean false


参数 说明 类型 默认值
vertical 竖排列 Boolean false