Simple instructions for building this library in Fedora
This is required to install cmake (only for build)
dnf -y install epel-release
These are the compiler and other build tools
dnf -y groupinstall "Development Tools"
dnf -y install cmake
These are the required (mandatory) libraries
dnf -y install openssl-devel jsoncpp-devel boost-devel
These are the optional libraries for database compatibility
dnf -y install sqlite-devel postgresql-devel mysql-devel
This is the default build for the library:
cd ~/builds/libMantids-Build-Shared
make clean
make -j12 install
cd "$prjdir"
cmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=${PREFIXPATH} -B~/builds/libMantids-Build-Static
cd ~/builds/libMantids-Build-Static
make clean
make -j12 install
cd "$prjdir"
You can build this in one system, and you only need install the following runtimes:
dnf -y install jsoncpp openssl boost
If you need database support:
dnf -y install sqlite mysql postgresql