I've also included tentative launch dates too if the course is in development from the DataCamp Course Roadmap.
- Introduction to R
- Intermediate R
- Writing Functions in R - Charlotte Wickham & Hadley Wickham
- Working with the RStudio IDE (Part 1) - Garrett Grolemund
- Reporting with R Markdown - Garrett Grolemund
- Writing Efficient R Code - Colin Gillespie
- String Manipulation in R with stringr - Charlotte Wickham
- Working with Dates and Times in R - Charlotte Wickham
- Exploratory Data Analysis in R: Case Study - Dave Robinson
- Joining Data in R with dplyr - Garrett Grolemund
- Introduction to the Tidyverse - Dave Robinson
- Working with Data in the Tidyverse - Alison Hill (2018-04-26)
- Modeling with Data in the Tidyverse - Albert Kim (2018-05-08)
- Communicating with Data in the Tidyverse - Timo Grossenbacher
- Case Studies in the Tidyverse - Alice Daish (2018-06-28)
- Categorical Data in the Tidyverse - Emily Robinson (2018-05-20)
- Purrrfect Your R Code - Auriel Fournier (2018-07-05)
- Programming with purrr - Colin Fay (2018-08-23)
- Managing Multiple Predictive Models - Dima Gorenshteyn (2018-08-15)
- Introduction to Data - Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel
- Exploratory Data Analysis - Andrew Bray
- Data Visualization with ggplot2 (Part 1) - Rick Scavetta
- Data Manipulation in R with dplyr - Garrett Grolemund
- Cleaning Data in R - Nick Carchedi
- Correlation and Regression - Ben Baumer
- Multiple and Logistic Regression - Ben Baumer
- Explaining Regex - Miles McBain (2018-08-31)
- Visualization Best Practices - Nick Strayer (2018-08-15)
- Dealing with Missing Data - Nick Tierney (2018-10-05)
Plenty of machine learning courses available too with more in development!