All Objective-C Exceptions
// Catches exceptions thrown by Objective-C code.
// Default Xcode breakpoint created by clicking "+" to add breakpoint -> "Exception Breakpoint".
// Change "Exception: All" to "Exception: Objective-C".
-[UIApplication main]
// Helps when printing objects via the debugger by making it aware of the classes in UIKit.
// Symbolic breakpoint created by clicking "+" to add breakpoint -> "Symbolic Breakpoint".
// Enter "-[UIApplication main]" for the Symbol.
// Choose Action -> "Debugger Command".
// Enter "expr @import UIKit" for the command.
// Check "Automatically continue after evaluating actions".
// Helps catch undesirable constraints. Usually, these don't cause obvious visual issues, but they should be fixed since we don't know what could happen in future OS versions.
// Symbolic breakpoint created by clicking "+" to add breakpoint -> "Symbolic Breakpoint".
// Enter "UIViewAlertForUnsatisfiableConstraints" for the Symbol.
-[UIView(UIConstraintBasedLayout) _viewHierarchyUnpreparedForConstraint:]
// This is another breakpoint that helps to catch undesirable constraints.
// Symbolic breakpoint created by clicking "+" to add breakpoint -> "Symbolic Breakpoint".
// Enter "-[UIView(UIConstraintBasedLayout) _viewHierarchyUnpreparedForConstraint:]" for the Symbol.
// Helps catch undesirable constraints in UICollectionViews.
// Symbolic breakpoint created by clicking "+" to add breakpoint -> "Symbolic Breakpoint".
// Enter "UICollectionViewFlowLayoutBreakForInvalidSizes" for the Symbol.