This hands-on course – directed at beginners – will get you started on using Python 3 and the program Spyder to import, explore, analyse and visualise data.
- Setup
- Introduction
- Variables
- Scripts
- Functions
- Finding help
- Activity 1
- Conditionals (
) - Loops (
) - Activity 2
- Packages/Modules
- Activity 3
- Conclusion
The easiest way to use Python 3 and Spyder is to install the Anaconda Distribution, a data science platform for Windows, Linux and macOS.
Open the Anaconda Navigator (you might have to run anaconda-navigator
from a terminal on Linux), and launch Spyder. On some operating systems,
you might be able to find Spyder directly in your applications.
Python is a programming language that can be used to build programs (i.e. a “general programming language”), but it can also be used to analyse data by importing a number of useful modules.
We are using Spyder to interact with Python more comfortably. If you have used RStudio to interact with R before, you should feel right at home: Spyder is a program designed for doing data science with Python.
We will start by using the console to work interactively. This is our direct line to the computer, and is the simplest way to run code. Don’t worry about any unfamiliar language, fonts or colours - we can ignore most of it for now - all you need to know is that
In [1]: ...
is code that we’ve sent to the computer, andOut[1]: ...
is its response.
To start with, we can use Python like a calculator. Type the following commands in the console, and press Enter to execute them:
1 + 1
2 * 3
4 / 10
5 ** 2
After running each command, you should see the result as an output.
Most programming languages are like spoken language in that they have nouns and verbs - you have “things” and they “do things”. In Python, we have variables and functions. We’ll look first at variables, the nouns of Python, which store data.
To create a variable, we choose its name (e.g. favNumber
) and assign
) it a value (e.g. 42
favNumber = 42
You can then retrieve the value by running the variable name on its own:
Let’s create more variables. We can use the variable names in place of their values, so we can perform maths:
otherNumber = 5.678
prod1 = favNumber * otherNumber
So far, we’ve only looked at numbers. If you click on the “variable explorer” tab, you should see two variables like these:
Notice that the “Type” of favNumber
is int
, while the other is
. These are different variable types and can operate
differently. int
means integer, and corresponds to whole numbers,
while float
stands for floating point number, meaning decimals. You
may occasionally encounter errors where you can only use one type.
Even simpler than integers is the boolean type. These are either 1
or 0 (True or False), representing a single binary unit (bit). Don’t be
fooled by the words, these work like numbers: True + True
gives 2
myBool = True
In Python, the boolean values
must begin with a capital letter.
Let’s look at variable types which aren’t (necessarily) numbers.
Sequences are variables which store more than one data point. For
example, strings store a sequence of characters and are created with
quotation marks '<insert string>'
or "<insert string>"
sentence = 'Hello world!'
We can also create lists, which will store several variables (not necessarily of the same type). We need to use square brackets for that:
myList = [38, 3, 54, 17, 7]
diverse = [3, 'Hi!', 9.0]
Lists are very flexible as they can contain any number of items, and any type of data. You can even nest lists inside a list, which makes for a very flexible data type.
Operations on sequences are a bit different to numbers. We can still use
and *
, but they will concatenate (append) and duplicate, rather
than perform arithmetic.
sentence + ' How are you?'
myList + diverse
3 * myList
[38, 3, 54, 17, 7, 38, 3, 54, 17, 7, 38, 3, 54, 17, 7]
However, depending on the variable, some operations won’t work:
sentence + favNumber
TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str
�[1;31mTypeError�[0m Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell �[1;32mIn[9], line 1�[0m
�[1;32m----> 1�[0m �[43msentence�[49m�[43m �[49m�[38;5;241;43m+�[39;49m�[43m �[49m�[43mfavNumber�[49m
�[1;31mTypeError�[0m: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str
There are other data types like tuples, dictionaries and sets, but we won’t look at those in this session. Here’s a summary of the ones we’ve covered:
Category | Type | Short name | Example | Generator |
Numeric | Integer | int |
3 |
int() |
Numeric | Floating Point Number | float |
4.2 |
float() |
Numeric | Boolean | bool |
True |
bool() |
Sequence | String | str |
'A sentence ' |
" " or ' ' or str() |
Sequence | List | list |
['apple', 'banana', 'cherry'] |
[ ] or list() |
The generator commands are new. We use these to manually change the variable type. For example,
yields 1
, converting a boolean into an integer. These commands
are functions, as opposed to variables - we’ll look at functions a
bit later.
We can access part of a sequence by indexing. Sequences are ordered, starting at 0, so the first element has index 0, the second index 1, the third 2 and so on. For example, see what these commands return:
If you want more than one element in a sequence, you can slice. Simple slices specify a range to slice, from the first index to the last, but not including the last. For example:
[38, 3, 54, 17]
That command returns elements from position 0 up to - but not including! - position 4.
So far, we’ve been working in the console, our direct line to the computer. However, it is often more convenient to use a script. These are simple text files which store code and run when we choose. They are useful to - write code more comfortably, - store clearly defined steps in chronological order, - share a process with peers easily, and - make your work reproducible
Let’s create a folder system to store our script in by creating a
project. - Press Projects > New project...
and name your project,
perhaps “python_fundamentals”. - Create a new script with
ctrl+N, File > New file...
or the new file
You should now see a script on the left panel in Spyder, looking something like this:
Try typing a line of code in your new script, such as
a = "hello!"
Press F9 to run each line, or ctrl+enter for the whole script. You should see something like the following appear in the console (depending on how you ran it):
We’ll work out of a script for the rest of the session. Don’t forget to save your script by pressing ctrl+S or the save button .
Functions are little programs that do specific jobs. These are the verbs of Python, because they do things to and with our variables. Here are a few examples of built-in functions:
Functions always have parentheses after their name, and they can take one or several arguments, or none at all, depending on what they can do, and how the user wants to use them.
Here, we use two arguments to modify the default behaviour of the
round(otherNumber, 2)
Notice how Spyder gives you hints about the available arguments after typing the function name?
Operators are a special type of function in Python with which you’re
already familiar. The most important is =
, which assigns values to
variables. Here is a summary of some important operators, although there
are many others:
Operator | Function | Description | Example command |
= | Assignment | Assigns values to variables | a = 7 |
# | Comment | Excludes any following text from being run | # This text will be ignored by Python |
Operator | Function | Description | Example command | Example output |
+ | Addition | Adds or concatenates values, depending on variable types | 7 + 3 or "a" + "b" |
10 or 'ab' |
- | Subtraction | Subtracts numerical values | 8 - 3 |
5 |
* | Multiplication | Multiplies values, depending on variable types | 7 * 2 or "a" * 3 |
14 or 'aaa' |
/ | Division | Divides numerical vlues | 3 / 4 |
0.75 |
** | Exponentiation | Raises a numerical value to a power | 7 ** 2 |
49 |
% | Remainder | Takes the remainder of numerical values | 13 % 7 |
6 |
Operator | Function | Description | Example command | Example output |
== | Equal to | Checks whether two variables are the same and outputs a boolean | 1 == 1 |
True |
!= | Not equal to | Checks whether two variables are different | '1' != 1 |
True |
> | Greater than | Checks whether one variable is greater than the other | 1 > 1 |
False |
>= | Greater than or equal to | Checks whether greater than (>) or equal to (==) are true | 1 >= 1 |
True |
< | Less than | Checks whether one variable is less than the other | 0 < 1 |
True |
<= | Less than or equal to | Checks whether less than (<) or equal to (==) are true | 0 <= 1 |
True |
To find help about a function, you can use the help()
function, or a
after a function name:
Help on built-in function max in module builtins:
max(iterable, *[, default=obj, key=func]) -> value
max(arg1, arg2, *args, *[, key=func]) -> value
With a single iterable argument, return its biggest item. The
default keyword-only argument specifies an object to return if
the provided iterable is empty.
With two or more arguments, return the largest argument.
In Spyder, you can use the Ctrl + I keyboard shortcut to open the help in a separate pane.
The help information can often be dense and difficult to read at first, taking some practice. In the next session we look closer at interpreting this documentation, one of the most important Python skills.
For a comprehensive manual, go to the official online documentation. For questions and answers, typing the right question in a search engine will usually lead you to something helpful. If you can’t find an answer, StackOverflow is a great Q&A community.
In this first activity, write a program which takes an age in years and outputs how many minutes they’ve lived for. Note that
- Store the age in years in a variable
- Calculate the age in minutes
- Print a message with the output
Next, we’ll get the user to provide the age themselves. To prompt the
user for to submit a value, we need to use a new command: input
number = int(input("Pick a number: "))
Here, input
asks the user to pick a number. After the user (you) types
something into the console and presses enter, it is saved by
Python in the variable number
. Note that we need to put the input
inside an int( ... )
function to turn it into a number.
We have three lines of code corresponding to the steps above:
### Age in minutes calculator
# Prompt user for age
age_years = int(input("What is your age: "))
# Calculate age in mins
age_mins = age_years * 365 * 24 * 60
# Print result
print("You have lived for" + str(age_mins) + "minutes!")
We need to use
because we can't concatenate strings with integers.
Funnelling code through different blocks based on conditions is a
fundamental element of all programming, and achieved in Python with
conditionals. The most important is the if
statement, which checks a
condition and runs the indented code block if it returns True
if 1 + 1 == 2:
print("We are inside the if statement!")
We are inside the if statement!
Here’s how it works 1. if
starts the conditional. 2. 1 + 1 == 2
the condition - this comes after if
, and must return True
(1) or
(0). 3. The colon, :
, indicates that the condition is finished
and the code block is next 4. print(" ...
the indented code is
only run if the condition is True
Try altering the condition, and see if the code runs.
Obviously, if
statement. Let’s replace the condition with variables:
name = "your_name"
if len(name) > 5:
print(name + " is longer than 5 letters!")
your_name is longer than 5 letters!
Here, we’re checking if the length of name
is greater than 5
. Note
that name + " is longer than 5!"
concatenates (combines) the strings
name + " is longer than 5!"
is a bit clunky, there is a better way to include variables in strings, called f-strings.```{python} name = “your_name”
if len(name) > 5: print(f”{name} is longer than 5 letters!“) ```
By putting
, Python will insert any code run between curly brackets{ }
into the string. Here, runningname
just returns “apple”.
There are two other commands for conditionals: elif
and else
is short for else if, and can be used after an if statement to
apply another condition, if the first one fails.
name = "your_name"
if len(name) > 5:
print(name + " is longer than 5 letters!")
elif len(name) > 3:
print(name + " is longer than 3 letters, but not more than 5")
your_name is longer than 5 letters!
Here, if the name
is longer than 5
, it will run in the if
and skip elif
. Otherwise, it will check the elif
condition and run
if it’s True
Finally, else
comes at the end of a conditional and will run if all
other conditions failed
name = "your_name"
if len(name) > 5:
print(name + " is longer than 5 letters!")
elif len(name) > 3:
print(name + " is longer than 3 letters, but not more than 5")
print(name + " is 3 letters long or shorter.")
your_name is longer than 5 letters!
You can only have one if
and else
statement, but as many elif
s as
you’d like.
For programming to speed up repetitive tasks we need to use loops. These
run a code block multiple times, and there are two types: while
loops run the code block until the condition is False
, with
similar syntax to if
a = 0
while a < 10:
a = a + 1
loops can cause an infinite loop to occur if the condition is neverFalse
. If this happens, press ctrl+C or the red square in the console to stop the code.
loops iterate through a variable, like a list:
myList = [1,2,3]
for element in myList:
These work a bit differently. Each time the loop runs, a variable (here
called element
) stores one of the values in the container (here called
). The loop runs once for each element in the container, working
from the start to the finish.
The second activity is a name comparer. Here, we will write code which identifies the letters in common between two names.
We’ll need to use the command in
for this activity. It checks whether
a variable on the left exists inside a variable on the write, for
"app" in "apple"
will return True
. We can use this for conditionals, like
word = "apple"
smaller = "app"
if smaller in word:
print(smaller + "can be found inside" + word)
print(smaller + "is not inside" + word)
appcan be found insideapple
We will also need to use a method. These are functions that only apply
to certain variables, and we access them using dot .
notation. Here,
we will use the list method .append
a = [1, 2, 3]
[1, 2, 3, 4]
The list a
is originally just [1, 2, 3]
, but after running
, it appends the element 4 to the end, making it
[1, 2, 3, 4]
All together, for this activity we will need to
- Ask the user for their first name using
input( ... )
- Ask the user for their last/second name using
input( ... )
- Initialise a list of common letters using
common = []
(this will let us append to it later) - Use a
loop to iterate through the each letter in the first name - Use an
statement to check if each letter is inside the last/second name - Print a message stating the common letters
One solution could be the following:
# Name comparer
# Ask user for names
firstname = input("What is your first name? ")
surname = input("What is your surname? ")
# Initialise list of common letters
common = []
# Loop through each letter in first name
for letter in firstname:
# Check if the letter is in the second word
if letter in surname:
# Add it to the list of common letters
# Print final list of letters
print("The letter(s) in common between your names are: ")
Python is set apart from other languages by the scale of its community packages and the ease with which you import them. While you could code everything you need from scratch, it’s often more effective to import someone else’s predefined functions.
Python comes with a number of pre-installed packages, so they’re already on your computer. However, your specific Python application doesn’t have access to them until they’re imported:
import math
The module math
brings in some mathematics constants and functions.
For example, you will get an error if you run pi
on its own, but
we can access the constant using the module:
Note that we use a period .
in order to access objects inside the
module. In general, we use periods in Python to access objects stored
inside other objects.
Some modules have long names and use abbreviated nicknames when imported.
import math as m
Here the module math
is stored as m
in Python.
Where this naming is used, it is usually the standard, and sharing code with different (including original/full) module names will not be compatible with other programmers.
There are hundreds of thousands of external packages available, and you need to install them before importing them as above. There are many ways to install packages, and two most common:
If you are not using Anaconda, then the most common way to install a
package is using the command pip
, which installs packages from the
Python Package Index (PyPI)
pip install numpy
If this doesn’t work for you, try using
!pip install numpy
- using an exclamation mark!
sends your command straight to your operating system shell
If you are using Anaconda, then the recommended installation method
is using the conda
command, which installs from Anaconda’s package
conda install numpy
As above, if this doesn’t work for you, try using
!pip install numpy
- using an exclamation mark!
sends your command straight to your operating system shell
Once installed, you can import these modules as before. Here, we’ve
installed numpy
, which is a popular numerical package.
import numpy as np
Some popular packages include
Package | Install command | Import command | Description |
NumPy | pip/conda install numpy |
import numpy as np |
A numerical Python package, providing mathematical functions and constants, vector analysis, linear algebra etc. |
Pandas | pip/conda install pandas |
import pandas as pd |
Panel Data - data transformation, manipulation and analysis |
Matplotlib | pip/conda install matplotlib |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
Mathematical ploting library, a popular visualisation tool. Note that there are other ways to import it, but the .pyplot submodule as plt is most common. |
Seaborn | pip/conda install seaborn |
import seaborn as sns |
Another visualisation tool, closer to ggplot2 in R, built upon a matplotlib framework. |
SciPy | pip/conda install scipy |
import scipy or import scipy as sp |
A scientific Python package with algorithms and models for analysis and statistics. |
Statsmodels | pip/conda install statsmodels |
import statsmodels.api as sm and/or import statsmodels.tsa.api as tsa |
Statistical modelling. The first import sm is for cross-sectional models, while tsa is for time-series models. |
Requests | pip/conda install requests |
import requests |
Make HTTP (internet) requests. |
Beautiful Soup | pip/conda install beautifulsoup4 |
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup |
Collect HTML data from websites. |
In this final activity, we’re going to create some sample data and visualise it.
Our goal is to import and visualise random BMI data
We’ll complete this in two parts. Before we begin, we need to set things up by importing the modules we need
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
If importing any of these causes an error, it could be because you haven’t installed it yet. See above for information on how to do so.
The first challenge in this activity is bringing in the data. To do
this, we use the pd.read_csv()
function, specifying the file path as
the first argument (this can be a URL), and store it in a variable
(typically df
Today’s data is five (random) people’s height and weight. You can download it here.
Next, you’ll need to compute the each person’s BMI. The code below demonstrates how to create a new column (converting weight into pounds). You should do the same, but use the formula
# Create a new column called Weight (lb) and store the weight in pounds
df["Weight (lb)"] = df["Weight"]*2.205
Once you’ve done these steps, you should see the following:
One solution could be the following:
# Import packages
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
# Import data - don't forget to change the file path as you need
df = pd.read_csv("BMI_data.csv")
# Create BMI column
df["BMI"] = df["Weight"] / (df["Height"]**2)
# Look at the data
To visualise the data, we can use the seaborn module, with the
function sns.catplot( ... )
. Inside the function, we’ll need to
specify the x
and y
values, and if we specifically want a bar plot,
as well. Use the help()
documentation to see if you can
visualise the data we just created. See if you can produce something
like the following plot:
The plot above is produced with the code
# Visualise
sns.catplot(data = df, x = names, y = "BMI", kind = "bar")
Your project can be reopened from the “Projects” menu in Spyder.
By default, your variables are not saved, which is another reason why
working with a script is important: you can execute the whole script in
one go to get everything back. You can however save your variables as a
file if you want to (for example, if it takes a lot of time
to process your data).
Today we looked at a lot of Python features, so don’t worry if they haven’t all sunk in. Programming is best learned through practice, so keep at it! Here’s a rundown of the concepts we covered
Concept | Desctiption |
The console vs scripts | The console is our window into the computer, this is where we send code directly to the computer. Scripts are files which we can write, edit, store and run code, that’s where you’ll write most of your Python. |
Variables | Variables are the nouns of programming, this is where we store information, the objects and things of our coding. They come in different types like integers, strings and lists. |
Indexing | In order to access elements of a sequence variable, like a list, we need to index, e.g. myList[2] . Python counts from 0. |
Functions | Functions are the verbs of programming, they perform actions on our variables. Call the function by name and put inputs inside parentheses, e.g. round(2.5) |
Help | Running help( ... ) will reveal the help documentation about a function or type. |
Conditionals | if , elif and else statements allow us to run code if certain conditions are true, and skip it otherwise. |
Loops | while loops will repeatedly run code until a condition is no longer true, and for loops will iterate through a variable |
Packages | We can bring external code into our environment with import ... . This is how we use packages, an essential for Python. Don’t forget to install the package first! |
Thanks for completing this introductory session to Python! You’re now ready for our next session, Data Transformation, which looks at using the pandas package in greater depth.
Before you go, don’t forget to check out the Python User Group, a gathering of Python users at UQ.
Finally, if you need any support or have any other questions, shoot us an email at [email protected].