Dataset source:
Original paper: "Linearity of Cortical Receptive Fields measured with Natural Sounds", Machens et al. (2004), J.Neuroscience
title = {Auditory cortex and thalamic neuronal responses to various natural and synthetic sounds},
url = {},
doi = {},
language = {en},
urldate = {2023-08-22},
author = {Asari, Hiroki andMachens, Christian K. and Wehr, Michael S. and Zador, Anthony M.},
year = {2009},
journal = {},
Audio Stimuli:
- natural stimuli, i.e. animal vocalizations, environmental sounds, etc.
- 7.5 - 15 s long on average
- covered freqs from 0 to 22 kHz
- 3 to 63 presented sound clips, depending on neurons
Neural Responses
- Sprague Dawley rats
- 25 neurons, of which 3 are unresponsive, and 1 has too few data.
- membrane potentials obtained in patch-clamp (current-clamp mode, I=0)
- pharmacologically blocked action potentials
Requirements: A CRCNS account to download the dataset, MATLAB to preprocess it.
TODO: finish this section