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Voice-Assistant is an intelligent AI application designed for voice interactions through commands. It features a Python backend with a frontend crafted using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

Voice Assistant Readme Cover

Project Structure 📁

  • The entry point of the application that initializes and runs the Python Eel module.
  • requirements.txt: Lists the dependencies required for the application.

Backend 🛠️

  • Manages wake word detection for the initial screen.
  • Listens for the designated wake word ("Hey Jarvis").
  • Handles speech-to-text conversion for the chat window.
  • .env: Stores environment variables such as API keys securely.

Web 🌐

  • main.html: Provides the HTML structure for both the wake word detection and chat screens.
  • wake_word_detect.css: Styles the wake word detection screen.
  • speech_to_text_chat.css: Styles the chat window screen.
  • wake_word_detect.js: JavaScript code for integrating the frontend with backend wake word detection.
  • speech_to_text_chat.js: JavaScript code for connecting the chat window with backend functionalities.

Getting Started 🚀

  1. Install Python: Ensure Python is installed on your machine.
  2. Clone Repository: Clone the project repository or download the ZIP file.
  3. Open Project: Open the project folder in your preferred code editor or IDE.
  4. Create Virtual Environment: Run python -m venv <name_of_virtual_environment>.
  5. Activate Environment: Activate the virtual environment with:
    • Windows: .\<name_of_virtual_environment>\Scripts\activate
    • macOS/Linux: source <name_of_virtual_environment>/bin/activate
  6. Install Dependencies: Run pip install -r requirements.txt to install project dependencies.
  7. Obtain API Key: Sign up on Cohere and get your personal API key.
  8. Configure API Key: Replace "your Cohere API key" in the .env file with your API key and save the changes.
  9. Run Application: Execute python in your terminal to start the application.
  10. Interact: Enjoy using the Voice-Assistant application.

How To Use 🗣️

  1. Loading Time: The application may take 0.5-1 minute to load depending on your machine’s specifications.
  2. Wake Word Detection: On launch, click the microphone button 🎤. Wait for the text "Listening" to appear.
  3. Activate Assistant: When "Listening" is visible, say the wake word ("Hey Jarvis"). The text will change to "Jarvis Active," and you’ll hear "Jarvis Activated!" 🔊
  4. Chat Window: You’ll be directed to the chat window with a welcome message: "Welcome! How can I help you?" 💬
  5. Voice Conversation: Click the microphone button at the bottom of the chat window to start a voice conversation. Speak your query when prompted with "Ask..." 🗨️
  6. Pause/Resume Conversation: To pause, say "Thank you and goodbye." The system will respond with "Goodbye!" and pause the conversation. Resume by clicking the microphone button again. 🔄
  7. Text Conversation: Alternatively, type your query in the message input and press the send button or hit Enter. Text responses are faster. 📝
  8. Polite Responses: The bot is programmed to respond politely, only interacting when spoken to or texted. 😊