layout | title |
default |
welcome |
{% assign course = %} {% assign ilist = "" %} {% capture ilist %}{% for i in course.instructors -%} +{% if i.url != "" and i.url != null %}{{}}{% else %}{{}} {% endif %} {%- endfor %}{% endcapture %}
- Homework assignments - 75% (6 assignments per module)
- Quizzes - 25% (6 quizzes per module, lowest score dropped)
Resources include both required reading as well as additional secondary sources for your own follow-up. The (!!) icon indicates required reading; all other sources are secondary.
{% for l in %} {% if l.section != null and l.section != current_section %} {% assign current_section = l.section %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}# | Date | General topic | Instructor | Resources | Assignments/Quizzes |
{{ forloop.index }} | {{ }} | {{ l.details }} | {{ l.instructor }} |
{% if r.links != "" %}
{% if r.assignments != "" %}
Each module includes 6 homework assignments. These assignments will include programming, theoretical problems, and data analysis. The assignments will be assigned each week, and will be due one week later. Each assignment is worth 12.5% of the final grade for the module.
Students are expected to attend class. There is no textbook, but each lecture will have reading material posted. Students should read the lecture material before the lecture. You should plan to invest roughly 3 hours per week on reading the posted outside material. Quizzes are there to convince you to prepare for the lectures. The lectures will be most useful if you do the reading before the accompanying lecture so that you can come prepared with some background to ask questions.
Each week will start with a short (5-10 minute) quiz. The quiz will cover 1. The content of the preparatory reading material for the current week; and 2. The content from the lecture and lab component from the previous week.
Given the diversity of instructors in the course, we do not plan to hold regular office hours, but students should feel free to reach out to any instructor via e-mail to schedule a meeting. We will be available to meet individually with students as needed.
If you need to miss a lecture, we will address it on a case-by-case basis. Your lowest quiz score in each module will be dropped automatically. Please try not to miss more than one quiz per module.
We do not intend to record or broadcast lectures.