- jupyter notebook with:
- seq_driver imported and
seq_dict = seq_driver.seq_driver_incr(length, length)
- seq_driver imported and
import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d as p3
import numpy as np
fig = plt.figure()
ax = p3.Axes3D(fig)
for key, seq in seq_dict.items():
ax.plot(key[0]*np.ones(length),range(length),seq, label=str(key))
- surface plot
- re-arrange data into a matrix
Z = np.ndarray((len(initial),length))
for key, seq in seq_dict.items():
Z[key[0]-2,:] = seq
- X & Y grid data for each point in matrix
initial = [key[0] for key in seq_dict]
X,Y = np.meshgrid(range(length),initial)
- plot surface:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = p3.Axes3D(fig)
- testing is a vital part of all modern software projects
- confirms/demonstrates/defines expected behavior
- demontrates bugs and then demonstrates that bugs have been fixed
- prevents regression
- unit tests
- specific to individual functions
- test behavior under many possible conditions, including error conditions if errors are a possible response
- should be fast and automated so that there is no disincentive for running them often
- can include input/output of files
- consider a function you are writing and describe some tests
- integration tests
- ensure that an complete software project does what is expected
- often related to verification and validation
- verification
- are the equations implemented correctly
- validation
- are the correct equations implemented
- uncertainty quantification
- characterization of the uncertainty in the result of a simulation
- related to validation
- testing is a vital part of all modern software projects
Continuous integration
- fundamentally: merging updates to the mainline on a frequent basis
- key requirement:
- automated building of software (less relevant for Python)
- automated testing of software as it's proposed
- testing in a realistic environment
- services exist to assist with this, e.g. CircleCI