create shop script on symfony 4.1, using bootstrap, using multilang("en" is preferred)
- add minifier from API for
Main page:
- new/popular gods
- category list
- "searching..." line
Category page:
- gods for current cat.
- filteging
- pagination
Gods view:
- pic view in carusel mode
- able add2cart
- add2fav if not authorized
- in popup from header
- in "/login" path
- also popup from upthere
- confirmation via email(make it "spool"-ed to view links)
- gods list
- able to change num of them
- remove from cart
- process to payment with fullfill with:
- full Name
- full addr.
- addon info
- if user already registred, fill it from user profile.
- able to change name
- addr
- addon info.
- Adm manage logic
- CRUD gods
- CRUD categories
- User list: view,manage
- Stat for selling: by spec period
- Stat for user: reg by period
- Stat for gods: by view counts
- add fallback to managment.html if DB/PHP/others fails.
Code must be in good condition
- well formatted (see full preferred in
- well commented
- no useless code
- strict class,var,function names.
- Thin controllers
- Userfriendly routes
- composer
- php >= 7.4
- webpack
- mysql >= 5.6
- nodeJS >= 8.11
- run
git clone .
command - run
composer install
command - run
npm install
command to install frontend dependencies - set
your database connection data - run
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
to add las database tables - run
php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load
to load default datas - run
yarn add --dev @symfony/webpack-encore
to exec webpack script - run
yarn add webpack-notifier --dev
to - run
yarn encore dev
to generate the manifest.json file - map host to
folder - profit