An unofficial app to support students at Methodist Univeristy - Andriod version
It is not recommended to use unless you want to give feedback this early but if you want to actively use the software please wait until an official release.
If you have any comments, questions or ideas, send an email to [email protected]
❌ Add Settings in Overflow button on AppBar
❌ Link Student info database from Google FireBase to StudentInfo Fragment
✔️ Have AppLabel change with frament Tab--Instead had tabs correspond with fragment, AppLabel will always equal Home in Home Activity
✔️ Remove "Home" Item from NavagtionDrawer
✔️ Implement FireBase Signout
✔️ Change info in About Fragment
✔️ Added Tab Layout to Home Avtivity(NavActivity)
✔️ Three new Fragments(InfoFragment,AboutFragment,SignoutFragment)
✔️ SignoutFragment will be change to a single menu item on NavigationDrawer
✔️ ScrollView on AboutFragment
✔️ Implemented back button on AnnouncementsActivity and ScheduleActivity