start platform services
$ /usr/local/hadoop/sbin/start-dfs.sh $ /usr/local/spark/start-all.sh # if using the local host to run Spark
start the pio services and the EventServer
$ pio-start-all
stop pio
$ pio-stop-all
if this does not complete cleanly you may have a config problem so kill services by hand. Since
stops everything but HDFS and Spark we check to see if anything else is running$ jps -lm $ # check for orphaned HMaster, HRegionServer, HQuorumServer $ # or Console and kill separately to get a clean state $ kill some-pid
start PIO
$ pio-start-all
install pip to import data to the EventServer
$ sudo apt-get install python-pip
Check the pip installation guide if you aren't using Ubuntu
$ sudo pip install predictionio $ sudo pip install datetime
get the code and import sample data
$ git clone https://github.com/actionml/template-scala-parallel-universal-recommendation/tree/v0.3.0 universal $ cd universal $ pio app list # to see datasets in the EventServer $ pio app new handmade # if the app is not there $ python examples/import_handmade.py --access_key key-from-app-list
to train or retrain after any change to data or engine.json
$ pio build # do this before every train $ pio train -- --master spark://some-master:7077 --driver-memory 3g
now that you have a model trained deploy the PredictionServer
$ nohup pio deploy & # ready for queries on port 8000
to make sample queries
$ ./examples/multi-query-handmade.sh
The query script has many examples of query types supported by the UR and is a good source to draw from.
to retrain after a pio config change first restart pio as above, them retrain, no need to reimport unless you have rebuild HBase, in which case start from "start platform services" above.