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File metadata and controls

101 lines (89 loc) · 5.68 KB

Core Components


arxiv_miner/ consists of the classes to tap into the feed from ArXiv and creates an ArxivRecord in Elasticsearch. This is done so that records are only re-mined if necessary. Instructions to scrape data into Elasticsearch are provided here.

Mining and Parsing

arxiv_miner/ consists of a process that mines papers which get scraped. consists of the ArxivPaper class. This class extracts LaTeX source repository from remote source. Each LaTeX source repository is parsed to create a "Structure Tree" of the research document. The Structure tree is created using tex2py. The Structure tree helps correlate the structure of latex document.

The structure tree is then used to create a Section object. More information about Section object can be found in Core Structures The text within each Section is populated by using the opendetex library. The opendex library helps filter text information from individual tex files. A hacky algorithm based on number of tex files correlates the text with Structure Tree to create a single Section.

Instructions to mine papers after scraping and index into Elasticsearch are provided here.

Standalone Paper Parsing

from arxiv_miner import ArxivPaper,ResearchPaperFactory
# This will extract LaTeX source from ArXiv parse the data to a `Section` Object
paper = ArxivPaper.from_arxiv_id('1706.03762',ROOT_DICTORY_TO_STORE_LATEX,detex_path='<PATH_TO_DETEX_BINARY>')
# The will create a `ResearchPaper`
paperdoc = ResearchPaperFactory.from_arxiv_record(paper) 

Storage And Search

arxiv_miner/database/ consists of the core methods over Elasticsearch to search and aggregate data. Search and aggregation requires two classes :

  1. A wrapper class over Elasticsearch to execute the search and aggregate queries : KeywordsTextSearch or ArxivElasticTextSearch
    • These classes contains methods that help retrieve information from the index containing the mined documents.
    from arxiv_miner import KeywordsTextSearch 
    ELASTICARGS= dict(
    database = KeywordsTextSearch(**ELASTICARGS)
  2. A wrapper class to create the search and aggregation queries from input : TextSearchFilter, DateAggregation and TermsAggregation
    • Search and aggregation wrappers are created using elasticsearch_dsl.
    • TextSearchFilter is the core wrapper on what to search i.e. core filters over the indexed data after mining
    from arxiv_miner import TextSearchFilter, DATE_FIELD_NAME, CATEGORY_FIELD_NAME, TEXT_HIGHLIGHT,CategoryFilterItem
    text_filter = TextSearchFilter(
        id_vals=[], # Explicitly filtering arxiv_id's in search/aggregation
        no_date = False, # no_date : bool for not using date filter
        string_match_query="", # Text filter opt
        text_filter_fields = [], # Specific fields in search index to filter. 
        start_date_key=None, # start date filter opt
        end_date_key = None, # end date filter opt
        date_filter_field = DATE_FIELD_NAME, # date field upon which date filter will be applied
        category_filter = [],# [CategoryFilterItem] Use `category_filter` or `multi_category_filter`
        category_filter_values =[], # if len(category_filter) > 0 the category_filter_values required
        category_field = CATEGORY_FIELD_NAME,
        category_match_type= 'AND',
        multi_category_filter=[], # multi_category_filter : [[CategoryFilterItem]]
        sort_key=DATE_FIELD_NAME, # Sort Key upon which search results will be ordered
        highlights = TEXT_HIGHLIGHT,# Search keys to highligh results fragments from
        source_fields=[],# Particular fields to restrict search on
        # Page settings 
        scan=False# Full Dataset Traversal key # If scan==True, then no Pagination else paginate
    • DateAggregation and TermsAggregation inherit TextSearchFilter to create aggregations for date and keywords for a particular search query.

Standalone Usage

Paginated style results or iterator style retrieval of saved ArXiv Papers From Elasticsearch

from arxiv_miner import KeywordsTextSearch,TextSearchFilter
database = KeywordsTextSearch(**ELASTICARGS)
# Pagination Style retrieval
text_filter = TextSearchFilter(
    string_match_query="out of distribution generalization",
    end_date_key = '04/04/2021',
paginated_search_results = database.text_search(text_filter)
# Iterator style retrieval.
scan_text_filter = TextSearchFilter(
    string_match_query="out of distribution generalization",
    end_date_key = '04/04/2021',
for doc in database.text_search_scan(scan_text_filter):