Last Updated: 12 February 2021
Code Author: Alex Chan ([email protected])
This repo contains a JAX based implementation of the Approximate Variational Reward Imitation Learning (AVRIL) algorithm. The code is ready to run on the control environments in the OpenAI Gym, with pre-run expert trajectories stored in the volume folder.
Example usage:
from models import avril
from utils import load_data
# First setup the data, I have provided a helper function for dealing
# with the OpenAI gym control environemnts
inputs,targets,a_dim,s_dim = load_data('CartPole-v1',num_trajs=15)
# However, AVRIL can handle any data appropriately formatted, that is inputs
# that are (state,next_state) pairs and targets that are (action, next_action)
# pairs:
# inputs = [num_pairs x 2 x state_dimension]
# targets = [num_pairs x 2 x 1]
# You can define the reward to be state-only or state-action depending on use
agent = avril(inputs,targets,s_dim,a_dim,state_only=True)
# Train for set number of iterations with desired batch-size
# Now test by rolling out in the live Gym environment
This can be run by cloning this repository, creating a new virtual environment and running:
pip install -r requirements.txt
python AVRIL/
Expert trajctories to go in the volume directory can be found at:
Alternatively clone my personal repo at:
which contains the relevant files.
If you use this software please consider citing as follows:
title={Scalable Bayesian Inverse Reinforcement Learning},
author={Alex James Chan and Mihaela van der Schaar},
booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},