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Data structure

The full data folder is organized as follows:

|-- NeuralHaircut/implicit-hair-data
    |-- data
        |-- h3ds
        |-- monocular
            |-- case_name
                |-- video_frames  # after parsing .mp4 (optional)
                |-- colmap # (optional) 
                    |-- full_res_image
                    |-- cameras.npz
                    |-- point_cloud.ply
                    |-- database.db
                    |-- sparse
                    |-- dense
                    |-- sparse_txt

                |-- cameras.npz    # camera parameters
                |-- image
                |-- mask
                |-- hair_mask
                |-- orientation_maps
                |-- confidence_maps
                |-- dif_mask.png # scalp masking for diffusion model
                |-- cut_scalp_verts.pickle # scalp vertex for hairstyle
                |-- head_prior.obj  # FLAME prior head
                |-- head_prior_wo_eyes.obj # version wo eyes
                |-- scale.pickle # scale the scene into unit sphere
                |-- views.pickle # index of chosen views (optional)
                |-- initialization_pixie # initialization for shape, expression, pose, ...
                |-- openpose_kp # needed for mesh prior fitting (optional)   
                |-- fitted_cameras.pth # Checkpoint for fitted cameras (optional)

For the first stage you need the following:

Step 1. (Optional) Run COLMAP SfM to obtain cameras.

Run commands
colmap automatic_reconstructor --workspace_path  CASE_NAME/colmap  --image_path CASE_NAME/video_frames
mkdir CASE_NAME/colmap/sparse_txt && colmap model_converter --input_path CASE_NAME/colmap/sparse/0  --output_path CASE_NAME/colmap/sparse_txt --output_type TXT
To postprocess COLMAP's output run:
python --path_to_scene  ./implicit-hair-data/data/SCENE_TYPE/CASE --save_path ./implicit-hair-data/data/SCENE_TYPE/CASE/colmap

After this step you would obtain colmap/full_res_image, colmap/cameras.npz, colmap/point_cloud.ply

Step 2. (Optional) Define the region of interests in obtained point cloud.

Obtained colmap/point_cloud.ply is very noisy, so we are additionally define the region of interest using MeshLab and upload it to the current folder as point_cloud_cropped.ply.

Step 3. Transform cropped scene to lie in a unit sphere volume.

python preprocess_custom_data/ --case CASE --scene_type SCENE_TYPE --path_to_data ./implicit-hair-data/data/

After this step in./implicit-hair-data/data/SCENE_TYPE/CASE you would obtain scale.pickle.

Step 4. (Optional) Crop input images and postprocess cameras.

Note, now NeuralHaircut supports only the square images.

Step 5. Obtain hair, silhouette masks and orientation and confidence maps.

python preprocess_custom_data/ --scene_path ./implicit-hair-data/data/SCENE_TYPE/CASE/ --MODNET_ckpt path_to_modnet --CDGNET_ckpt path_to_cdgnet
python preprocess_custom_data/ --img_path ./implicit-hair-data/data/SCENE_TYPE/CASE/image/ --orient_dir ./implicit-hair-data/data/SCENE_TYPE/CASE/orientation_maps --conf_dir ./implicit-hair-data/data/SCENE_TYPE/CASE/confidence_maps

After this step in./implicit-hair-data/data/SCENE_TYPE/CASE you would obtain hair_mask, mask, confidence_maps, orientation_maps.

Step 6. (Optional) Define views on which you want to train and save it into views.pickle file.

Step 7. Using multiview images and cameras obtain FLAME head.

FLAME head would be used to regularize the scalp region.

More details could be find in multiview_optimization

Step 8. Cut eyes of FLAME head, needed for scalp regularizaton.

Could use MeshLab or run the following with predefined eyes faces.

python  ./preprocess_custom_data/ --case CASE --scene_type SCENE_TYPE --path_to_data ./implicit-hair-data/data/

After this step in./implicit-hair-data/data/SCENE_TYPE/CASE you would obtain head_prior_wo_eyes.obj.

For the second stage you need the following:

Step 1. Copy the checkpoint for hair sdf and orientation field, obtained meshes to the scene folder for convenience;

python ./preprocess_custom_data/ --case CASE --exp_name first_stage_reconctruction_CASE --conf_path ./configs/SCENE_TYPE/neural_strands*.yaml

* use neural_strands_w_camera_fitting.yaml if train with camera fitting.

After this step in./implicit-hair-data/data/SCENE_TYPE/CASE you would obtain final_hair.ply, final_head.ply, ckpt_final.pth, fitted_cameras.pth (optional)

Step 2. Extract visible hair surface from sdf;

python ./preprocess_custom_data/ --conf_path ./configs/SCENE_TYPE/neural_strands*.yaml  --case CASE --scene_type SCENE_TYPE --img_size 2160 --n_views 2

After this step in ./implicit-hair-data/data/SCENE_TYPE/CASE you would obtain hair_outer.ply.

Step 3. Remesh hair_outer.ply to ~10k vertex for acceleration;

Note, you could use either Meshlab to do that or any other library. Also, for scenes with long hair do remeshing for final_head.ply to properly deal with occlusions. You need to change the flagrender["mesh_path"] to final_head_remeshed.ply path in ./configs/hair_strands_textured.yaml .

After this step in./implicit-hair-data/data/SCENE_TYPE/CASE you would obtain hair_outer_remeshed.ply, final_head_remeshed.ply (optional).

Step 4. Extract scalp region for diffusion using the distance between hair sdf to scalp;

python ./preprocess_custom_data/ --distance 0.07 --conf_path ./configs/SCENE_TYPE/neural_strands*.yaml  --case CASE --scene_type SCENE_TYPE --path_to_data ./implicit-hair-data/data 

Note, you could change the distance between scalp and hair sdf if obtained scalp mesh is too small or too big for current hairstyle.

After this step in ./implicit-hair-data/data/SCENE_TYPE/CASE you would obtain cut_scalp_verts.pickle, scalp.obj, dif_mask.png.