title | description | published | date | tags | editor |
Drug Database for Inborn Errors of Metabolism (DDIEM) |
Drug database for inborn errors of metabolism. |
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2020-08-21 14:23:21 UTC |
database, metabolism, metabolic pathways, model organism, eukaryota, phenotype, organism-specific, mutant |
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Welcome to DDIEM, Drug database for inborn errors of metabolism. DDIEM database is a database on therapeutic strategies for inborn errors of metabolism. These strategies are classified by mechanism and outcome in DDIEM ontology . DDIEM uses this ontology to categorize the experimental treatments that have been proposed or applied. It includes descriptions of the phenotypes addressed by the treatment and drugs participating in treatment and procedures. {.is-info}
- DDIEM Main Page {.links-list}
More helpful for human- or human ortholog/homolog-focused research; less so for microbe-related work.
- No tutorials, guides, or in-depth tool descriptions available to users
- Familiarity with AberOWL Repository and/or DDIEM ontology is useful for facilitating search utility
- No tutorials/guides available within website.
- Of potential interest: AberOWL Repository | DDIEM
- Abdelhakim, M., McMurray, E., Syed, A. R., Kafkas, S., Kamau, A. A., Schofield, P. N., & Hoehndorf, R. (2020). DDIEM: drug database for inborn errors of metabolism. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases, 15(1), 1-12. {.grid-list}