title | description | published | date | tags | editor | dateCreated |
DNAproDB |
A database and web tool for structural analysis of DNA-Protein Complexes |
true |
2020-09-09 19:08:50 UTC |
tool, proteins, dna, 2017, data visualization |
markdown |
2020-05-26 16:56:32 UTC |
DNAproDB is a database, structure processing pipeline and web-based visualization tool which makes structural analysis of DNA-protein complexes easy. This database contains structural and biochemical features extracted from 4623 structures of DNA-protein complexes contained in the Protein Data Bank. This data can be used to analyze individual structures or to generate large datasets by constructing queries on a set of features. Additionally, you can upload your own structure and use the same processing and visualization tools for unpublished data. {.is-info}
- DNAproDB Main Page {.links-list}
- Must have a structure with DNA in it already.
- Good visualization of the positioning of the amino acids but not visualization of direct base-amino acid interaction.
- Hard to search for interactions.
- Quick search bar was not functionning.
- Help section Documentation {.links-list}
- Jared M. Sagendorf, Helen M. Berman, Remo Rohs; DNAproDB: an interactive tool for structural analysis of DNA–protein complexes. Nucleic Acids Res 2017, 45, W89-W97. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkx272 {.grid-list}