Error in user YAML: (<unknown>): mapping values are not allowed in this context at line 2 column 22
title: OmniPathDB
description: OmniPath: literature curated mammalian signaling pathways.
published: true
date: 2020-09-07T20:21:39.423Z
tags: eukaryotes, metabolic pathways, curated
editor: markdown
OmniPath is a comprehensive collection of molecular biology prior knowledge from 103 databases, with focus on literature curated human and rodent signaling pathways. {.is-info}
- OmniPathDB Main Page {.links-list}
- Figuring out how to use the webserver is difficult.
Not an easy tool to use, requires a lot of work from the user to understand.
- Türei, D., Korcsmáros, T., & Saez-Rodriguez, J. (2016). OmniPath: guidelines and gateway for literature-curated signaling pathway resources. Nature methods, 13(12), 966-967.
- Ceccarelli, F., Turei, D., Gabor, A., & Saez-Rodriguez, J. (2020). Bringing data from curated pathway resources to Cytoscape with OmniPath. Bioinformatics, 36(8), 2632-2633. {.grid-list}