title | description | published | date | tags |
proGenomes 2 |
Search and exploration tool for bacterial/archaeal genomes using non-redundant, high quality representative genomes. Search/explore genomes by species cluster, habitat, or phylogenetic markers. Can also classify a new genome using species clustering. |
true |
2020-04-13 18:46:42 UTC |
annotation, genomics, genomes, annotation tools, archaea, bacteria, pangenomes, taxonomy, species clusters, genome sets, ecology, 2019 |
proGenomes2 provides 87,920 consistently annotated bacterial and archaeal genomes from over 12000 species. These can be interactively explored and downloaded, whereby subsets can be customized e.g. taxonomic clades, representatives of each species or habitat-specific subsets. For each species cluster, precomputed pangenomes are available. {.is-info}
- proGenomes2 Main page {.links-list}
Very useful to gather reference genome sets.
- Daniel R Mende, et. al., proGenomes2: an improved database for accurate and consistent habitat, taxonomic and functional annotations of prokaryotic genomes, Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 48, Issue D1, 08 January 2020 {.grid-list}