title: Recent Finds (uncurated)
description: A feed of dated "finds": resources that we've stumbled upon and wanted to share but haven't had time to curate and review them
published: true
date: 2023-09-17T17:40:58.600Z
tags: recent, feed, updates, posts, uncurated
editor: markdown
dateCreated: 2023-09-17T15:46:22.154Z
Organized by most recent to least. New finds will appear at the top of the list.
Note that it is possible that tools may have become inactive, links may have died, or website locations may have moved since posting dates show here{.is-info}
Found by: VDC Bactopia Suite of tools for bacterial genome analysis; looks very comprehensive and well-funded https://bactopia.github.io/v3.0.0/
Found by: VDC GeneSpy "we do not look much at human data but here is a cool browser" https://lbbe-dmz.univ-lyon1.fr/GeneSpy/ ~Example Output
Found by: VDC CasPEDIA (Cas Protein Effector Database of Information and Assessment) Allows searching and browsing of Cas/CRISPR proteins by sequence etc. http://caspedia.org
Found by: VDC ProFaNA (Protein Family Neighborhood Analysis) http://bioinfo.sggw.edu.pl/neighborhood_analysis/ One of many tools offered publicly by the Department of Experimental Design and Bioinformatics, Warsaw University of Life Sciences SGGW (see other tools here)
Found by: VDC Taxallnomy Provides a way to balance NCBI Taxonomies (rank assignment, re-ranking, etc.) http://bioinfo.icb.ufmg.br/taxallnomy/
Found by: VDC dbCAN (automated Carbohydrate-active enzyme ANnotation) https://bcb.unl.edu/dbCAN2/
Found by: VDC Yeast Phenome A library of yeast phenotype screening data https://www.yeastphenome.org
Found by: C.J. Reed Pathway Tools Suite of tools designed for pathway bioinformatics, etc., with a systems biology lens https://pathwaytools.com
Found by: VDC MBGD (Microbial Genome Database for Comparative Analysis) https://mbgd.nibb.ac.jp