- Create "removeEventListener" method for broker accounts and broker orders.
- Create new logo.
- Now the broker accounts "getSymbolLastTick" method can return undefined.
- Create "getSymbolBid" and "getSymbolAsk" methods for broker accounts.
- Create "tick" event for broker orders.
- Create "initiator" field for broker orders.
- Extend error types enumeration.
- Create "tryLogin" method for brokers.
- Create "canPlaceOrder" method for broker accounts, to check if the place order obstacles are equal to zero.
- Create "getPlaceOrderObstacles" method for broker accounts, to get the possible list of errors when placing an order (for example market closed).
- Create error types enumeration.
- Create "tryPlaceOrder" method for broker accounts.
- Create "openOrders" property for expert advisors.
- Create "setViewport" method for browser tabs.
- Plugins installations are now based on ids.
- Remove right click method from browser tabs and create options object in the click method.
- Return string symbols instead of objects when requesting the account symbols.
- Remove export of spread type.
- Remove spread type property from symbols.
- Expose puppeteer page instance in browser tab.
- Define monthly timeframe type.
- Create "rightClick" method for browser tabs.
- Create "evaluateOnNewDocument" method for browser tabs.