This page provides basic tutorials about the usage of MMFashion
We provide testing scripts to evaluate a whole dataset (Category and Attribute Prediction Benchmark, In-Shop Clothes Retrieval Benchmark, Fashion Landmark Detection Benchmark etc.), and also some high-level apis for easier integration to other projects.
You can use the following commands to test an image.
python demo/test_*.py --input ${INPUT_IMAGE_FILE}
Assume that you have already downloaded the checkpoints to checkpoints/
Test an attribute predictor.
# Prepare `Anno/list_attr_cloth.txt` which is specified in `configs/attribute_predict/` python demo/ \ --input demo/imgs/attr_pred_demo1.jpg
Test an in-shop / Consumer-to_shop clothes retriever.
# Prepare the gallery data which is specified in `configs/retriever_in_shop/` python demo/ \ --input demo/imgs/retrieve_demo1.jpg
Test a landmark detector.
python demo/ \ --input demo/imgs/04_1_front.jpg
Test a fashion-compatibility predictor.
python demo/ \ --input_dir demo/imgs/fashion_compatibility/set2
You can use the following commands to test a dataset.
python tools/test_*.py --config ${CONFIG_FILE} --checkpoint ${CHECKPOINT_FILE}
Assume that you have already downloaded the checkpoints to checkpoints/
and prepared the dataset in data/
Test an attribute predictor.
python tools/ \ --config configs/attribute_predict/ \ --checkpoint checkpoint/Predict/vgg/roi/latest.pth
Test an in-shop / Consumer-to_shop clothes retriever.
python tools/ \ --config configs/retriever_in_shop/ \ --checkpoint checkpoint/Retrieve_in_shop/vgg/latest.pth
python tools/ \ --config configs/retriever_consumer_to_shop/ \ --checkpoint checkpoint/Retrieve_consumer_to_shop/vgg/latest.pth
Test a landmark detector.
python tools/ \ --config configs/landmark_detect/ --checkpoint checkpoint/LandmarkDetect/vgg/latest.pth
Test a fashion-compatibility predictor.
python tools/ \ --config configs/fashion_recommendation/ --checkpoint checkpoint/FashionRecommend/TypeAware/latest.pth
You can use the following commands to train a model.
python tools/train_*.py --config ${CONFIG_FILE}
Train an attribute predictor.
python tools/ \ --config configs/attribute_predict/
Train an in-shop clothes / Consumer-to-shop retriever.
python tools/ \ --config configs/retriever_in_shop/
python tools/ \ --config configs/retriever_consumer_to_shop/
Train a landmark detector.
python tools/ \ --config configs/landmark_detect/
Train a fashion-compatibility predictor.
python tools/ \ --config configs/fashion_recommendation/
Train a fashion detector.
python mmdetection/tools/ \ configs/fashion_parsing_segmentation/
The simplest way is to prepare your dataset to existing dataset formats (AttrDataset, InShopDataset, ConsumerToShopDataset or LandmarkDetectDataset).
Please refer to for the dataset specifics.