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Neural Network Verification Model Translation Tool (NNVMT)

This repository contains an implementation of a translation tool for neural network models into the Open Neural Network Exchange format developped by Facebook and Microsoft. The tool is also able to neural network models so that the weights and biases can be exported into the Microsoft Access Table (.mat) format. We are also working on implementing printing from the ONNX format into the various input formats of the formal verification software tools available within the research literature.

The tool is written is Python 3. If you are using a virtual enviromnment please make sure you are using Python 3. We highly recommend the use of Anaconda

Installing the translator

Create a new conda environment: conda create -n myenv python=3.6

Activate the environment: conda activate myenv

To install the dependencies run the following command:

pip install --user -r requirements.txt

Alternatively, if you would like to install each package independently run the following commands:

  • Numpy: conda install -c anaconda numpy
  • Scipy: conda install -c anaconda scipy
  • Keras: conda install -c anaconda keras
  • h5py: conda install -c anaconda h5py
  • Pathlib: conda install -c menpo pathlib
  • ONNX: pip install onnx
  • Tensorflow: pip install tensorflow
  • onnx-tf: pip install onnx-tf
  • onnxmltools: pip install onnxmltools


  • make sure you have installed TkInter
    • if you have anaconda run: conda install -c anaconda tk or sudo apt-get install python-tk

To test your installation and perform unit tests kindly run the following command:

python -m unittest -q test_nnvmt

Parsers available for neural networks created in the following libraries:

Verification Tools Currently Supported

NNMT Usage

NNMT has been tested on

  • MacOS Mojave Version 10.14
  • Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS (Xenial Xerus)
  • Windows 10


NNMT can be run through a GUI. To use the GUI, after installing the above libraries simply run

Command Line Usage

After installing the above libraries, you can run the transalator python files --help or (-h) flag to see the high-level usage:

python -h
usage: [-h] -i INPUT -o OUTPUT -t TOOL [-f OUTPUTFORMAT] [-j CONFIG]

Neural Network Model Translation Tool

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT, --inputFile INPUT
                        path to the input file
  -o OUTPUT, --outputFile OUTPUT
                        output file path
  -t TOOL, --tool TOOL  input file type i.e (Reluplex,Keras...)
                        output format to be translated to default: matfile
  -j CONFIG, --json CONFIG, --ckpt CONFIG
                        Checkpoint file for Tensorflow models or optional json
                        model for Keras models

Converting An Example

python -i original_networks/ACASXU_run2a_4_3_batch_2000.nnet -o translated_networks/ -t nnet -f mat

The output obtained is saved as a .mat file containing the following:

  • W: weight matrices
  • b: bias matrices
  • act_fcns: activation functions

Translating into other model formats

To convert into the formats of other tools such as Caffe2 [PyTorch] Matlab or several others use the ONNX converter which can be found here

Repository Organization

  • src: contains the code for translating the models
  • original_networks: contains several input format types that one can use to test out the tool
  • translated_networks: contains several neural networks that have been translated using nnvmt
  • tests: contains text files with test cases for unit testing
  • ONNX: a collection of neural network models stored in the ONNX format


For questions please contact

  1. Patrick Musau: [email protected]
  2. Diego Manzanas: [email protected]