diff --git a/dist.js b/dist.js index 63253be..14f5b2e 100644 --- a/dist.js +++ b/dist.js @@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ var compressor = require('node-minify'); compressor.minify({ compressor: 'gcc', input: 'js/phyd3.*.js', - output: 'js/phyd3.min.js' + output: '/tmp/phyd3.min.js' }).then(function(min) { compressor.minify({ compressor: 'no-compress', - input: 'js/*.min.js', + input: ['js/*.min.js', '/tmp/phyd3.min.js'], output: 'dist/js/phyd3.min.js' }); }); diff --git a/dist/index.html b/dist/index.html index 360363a..32f493d 100644 --- a/dist/index.html +++ b/dist/index.html @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ showNodesType: "only leaf", showPhylogram: false, showTaxonomy: true, - showFullTaxonomy: true, + showFullTaxonomy: false, showSequences: true, showTaxonomyColors: true, backgroundColor: "#f5f5f5", diff --git a/dist/js/phyd3.min.js b/dist/js/phyd3.min.js index 91e1670..9547d60 100644 --- a/dist/js/phyd3.min.js +++ b/dist/js/phyd3.min.js @@ -1,3 +1,96 @@ +var $jscomp={scope:{}};$jscomp.defineProperty="function"==typeof Object.defineProperties?Object.defineProperty:function(b,d,a){if(a.get||a.set)throw new TypeError("ES3 does not support getters and setters.");b!=Array.prototype&&b!=Object.prototype&&(b[d]=a.value)};$jscomp.getGlobal=function(b){return"undefined"!=typeof window&&window===b?b:"undefined"!=typeof global&&null!=global?global:b};$jscomp.global=$jscomp.getGlobal(this);$jscomp.SYMBOL_PREFIX="jscomp_symbol_"; +$jscomp.initSymbol=function(){$jscomp.initSymbol=function(){};$jscomp.global.Symbol||($jscomp.global.Symbol=$jscomp.Symbol)};$jscomp.symbolCounter_=0;$jscomp.Symbol=function(b){return $jscomp.SYMBOL_PREFIX+(b||"")+$jscomp.symbolCounter_++}; +$jscomp.initSymbolIterator=function(){$jscomp.initSymbol();var b=$jscomp.global.Symbol.iterator;b||(b=$jscomp.global.Symbol.iterator=$jscomp.global.Symbol("iterator"));"function"!=typeof Array.prototype[b]&&$jscomp.defineProperty(Array.prototype,b,{configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:function(){return $jscomp.arrayIterator(this)}});$jscomp.initSymbolIterator=function(){}};$jscomp.arrayIterator=function(b){var d=0;return $jscomp.iteratorPrototype(function(){return dphyd3.phylogram.dx&&(phyd3.phylogram.dx=d[2][0]);return"M"+d[0]+" "+d[1]+" "+d[2]};phyd3.phylogram.scaleBranchLengths=function(b,d){function a(b,d){d(b);if(b.children)for(var e=b.children.length-1;0<=e;e--)a(b.children[e],d)}a(b[0],function(a){a.rootDist=(a.parent?a.parent.rootDist:0)+(a.branchLength||0)});var e=b.map(function(a){return a.rootDist}),g=d3.scale.linear().domain([0,d3.max(e)]).range([0,d]);a(b[0],function(a){a.y=parseInt(g(a.rootDist))});return g};phyd3.phylogram.randomColor= +function(){function b(a,b,d){0>d&&(d+=1);1d?b:d<2/3?a+(b-a)*(2/3-d)*6:a}var d=Math.random();return function(a,d,g){if(0==d)g=d=a=g;else{var e=.5>g?g*(1+d):g+d-g*d,h=2*g-e;g=b(h,e,a+1/3);d=b(h,e,a);a=b(h,e,a-1/3)}return"#"+Math.round(255*g).toString(16)+Math.round(255*d).toString(16)+Math.round(255*a).toString(16)}((d+.618033988749895)%1,.5,.6)};phyd3.phylogram.scaledomainWidths=function(b,d){b=b.map(function(a){return a.sequences&&a.sequences[0]&&a.sequences[0].domainArchitecture&& +a.sequences[0].domainArchitecture.sequenceLength?a.sequences[0].domainArchitecture.sequenceLength:0});return d3.scale.linear().domain([0,d3.max(b)]).range([0,d])};phyd3.phylogram.build=function(b,d,a){function e(){return a.invertColors?a.backgroundColor:a.foregroundColor}function g(){var d=b.replace("#",""),d=document.getElementById(d).querySelector("svg"),e=d.getElementById("main"),f=e.getBBox(),e=e.getAttributeNode("transform"),U=d.getAttributeNode("width"),n=d.getAttributeNode("height"),k=e.value, +l=U.value,g=n.value;e.value="translate("+a.marginX+", "+a.marginY+")";U.value=f.width+a.marginX;n.value=f.height+a.marginY;if("undefined"!=typeof window.XMLSerializer)var x=(new XMLSerializer).serializeToString(d);else"undefined"!=typeof d.xml&&(x=d.xml);e.value=k;U.value=l;n.value=g;return x}function m(){a.showDomains?(F=phyd3.phylogram.scaledomainWidths(A,a.domainWidth),u.append("svg:path").attr("class","domain").attr("stroke",e()).attr("visibility",function(a,d){return a.show?"visibile":"hidden"}), +B=B.data(function(a,d,b){a=a.sequences&&a.sequences[0]&&a.sequences[0].domainArchitecture?a.sequences[0].domainArchitecture.domains:[];for(b=0;bd&&(d=a.length);return a}); +p.selectAll("g.node.inner").selectAll("text.name").text(P);a.showGraphs&&J();a.showDomains&&C()}function G(){u.selectAll("text.name").attr("visibility",function(a){return a.show?"visible":"hidden"});a.lineupNodes&&u.selectAll("path.support").attr("visibility",function(a){return a.show?"visible":"hidden"});a.showLabels&&da();a.showGraphs&&ea();a.showDomains&&r()}function W(){p.selectAll("text.name").attr("stroke",e()).attr("stroke-width",a.outline+"px").attr("fill",function(b){var q=null;if(a.showTaxonomyColors&& +d.taxcolors&&b.taxonomies)for(var f in b.taxonomies){var g=b.taxonomies[f];d.taxcolors[g.code]&&d.taxcolors[g.code].color&&(q=d.taxcolors[g.code].color.replace(/0x/,"#"))}return q?q:e()})}function fa(){u.selectAll("text.name").attr("dx",function(d){return parseInt(a.lineupNodes?phyd3.phylogram.dx-d.y+5:5)});u.selectAll("path.support").attr("d",function(a){return"M0,0 L"+parseInt(phyd3.phylogram.dx-a.y)+",0"});a.showLabels&&X();a.showGraphs&&J();a.showDomains&&C()}function z(){p.selectAll("text.name").attr("dy", +a.nodeHeight/2).attr("font-size",1.5*a.nodeHeight+"px");p.selectAll("text.branchLength").attr("dy",-a.nodeHeight/2).attr("font-size",1.5*a.nodeHeight+"px");p.selectAll("text.supportValue").attr("dy",a.nodeHeight/2+5).attr("font-size",1.5*a.nodeHeight+"px");H=100*a.nodeHeight/6+10;d3.select("#nodeHeight").attr("value",a.nodeHeight);fa();a.showLabels&&X();a.showGraphs&&J();a.showDomains&&C()}function ga(){if(a.showLabels&&d.labels){console.log(d.labels);for(var b=0;bg&&(g=q);return"translate("+parseInt(e+b+I+(a.lineupNodes?phyd3.phylogram.dx-d.y+H:H))+","+l+")"});I+=g+2*b}e=u.selectAll(".nodelabel");e.selectAll("text").attr("dy",a.nodeHeight/ +2).attr("font-size",1.5*a.nodeHeight+"px");e.selectAll("rect").attr("width",2*a.nodeHeight).attr("height",2*a.nodeHeight)}}function da(){u.selectAll(".nodelabel").attr("visibility",function(a){return a.show?"visible":"hidden"})}function ha(){if(a.showGraphs&&d.graphs&&d.graphs.length){d3.svg.arc().innerRadius(0).outerRadius(a.nodeHeight);for(var b=d3.layout.pie().value(function(a){return a.value}).sort(null),g=v=0;gh||ml||pE&&(E=T-2*H-(a.showGraphs?2*O:0));var Y=d3.behavior.zoom().scaleExtent([1,1]).on("zoom",function(b){b=0;var d=d3.event.sourceEvent; +if(d){if(0d.wheelDelta)b=-1*a.scaleStep;if(0>d.deltaY||0b?-10:10,10>a.graphWidth&&(a.graphWidth=10),a.domainWidth+=0==b?0:0>b?-1*a.domainWidthStep:a.domainWidthStep,a.domainWidthphyd3.phylogram.dx&&(phyd3.phylogram.dx=d[2][0]);return"M"+d[0]+" "+d[1]+" "+d[2]};phyd3.phylogram.scaleBranchLengths=function(b,d){function a(b,d){d(b);if(b.children)for(var e=b.children.length-1;0<=e;e--)a(b.children[e],d)}a(b[0],function(a){a.rootDist=(a.parent?a.parent.rootDist:0)+(a.branchLength||0)});var e=b.map(function(a){return a.rootDist}),g=d3.scale.linear().domain([0,d3.max(e)]).range([0,d]);a(b[0],function(a){a.y=parseInt(g(a.rootDist))});return g};phyd3.phylogram.randomColor= -function(){function b(a,b,d){0>d&&(d+=1);1d?b:d<2/3?a+(b-a)*(2/3-d)*6:a}var d=Math.random();return function(a,d,g){if(0==d)g=d=a=g;else{var e=.5>g?g*(1+d):g+d-g*d,h=2*g-e;g=b(h,e,a+1/3);d=b(h,e,a);a=b(h,e,a-1/3)}return"#"+Math.round(255*g).toString(16)+Math.round(255*d).toString(16)+Math.round(255*a).toString(16)}((d+.618033988749895)%1,.5,.6)};phyd3.phylogram.scaledomainWidths=function(b,d){b=b.map(function(a){return a.sequences&&a.sequences[0]&&a.sequences[0].domainArchitecture&& -a.sequences[0].domainArchitecture.sequenceLength?a.sequences[0].domainArchitecture.sequenceLength:0});return d3.scale.linear().domain([0,d3.max(b)]).range([0,d])};phyd3.phylogram.build=function(b,d,a){function e(){return a.invertColors?a.backgroundColor:a.foregroundColor}function g(){var d=b.replace("#",""),d=document.getElementById(d).querySelector("svg"),e=d.getElementById("main"),f=e.getBBox(),e=e.getAttributeNode("transform"),U=d.getAttributeNode("width"),n=d.getAttributeNode("height"),k=e.value, -l=U.value,g=n.value;e.value="translate("+a.marginX+", "+a.marginY+")";U.value=f.width+a.marginX;n.value=f.height+a.marginY;if("undefined"!=typeof window.XMLSerializer)var x=(new XMLSerializer).serializeToString(d);else"undefined"!=typeof d.xml&&(x=d.xml);e.value=k;U.value=l;n.value=g;return x}function m(){a.showDomains?(F=phyd3.phylogram.scaledomainWidths(A,a.domainWidth),u.append("svg:path").attr("class","domain").attr("stroke",e()).attr("visibility",function(a,d){return a.show?"visibile":"hidden"}), -B=B.data(function(a,d,b){a=a.sequences&&a.sequences[0]&&a.sequences[0].domainArchitecture?a.sequences[0].domainArchitecture.domains:[];for(b=0;bd&&(d=a.length);return a});p.selectAll("g.node.inner").selectAll("text.name").text(P);a.showGraphs&&J();a.showDomains&&C()}function G(){u.selectAll("text.name").attr("visibility",function(a){return a.show?"visible":"hidden"});a.lineupNodes&&u.selectAll("path.support").attr("visibility",function(a){return a.show?"visible":"hidden"});a.showLabels&&da();a.showGraphs&&ea();a.showDomains&&t()}function W(){p.selectAll("text.name").attr("stroke", -e()).attr("stroke-width",a.outline+"px").attr("fill",function(b){var q=null;if(a.showTaxonomyColors&&d.taxcolors&&b.taxonomies)for(var f in b.taxonomies){var g=b.taxonomies[f];d.taxcolors[g.code]&&d.taxcolors[g.code].color&&(q=d.taxcolors[g.code].color.replace(/0x/,"#"))}return q?q:e()})}function fa(){u.selectAll("text.name").attr("dx",function(d){return parseInt(a.lineupNodes?phyd3.phylogram.dx-d.y+5:5)});u.selectAll("path.support").attr("d",function(a){return"M0,0 L"+parseInt(phyd3.phylogram.dx- -a.y)+",0"});a.showLabels&&X();a.showGraphs&&J();a.showDomains&&C()}function z(){p.selectAll("text.name").attr("dy",a.nodeHeight/2).attr("font-size",1.5*a.nodeHeight+"px");p.selectAll("text.branchLength").attr("dy",-a.nodeHeight/2).attr("font-size",1.5*a.nodeHeight+"px");p.selectAll("text.supportValue").attr("dy",a.nodeHeight/2+5).attr("font-size",1.5*a.nodeHeight+"px");H=100*a.nodeHeight/6+10;d3.select("#nodeHeight").attr("value",a.nodeHeight);fa();a.showLabels&&X();a.showGraphs&&J();a.showDomains&& -C()}function ga(){if(a.showLabels&&d.labels){for(var b=0;bg&&(g=q);return"translate("+parseInt(e+b+I+(a.lineupNodes? -phyd3.phylogram.dx-d.y+H:H))+","+l+")"});I+=g+2*b}e=u.selectAll(".nodelabel");e.selectAll("text").attr("dy",a.nodeHeight/2).attr("font-size",1.5*a.nodeHeight+"px");e.selectAll("rect").attr("width",2*a.nodeHeight).attr("height",2*a.nodeHeight)}}function da(){u.selectAll(".nodelabel").attr("visibility",function(a){return a.show?"visible":"hidden"})}function ha(){if(a.showGraphs&&d.graphs&&d.graphs.length){d3.svg.arc().innerRadius(0).outerRadius(a.nodeHeight);for(var b=d3.layout.pie().value(function(a){return a.value}).sort(null), -g=v=0;gh||ml||pE&&(E=T-2*H-(a.showGraphs?2*O:0));var Y=d3.behavior.zoom().scaleExtent([1,1]).on("zoom",function(b){b=0;var d=d3.event.sourceEvent;if(d){if(0d.wheelDelta)b=-1*a.scaleStep;if(0>d.deltaY||0b?-10:10,10>a.graphWidth&&(a.graphWidth=10),a.domainWidth+=0==b?0:0>b?-1*a.domainWidthStep:a.domainWidthStep,a.domainWidthExtended phyloXML You can specify the taxonomy name, color and URL in the <taxonomies> section of extended phyloXML.
These information will be displayed on the tree, in node infobox as well as used for taxonomy colorization.
The taxonomy codes must match ones used in phylogeny. Use HEX values for colors (0xRRGGBB). Use full URL for links (starting with http://).
- See the example below. + See the code below and also working example.
 <phyloxml xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://www.phyloxml.org"
           xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.phyloxml.org http://www.phyloxml.org/1.10/phyloxml.xsd">
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ 

Extended phyloXML

You can specify domain description, color and URL in the <domains> section of extended phyloXML.
These information will be displayed on the tree, in node infobox as well as used for domain colorization.
The domain codes must match ones used in phylogeny. Use HEX values for colors (0xRRGGBB). Use full URL for links (starting with http://).
- See the example below. + See the code below and also working example.
 <phyloxml xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://www.phyloxml.org"
           xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.phyloxml.org http://www.phyloxml.org/1.10/phyloxml.xsd">
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ 

Extended phyloXML

It is possible to display on the tree additional node labels. Those labels can be created from existing node properties or other tags.
There are two kinds of labels: text labels and color labels.
To specify which properties to show use <labels> section in extended phyloXML. Type can be either text or color. Data tag and ref must match the intended clade property to be displayed. Use HEX values for colors (0xRRGGBB).
- See the example below. + See the code below and also working example.
 <phyloxml xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://www.phyloxml.org"
           xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.phyloxml.org http://www.phyloxml.org/1.10/phyloxml.xsd">
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ 

Extended phyloXML

  • legend - for each value series of your data, you need to specify the legend field; for each field you need to put field name (which will be displayed to the user in legend and infobox popup), color that will be used to draw this series (for all graph types besides heatmap) and for binary graph also a symbol shape (one of circle); additionally for heatmap you need to specify which gradient spec to use (name & classes following the ColorBrewer2)
  • data - for each clade id you wish to display the graph for, you need to include data values, ordered in series defined in legend; you can also use existing tags or properties from phylogeny tree, referencing them by tag and ref attributes of data tag; to turn single values into pie charts use min and max tags inside data tag. - See the example below. + See the code below and also working examples of leaf node graphs or inner node graphs.
     <phyloxml xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://www.phyloxml.org"
               xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.phyloxml.org http://www.phyloxml.org/1.10/phyloxml.xsd">
    diff --git a/fetch.php b/fetch.php
    old mode 100755
    new mode 100644
    diff --git a/img/BITS.png b/img/BITS.png
    old mode 100755
    new mode 100644
    diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
    old mode 100755
    new mode 100644
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    deleted file mode 100644
    index 9bdebae..0000000
    --- a/js/phyd3.min.js
    +++ /dev/null
    @@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
    -var $jscomp={scope:{}};$jscomp.defineProperty="function"==typeof Object.defineProperties?Object.defineProperty:function(b,d,a){if(a.get||a.set)throw new TypeError("ES3 does not support getters and setters.");b!=Array.prototype&&b!=Object.prototype&&(b[d]=a.value)};$jscomp.getGlobal=function(b){return"undefined"!=typeof window&&window===b?b:"undefined"!=typeof global&&null!=global?global:b};$jscomp.global=$jscomp.getGlobal(this);$jscomp.SYMBOL_PREFIX="jscomp_symbol_";
    -$jscomp.initSymbol=function(){$jscomp.initSymbol=function(){};$jscomp.global.Symbol||($jscomp.global.Symbol=$jscomp.Symbol)};$jscomp.symbolCounter_=0;$jscomp.Symbol=function(b){return $jscomp.SYMBOL_PREFIX+(b||"")+$jscomp.symbolCounter_++};
    -$jscomp.initSymbolIterator=function(){$jscomp.initSymbol();var b=$jscomp.global.Symbol.iterator;b||(b=$jscomp.global.Symbol.iterator=$jscomp.global.Symbol("iterator"));"function"!=typeof Array.prototype[b]&&$jscomp.defineProperty(Array.prototype,b,{configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:function(){return $jscomp.arrayIterator(this)}});$jscomp.initSymbolIterator=function(){}};$jscomp.arrayIterator=function(b){var d=0;return $jscomp.iteratorPrototype(function(){return dphyd3.phylogram.dx&&(phyd3.phylogram.dx=d[2][0]);return"M"+d[0]+" "+d[1]+" "+d[2]};phyd3.phylogram.scaleBranchLengths=function(b,d){function a(b,d){d(b);if(b.children)for(var e=b.children.length-1;0<=e;e--)a(b.children[e],d)}a(b[0],function(a){a.rootDist=(a.parent?a.parent.rootDist:0)+(a.branchLength||0)});var e=b.map(function(a){return a.rootDist}),g=d3.scale.linear().domain([0,d3.max(e)]).range([0,d]);a(b[0],function(a){a.y=parseInt(g(a.rootDist))});return g};phyd3.phylogram.randomColor=
    -function(){function b(a,b,d){0>d&&(d+=1);1d?b:d<2/3?a+(b-a)*(2/3-d)*6:a}var d=Math.random();return function(a,d,g){if(0==d)g=d=a=g;else{var e=.5>g?g*(1+d):g+d-g*d,h=2*g-e;g=b(h,e,a+1/3);d=b(h,e,a);a=b(h,e,a-1/3)}return"#"+Math.round(255*g).toString(16)+Math.round(255*d).toString(16)+Math.round(255*a).toString(16)}((d+.618033988749895)%1,.5,.6)};phyd3.phylogram.scaledomainWidths=function(b,d){b=b.map(function(a){return a.sequences&&a.sequences[0]&&a.sequences[0].domainArchitecture&&
    -a.sequences[0].domainArchitecture.sequenceLength?a.sequences[0].domainArchitecture.sequenceLength:0});return d3.scale.linear().domain([0,d3.max(b)]).range([0,d])};phyd3.phylogram.build=function(b,d,a){function e(){return a.invertColors?a.backgroundColor:a.foregroundColor}function g(){var d=b.replace("#",""),d=document.getElementById(d).querySelector("svg"),e=d.getElementById("main"),f=e.getBBox(),e=e.getAttributeNode("transform"),U=d.getAttributeNode("width"),n=d.getAttributeNode("height"),k=e.value,
    -l=U.value,g=n.value;e.value="translate("+a.marginX+", "+a.marginY+")";U.value=f.width+a.marginX;n.value=f.height+a.marginY;if("undefined"!=typeof window.XMLSerializer)var x=(new XMLSerializer).serializeToString(d);else"undefined"!=typeof d.xml&&(x=d.xml);e.value=k;U.value=l;n.value=g;return x}function m(){a.showDomains?(F=phyd3.phylogram.scaledomainWidths(A,a.domainWidth),u.append("svg:path").attr("class","domain").attr("stroke",e()).attr("visibility",function(a,d){return a.show?"visibile":"hidden"}),
    -B=B.data(function(a,d,b){a=a.sequences&&a.sequences[0]&&a.sequences[0].domainArchitecture?a.sequences[0].domainArchitecture.domains:[];for(b=0;bd&&(d=a.length);return a});p.selectAll("g.node.inner").selectAll("text.name").text(P);a.showGraphs&&J();a.showDomains&&C()}function G(){u.selectAll("text.name").attr("visibility",function(a){return a.show?"visible":"hidden"});a.lineupNodes&&u.selectAll("path.support").attr("visibility",function(a){return a.show?"visible":"hidden"});a.showLabels&&da();a.showGraphs&&ea();a.showDomains&&t()}function W(){p.selectAll("text.name").attr("stroke",
    -e()).attr("stroke-width",a.outline+"px").attr("fill",function(b){var q=null;if(a.showTaxonomyColors&&d.taxcolors&&b.taxonomies)for(var f in b.taxonomies){var g=b.taxonomies[f];d.taxcolors[g.code]&&d.taxcolors[g.code].color&&(q=d.taxcolors[g.code].color.replace(/0x/,"#"))}return q?q:e()})}function fa(){u.selectAll("text.name").attr("dx",function(d){return parseInt(a.lineupNodes?phyd3.phylogram.dx-d.y+5:5)});u.selectAll("path.support").attr("d",function(a){return"M0,0 L"+parseInt(phyd3.phylogram.dx-
    -a.y)+",0"});a.showLabels&&X();a.showGraphs&&J();a.showDomains&&C()}function z(){p.selectAll("text.name").attr("dy",a.nodeHeight/2).attr("font-size",1.5*a.nodeHeight+"px");p.selectAll("text.branchLength").attr("dy",-a.nodeHeight/2).attr("font-size",1.5*a.nodeHeight+"px");p.selectAll("text.supportValue").attr("dy",a.nodeHeight/2+5).attr("font-size",1.5*a.nodeHeight+"px");H=100*a.nodeHeight/6+10;d3.select("#nodeHeight").attr("value",a.nodeHeight);fa();a.showLabels&&X();a.showGraphs&&J();a.showDomains&&
    -C()}function ga(){if(a.showLabels&&d.labels){for(var b=0;bg&&(g=q);return"translate("+parseInt(e+b+I+(a.lineupNodes?
    -phyd3.phylogram.dx-d.y+H:H))+","+l+")"});I+=g+2*b}e=u.selectAll(".nodelabel");e.selectAll("text").attr("dy",a.nodeHeight/2).attr("font-size",1.5*a.nodeHeight+"px");e.selectAll("rect").attr("width",2*a.nodeHeight).attr("height",2*a.nodeHeight)}}function da(){u.selectAll(".nodelabel").attr("visibility",function(a){return a.show?"visible":"hidden"})}function ha(){if(a.showGraphs&&d.graphs&&d.graphs.length){d3.svg.arc().innerRadius(0).outerRadius(a.nodeHeight);for(var b=d3.layout.pie().value(function(a){return a.value}).sort(null),
    -g=v=0;gh||ml||pE&&(E=T-2*H-(a.showGraphs?2*O:0));var Y=d3.behavior.zoom().scaleExtent([1,1]).on("zoom",function(b){b=0;var d=d3.event.sourceEvent;if(d){if(0d.wheelDelta)b=-1*a.scaleStep;if(0>d.deltaY||0b?-10:10,10>a.graphWidth&&(a.graphWidth=10),a.domainWidth+=0==b?0:0>b?-1*a.domainWidthStep:a.domainWidthStep,a.domainWidth
    -            0.04881499999999998
    -            90.0
    -               0.10658
    -               93.0
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    -                  100.0
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    -                              97.0
    -                                 0.0067
    -                                 44.0
    -                                    MD00G318760
    -                                    http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Arabidopsis+thaliana
    -                                    Some more information displayed in popup
    -                                    0.02216
    -                                       mdo
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                    10
    -                                    MD03G018750
    -                                    0.14794
    -                                       mdo
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                    11
    -                                 9
    -                                 0.04435
    -                                 21.0
    -                                    PPE_004G18470
    -                                    0.05511
    -                                       ppe
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                    13
    -                                    FV3G27550
    -                                    0.22334
    -                                       fve
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                    14
    -                                 12
    -                              8
    -                              0.05375
    -                              70.0
    -                                 EG0006G08470
    -                                 0.13203
    -                                    egr
    -                                       IPR011992
    -                                       IPR002048
    -                                 16
    -                                 BV0G42860
    -                                 0.2183
    -                                    bvu
    -                                       IPR002048
    -                                       IPR011992
    -                                 17
    -                              15
    -                           7
    -                           0.12961
    -                           95.0
    -                              0.02772
    -                              13.0
    -                                 0.08548
    -                                 92.0
    -                                    0.05567
    -                                    94.0
    -                                       MT2G081440
    -                                       0.1079
    -                                          mtr
    -                                             IPR011992
    -                                             IPR002048
    -                                       22
    -                                       MT2G081350
    -                                       0.02674
    -                                          mtr
    -                                             IPR002048
    -                                             IPR011992
    -                                       23
    -                                    21
    -                                    MT2G081300
    -                                    0.01661
    -                                       mtr
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                    24
    -                                 20
    -                                 0.11099
    -                                 95.0
    -                                    GM12G34610
    -                                    0.13165
    -                                       gma
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                    26
    -                                    GM13G35890
    -                                    0.08537
    -                                       gma
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                    27
    -                                 25
    -                              19
    -                              GM12G21920
    -                              0.23001
    -                                 gma
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                              28
    -                           18
    -                        6
    -                        0.05152
    -                        85.0
    -                           0.19734
    -                           100.0
    -                              CS00012G00980
    -                              0.09682
    -                                 csi
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                              31
    -                              CS00012G00970
    -                              0.08364
    -                                 csi
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                              32
    -                           30
    -                           0.07641
    -                           91.0
    -                              0.02585
    -                              74.0
    -                                 0.08431
    -                                 83.0
    -                                    CP33359G00010
    -                                    0.20376
    -                                       cpa
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                    36
    -                                    GR02G07780
    -                                    0.09532
    -                                       gra
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                    37
    -                                 35
    -                                 TC0007G06390
    -                                 0.0114
    -                                    tca
    -                                       IPR011992
    -                                 38
    -                              34
    -                              GR09G42990
    -                              0.15285
    -                                 gra
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                              39
    -                           33
    -                        29
    -                     5
    -                     0.00964
    -                     48.0
    -                        0.01347
    -                        32.0
    -                           0.02594
    -                           25.0
    -                              0.12275
    -                              98.0
    -                                 0.03462
    -                                 82.0
    -                                    ME10810G00010
    -                                    0.07494
    -                                       mes
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                    45
    -                                    RC28250G00010
    -                                    0.15738
    -                                       rco
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                    46
    -                                 44
    -                                 ME11388G00190
    -                                 0.05072
    -                                    mes
    -                                       IPR002048
    -                                       IPR011992
    -                                 47
    -                              43
    -                              0.09997
    -                              96.0
    -                                 0.08336
    -                                 94.0
    -                                    PT11G12530
    -                                    0.02808
    -                                       ptr
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                    50
    -                                    PT00G02170
    -                                    0.01202
    -                                       ptr
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                    51
    -                                 49
    -                                 PT01G41460
    -                                 0.09551
    -                                    ptr
    -                                       IPR011992
    -                                       IPR002048
    -                                 52
    -                              48
    -                           42
    -                           0.17147
    -                           97.0
    -                              VV02G02840
    -                              0.13855
    -                                 vvi
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                              54
    -                              VV02G02850
    -                              0.29327
    -                                 vvi
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                                    IPR017884
    -                                    IPR001005
    -                                    IPR009057
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                                    IPR009057
    -                                    IPR001005
    -                              55
    -                           53
    -                        41
    -                        0.15979
    -                        90.0
    -                           0.16662
    -                           95.0
    -                              SL07G063690
    -                              0.00999
    -                                 sly
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                              58
    -                              ST07G026660
    -                              5.6E-4
    -                                 stu
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                              59
    -                           57
    -                           0.28847
    -                           100.0
    -                              SL10G006740
    -                              0.03491
    -                                 sly
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                              61
    -                              ST10G006950
    -                              0.03095
    -                                 stu
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                              62
    -                           60
    -                        56
    -                     40
    -                  4
    -                  0.02567
    -                  74.0
    -                     0.0221
    -                     10.0
    -                        0.12672
    -                        95.0
    -                           0.1678
    -                           99.0
    -                              SL02G079520
    -                              0.01198
    -                                 sly
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                              67
    -                              ST02G022510
    -                              0.03737
    -                                 stu
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                              68
    -                           66
    -                           0.10414
    -                           93.0
    -                              ST03G007850
    -                              0.021
    -                                 stu
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                              70
    -                              SL03G006710
    -                              0.00949
    -                                 sly
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                              71
    -                           69
    -                        65
    -                        BV0G04900
    -                        0.3784
    -                           bvu
    -                              IPR002048
    -                              IPR011992
    -                        72
    -                     64
    -                     0.02961
    -                     69.0
    -                        0.03345
    -                        74.0
    -                           0.05462
    -                           84.0
    -                              0.19405
    -                              98.0
    -                                 EG0005G27690
    -                                 0.01887
    -                                    egr
    -                                       IPR002048
    -                                       IPR011992
    -                                       IPR002048
    -                                 77
    -                                 EG0009G21000
    -                                 5.5E-4
    -                                    egr
    -                                       IPR002048
    -                                       IPR002048
    -                                       IPR011992
    -                                 78
    -                              76
    -                              EG0004G06210
    -                              0.2853
    -                                 egr
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                              79
    -                           75
    -                           0.03318
    -                           25.0
    -                              0.15836
    -                              100.0
    -                                 0.01602
    -                                 14.0
    -                                    MT2G011400
    -                                    0.13976
    -                                       mtr
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                    83
    -                                    GM13G32180
    -                                    5.6E-4
    -                                       gma
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                    84
    -                                 82
    -                                 GM15G07120
    -                                 0.01361
    -                                    gma
    -                                       IPR011992
    -                                       IPR002048
    -                                 85
    -                              81
    -                              0.03929
    -                              82.0
    -                                 0.06465
    -                                 92.0
    -                                    0.01037
    -                                    64.0
    -                                       PPE_004G03150
    -                                       0.10135
    -                                          ppe
    -                                             IPR002048
    -                                             IPR011992
    -                                       89
    -                                       PPE_004G03140
    -                                       0.08362
    -                                          ppe
    -                                             IPR011992
    -                                             IPR002048
    -                                       90
    -                                    88
    -                                    0.02407
    -                                    77.0
    -                                       0.03379
    -                                       63.0
    -                                          0.00806
    -                                          69.0
    -                                             MD00G312840
    -                                             0.0198
    -                                                mdo
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                             94
    -                                             MD00G378680
    -                                             0.07037
    -                                                mdo
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                             95
    -                                          93
    -                                          FV3G07540
    -                                          0.20381
    -                                             fve
    -                                                IPR011992
    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                          96
    -                                       92
    -                                       MD10G025260
    -                                       0.25666
    -                                          mdo
    -                                             IPR011992
    -                                             IPR002048
    -                                       97
    -                                    91
    -                                 87
    -                                 0.03453
    -                                 52.0
    -                                    0.04119
    -                                    83.0
    -                                       0.11402
    -                                       99.0
    -                                          0.01639
    -                                          100.0
    -                                             MD00G480060
    -                                             0.0
    -                                                mdo
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                             102
    -                                             MD00G312850
    -                                             0.0
    -                                                mdo
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                             103
    -                                             MD05G002860
    -                                             0.0
    -                                                mdo
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                             104
    -                                          101
    -                                          MD10G025270
    -                                          0.04755
    -                                             mdo
    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                                IPR011992
    -                                          105
    -                                       100
    -                                       PPE_004G03160
    -                                       0.06473
    -                                          ppe
    -                                             IPR002048
    -                                             IPR011992
    -                                       106
    -                                    99
    -                                    0.09038
    -                                    93.0
    -                                       0.07956
    -                                       94.0
    -                                          0.02453
    -                                          23.0
    -                                             GR10G14790
    -                                             0.03668
    -                                                gra
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                             110
    -                                             TC0006G19740
    -                                             0.01317
    -                                                tca
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                             111
    -                                          109
    -                                          GR09G17500
    -                                          0.0925
    -                                             gra
    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                                IPR011992
    -                                          112
    -                                       108
    -                                       0.02275
    -                                       17.0
    -                                          0.02098
    -                                          74.0
    -                                             0.02664
    -                                             77.0
    -                                                0.04444
    -                                                14.0
    -                                                   0.07578
    -                                                   95.0
    -                                                      0.02537
    -                                                      100.0
    -                                                         PT11G03960
    -                                                         0.0
    -                                                            ptr
    -                                                               IPR011992
    -                                                               IPR002048
    -                                                         119
    -                                                         PT11G03950
    -                                                         0.0
    -                                                            ptr
    -                                                               IPR002048
    -                                                               IPR011992
    -                                                         120
    -                                                      118
    -                                                      PT04G02720
    -                                                      0.08697
    -                                                         ptr
    -                                                            IPR002048
    -                                                            IPR011992
    -                                                      121
    -                                                   117
    -                                                   RC29933G00790
    -                                                   0.0969
    -                                                      rco
    -                                                         IPR002048
    -                                                         IPR011992
    -                                                   122
    -                                                116
    -                                                CS00010G02050
    -                                                0.121
    -                                                   csi
    -                                                      IPR011992
    -                                                      IPR002048
    -                                                123
    -                                             115
    -                                             CP00871G00060
    -                                             0.08116
    -                                                cpa
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                             124
    -                                          114
    -                                          0.0595
    -                                          94.0
    -                                             TC0006G19730
    -                                             0.03927
    -                                                tca
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                             126
    -                                             GR11G02100
    -                                             0.11118
    -                                                gra
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                             127
    -                                          125
    -                                       113
    -                                    107
    -                                 98
    -                              86
    -                           80
    -                        74
    -                        CL03G05240
    -                        0.66567
    -                           cla
    -                              IPR002048
    -                              IPR011992
    -                        128
    -                     73
    -                  63
    -               3
    -               0.05891
    -               80.0
    -                  0.0521
    -                  55.0
    -                     0.42928
    -                     100.0
    -                        ZM05G13370
    -                        0.08433
    -                           zma
    -                              IPR011992
    -                              IPR002048
    -                        132
    -                        OS06G46950
    -                        0.01687
    -                           osa
    -                              IPR011992
    -                              IPR002048
    -                        133
    -                     131
    -                     0.05992
    -                     85.0
    -                        0.20823
    -                        99.0
    -                           ATR_00057G00630
    -                           0.35911
    -                              atr
    -                                 IPR011992
    -                           136
    -                           ATR_00041G00750
    -                           0.0222
    -                              atr
    -                                 IPR002048
    -                                 IPR002048
    -                                 IPR011992
    -                           137
    -                        135
    -                        0.14577
    -                        93.0
    -                           0.2749
    -                           99.0
    -                              OS02G03020
    -                              0.07357
    -                                 osa
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                              140
    -                              ZM04G40340
    -                              0.2374
    -                                 zma
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                              141
    -                           139
    -                           0.10041
    -                           92.0
    -                              0.06203
    -                              89.0
    -                                 5.5E-4
    -                                 76.0
    -                                    0.00723
    -                                    73.0
    -                                       0.03469
    -                                       88.0
    -                                          BV1G04700
    -                                          0.13638
    -                                             bvu
    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                                IPR011992
    -                                          147
    -                                          CP02176G00020
    -                                          0.06558
    -                                             cpa
    -                                                IPR011992
    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                          148
    -                                       146
    -                                       0.02642
    -                                       81.0
    -                                          0.04143
    -                                          78.0
    -                                             MD07G013420
    -                                             0.02442
    -                                                mdo
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                             151
    -                                             FV7G04970
    -                                             0.01582
    -                                                fve
    -                                                   IPR004910
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                             152
    -                                          150
    -                                          0.02852
    -                                          46.0
    -                                             TC0001G33590
    -                                             0.04457
    -                                                tca
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                             154
    -                                             GR08G12710
    -                                             0.09337
    -                                                gra
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                             155
    -                                          153
    -                                       149
    -                                    145
    -                                    0.01125
    -                                    71.0
    -                                       0.06335
    -                                       97.0
    -                                          0.0196
    -                                          76.0
    -                                             0.0401
    -                                             87.0
    -                                                0.07277
    -                                                97.0
    -                                                   GM19G44710
    -                                                   0.03405
    -                                                      gma
    -                                                         IPR011992
    -                                                         IPR002048
    -                                                   161
    -                                                   GM03G42010
    -                                                   0.00469
    -                                                      gma
    -                                                         IPR002048
    -                                                         IPR011992
    -                                                   162
    -                                                160
    -                                                LJ3G034830
    -                                                0.07935
    -                                                   lja
    -                                                      IPR011992
    -                                                      IPR002048
    -                                                      IPR011992
    -                                                      IPR011992
    -                                                163
    -                                             159
    -                                             MT8G027180
    -                                             0.06397
    -                                                mtr
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                             164
    -                                          158
    -                                          0.02227
    -                                          87.0
    -                                             GM07G05910
    -                                             5.6E-4
    -                                                gma
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                             166
    -                                             GM16G02511
    -                                             0.00926
    -                                                gma
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                             167
    -                                          165
    -                                       157
    -                                       CS00001G04680
    -                                       0.15469
    -                                          csi
    -                                             IPR002048
    -                                             IPR011992
    -                                       168
    -                                    156
    -                                 144
    -                                 0.01801
    -                                 74.0
    -                                    5.5E-4
    -                                    87.0
    -                                       0.01849
    -                                       79.0
    -                                          0.0193
    -                                          65.0
    -                                             5.4E-4
    -                                             54.0
    -                                                PT02G17490
    -                                                0.08712
    -                                                   ptr
    -                                                      IPR002048
    -                                                      IPR011992
    -                                                174
    -                                                PT14G10170
    -                                                0.04429
    -                                                   ptr
    -                                                      IPR002048
    -                                                      IPR011992
    -                                                175
    -                                             173
    -                                             SL10G009340
    -                                             0.15917
    -                                                sly
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                             176
    -                                          172
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    -                                          0.18791
    -                                             egr
    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                                IPR011992
    -                                          177
    -                                       171
    -                                       0.01958
    -                                       75.0
    -                                          ME02658G00040
    -                                          0.125
    -                                             mes
    -                                                IPR011992
    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                          179
    -                                          RC29742G00080
    -                                          0.0565
    -                                             rco
    -                                                IPR011992
    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                          180
    -                                       178
    -                                    170
    -                                    0.1988
    -                                    100.0
    -                                       5.4E-4
    -                                       0.0
    -                                          0.00941
    -                                          74.0
    -                                             TP4G28650
    -                                             0.02815
    -                                                tpa
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                             184
    -                                             BR05G01160
    -                                             0.05924
    -                                                bra
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                             185
    -                                          183
    -                                          0.00892
    -                                          74.0
    -                                             0.02889
    -                                             91.0
    -                                                0.00911
    -                                                76.0
    -                                                   CRU_004G28250
    -                                                   0.0473
    -                                                      cru
    -                                                         IPR002048
    -                                                         IPR011992
    -                                                   189
    -                                                   AL4G34740
    -                                                   0.00935
    -                                                      aly
    -                                                         IPR011992
    -                                                         IPR002048
    -                                                   190
    -                                                188
    -                                                AT2G46600
    -                                                0.00951
    -                                                   ath
    -                                                      IPR002048
    -                                                      IPR011992
    -                                                191
    -                                             187
    -                                             BR04G27710
    -                                             0.03705
    -                                                bra
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                             192
    -                                          186
    -                                       182
    -                                       BR03G22780
    -                                       0.05765
    -                                          bra
    -                                             IPR011992
    -                                             IPR002048
    -                                       193
    -                                    181
    -                                 169
    -                              143
    -                              CL06G03020
    -                              0.1351
    -                                 cla
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                              194
    -                           142
    -                        138
    -                     134
    -                  130
    -                  0.1548
    -                  96.0
    -                     ATR_00234G00010
    -                     0.14108
    -                        atr
    -                           IPR002048
    -                           IPR011992
    -                     196
    -                     ATR_00234G00020
    -                     0.14457
    -                        atr
    -                           IPR002048
    -                           IPR011992
    -                     197
    -                  195
    -               129
    -            2
    -            0.01829500000000002
    -            90.0
    -               0.04796
    -               84.0
    -                  0.04124
    -                  57.0
    -                     0.17212
    -                     100.0
    -                        SL07G053050
    -                        0.026
    -                           sly
    -                              IPR002048
    -                              IPR002048
    -                              IPR011992
    -                        202
    -                        ST07G020790
    -                        0.02135
    -                           stu
    -                              IPR011992
    -                              IPR002048
    -                              IPR002048
    -                        203
    -                     201
    -                     5.7E-4
    -                     0.0
    -                        0.18714
    -                        92.0
    -                           0.02397
    -                           0.0
    -                              0.02752
    -                              77.0
    -                                 0.08683
    -                                 93.0
    -                                    EG0006G28710
    -                                    0.20733
    -                                       egr
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                    209
    -                                    BV0G48970
    -                                    0.14135
    -                                       bvu
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                    210
    -                                 208
    -                                 0.08495
    -                                 96.0
    -                                    0.01037
    -                                    66.0
    -                                       SL10G006700
    -                                       0.01918
    -                                          sly
    -                                             IPR002048
    -                                             IPR011992
    -                                       213
    -                                       ST10G006910
    -                                       5.5E-4
    -                                          stu
    -                                             IPR002048
    -                                             IPR011992
    -                                       214
    -                                    212
    -                                    0.00885
    -                                    77.0
    -                                       ST10G006890
    -                                       5.5E-4
    -                                          stu
    -                                             IPR011992
    -                                             IPR002048
    -                                       216
    -                                       SL10G006660
    -                                       0.00963
    -                                          sly
    -                                             IPR002048
    -                                             IPR011992
    -                                       217
    -                                    215
    -                                 211
    -                              207
    -                              0.02231
    -                              81.0
    -                                 0.01984
    -                                 80.0
    -                                    0.06108
    -                                    96.0
    -                                       0.01544
    -                                       55.0
    -                                          0.00738
    -                                          73.0
    -                                             MD14G006680
    -                                             0.03108
    -                                                mdo
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                             223
    -                                             MD00G326810
    -                                             0.05222
    -                                                mdo
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                             224
    -                                          222
    -                                          PPE_004G18550
    -                                          0.02089
    -                                             ppe
    -                                                IPR011992
    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                          225
    -                                       221
    -                                       FV3G27430
    -                                       0.08066
    -                                          fve
    -                                             IPR002048
    -                                             IPR011992
    -                                       226
    -                                    220
    -                                    0.01293
    -                                    65.0
    -                                       0.07065
    -                                       78.0
    -                                          0.05762
    -                                          83.0
    -                                             0.02443
    -                                             80.0
    -                                                GM12G34580
    -                                                0.01934
    -                                                   gma
    -                                                      IPR002048
    -                                                      IPR011992
    -                                                231
    -                                                GM13G35950
    -                                                0.01976
    -                                                   gma
    -                                                      IPR011992
    -                                                      IPR002048
    -                                                232
    -                                             230
    -                                             0.02649
    -                                             66.0
    -                                                0.08739
    -                                                98.0
    -                                                   GM06G40330
    -                                                   0.07414
    -                                                      gma
    -                                                         IPR002048
    -                                                         IPR011992
    -                                                   235
    -                                                   GM12G20830
    -                                                   5.7E-4
    -                                                      gma
    -                                                         IPR002048
    -                                                         IPR011992
    -                                                   236
    -                                                234
    -                                                MT8G466250
    -                                                0.14899
    -                                                   mtr
    -                                                      IPR011992
    -                                                      IPR002048
    -                                                237
    -                                             233
    -                                          229
    -                                          MT2G081580
    -                                          0.14236
    -                                             mtr
    -                                                IPR011992
    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                          238
    -                                       228
    -                                       VV19G04530
    -                                       0.10765
    -                                          vvi
    -                                             IPR002048
    -                                             IPR011992
    -                                       239
    -                                    227
    -                                 219
    -                                 0.0197
    -                                 100.0
    -                                    0.00974
    -                                    0.0
    -                                       0.04315
    -                                       78.0
    -                                          CP00012G00050
    -                                          0.12513
    -                                             cpa
    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                                IPR011992
    -                                          243
    -                                          CS00012G01330
    -                                          0.15147
    -                                             csi
    -                                                IPR011992
    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                          244
    -                                       242
    -                                       0.04553
    -                                       86.0
    -                                          0.05686
    -                                          88.0
    -                                             GR02G07870
    -                                             0.05101
    -                                                gra
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                             247
    -                                             TC0007G06000
    -                                             0.06375
    -                                                tca
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                             248
    -                                          246
    -                                          GR13G16540
    -                                          0.08424
    -                                             gra
    -                                                IPR011992
    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                          249
    -                                       245
    -                                    241
    -                                    0.01173
    -                                    72.0
    -                                       0.04322
    -                                       94.0
    -                                          0.02895
    -                                          81.0
    -                                             ME11388G00230
    -                                             0.07419
    -                                                mes
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                             253
    -                                             ME03423G00050
    -                                             0.01856
    -                                                mes
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                             254
    -                                          252
    -                                          RC30014G00080
    -                                          0.0607
    -                                             rco
    -                                                IPR011992
    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                          255
    -                                       251
    -                                       0.01098
    -                                       74.0
    -                                          PT01G41180
    -                                          0.0397
    -                                             ptr
    -                                                IPR011992
    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                          257
    -                                          PT11G12910
    -                                          0.05281
    -                                             ptr
    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                                IPR011992
    -                                          258
    -                                       256
    -                                    250
    -                                 240
    -                              218
    -                           206
    -                           0.04992
    -                           83.0
    -                              0.21258
    -                              100.0
    -                                 0.00713
    -                                 16.0
    -                                    0.01244
    -                                    40.0
    -                                       5.4E-4
    -                                       83.0
    -                                          AL7G14730
    -                                          5.5E-4
    -                                             aly
    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                                IPR011992
    -                                          264
    -                                          AT4G27280
    -                                          0.01945
    -                                             ath
    -                                                IPR011992
    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                          265
    -                                       263
    -                                       CRU_007G12800
    -                                       0.05028
    -                                          cru
    -                                             IPR002048
    -                                             IPR011992
    -                                       266
    -                                    262
    -                                    TP7G25200
    -                                    0.04723
    -                                       tpa
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                    267
    -                                 261
    -                                 0.08588
    -                                 96.0
    -                                    0.08132
    -                                    99.0
    -                                       0.00734
    -                                       76.0
    -                                          AL8G19750
    -                                          0.00952
    -                                             aly
    -                                                IPR011992
    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                          271
    -                                          AT5G54490
    -                                          0.02842
    -                                             ath
    -                                                IPR011992
    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                          272
    -                                       270
    -                                       CRU_008G14410
    -                                       0.04183
    -                                          cru
    -                                             IPR011992
    -                                             IPR002048
    -                                       273
    -                                    269
    -                                    5.4E-4
    -                                    0.0
    -                                       0.00987
    -                                       75.0
    -                                          BR10G08050
    -                                          0.02
    -                                             bra
    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                                IPR011992
    -                                          276
    -                                          TP6G16460
    -                                          0.0488
    -                                             tpa
    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                                IPR011992
    -                                          277
    -                                       275
    -                                       BR02G15090
    -                                       0.02001
    -                                          bra
    -                                             IPR011992
    -                                             IPR002048
    -                                       278
    -                                    274
    -                                 268
    -                              260
    -                              0.06708
    -                              77.0
    -                                 0.1296
    -                                 97.0
    -                                    CM00078G00800
    -                                    0.03275
    -                                       cme
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                    281
    -                                    CL10G05570
    -                                    0.10331
    -                                       cla
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                    282
    -                                 280
    -                                 0.08928
    -                                 93.0
    -                                    CM00028G01650
    -                                    0.01018
    -                                       cme
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                    284
    -                                    CL07G06870
    -                                    0.05027
    -                                       cla
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                    285
    -                                 283
    -                              279
    -                           259
    -                        205
    -                        0.07689
    -                        34.0
    -                           0.40952
    -                           99.0
    -                              OS01G57470
    -                              0.0647
    -                                 osa
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                              288
    -                              ZM01G32260
    -                              0.30451
    -                                 zma
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                              289
    -                           287
    -                           ST02G022730
    -                           0.42168
    -                              stu
    -                                 IPR002048
    -                                 IPR011992
    -                           290
    -                        286
    -                     204
    -                  200
    -                  0.04379
    -                  85.0
    -                     0.03959
    -                     52.0
    -                        0.04794
    -                        85.0
    -                           0.06039
    -                           88.0
    -                              PT13G15100
    -                              0.03164
    -                                 ptr
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                              295
    -                              PT19G12060
    -                              0.05542
    -                                 ptr
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                              296
    -                           294
    -                           CS02115G00010
    -                           0.11722
    -                              csi
    -                                 IPR002048
    -                                 IPR011992
    -                                 IPR002048
    -                           297
    -                        293
    -                        0.0405
    -                        71.0
    -                           0.02542
    -                           71.0
    -                              0.06883
    -                              95.0
    -                                 GR08G15070
    -                                 0.08687
    -                                    gra
    -                                       IPR002048
    -                                       IPR011992
    -                                 301
    -                                 GR13G07260
    -                                 0.13449
    -                                    gra
    -                                       IPR002048
    -                                       IPR011992
    -                                 302
    -                              300
    -                              CP00034G00500
    -                              0.09926
    -                                 cpa
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                              303
    -                           299
    -                           EG0011G07390
    -                           0.20972
    -                              egr
    -                                 IPR002048
    -                                 IPR011992
    -                                 IPR002048
    -                           304
    -                        298
    -                     292
    -                     0.02603
    -                     77.0
    -                        0.04024
    -                        83.0
    -                           0.06319
    -                           94.0
    -                              0.05249
    -                              93.0
    -                                 0.11402
    -                                 99.0
    -                                    GM13G37990
    -                                    0.07327
    -                                       gma
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                    310
    -                                    GM12G32420
    -                                    0.00917
    -                                       gma
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                    311
    -                                 309
    -                                 MT2G089210
    -                                 0.04686
    -                                    mtr
    -                                       IPR002048
    -                                       IPR011992
    -                                       IPR002048
    -                                 312
    -                              308
    -                              0.01659
    -                              77.0
    -                                 0.02125
    -                                 74.0
    -                                    MT1G052885
    -                                    0.06123
    -                                       mtr
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                    315
    -                                    GM12G11210
    -                                    0.03043
    -                                       gma
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                    316
    -                                 314
    -                                 LJ3G041130
    -                                 0.1032
    -                                    lja
    -                                       IPR002048
    -                                       IPR002048
    -                                       IPR011992
    -                                 317
    -                              313
    -                           307
    -                           0.02337
    -                           79.0
    -                              0.06951
    -                              96.0
    -                                 FV3G04390
    -                                 0.05378
    -                                    fve
    -                                       IPR011992
    -                                 320
    -                                 FV3G04370
    -                                 5.5E-4
    -                                    fve
    -                                       IPR011992
    -                                       IPR002048
    -                                 321
    -                              319
    -                              0.04691
    -                              86.0
    -                                 0.01977
    -                                 76.0
    -                                    MD09G007170
    -                                    0.02734
    -                                       mdo
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                    324
    -                                    MD17G007640
    -                                    0.01099
    -                                       mdo
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                    325
    -                                 323
    -                                 PPE_003G20430
    -                                 0.04893
    -                                    ppe
    -                                       IPR002048
    -                                       IPR011992
    -                                 326
    -                              322
    -                           318
    -                        306
    -                        0.04458
    -                        74.0
    -                           0.06474
    -                           87.0
    -                              ME12693G00020
    -                              0.1596
    -                                 mes
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                              329
    -                              RC30156G00550
    -                              0.26524
    -                                 rco
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                              330
    -                           328
    -                           CL02G11010
    -                           0.22606
    -                              cla
    -                                 IPR011992
    -                                 IPR002048
    -                                 IPR002048
    -                           331
    -                        327
    -                     305
    -                  291
    -               199
    -               BV9G08800
    -               0.30399
    -                  bvu
    -                     IPR002048
    -                     IPR011992
    -                     IPR002048
    -               332
    -            198
    -         1
    -         Multibar test graph
    -               bar1
    -               0x8986BF
    -               bar2
    -               0x9D4FB0
    -               bar3
    -               0xF7BE81
    -               12
    -               61
    -               34
    -               57
    -               37
    -               8
    -               23
    -               27
    -               14
    -               23
    -               30
    -               92
    -               16
    -               81
    -               83
    -               2
    -               41
    -               9
    -               9
    -               89
    -               54
    -               16
    -               27
    -               31
    -               96
    -               33
    -               73
    -               82
    -               57
    -               23
    -               2
    -               69
    -               29
    -               8
    -               48
    -               11
    -               34
    -               82
    -               87
    -               77
    -               99
    -               58
    -               60
    -               6
    -               84
    -               71
    -               39
    -               8
    -               5
    -               79
    -               53
    -               12
    -               55
    -               86
    -               20
    -               46
    -               14
    -               75
    -               73
    -               50
    -               85
    -               59
    -               81
    -               9
    -               16
    -               80
    -               97
    -               85
    -               40
    -               23
    -               15
    -               45
    -               84
    -               83
    -               42
    -               27
    -               57
    -               32
    -               29
    -               71
    -               48
    -               86
    -               43
    -               24
    -               27
    -               7
    -               55
    -               61
    -               90
    -               98
    -               3
    -               88
    -               27
    -               8
    -               30
    -               36
    -               76
    -               0
    -               80
    -               51
    -               11
    -               19
    -               35
    -               23
    -               85
    -               5
    -               38
    -               88
    -               5
    -               18
    -               88
    -               85
    -               28
    -               56
    -               64
    -               83
    -               72
    -               78
    -               66
    -               59
    -               12
    -               84
    -               22
    -               47
    -               14
    -               91
    -               67
    -               45
    -               63
    -               15
    -               70
    -               74
    -               18
    -               67
    -               57
    -               64
    -               90
    -               0
    -               69
    -               49
    -               77
    -               14
    -               29
    -               53
    -               86
    -               85
    -               48
    -               61
    -               59
    -               85
    -               90
    -               16
    -               37
    -               8
    -               2
    -               24
    -               13
    -               96
    -               98
    -               14
    -               11
    -               6
    -               38
    -               64
    -               19
    -               76
    -               67
    -               10
    -               65
    -               41
    -               47
    -               93
    -               70
    -               42
    -               66
    -               55
    -               68
    -               2
    -               78
    -               3
    -               78
    -               20
    -               75
    -               24
    -               23
    -               55
    -               94
    -               44
    -               17
    -               84
    -               88
    -               56
    -               36
    -               86
    -               38
    -               82
    -               70
    -               14
    -               82
    -               70
    -               73
    -               79
    -               97
    -               79
    -               57
    -               39
    -               37
    -               86
    -               73
    -               62
    -               40
    -               28
    -               87
    -               65
    -               58
    -               5
    -               71
    -               45
    -               30
    -               67
    -               32
    -               70
    -               80
    -               10
    -               76
    -               67
    -               81
    -               28
    -               59
    -               80
    -               89
    -               48
    -               58
    -               41
    -               80
    -               97
    -               80
    -               84
    -               4
    -               63
    -               84
    -               88
    -               47
    -               14
    -               30
    -               66
    -               85
    -               24
    -               33
    -               2
    -               8
    -               14
    -               86
    -               40
    -               64
    -               68
    -               73
    -               60
    -               24
    -               85
    -               98
    -               1
    -               49
    -               12
    -               47
    -               41
    -               83
    -               36
    -               57
    -               61
    -               3
    -               11
    -               94
    -               31
    -               71
    -               99
    -               75
    -               58
    -               26
    -               41
    -               92
    -               33
    -               66
    -               51
    -               22
    -               66
    -               18
    -               36
    -               57
    -               77
    -               26
    -               60
    -               75
    -               90
    -               6
    -               21
    -               30
    -               31
    -               7
    -               47
    -               5
    -               7
    -               44
    -               44
    -               63
    -               42
    -               84
    -               96
    -               17
    -               5
    -               0
    -               5
    -               62
    -               10
    -               72
    -               45
    -               80
    -               51
    -               53
    -               68
    -               17
    -               87
    -               16
    -               94
    -               98
    -               27
    -               83
    -               23
    -               82
    -               21
    -               88
    -               85
    -               79
    -               80
    -               31
    -               68
    -               11
    -               72
    -               53
    -               66
    -               44
    -               56
    -               45
    -               23
    -               67
    -               28
    -               25
    -               19
    -               89
    -               3
    -               30
    -               30
    -               47
    -               4
    -               32
    -               49
    -               42
    -               32
    -               71
    -               74
    -               44
    -               70
    -               25
    -               33
    -               16
    -               63
    -               68
    -               77
    -               73
    -               62
    -               22
    -               51
    -               8
    -               2
    -               47
    -               11
    -               14
    -               89
    -               13
    -               84
    -               75
    -               38
    -               34
    -               82
    -               19
    -               70
    -               53
    -               48
    -               59
    -               49
    -               36
    -               28
    -               77
    -               66
    -               72
    -               84
    -               47
    -               43
    -               41
    -               38
    -               19
    -               41
    -               57
    -               1
    -               86
    -               50
    -               76
    -               64
    -               93
    -               31
    -               90
    -               41
    -               25
    -               61
    -               51
    -               74
    -               2
    -               58
    -               22
    -               8
    -               62
    -               25
    -               99
    -               39
    -               77
    -               60
    -               25
    -               71
    -               35
    -               19
    -               92
    -               45
    -               97
    -               77
    -               95
    -               33
    -               86
    -               60
    -               5
    -               70
    -               25
    -               94
    -               46
    -               72
    -               49
    -               45
    -               61
    -               2
    -               99
    -               94
    -               28
    -               6
    -               39
    -               87
    -               51
    -               36
    -               77
    -               63
    -               86
    -               76
    -               26
    -               48
    -               85
    -               0
    -               64
    -               78
    -               98
    -               90
    -               44
    -               14
    -               13
    -               59
    -               40
    -               90
    -               25
    -               79
    -               79
    -               74
    -               62
    -               72
    -               5
    -               63
    -               60
    -               12
    -               9
    -               80
    -               46
    -               89
    -               52
    -               50
    -               44
    -               4
    -               89
    -               92
    -               40
    -               44
    -               30
    -               11
    -               41
    -               37
    -               22
    -         Pie test graph
    -               pie1
    -               0xA9BFAB
    -               pie2
    -               0x37BD42
    -               pie3
    -               0xE3F434
    -               12
    -               61
    -               34
    -               57
    -               37
    -               8
    -               23
    -               27
    -               14
    -               23
    -               30
    -               92
    -               16
    -               81
    -               83
    -               2
    -               41
    -               9
    -               9
    -               89
    -               54
    -               16
    -               27
    -               31
    -               96
    -               33
    -               73
    -               82
    -               57
    -               23
    -               2
    -               69
    -               29
    -               8
    -               48
    -               11
    -               34
    -               82
    -               87
    -               77
    -               99
    -               58
    -               60
    -               6
    -               84
    -               71
    -               39
    -               8
    -               5
    -               79
    -               53
    -               12
    -               55
    -               86
    -               20
    -               46
    -               14
    -               75
    -               73
    -               50
    -               85
    -               59
    -               81
    -               9
    -               16
    -               80
    -               97
    -               85
    -               40
    -               23
    -               15
    -               45
    -               84
    -               83
    -               42
    -               27
    -               57
    -               32
    -               29
    -               71
    -               48
    -               86
    -               43
    -               24
    -               27
    -               7
    -               55
    -               61
    -               90
    -               98
    -               3
    -               88
    -               27
    -               8
    -               30
    -               36
    -               76
    -               0
    -               80
    -               51
    -               11
    -               19
    -               35
    -               23
    -               85
    -               5
    -               38
    -               88
    -               5
    -               18
    -               88
    -               85
    -               28
    -               56
    -               64
    -               83
    -               72
    -               78
    -               66
    -               59
    -               12
    -               84
    -               22
    -               47
    -               14
    -               91
    -               67
    -               45
    -               63
    -               15
    -               70
    -               74
    -               18
    -               67
    -               57
    -               64
    -               90
    -               0
    -               69
    -               49
    -               77
    -               14
    -               29
    -               53
    -               86
    -               85
    -               48
    -               61
    -               59
    -               85
    -               90
    -               16
    -               37
    -               8
    -               2
    -               24
    -               13
    -               96
    -               98
    -               14
    -               11
    -               6
    -               38
    -               64
    -               19
    -               76
    -               67
    -               10
    -               65
    -               41
    -               47
    -               93
    -               70
    -               42
    -               66
    -               55
    -               68
    -               2
    -               78
    -               3
    -               78
    -               20
    -               75
    -               24
    -               23
    -               55
    -               94
    -               44
    -               17
    -               84
    -               88
    -               56
    -               36
    -               86
    -               38
    -               82
    -               70
    -               14
    -               82
    -               70
    -               73
    -               79
    -               97
    -               79
    -               57
    -               39
    -               37
    -               86
    -               73
    -               62
    -               40
    -               28
    -               87
    -               65
    -               58
    -               5
    -               71
    -               45
    -               30
    -               67
    -               32
    -               70
    -               80
    -               10
    -               76
    -               67
    -               81
    -               28
    -               59
    -               80
    -               89
    -               48
    -               58
    -               41
    -               80
    -               97
    -               80
    -               84
    -               4
    -               63
    -               84
    -               88
    -               47
    -               14
    -               30
    -               66
    -               85
    -               24
    -               33
    -               2
    -               8
    -               14
    -               86
    -               40
    -               64
    -               68
    -               73
    -               60
    -               24
    -               85
    -               98
    -               1
    -               49
    -               12
    -               47
    -               41
    -               83
    -               36
    -               57
    -               61
    -               3
    -               11
    -               94
    -               31
    -               71
    -               99
    -               75
    -               58
    -               26
    -               41
    -               92
    -               33
    -               66
    -               51
    -               22
    -               66
    -               18
    -               36
    -               57
    -               77
    -               26
    -               60
    -               75
    -               90
    -               6
    -               21
    -               30
    -               31
    -               7
    -               47
    -               5
    -               7
    -               44
    -               44
    -               63
    -               42
    -               84
    -               96
    -               17
    -               5
    -               0
    -               5
    -               62
    -               10
    -               72
    -               45
    -               80
    -               51
    -               53
    -               68
    -               17
    -               87
    -               16
    -               94
    -               98
    -               27
    -               83
    -               23
    -               82
    -               21
    -               88
    -               85
    -               79
    -               80
    -               31
    -               68
    -               11
    -               72
    -               53
    -               66
    -               44
    -               56
    -               45
    -               23
    -               67
    -               28
    -               25
    -               19
    -               89
    -               3
    -               30
    -               30
    -               47
    -               4
    -               32
    -               49
    -               42
    -               32
    -               71
    -               74
    -               44
    -               70
    -               25
    -               33
    -               16
    -               63
    -               68
    -               77
    -               73
    -               62
    -               22
    -               51
    -               8
    -               2
    -               47
    -               11
    -               14
    -               89
    -               13
    -               84
    -               75
    -               38
    -               34
    -               82
    -               19
    -               70
    -               53
    -               48
    -               59
    -               49
    -               36
    -               28
    -               77
    -               66
    -               72
    -               84
    -               47
    -               43
    -               41
    -               38
    -               19
    -               41
    -               57
    -               1
    -               86
    -               50
    -               76
    -               64
    -               93
    -               31
    -               90
    -               41
    -               25
    -               61
    -               51
    -               74
    -               2
    -               58
    -               22
    -               8
    -               62
    -               25
    -               99
    -               39
    -               77
    -               60
    -               25
    -               71
    -               35
    -               19
    -               92
    -               45
    -               97
    -               77
    -               95
    -               33
    -               86
    -               60
    -               5
    -               70
    -               25
    -               94
    -               46
    -               72
    -               49
    -               45
    -               61
    -               2
    -               99
    -               94
    -               28
    -               6
    -               39
    -               87
    -               51
    -               36
    -               77
    -               63
    -               86
    -               76
    -               26
    -               48
    -               85
    -               0
    -               64
    -               78
    -               98
    -               90
    -               44
    -               14
    -               13
    -               59
    -               40
    -               90
    -               25
    -               79
    -               79
    -               74
    -               62
    -               72
    -               5
    -               63
    -               60
    -               12
    -               9
    -               80
    -               46
    -               89
    -               52
    -               50
    -               44
    -               4
    -               89
    -               92
    -               40
    -               44
    -               30
    -               11
    -               41
    -               37
    -               22
    -         Heatmap test graph with fields
    -               heat1
    -               heat2
    -               heat3
    -               heat4
    -               heat5
    -               heat6
    -               heat7
    -               heat8
    -               heat9
    -               YlOrRd
    -               9
    -               64
    -               38
    -               84
    -               9
    -               74
    -               33
    -               82
    -               37
    -               12
    -               6
    -               0
    -               95
    -               74
    -               62
    -               47
    -               1
    -               48
    -               53
    -               16
    -               63
    -               92
    -               35
    -               72
    -               24
    -               20
    -               7
    -               71
    -               85
    -               56
    -               23
    -               91
    -               8
    -               96
    -               32
    -               30
    -               65
    -               53
    -               64
    -               30
    -               39
    -               10
    -               9
    -               92
    -               59
    -               42
    -               29
    -               86
    -               0
    -               0
    -               99
    -               67
    -               89
    -               92
    -               40
    -               71
    -               89
    -               7
    -               31
    -               26
    -               51
    -               74
    -               90
    -               25
    -               46
    -               6
    -               13
    -               40
    -               6
    -               84
    -               97
    -               66
    -               50
    -               6
    -               52
    -               22
    -               22
    -               72
    -               89
    -               60
    -               71
    -               11
    -               91
    -               94
    -               27
    -               58
    -               72
    -               25
    -               80
    -               72
    -               89
    -               5
    -               90
    -               70
    -               11
    -               25
    -               28
    -               10
    -               32
    -               65
    -               12
    -               61
    -               74
    -               74
    -               51
    -               40
    -               12
    -               49
    -               20
    -               89
    -               31
    -               68
    -               64
    -               78
    -               43
    -               16
    -               40
    -               19
    -               80
    -               38
    -               23
    -               26
    -               82
    -               58
    -               78
    -               77
    -               2
    -               87
    -               51
    -               36
    -               96
    -               64
    -               83
    -               90
    -               15
    -               94
    -               35
    -               5
    -               53
    -               66
    -               54
    -               83
    -               60
    -               17
    -               16
    -               31
    -               91
    -               65
    -               18
    -               75
    -               95
    -               10
    -               12
    -               83
    -               72
    -               85
    -               11
    -               12
    -               31
    -               81
    -               91
    -               60
    -               99
    -               58
    -               61
    -               83
    -               62
    -               85
    -               45
    -               85
    -               76
    -               52
    -               65
    -               85
    -               79
    -               52
    -               21
    -               32
    -               30
    -               39
    -               51
    -               3
    -               97
    -               64
    -               42
    -               66
    -               45
    -               4
    -               10
    -               22
    -               27
    -               74
    -               99
    -               13
    -               54
    -               51
    -               91
    -               1
    -               24
    -               48
    -               30
    -               77
    -               38
    -               96
    -               41
    -               43
    -               8
    -               45
    -               0
    -               38
    -               95
    -               35
    -               14
    -               24
    -               19
    -               45
    -               22
    -               87
    -               50
    -               3
    -               84
    -               98
    -               48
    -               57
    -               22
    -               66
    -               15
    -               33
    -               25
    -               2
    -               68
    -               99
    -               40
    -               76
    -               91
    -               3
    -               13
    -               73
    -               64
    -               23
    -               97
    -               38
    -               6
    -               87
    -               51
    -               36
    -               60
    -               27
    -               31
    -               66
    -               25
    -               77
    -               94
    -               20
    -               6
    -               29
    -               84
    -               55
    -               19
    -               28
    -               85
    -               55
    -               20
    -               9
    -               39
    -               6
    -               18
    -               16
    -               74
    -               97
    -               92
    -               18
    -               41
    -               75
    -               9
    -               98
    -               65
    -               27
    -               41
    -               76
    -               37
    -               65
    -               12
    -               67
    -               59
    -               65
    -               9
    -               85
    -               92
    -               92
    -               47
    -               29
    -               99
    -               96
    -               25
    -               51
    -               55
    -               61
    -               4
    -               66
    -               46
    -               57
    -               55
    -               10
    -               3
    -               15
    -               8
    -               64
    -               14
    -               61
    -               50
    -               99
    -               9
    -               61
    -               27
    -               15
    -               25
    -               8
    -               91
    -               8
    -               91
    -               91
    -               4
    -               57
    -               60
    -               33
    -               39
    -               33
    -               62
    -               9
    -               90
    -               94
    -               80
    -               0
    -               59
    -               92
    -               56
    -               36
    -               18
    -               80
    -               58
    -               90
    -               8
    -               34
    -               15
    -               25
    -               56
    -               7
    -               94
    -               77
    -               66
    -               7
    -               40
    -               28
    -               31
    -               40
    -               94
    -               26
    -               84
    -               61
    -               96
    -               82
    -               35
    -               16
    -               93
    -               93
    -               6
    -               62
    -               31
    -               68
    -               89
    -               91
    -               48
    -               16
    -               6
    -               91
    -               23
    -               38
    -               11
    -               99
    -               76
    -               81
    -               7
    -               41
    -               56
    -               47
    -               61
    -               6
    -               93
    -               99
    -               73
    -               17
    -               75
    -               85
    -               50
    -               32
    -               14
    -               97
    -               65
    -               75
    -               68
    -               32
    -               50
    -               43
    -               93
    -               73
    -               21
    -               2
    -               58
    -               36
    -               12
    -               81
    -               25
    -               5
    -               6
    -               96
    -               79
    -               81
    -               64
    -               51
    -               97
    -               62
    -               62
    -               18
    -               77
    -               41
    -               98
    -               64
    -               15
    -               69
    -               90
    -               20
    -               18
    -               98
    -               26
    -               5
    -               38
    -               42
    -               63
    -               76
    -               69
    -               38
    -               35
    -               98
    -               68
    -               29
    -               75
    -               36
    -               29
    -               34
    -               92
    -               29
    -               62
    -               2
    -               65
    -               62
    -               35
    -               54
    -               53
    -               97
    -               92
    -               86
    -               94
    -               79
    -               57
    -               26
    -               99
    -               13
    -               27
    -               0
    -               53
    -               95
    -               34
    -               33
    -               30
    -               75
    -               66
    -               67
    -               30
    -               62
    -               43
    -               95
    -               31
    -               88
    -               3
    -               44
    -               38
    -               39
    -               6
    -               12
    -               61
    -               10
    -               8
    -               91
    -               89
    -               59
    -               6
    -               36
    -               68
    -               86
    -               62
    -               81
    -               0
    -               79
    -               84
    -               65
    -               77
    -               79
    -               4
    -               36
    -               97
    -               14
    -               46
    -               65
    -               41
    -               3
    -               71
    -               67
    -               90
    -               55
    -               62
    -               35
    -               97
    -               70
    -               3
    -               49
    -               79
    -               72
    -               13
    -               93
    -               89
    -               22
    -               88
    -               89
    -               79
    -               58
    -               45
    -               30
    -               98
    -               76
    -               69
    -               64
    -               8
    -               93
    -               10
    -               54
    -               28
    -               13
    -               0
    -               23
    -               49
    -               43
    -               89
    -               67
    -               97
    -               72
    -               85
    -               6
    -               46
    -               6
    -               95
    -               59
    -               27
    -               44
    -               1
    -               35
    -               61
    -               7
    -               90
    -               49
    -               49
    -               31
    -               85
    -               73
    -               1
    -               87
    -               80
    -               46
    -               3
    -               80
    -               2
    -               1
    -               99
    -               8
    -               9
    -               38
    -               89
    -               53
    -               44
    -               18
    -               33
    -               56
    -               36
    -               65
    -               12
    -               68
    -               92
    -               12
    -               31
    -               71
    -               76
    -               58
    -               87
    -               5
    -               42
    -               9
    -               34
    -               33
    -               44
    -               96
    -               5
    -               41
    -               2
    -               74
    -               44
    -               1
    -               54
    -               88
    -               13
    -               11
    -               74
    -               0
    -               61
    -               59
    -               8
    -               66
    -               26
    -               59
    -               49
    -               72
    -               2
    -               21
    -               20
    -               50
    -               11
    -               31
    -               4
    -               85
    -               85
    -               86
    -               69
    -               88
    -               40
    -               38
    -               60
    -               64
    -               98
    -               47
    -               13
    -               74
    -               29
    -               93
    -               83
    -               69
    -               82
    -               96
    -               44
    -               40
    -               17
    -               87
    -               44
    -               86
    -               27
    -               91
    -               2
    -               12
    -               90
    -               84
    -               69
    -               49
    -               7
    -               78
    -               25
    -               50
    -               65
    -               80
    -               83
    -               85
    -               41
    -               61
    -               84
    -               55
    -               51
    -               9
    -               74
    -               55
    -               78
    -               69
    -               80
    -               67
    -               25
    -               81
    -               80
    -               57
    -               2
    -               57
    -               96
    -               99
    -               64
    -               42
    -               83
    -               65
    -               34
    -               40
    -               21
    -               69
    -               18
    -               59
    -               28
    -               32
    -               24
    -               60
    -               42
    -               77
    -               64
    -               57
    -               28
    -               68
    -               60
    -               35
    -               74
    -               36
    -               72
    -               25
    -               95
    -               44
    -               68
    -               56
    -               62
    -               48
    -               33
    -               75
    -               61
    -               73
    -               87
    -               57
    -               87
    -               43
    -               68
    -               4
    -               19
    -               72
    -               75
    -               35
    -               11
    -               93
    -               58
    -               5
    -               30
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    -         0x73BAD1
    -         ptr
    -         0x443DC4
    -         rco
    -         0x8986BF
    -         sly
    -         0xA378AD
    -         stu
    -         0x9D4FB0
    -         tca
    -         0x37BD42
    -         tpa
    -         0xBCF5A9
    -         vvi
    -         0xB595CF
    -         zma
    -         0x5E610B
    -         0x12C6D7
    -         Pyruvate dehydrogenase
    -         http://www.example.com
    -         IPR002048
    -         0xFAF38C
    -         IPR001005
    -         0xF9D380
    -         IPR004910
    -         0xA9BFAB
    -         IPR017884
    -         0xAF45C9
    -         IPR009057
    -         0x2819CC
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    deleted file mode 100755
    index 7e5234f..0000000
    --- a/samples/annotation.txt
    +++ /dev/null
    @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
    -raccoon 80 61 1130 74 99 73 0 0 38 67 68 88 99 39 1172 1973 1279
    -bear 18 81 1222 9 46 74 0 1 44 67 83 53 99 95 1821 1344 1078
    -sea_lion 66 89 1616 38 22 50 1 -1 11 15 29 94 75 26 1255 1813 1094
    -seal 9 97 1761 99 74 72 0 1 15 12 78 18 26 68 1935 1162 1069
    -monkey 25 15 1583 85 45 29 0 1 100 72 48 17 43 59 1688 1081 1340
    -cat 14 26 1618 74 39 56 0 0 15 49 62 24 76 23 1951 1640 1196
    -weasel 78 78 1375 34 16 1 -1 1 90 46 39 13 77 45 1845 1746 1936
    -dog 35 81 1854 76 72 80 -1 1 87 91 80 15 20 55 1761 1461 1700
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    deleted file mode 100755
    index 7d8b73c..0000000
    --- a/samples/clean.xml
    +++ /dev/null
    @@ -1,497 +0,0 @@
    -      0.06203
    -      89.0
    -         5.5E-4
    -         76.0
    -            0.00723
    -            73.0
    -               0.03469
    -               88.0
    -                  BV1G04700
    -                  0.13638
    -                     bvu
    -                        IPR002048
    -                        IPR011992
    -                  147
    -                  CP02176G00020
    -                  0.06558
    -                     cpa
    -                        IPR011992
    -                        IPR002048
    -                  148
    -               146
    -               0.02642
    -               81.0
    -                  0.04143
    -                  78.0
    -                     MD07G013420
    -                     0.02442
    -                        mdo
    -                           IPR011992
    -                           IPR002048
    -                     151
    -                     FV7G04970
    -                     0.01582
    -                        fve
    -                           IPR004910
    -                           IPR002048
    -                           IPR011992
    -                     152
    -                  150
    -                  0.02852
    -                  46.0
    -                     TC0001G33590
    -                     0.04457
    -                        tca
    -                           IPR002048
    -                           IPR011992
    -                     154
    -                     GR08G12710
    -                     0.09337
    -                        gra
    -                           IPR011992
    -                           IPR002048
    -                     155
    -                  153
    -               149
    -            145
    -            0.01125
    -            71.0
    -               0.06335
    -               97.0
    -                  0.0196
    -                  76.0
    -                     0.0401
    -                     87.0
    -                        0.07277
    -                        97.0
    -                           GM19G44710
    -                           0.03405
    -                              gma
    -                                 IPR011992
    -                                 IPR002048
    -                           161
    -                           GM03G42010
    -                           0.00469
    -                              gma
    -                                 IPR002048
    -                                 IPR011992
    -                           162
    -                        160
    -                        LJ3G034830
    -                        0.07935
    -                           lja
    -                              IPR011992
    -                              IPR002048
    -                              IPR011992
    -                              IPR011992
    -                        163
    -                     159
    -                     MT8G027180
    -                     0.06397
    -                        mtr
    -                           IPR002048
    -                           IPR011992
    -                     164
    -                  158
    -                  0.02227
    -                  87.0
    -                     GM07G05910
    -                     5.6E-4
    -                        gma
    -                           IPR002048
    -                           IPR011992
    -                     166
    -                     GM16G02511
    -                     0.00926
    -                        gma
    -                           IPR002048
    -                           IPR011992
    -                     167
    -                  165
    -               157
    -               CS00001G04680
    -               0.15469
    -                  csi
    -                     IPR002048
    -                     IPR011992
    -               168
    -            156
    -         144
    -         0.01801
    -         74.0
    -            5.5E-4
    -            87.0
    -               0.01849
    -               79.0
    -                  0.0193
    -                  65.0
    -                     5.4E-4
    -                     54.0
    -                        PT02G17490
    -                        0.08712
    -                           ptr
    -                              IPR002048
    -                              IPR011992
    -                        174
    -                        PT14G10170
    -                        0.04429
    -                           ptr
    -                              IPR002048
    -                              IPR011992
    -                        175
    -                     173
    -                     SL10G009340
    -                     0.15917
    -                        sly
    -                           IPR011992
    -                           IPR002048
    -                     176
    -                  172
    -                  EG0004G19800
    -                  0.18791
    -                     egr
    -                        IPR002048
    -                        IPR011992
    -                  177
    -               171
    -               0.01958
    -               75.0
    -                  ME02658G00040
    -                  0.125
    -                     mes
    -                        IPR011992
    -                        IPR002048
    -                  179
    -                  RC29742G00080
    -                  0.0565
    -                     rco
    -                        IPR011992
    -                        IPR002048
    -                  180
    -               178
    -            170
    -            0.1988
    -            100.0
    -               5.4E-4
    -               0.0
    -                  0.00941
    -                  74.0
    -                     TP4G28650
    -                     0.02815
    -                        tpa
    -                           IPR011992
    -                           IPR002048
    -                     184
    -                     BR05G01160
    -                     0.05924
    -                        bra
    -                           IPR002048
    -                           IPR011992
    -                     185
    -                  183
    -                  0.00892
    -                  74.0
    -                     0.02889
    -                     91.0
    -                        0.00911
    -                        76.0
    -                           CRU_004G28250
    -                           0.0473
    -                              cru
    -                                 IPR002048
    -                                 IPR011992
    -                           189
    -                           AL4G34740
    -                           0.00935
    -                              aly
    -                                 IPR011992
    -                                 IPR002048
    -                           190
    -                        188
    -                        AT2G46600
    -                        0.00951
    -                           ath
    -                              IPR002048
    -                              IPR011992
    -                        191
    -                     187
    -                     BR04G27710
    -                     0.03705
    -                        bra
    -                           IPR011992
    -                           IPR002048
    -                     192
    -                  186
    -               182
    -               BR03G22780
    -               0.05765
    -                  bra
    -                     IPR011992
    -                     IPR002048
    -               193
    -            181
    -         169
    -      143
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    deleted file mode 100644
    index 0f9a1f6..0000000
    --- a/samples/events.xml
    +++ /dev/null
    @@ -1,3002 +0,0 @@
    -    n332
    -    100.0
    -      Angiosperms
    -      1
    -      n80
    -      0.09357
    -      92.0
    -        Dicots
    -        1
    -        n52
    -        0.02397
    -        0.0
    -          Dicots
    -          1
    -          n10
    -          0.02752
    -          77.0
    -            Dicots
    -            1
    -            n2
    -            0.08683
    -            93.0
    -              Dicots
    -              1
    -              BV0G48970
    -              0.14135
    -                BV
    -            bvu
    -              EG0006G28710
    -              0.20733
    -                EG
    -            egr
    -            n9
    -            0.08495
    -            96.0
    -              Solanum
    -              1
    -              n5
    -              0.01037
    -              66.0
    -                Solanum
    -                1
    -                ST10G006910
    -                5.5E-4
    -                  ST
    -              stu
    -                SL10G006700
    -                0.01918
    -                  SL
    -              sly
    -              n8
    -              0.00885
    -              77.0
    -                Solanum
    -                1
    -                SL10G006660
    -                0.00963
    -                  SL
    -              sly
    -                ST10G006890
    -                5.5E-4
    -                  ST
    -              stu
    -          1
    -        0
    -          n51
    -          0.02231
    -          81.0
    -            Rosids
    -            1
    -            n31
    -            0.01984
    -            80.0
    -              Rosids
    -              1
    -              n17
    -              0.06108
    -              96.0
    -                Rosaceae
    -                1
    -                n15
    -                0.01544
    -                55.0
    -                  Maloideae
    -                  1
    -                  n13
    -                  0.00738
    -                  73.0
    -                    MD
    -                    1
    -                    MD00G326810
    -                    0.05222
    -                      MD
    -                  mdo
    -                    MD14G006680
    -                    0.03108
    -                      MD
    -                  mdo
    -                1
    -                  PPE_004G18550
    -                  0.02089
    -                    PPE
    -                ppe
    -                FV3G27430
    -                0.08066
    -                  FV
    -              fve
    -              n30
    -              0.01293
    -              65.0
    -                Rosids
    -                1
    -                n28
    -                0.07065
    -                78.0
    -                  Papilionoideae
    -                  1
    -                  n26
    -                  0.05762
    -                  83.0
    -                    Papilionoideae
    -                    1
    -                    n20
    -                    0.02443
    -                    80.0
    -                      GM
    -                      1
    -                      GM13G35950
    -                      0.01976
    -                        GM
    -                    gma
    -                      GM12G34580
    -                      0.01934
    -                        GM
    -                    gma
    -                  1
    -                    n25
    -                    0.02649
    -                    66.0
    -                      Papilionoideae
    -                      1
    -                      n23
    -                      0.08739
    -                      98.0
    -                        GM
    -                        1
    -                        GM12G20830
    -                        5.7E-4
    -                          GM
    -                      gma
    -                        GM06G40330
    -                        0.07414
    -                          GM
    -                      gma
    -                    1
    -                      MT8G466250
    -                      0.14899
    -                        MT
    -                    mtr
    -                0.5
    -                  MT2G081580
    -                  0.14236
    -                    MT
    -                mtr
    -              0.5
    -                VV19G04530
    -                0.10765
    -                  VV
    -              vvi
    -          0
    -            n50
    -            0.0197
    -            100.0
    -              Rosids1
    -              1
    -              n40
    -              0.00974
    -              0.0
    -                ND_Malvids2
    -                1
    -                n34
    -                0.04315
    -                78.0
    -                  ND_Malvids2
    -                  1
    -                  CS00012G01330
    -                  0.15147
    -                    CS
    -                csi
    -                  CP00012G00050
    -                  0.12513
    -                    CP
    -                cpa
    -                n39
    -                0.04553
    -                86.0
    -                  Malvales
    -                  1
    -                  n37
    -                  0.05686
    -                  88.0
    -                    Malvales
    -                    1
    -                    TC0007G06000
    -                    0.06375
    -                      TC
    -                  tca
    -                    GR02G07870
    -                    0.05101
    -                      GR
    -                  gra
    -                  GR13G16540
    -                  0.08424
    -                    GR
    -                gra
    -              0.5
    -            0
    -              n49
    -              0.01173
    -              72.0
    -                Malpighiales
    -                1
    -                n45
    -                0.04322
    -                94.0
    -                  Euphorbiaceae
    -                  1
    -                  n43
    -                  0.02895
    -                  81.0
    -                    ME
    -                    1
    -                    ME03423G00050
    -                    0.01856
    -                      ME
    -                  mes
    -                    ME11388G00230
    -                    0.07419
    -                      ME
    -                  mes
    -                1
    -                  RC30014G00080
    -                  0.0607
    -                    RC
    -                rco
    -                n48
    -                0.01098
    -                74.0
    -                  PT
    -                  1
    -                  PT11G12910
    -                  0.05281
    -                    PT
    -                ptr
    -                  PT01G41180
    -                  0.0397
    -                    PT
    -                ptr
    -              1
    -        0
    -      0
    -        n79
    -        0.04992
    -        83.0
    -          Rosids1
    -          1
    -          n71
    -          0.21258
    -          100.0
    -            Brassicaceae
    -            1
    -            n59
    -            0.00713
    -            16.0
    -              Brassicaceae
    -              1
    -              n57
    -              0.01244
    -              40.0
    -                Camelineae
    -                1
    -                n55
    -                5.4E-4
    -                83.0
    -                  Arabidopsis
    -                  1
    -                  AT4G27280
    -                  0.01945
    -                    AT
    -                ath
    -                  AL7G14730
    -                  5.5E-4
    -                    AL
    -                aly
    -                CRU_007G12800
    -                0.05028
    -                  CRU
    -              cru
    -              TP7G25200
    -              0.04723
    -                TP
    -            tpa
    -            n70
    -            0.08588
    -            96.0
    -              Brassicaceae
    -              1
    -              n64
    -              0.08132
    -              99.0
    -                Camelineae
    -                1
    -                n62
    -                0.00734
    -                76.0
    -                  Arabidopsis
    -                  1
    -                  AT5G54490
    -                  0.02842
    -                    AT
    -                ath
    -                  AL8G19750
    -                  0.00952
    -                    AL
    -                aly
    -                CRU_008G14410
    -                0.04183
    -                  CRU
    -              cru
    -              n69
    -              5.4E-4
    -              0.0
    -                ND_Brassicaceae1
    -                1
    -                n67
    -                0.00987
    -                75.0
    -                  ND_Brassicaceae1
    -                  1
    -                  TP6G16460
    -                  0.0488
    -                    TP
    -                tpa
    -                  BR10G08050
    -                  0.02
    -                    BR
    -                bra
    -                BR02G15090
    -                0.02001
    -                  BR
    -              bra
    -            0.5
    -        0.5
    -          n78
    -          0.06708
    -          77.0
    -            Benincaseae
    -            1
    -            n74
    -            0.1296
    -            97.0
    -              Benincaseae
    -              1
    -              CL10G05570
    -              0.10331
    -                CL
    -            cla
    -              CM00078G00800
    -              0.03275
    -                CM
    -            cme
    -            n77
    -            0.08928
    -            93.0
    -              Benincaseae
    -              1
    -              CL07G06870
    -              0.05027
    -                CL
    -            cla
    -              CM00028G01650
    -              0.01018
    -                CM
    -            cme
    -        1
    -    0
    -      n331
    -      0.09357
    -      92.0
    -        Angiosperms
    -        1
    -        n325
    -        5.7E-4
    -        0.0
    -          Angiosperms
    -          1
    -          n83
    -          0.17212
    -          100.0
    -            Solanum
    -            1
    -            ST07G020790
    -            0.02135
    -              ST
    -          stu
    -            SL07G053050
    -            0.026
    -              SL
    -          sly
    -          n324
    -          0.04124
    -          57.0
    -            Angiosperms
    -            1
    -            n282
    -            0.04796
    -            84.0
    -              Angiosperms
    -              1
    -              n280
    -              0.06711
    -              90.0
    -                Angiosperms
    -                1
    -                n210
    -                0.10658
    -                93.0
    -                  Dicots
    -                  1
    -                  n142
    -                  0.22805
    -                  100.0
    -                    Dicots
    -                    1
    -                    n118
    -                    0.04594
    -                    86.0
    -                      Dicots
    -                      1
    -                      n106
    -                      0.02216
    -                      70.0
    -                        Dicots
    -                        1
    -                        n94
    -                        0.03152
    -                        11.0
    -                          Dicots
    -                          1
    -                          n90
    -                          0.14823
    -                          97.0
    -                            Rosaceae
    -                            1
    -                            n86
    -                            0.0067
    -                            44.0
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    -                              1
    -                              MD03G018750
    -                              0.14794
    -                                MD
    -                            mdo
    -                              MD00G318760
    -                              0.02216
    -                                MD
    -                            mdo
    -                          1
    -                            n89
    -                            0.04435
    -                            21.0
    -                              Rosaceae
    -                              1
    -                              FV3G27550
    -                              0.22334
    -                                FV
    -                            fve
    -                              PPE_004G18470
    -                              0.05511
    -                                PPE
    -                            ppe
    -                        0
    -                          n93
    -                          0.05375
    -                          70.0
    -                            Dicots
    -                            1
    -                            BV0G42860
    -                            0.2183
    -                              BV
    -                          bvu
    -                            EG0006G08470
    -                            0.13203
    -                              EG
    -                          egr
    -                      0
    -                        n105
    -                        0.12961
    -                        95.0
    -                          Papilionoideae
    -                          1
    -                          n103
    -                          0.02772
    -                          13.0
    -                            Papilionoideae
    -                            1
    -                            n99
    -                            0.08548
    -                            92.0
    -                              MT
    -                              1
    -                              n97
    -                              0.05567
    -                              94.0
    -                                MT
    -                                1
    -                                MT2G081350
    -                                0.02674
    -                                  MT
    -                              mtr
    -                                MT2G081440
    -                                0.1079
    -                                  MT
    -                              mtr
    -                            1
    -                              MT2G081300
    -                              0.01661
    -                                MT
    -                            mtr
    -                          1
    -                            n102
    -                            0.11099
    -                            95.0
    -                              GM
    -                              1
    -                              GM13G35890
    -                              0.08537
    -                                GM
    -                            gma
    -                              GM12G34610
    -                              0.13165
    -                                GM
    -                            gma
    -                          1
    -                          GM12G21920
    -                          0.23001
    -                            GM
    -                        gma
    -                      0.5
    -                    0
    -                      n117
    -                      0.05152
    -                      85.0
    -                        ND_Malvids2
    -                        1
    -                        n109
    -                        0.19734
    -                        100.0
    -                          CS
    -                          1
    -                          CS00012G00970
    -                          0.08364
    -                            CS
    -                        csi
    -                          CS00012G00980
    -                          0.09682
    -                            CS
    -                        csi
    -                      1
    -                        n116
    -                        0.07641
    -                        91.0
    -                          ND_Malvids1
    -                          1
    -                          n114
    -                          0.02585
    -                          74.0
    -                            ND_Malvids1
    -                            1
    -                            n112
    -                            0.08431
    -                            83.0
    -                              ND_Malvids1
    -                              1
    -                              GR02G07780
    -                              0.09532
    -                                GR
    -                            gra
    -                              CP33359G00010
    -                              0.20376
    -                                CP
    -                            cpa
    -                            TC0007G06390
    -                            0.0114
    -                              TC
    -                          tca
    -                        0
    -                          GR09G42990
    -                          0.15285
    -                            GR
    -                        gra
    -                      0.3333
    -                  0
    -                    n141
    -                    0.00964
    -                    48.0
    -                      ND_Dicots
    -                      1
    -                      n133
    -                      0.01347
    -                      32.0
    -                        Rosids
    -                        1
    -                        n129
    -                        0.02594
    -                        25.0
    -                          Malpighiales
    -                          1
    -                          n123
    -                          0.12275
    -                          98.0
    -                            Euphorbiaceae
    -                            1
    -                            n121
    -                            0.03462
    -                            82.0
    -                              Euphorbiaceae
    -                              1
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    -                              0.15738
    -                                RC
    -                            rco
    -                              ME10810G00010
    -                              0.07494
    -                                ME
    -                            mes
    -                            ME11388G00190
    -                            0.05072
    -                              ME
    -                          mes
    -                        0.5
    -                          n128
    -                          0.09997
    -                          96.0
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    -                            1
    -                            n126
    -                            0.08336
    -                            94.0
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    -                              1
    -                              PT00G02170
    -                              0.01202
    -                                PT
    -                            ptr
    -                              PT11G12530
    -                              0.02808
    -                                PT
    -                            ptr
    -                          1
    -                            PT01G41460
    -                            0.09551
    -                              PT
    -                          ptr
    -                        1
    -                        n132
    -                        0.17147
    -                        97.0
    -                          VV
    -                          1
    -                          VV02G02850
    -                          0.29327
    -                            VV
    -                        vvi
    -                          VV02G02840
    -                          0.13855
    -                            VV
    -                        vvi
    -                      1
    -                      n140
    -                      0.15979
    -                      90.0
    -                        Solanum
    -                        1
    -                        n136
    -                        0.16662
    -                        95.0
    -                          Solanum
    -                          1
    -                          ST07G026660
    -                          5.6E-4
    -                            ST
    -                        stu
    -                          SL07G063690
    -                          0.00999
    -                            SL
    -                        sly
    -                        n139
    -                        0.28847
    -                        100.0
    -                          Solanum
    -                          1
    -                          ST10G006950
    -                          0.03095
    -                            ST
    -                        stu
    -                          SL10G006740
    -                          0.03491
    -                            SL
    -                        sly
    -                    1
    -                0
    -                  n209
    -                  0.02567
    -                  74.0
    -                    Dicots
    -                    1
    -                    n151
    -                    0.0221
    -                    10.0
    -                      Dicots
    -                      1
    -                      n149
    -                      0.12672
    -                      95.0
    -                        Solanum
    -                        1
    -                        n145
    -                        0.1678
    -                        99.0
    -                          Solanum
    -                          1
    -                          ST02G022510
    -                          0.03737
    -                            ST
    -                        stu
    -                          SL02G079520
    -                          0.01198
    -                            SL
    -                        sly
    -                        n148
    -                        0.10414
    -                        93.0
    -                          Solanum
    -                          1
    -                          SL03G006710
    -                          0.00949
    -                            SL
    -                        sly
    -                          ST03G007850
    -                          0.021
    -                            ST
    -                        stu
    -                    1
    -                      BV0G04900
    -                      0.3784
    -                        BV
    -                    bvu
    -                    n208
    -                    0.02961
    -                    69.0
    -                      Rosids1
    -                      1
    -                      n206
    -                      0.03345
    -                      74.0
    -                        Rosids1
    -                        1
    -                        n156
    -                        0.05462
    -                        84.0
    -                          EG
    -                          1
    -                          n154
    -                          0.19405
    -                          98.0
    -                            EG
    -                            1
    -                            EG0009G21000
    -                            5.5E-4
    -                              EG
    -                          egr
    -                            EG0005G27690
    -                            0.01887
    -                              EG
    -                          egr
    -                        1
    -                          EG0004G06210
    -                          0.2853
    -                            EG
    -                        egr
    -                      1
    -                        n205
    -                        0.03318
    -                        25.0
    -                          Rosids1
    -                          1
    -                          n161
    -                          0.15836
    -                          100.0
    -                            Papilionoideae
    -                            1
    -                            n159
    -                            0.01602
    -                            14.0
    -                              Papilionoideae
    -                              1
    -                              GM13G32180
    -                              5.6E-4
    -                                GM
    -                            gma
    -                              MT2G011400
    -                              0.13976
    -                                MT
    -                            mtr
    -                            GM15G07120
    -                            0.01361
    -                              GM
    -                          gma
    -                        0.5
    -                          n204
    -                          0.03929
    -                          82.0
    -                            Rosids1
    -                            1
    -                            n172
    -                            0.06465
    -                            92.0
    -                              Rosaceae
    -                              1
    -                              n164
    -                              0.01037
    -                              64.0
    -                                PPE
    -                                1
    -                                PPE_004G03140
    -                                0.08362
    -                                  PPE
    -                              ppe
    -                                PPE_004G03150
    -                                0.10135
    -                                  PPE
    -                              ppe
    -                            0
    -                              n171
    -                              0.02407
    -                              77.0
    -                                Rosaceae
    -                                1
    -                                n169
    -                                0.03379
    -                                63.0
    -                                  Rosaceae
    -                                  1
    -                                  n167
    -                                  0.00806
    -                                  69.0
    -                                    MD
    -                                    1
    -                                    MD00G378680
    -                                    0.07037
    -                                      MD
    -                                  mdo
    -                                    MD00G312840
    -                                    0.0198
    -                                      MD
    -                                  mdo
    -                                1
    -                                  FV3G07540
    -                                  0.20381
    -                                    FV
    -                                fve
    -                                MD10G025260
    -                                0.25666
    -                                  MD
    -                              mdo
    -                            0.5
    -                          0
    -                            n203
    -                            0.03453
    -                            52.0
    -                              Rosids1
    -                              1
    -                              n181
    -                              0.04119
    -                              83.0
    -                                Maloideae
    -                                1
    -                                n179
    -                                0.11402
    -                                99.0
    -                                  MD
    -                                  1
    -                                  n177
    -                                  0.01639
    -                                  100.0
    -                                    MD
    -                                    1
    -                                    MD05G002860
    -                                    0.0
    -                                      MD
    -                                  mdo
    -                                    MD00G312850
    -                                    0.0
    -                                      MD
    -                                  mdo
    -                                    MD00G480060
    -                                    0.0
    -                                      MD
    -                                  mdo
    -                                1
    -                                  MD10G025270
    -                                  0.04755
    -                                    MD
    -                                mdo
    -                              1
    -                                PPE_004G03160
    -                                0.06473
    -                                  PPE
    -                              ppe
    -                              n202
    -                              0.09038
    -                              93.0
    -                                Rosids1
    -                                1
    -                                n186
    -                                0.07956
    -                                94.0
    -                                  Malvales
    -                                  1
    -                                  n184
    -                                  0.02453
    -                                  23.0
    -                                    Malvales
    -                                    1
    -                                    TC0006G19740
    -                                    0.01317
    -                                      TC
    -                                  tca
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    -                                    0.03668
    -                                      GR
    -                                  gra
    -                                  GR09G17500
    -                                  0.0925
    -                                    GR
    -                                gra
    -                              0.5
    -                                n201
    -                                0.02275
    -                                17.0
    -                                  Rosids1
    -                                  1
    -                                  n197
    -                                  0.02098
    -                                  74.0
    -                                    Rosids1
    -                                    1
    -                                    n195
    -                                    0.02664
    -                                    77.0
    -                                      Rosids1
    -                                      1
    -                                      n193
    -                                      0.04444
    -                                      14.0
    -                                        Malpighiales
    -                                        1
    -                                        n191
    -                                        0.07578
    -                                        95.0
    -                                          PT
    -                                          1
    -                                          n189
    -                                          0.02537
    -                                          100.0
    -                                            PT
    -                                            1
    -                                            PT11G03950
    -                                            0.0
    -                                              PT
    -                                          ptr
    -                                            PT11G03960
    -                                            0.0
    -                                              PT
    -                                          ptr
    -                                        1
    -                                          PT04G02720
    -                                          0.08697
    -                                            PT
    -                                        ptr
    -                                      1
    -                                        RC29933G00790
    -                                        0.0969
    -                                          RC
    -                                      rco
    -                                      CS00010G02050
    -                                      0.121
    -                                        CS
    -                                    csi
    -                                    CP00871G00060
    -                                    0.08116
    -                                      CP
    -                                  cpa
    -                                0
    -                                  n200
    -                                  0.0595
    -                                  94.0
    -                                    Malvales
    -                                    1
    -                                    GR11G02100
    -                                    0.11118
    -                                      GR
    -                                  gra
    -                                    TC0006G19730
    -                                    0.03927
    -                                      TC
    -                                  tca
    -                              0
    -                            0.3333
    -                          0
    -                        0.1
    -                      0
    -                    0
    -                      CL03G05240
    -                      0.66567
    -                        CL
    -                    cla
    -                  0
    -                0
    -              0.7368
    -                n279
    -                0.05891
    -                80.0
    -                  Angiosperms
    -                  1
    -                  n275
    -                  0.0521
    -                  55.0
    -                    Angiosperms
    -                    1
    -                    n213
    -                    0.42928
    -                    100.0
    -                      Monocots
    -                      1
    -                      OS06G46950
    -                      0.01687
    -                        OS
    -                    osa
    -                      ZM05G13370
    -                      0.08433
    -                        ZM
    -                    zma
    -                    n274
    -                    0.05992
    -                    85.0
    -                      Angiosperms
    -                      1
    -                      n216
    -                      0.20823
    -                      99.0
    -                        AT
    -                        1
    -                        ATR_00041G00750
    -                        0.0222
    -                          AT
    -                      atr
    -                        ATR_00057G00630
    -                        0.35911
    -                          AT
    -                      atr
    -                    0
    -                      n273
    -                      0.14577
    -                      93.0
    -                        Angiosperms
    -                        1
    -                        n219
    -                        0.2749
    -                        99.0
    -                          Monocots
    -                          1
    -                          ZM04G40340
    -                          0.2374
    -                            ZM
    -                        zma
    -                          OS02G03020
    -                          0.07357
    -                            OS
    -                        osa
    -                        n272
    -                        0.10041
    -                        92.0
    -                          Dicots
    -                          1
    -                          n270
    -                          0.06203
    -                          89.0
    -                            Dicots
    -                            1
    -                            n244
    -                            5.5E-4
    -                            76.0
    -                              Dicots
    -                              1
    -                              n230
    -                              0.00723
    -                              73.0
    -                                Dicots
    -                                1
    -                                n222
    -                                0.03469
    -                                88.0
    -                                  Dicots
    -                                  1
    -                                  CP02176G00020
    -                                  0.06558
    -                                    CP
    -                                cpa
    -                                  BV1G04700
    -                                  0.13638
    -                                    BV
    -                                bvu
    -                                n229
    -                                0.02642
    -                                81.0
    -                                  Rosids1
    -                                  1
    -                                  n225
    -                                  0.04143
    -                                  78.0
    -                                    Rosaceae
    -                                    1
    -                                    FV7G04970
    -                                    0.01582
    -                                      FV
    -                                  fve
    -                                    MD07G013420
    -                                    0.02442
    -                                      MD
    -                                  mdo
    -                                  n228
    -                                  0.02852
    -                                  46.0
    -                                    Malvales
    -                                    1
    -                                    GR08G12710
    -                                    0.09337
    -                                      GR
    -                                  gra
    -                                    TC0001G33590
    -                                    0.04457
    -                                      TC
    -                                  tca
    -                            0
    -                              n243
    -                              0.01125
    -                              71.0
    -                                Rosids1
    -                                1
    -                                n241
    -                                0.06335
    -                                97.0
    -                                  Papilionoideae
    -                                  1
    -                                  n237
    -                                  0.0196
    -                                  76.0
    -                                    Papilionoideae
    -                                    1
    -                                    n235
    -                                    0.0401
    -                                    87.0
    -                                      Papilionoideae
    -                                      1
    -                                      n233
    -                                      0.07277
    -                                      97.0
    -                                        GM
    -                                        1
    -                                        GM03G42010
    -                                        0.00469
    -                                          GM
    -                                      gma
    -                                        GM19G44710
    -                                        0.03405
    -                                          GM
    -                                      gma
    -                                    1
    -                                      LJ3G034830
    -                                      0.07935
    -                                        LJ
    -                                    lja
    -                                    MT8G027180
    -                                    0.06397
    -                                      MT
    -                                  mtr
    -                                0
    -                                  n240
    -                                  0.02227
    -                                  87.0
    -                                    GM
    -                                    1
    -                                    GM16G02511
    -                                    0.00926
    -                                      GM
    -                                  gma
    -                                    GM07G05910
    -                                    5.6E-4
    -                                      GM
    -                                  gma
    -                                1
    -                              0.3333
    -                                CS00001G04680
    -                                0.15469
    -                                  CS
    -                              csi
    -                          0
    -                            n269
    -                            0.01801
    -                            74.0
    -                              ND_Dicots
    -                              1
    -                              n255
    -                              5.5E-4
    -                              87.0
    -                                ND_Dicots
    -                                1
    -                                n251
    -                                0.01849
    -                                79.0
    -                                  ND_Dicots
    -                                  1
    -                                  n249
    -                                  0.0193
    -                                  65.0
    -                                    ND_Dicots
    -                                    1
    -                                    n247
    -                                    5.4E-4
    -                                    54.0
    -                                      PT
    -                                      1
    -                                      PT14G10170
    -                                      0.04429
    -                                        PT
    -                                    ptr
    -                                      PT02G17490
    -                                      0.08712
    -                                        PT
    -                                    ptr
    -                                  1
    -                                    SL10G009340
    -                                    0.15917
    -                                      SL
    -                                  sly
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    -                                  0.18791
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    -                                egr
    -                              0
    -                                n254
    -                                0.01958
    -                                75.0
    -                                  Euphorbiaceae
    -                                  1
    -                                  RC29742G00080
    -                                  0.0565
    -                                    RC
    -                                rco
    -                                  ME02658G00040
    -                                  0.125
    -                                    ME
    -                                mes
    -                            0
    -                              n268
    -                              0.1988
    -                              100.0
    -                                Brassicaceae
    -                                1
    -                                n266
    -                                5.4E-4
    -                                0.0
    -                                  Brassicaceae
    -                                  1
    -                                  n258
    -                                  0.00941
    -                                  74.0
    -                                    ND_Brassicaceae1
    -                                    1
    -                                    BR05G01160
    -                                    0.05924
    -                                      BR
    -                                  bra
    -                                    TP4G28650
    -                                    0.02815
    -                                      TP
    -                                  tpa
    -                                  n265
    -                                  0.00892
    -                                  74.0
    -                                    Brassicaceae
    -                                    1
    -                                    n263
    -                                    0.02889
    -                                    91.0
    -                                      Camelineae
    -                                      1
    -                                      n261
    -                                      0.00911
    -                                      76.0
    -                                        Camelineae
    -                                        1
    -                                        AL4G34740
    -                                        0.00935
    -                                          AL
    -                                      aly
    -                                        CRU_004G28250
    -                                        0.0473
    -                                          CRU
    -                                      cru
    -                                      AT2G46600
    -                                      0.00951
    -                                        AT
    -                                    ath
    -                                  0
    -                                    BR04G27710
    -                                    0.03705
    -                                      BR
    -                                  bra
    -                              0.2
    -                                BR03G22780
    -                                0.05765
    -                                  BR
    -                              bra
    -                            0.2
    -                          0
    -                        0
    -                          CL06G03020
    -                          0.1351
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    -                        cla
    -                      0
    -                  0
    -                0.087
    -                  n278
    -                  0.1548
    -                  96.0
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    -                    1
    -                    ATR_00234G00020
    -                    0.14457
    -                      AT
    -                  atr
    -                    ATR_00234G00010
    -                    0.14108
    -                      AT
    -                  atr
    -                0
    -              0.0417
    -            0.5769
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    -              0.30399
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    -            bvu
    -          0.037
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    -            0.04379
    -            85.0
    -              Rosids1
    -              1
    -              n295
    -              0.03959
    -              52.0
    -                Rosids1
    -                1
    -                n287
    -                0.04794
    -                85.0
    -                  Rosids1
    -                  1
    -                  n285
    -                  0.06039
    -                  88.0
    -                    PT
    -                    1
    -                    PT19G12060
    -                    0.05542
    -                      PT
    -                  ptr
    -                    PT13G15100
    -                    0.03164
    -                      PT
    -                  ptr
    -                1
    -                  CS02115G00010
    -                  0.11722
    -                    CS
    -                csi
    -                n294
    -                0.0405
    -                71.0
    -                  Malvids
    -                  1
    -                  n292
    -                  0.02542
    -                  71.0
    -                    ND_Malvids1
    -                    1
    -                    n290
    -                    0.06883
    -                    95.0
    -                      GR
    -                      1
    -                      GR13G07260
    -                      0.13449
    -                        GR
    -                    gra
    -                      GR08G15070
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    -                        GR
    -                    gra
    -                  1
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    -                    0.09926
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    -                egr
    -            0
    -              n322
    -              0.02603
    -              77.0
    -                Fabids
    -                1
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    -                0.04024
    -                83.0
    -                  ND_Fabids2
    -                  1
    -                  n306
    -                  0.06319
    -                  94.0
    -                    Papilionoideae
    -                    1
    -                    n300
    -                    0.05249
    -                    93.0
    -                      Papilionoideae
    -                      1
    -                      n298
    -                      0.11402
    -                      99.0
    -                        GM
    -                        1
    -                        GM12G32420
    -                        0.00917
    -                          GM
    -                      gma
    -                        GM13G37990
    -                        0.07327
    -                          GM
    -                      gma
    -                    1
    -                      MT2G089210
    -                      0.04686
    -                        MT
    -                    mtr
    -                    n305
    -                    0.01659
    -                    77.0
    -                      Papilionoideae
    -                      1
    -                      n303
    -                      0.02125
    -                      74.0
    -                        Papilionoideae
    -                        1
    -                        GM12G11210
    -                        0.03043
    -                          GM
    -                      gma
    -                        MT1G052885
    -                        0.06123
    -                          MT
    -                      mtr
    -                      LJ3G041130
    -                      0.1032
    -                        LJ
    -                    lja
    -                  0
    -                0.6667
    -                  n315
    -                  0.02337
    -                  79.0
    -                    Rosaceae
    -                    1
    -                    n309
    -                    0.06951
    -                    96.0
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    -                      1
    -                      FV3G04370
    -                      5.5E-4
    -                        FV
    -                    fve
    -                      FV3G04390
    -                      0.05378
    -                        FV
    -                    fve
    -                  1
    -                    n314
    -                    0.04691
    -                    86.0
    -                      Maloideae
    -                      1
    -                      n312
    -                      0.01977
    -                      76.0
    -                        MD
    -                        1
    -                        MD17G007640
    -                        0.01099
    -                          MD
    -                      mdo
    -                        MD09G007170
    -                        0.02734
    -                          MD
    -                      mdo
    -                    1
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    -                      0.04893
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    -                n321
    -                0.04458
    -                74.0
    -                  Fabids
    -                  1
    -                  n319
    -                  0.06474
    -                  87.0
    -                    Euphorbiaceae
    -                    1
    -                    RC30156G00550
    -                    0.26524
    -                      RC
    -                  rco
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    -                    0.1596
    -                      ME
    -                  mes
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    -                  0.22606
    -                    CL
    -                cla
    -            0
    -          0
    -        0.4643
    -      0.0769
    -        n330
    -        0.07689
    -        34.0
    -          Angiosperms
    -          1
    -          n328
    -          0.40952
    -          99.0
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    -            1
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    -            0.30451
    -              ZM
    -          zma
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    -            0.0647
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    -          osa
    -          ST02G022730
    -          0.42168
    -            ST
    -        stu
    -    0.1111
    -  0.7241
    -    Confidence
    -           confidence
    -           0xFF0000
    -        0
    -        100
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    deleted file mode 100644
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    +++ /dev/null
    @@ -1,5091 +0,0 @@
    -      0.06203
    -      89.0
    -         5.5E-4
    -         76.0
    -            0.00723
    -            73.0
    -               0.03469
    -               88.0
    -                  BV1G04700
    -                  0.13638
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    -                        IPR002048
    -                        IPR011992
    -                  147
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    -                  0.06558
    -                     cpa
    -                        IPR011992
    -                        IPR002048
    -                  148
    -               146
    -               0.02642
    -               81.0
    -                  0.04143
    -                  78.0
    -                     MD07G013420
    -                     0.02442
    -                        mdo
    -                           IPR011992
    -                           IPR002048
    -                     151
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    -                     0.01582
    -                        fve
    -                           IPR004910
    -                           IPR002048
    -                           IPR011992
    -                     152
    -                  150
    -                  0.02852
    -                  46.0
    -                     TC0001G33590
    -                     0.04457
    -                        tca
    -                           IPR002048
    -                           IPR011992
    -                     154
    -                     GR08G12710
    -                     0.09337
    -                        gra
    -                           IPR011992
    -                           IPR002048
    -                     155
    -                  153
    -               149
    -            145
    -            0.01125
    -            71.0
    -               0.06335
    -               97.0
    -                  0.0196
    -                  76.0
    -                     0.0401
    -                     87.0
    -                        0.07277
    -                        97.0
    -                           GM19G44710
    -                           0.03405
    -                              gma
    -                                 IPR011992
    -                                 IPR002048
    -                           161
    -                           GM03G42010
    -                           0.00469
    -                              gma
    -                                 IPR002048
    -                                 IPR011992
    -                           162
    -                        160
    -                        LJ3G034830
    -                        0.07935
    -                           lja
    -                              IPR011992
    -                              IPR002048
    -                              IPR011992
    -                              IPR011992
    -                        163
    -                     159
    -                     MT8G027180
    -                     0.06397
    -                        mtr
    -                           IPR002048
    -                           IPR011992
    -                     164
    -                  158
    -                  0.02227
    -                  87.0
    -                     GM07G05910
    -                     5.6E-4
    -                        gma
    -                           IPR002048
    -                           IPR011992
    -                     166
    -                     GM16G02511
    -                     0.00926
    -                        gma
    -                           IPR002048
    -                           IPR011992
    -                     167
    -                  165
    -               157
    -               CS00001G04680
    -               0.15469
    -                  csi
    -                     IPR002048
    -                     IPR011992
    -               168
    -            156
    -         144
    -         0.01801
    -         74.0
    -            5.5E-4
    -            87.0
    -               0.01849
    -               79.0
    -                  0.0193
    -                  65.0
    -                     5.4E-4
    -                     54.0
    -                        PT02G17490
    -                        0.08712
    -                           ptr
    -                              IPR002048
    -                              IPR011992
    -                        174
    -                        PT14G10170
    -                        0.04429
    -                           ptr
    -                              IPR002048
    -                              IPR011992
    -                        175
    -                     173
    -                     SL10G009340
    -                     0.15917
    -                        sly
    -                           IPR011992
    -                           IPR002048
    -                     176
    -                  172
    -                  EG0004G19800
    -                  0.18791
    -                     egr
    -                        IPR002048
    -                        IPR011992
    -                  177
    -               171
    -               0.01958
    -               75.0
    -                  ME02658G00040
    -                  0.125
    -                     mes
    -                        IPR011992
    -                        IPR002048
    -                  179
    -                  RC29742G00080
    -                  0.0565
    -                     rco
    -                        IPR011992
    -                        IPR002048
    -                  180
    -               178
    -            170
    -            0.1988
    -            100.0
    -               5.4E-4
    -               0.0
    -                  0.00941
    -                  74.0
    -                     TP4G28650
    -                     0.02815
    -                        tpa
    -                           IPR011992
    -                           IPR002048
    -                     184
    -                     BR05G01160
    -                     0.05924
    -                        bra
    -                           IPR002048
    -                           IPR011992
    -                     185
    -                  183
    -                  0.00892
    -                  74.0
    -                     0.02889
    -                     91.0
    -                        0.00911
    -                        76.0
    -                           CRU_004G28250
    -                           0.0473
    -                              cru
    -                                 IPR002048
    -                                 IPR011992
    -                           189
    -                           AL4G34740
    -                           0.00935
    -                              aly
    -                                 IPR011992
    -                                 IPR002048
    -                           190
    -                        188
    -                        AT2G46600
    -                        0.00951
    -                           ath
    -                              IPR002048
    -                              IPR011992
    -                        191
    -                     187
    -                     BR04G27710
    -                     0.03705
    -                        bra
    -                           IPR011992
    -                           IPR002048
    -                     192
    -                  186
    -               182
    -               BR03G22780
    -               0.05765
    -                  bra
    -                     IPR011992
    -                     IPR002048
    -               193
    -            181
    -         169
    -      143
    -         Multibar test graph
    -               bar1
    -               0x8986BF
    -               bar2
    -               0x9D4FB0
    -               bar3
    -               0xF7BE81
    -               12
    -               61
    -               34
    -               57
    -               37
    -               8
    -               23
    -               27
    -               14
    -               23
    -               30
    -               92
    -               16
    -               81
    -               83
    -               2
    -               41
    -               9
    -               9
    -               89
    -               54
    -               16
    -               27
    -               31
    -               96
    -               33
    -               73
    -               82
    -               57
    -               23
    -               2
    -               69
    -               29
    -               8
    -               48
    -               11
    -               34
    -               82
    -               87
    -               77
    -               99
    -               58
    -               60
    -               6
    -               84
    -               71
    -               39
    -               8
    -               5
    -               79
    -               53
    -               12
    -               55
    -               86
    -               20
    -               46
    -               14
    -               75
    -               73
    -               50
    -               85
    -               59
    -               81
    -               9
    -               16
    -               80
    -               97
    -               85
    -               40
    -               23
    -               15
    -               45
    -               84
    -               83
    -               42
    -               27
    -               57
    -               32
    -               29
    -               71
    -               48
    -               86
    -               43
    -               24
    -               27
    -               7
    -               55
    -               61
    -               90
    -               98
    -               3
    -               88
    -               27
    -               8
    -               30
    -               36
    -               76
    -               0
    -               80
    -               51
    -               11
    -               19
    -               35
    -               23
    -               85
    -               5
    -               38
    -               88
    -               5
    -               18
    -               88
    -               85
    -               28
    -               56
    -               64
    -               83
    -               72
    -               78
    -               66
    -               59
    -               12
    -               84
    -               22
    -               47
    -               14
    -               91
    -               67
    -               45
    -               63
    -               15
    -               70
    -               74
    -               18
    -               67
    -               57
    -               64
    -               90
    -               0
    -               69
    -               49
    -               77
    -               14
    -               29
    -               53
    -               86
    -               85
    -               48
    -               61
    -               59
    -               85
    -               90
    -               16
    -               37
    -               8
    -               2
    -               24
    -               13
    -               96
    -               98
    -               14
    -               11
    -               6
    -               38
    -               64
    -               19
    -               76
    -               67
    -               10
    -               65
    -               41
    -               47
    -               93
    -               70
    -               42
    -               66
    -               55
    -               68
    -               2
    -               78
    -               3
    -               78
    -               20
    -               75
    -               24
    -               23
    -               55
    -               94
    -               44
    -               17
    -               84
    -               88
    -               56
    -               36
    -               86
    -               38
    -               82
    -               70
    -               14
    -               82
    -               70
    -               73
    -               79
    -               97
    -               79
    -               57
    -               39
    -               37
    -               86
    -               73
    -               62
    -               40
    -               28
    -               87
    -               65
    -               58
    -               5
    -               71
    -               45
    -               30
    -               67
    -               32
    -               70
    -               80
    -               10
    -               76
    -               67
    -               81
    -               28
    -               59
    -               80
    -               89
    -               48
    -               58
    -               41
    -               80
    -               97
    -               80
    -               84
    -               4
    -               63
    -               84
    -               88
    -               47
    -               14
    -               30
    -               66
    -               85
    -               24
    -               33
    -               2
    -               8
    -               14
    -               86
    -               40
    -               64
    -               68
    -               73
    -               60
    -               24
    -               85
    -               98
    -               1
    -               49
    -               12
    -               47
    -               41
    -               83
    -               36
    -               57
    -               61
    -               3
    -               11
    -               94
    -               31
    -               71
    -               99
    -               75
    -               58
    -               26
    -               41
    -               92
    -               33
    -               66
    -               51
    -               22
    -               66
    -               18
    -               36
    -               57
    -               77
    -               26
    -               60
    -               75
    -               90
    -               6
    -               21
    -               30
    -               31
    -               7
    -               47
    -               5
    -               7
    -               44
    -               44
    -               63
    -               42
    -               84
    -               96
    -               17
    -               5
    -               0
    -               5
    -               62
    -               10
    -               72
    -               45
    -               80
    -               51
    -               53
    -               68
    -               17
    -               87
    -               16
    -               94
    -               98
    -               27
    -               83
    -               23
    -               82
    -               21
    -               88
    -               85
    -               79
    -               80
    -               31
    -               68
    -               11
    -               72
    -               53
    -               66
    -               44
    -               56
    -               45
    -               23
    -               67
    -               28
    -               25
    -               19
    -               89
    -               3
    -               30
    -               30
    -               47
    -               4
    -               32
    -               49
    -               42
    -               32
    -               71
    -               74
    -               44
    -               70
    -               25
    -               33
    -               16
    -               63
    -               68
    -               77
    -               73
    -               62
    -               22
    -               51
    -               8
    -               2
    -               47
    -               11
    -               14
    -               89
    -               13
    -               84
    -               75
    -               38
    -               34
    -               82
    -               19
    -               70
    -               53
    -               48
    -               59
    -               49
    -               36
    -               28
    -               77
    -               66
    -               72
    -               84
    -               47
    -               43
    -               41
    -               38
    -               19
    -               41
    -               57
    -               1
    -               86
    -               50
    -               76
    -               64
    -               93
    -               31
    -               90
    -               41
    -               25
    -               61
    -               51
    -               74
    -               2
    -               58
    -               22
    -               8
    -               62
    -               25
    -               99
    -               39
    -               77
    -               60
    -               25
    -               71
    -               35
    -               19
    -               92
    -               45
    -               97
    -               77
    -               95
    -               33
    -               86
    -               60
    -               5
    -               70
    -               25
    -               94
    -               46
    -               72
    -               49
    -               45
    -               61
    -               2
    -               99
    -               94
    -               28
    -               6
    -               39
    -               87
    -               51
    -               36
    -               77
    -               63
    -               86
    -               76
    -               26
    -               48
    -               85
    -               0
    -               64
    -               78
    -               98
    -               90
    -               44
    -               14
    -               13
    -               59
    -               40
    -               90
    -               25
    -               79
    -               79
    -               74
    -               62
    -               72
    -               5
    -               63
    -               60
    -               12
    -               9
    -               80
    -               46
    -               89
    -               52
    -               50
    -               44
    -               4
    -               89
    -               92
    -               40
    -               44
    -               30
    -               11
    -               41
    -               37
    -               22
    -         Pie test graph
    -               pie1
    -               0xA9BFAB
    -               pie2
    -               0x37BD42
    -               pie3
    -               0xE3F434
    -               12
    -               61
    -               34
    -               57
    -               37
    -               8
    -               23
    -               27
    -               14
    -               23
    -               30
    -               92
    -               16
    -               81
    -               83
    -               2
    -               41
    -               9
    -               9
    -               89
    -               54
    -               16
    -               27
    -               31
    -               96
    -               33
    -               73
    -               82
    -               57
    -               23
    -               2
    -               69
    -               29
    -               8
    -               48
    -               11
    -               34
    -               82
    -               87
    -               77
    -               99
    -               58
    -               60
    -               6
    -               84
    -               71
    -               39
    -               8
    -               5
    -               79
    -               53
    -               12
    -               55
    -               86
    -               20
    -               46
    -               14
    -               75
    -               73
    -               50
    -               85
    -               59
    -               81
    -               9
    -               16
    -               80
    -               97
    -               85
    -               40
    -               23
    -               15
    -               45
    -               84
    -               83
    -               42
    -               27
    -               57
    -               32
    -               29
    -               71
    -               48
    -               86
    -               43
    -               24
    -               27
    -               7
    -               55
    -               61
    -               90
    -               98
    -               3
    -               88
    -               27
    -               8
    -               30
    -               36
    -               76
    -               0
    -               80
    -               51
    -               11
    -               19
    -               35
    -               23
    -               85
    -               5
    -               38
    -               88
    -               5
    -               18
    -               88
    -               85
    -               28
    -               56
    -               64
    -               83
    -               72
    -               78
    -               66
    -               59
    -               12
    -               84
    -               22
    -               47
    -               14
    -               91
    -               67
    -               45
    -               63
    -               15
    -               70
    -               74
    -               18
    -               67
    -               57
    -               64
    -               90
    -               0
    -               69
    -               49
    -               77
    -               14
    -               29
    -               53
    -               86
    -               85
    -               48
    -               61
    -               59
    -               85
    -               90
    -               16
    -               37
    -               8
    -               2
    -               24
    -               13
    -               96
    -               98
    -               14
    -               11
    -               6
    -               38
    -               64
    -               19
    -               76
    -               67
    -               10
    -               65
    -               41
    -               47
    -               93
    -               70
    -               42
    -               66
    -               55
    -               68
    -               2
    -               78
    -               3
    -               78
    -               20
    -               75
    -               24
    -               23
    -               55
    -               94
    -               44
    -               17
    -               84
    -               88
    -               56
    -               36
    -               86
    -               38
    -               82
    -               70
    -               14
    -               82
    -               70
    -               73
    -               79
    -               97
    -               79
    -               57
    -               39
    -               37
    -               86
    -               73
    -               62
    -               40
    -               28
    -               87
    -               65
    -               58
    -               5
    -               71
    -               45
    -               30
    -               67
    -               32
    -               70
    -               80
    -               10
    -               76
    -               67
    -               81
    -               28
    -               59
    -               80
    -               89
    -               48
    -               58
    -               41
    -               80
    -               97
    -               80
    -               84
    -               4
    -               63
    -               84
    -               88
    -               47
    -               14
    -               30
    -               66
    -               85
    -               24
    -               33
    -               2
    -               8
    -               14
    -               86
    -               40
    -               64
    -               68
    -               73
    -               60
    -               24
    -               85
    -               98
    -               1
    -               49
    -               12
    -               47
    -               41
    -               83
    -               36
    -               57
    -               61
    -               3
    -               11
    -               94
    -               31
    -               71
    -               99
    -               75
    -               58
    -               26
    -               41
    -               92
    -               33
    -               66
    -               51
    -               22
    -               66
    -               18
    -               36
    -               57
    -               77
    -               26
    -               60
    -               75
    -               90
    -               6
    -               21
    -               30
    -               31
    -               7
    -               47
    -               5
    -               7
    -               44
    -               44
    -               63
    -               42
    -               84
    -               96
    -               17
    -               5
    -               0
    -               5
    -               62
    -               10
    -               72
    -               45
    -               80
    -               51
    -               53
    -               68
    -               17
    -               87
    -               16
    -               94
    -               98
    -               27
    -               83
    -               23
    -               82
    -               21
    -               88
    -               85
    -               79
    -               80
    -               31
    -               68
    -               11
    -               72
    -               53
    -               66
    -               44
    -               56
    -               45
    -               23
    -               67
    -               28
    -               25
    -               19
    -               89
    -               3
    -               30
    -               30
    -               47
    -               4
    -               32
    -               49
    -               42
    -               32
    -               71
    -               74
    -               44
    -               70
    -               25
    -               33
    -               16
    -               63
    -               68
    -               77
    -               73
    -               62
    -               22
    -               51
    -               8
    -               2
    -               47
    -               11
    -               14
    -               89
    -               13
    -               84
    -               75
    -               38
    -               34
    -               82
    -               19
    -               70
    -               53
    -               48
    -               59
    -               49
    -               36
    -               28
    -               77
    -               66
    -               72
    -               84
    -               47
    -               43
    -               41
    -               38
    -               19
    -               41
    -               57
    -               1
    -               86
    -               50
    -               76
    -               64
    -               93
    -               31
    -               90
    -               41
    -               25
    -               61
    -               51
    -               74
    -               2
    -               58
    -               22
    -               8
    -               62
    -               25
    -               99
    -               39
    -               77
    -               60
    -               25
    -               71
    -               35
    -               19
    -               92
    -               45
    -               97
    -               77
    -               95
    -               33
    -               86
    -               60
    -               5
    -               70
    -               25
    -               94
    -               46
    -               72
    -               49
    -               45
    -               61
    -               2
    -               99
    -               94
    -               28
    -               6
    -               39
    -               87
    -               51
    -               36
    -               77
    -               63
    -               86
    -               76
    -               26
    -               48
    -               85
    -               0
    -               64
    -               78
    -               98
    -               90
    -               44
    -               14
    -               13
    -               59
    -               40
    -               90
    -               25
    -               79
    -               79
    -               74
    -               62
    -               72
    -               5
    -               63
    -               60
    -               12
    -               9
    -               80
    -               46
    -               89
    -               52
    -               50
    -               44
    -               4
    -               89
    -               92
    -               40
    -               44
    -               30
    -               11
    -               41
    -               37
    -               22
    -         Heatmap test graph with fields
    -               heat1
    -               heat2
    -               heat3
    -               heat4
    -               heat5
    -               heat6
    -               heat7
    -               heat8
    -               heat9
    -               YlOrRd
    -               9
    -               64
    -               38
    -               84
    -               9
    -               74
    -               33
    -               82
    -               37
    -               12
    -               6
    -               0
    -               95
    -               74
    -               62
    -               47
    -               1
    -               48
    -               53
    -               16
    -               63
    -               92
    -               35
    -               72
    -               24
    -               20
    -               7
    -               71
    -               85
    -               56
    -               23
    -               91
    -               8
    -               96
    -               32
    -               30
    -               65
    -               53
    -               64
    -               30
    -               39
    -               10
    -               9
    -               92
    -               59
    -               42
    -               29
    -               86
    -               0
    -               0
    -               99
    -               67
    -               89
    -               92
    -               40
    -               71
    -               89
    -               7
    -               31
    -               26
    -               51
    -               74
    -               90
    -               25
    -               46
    -               6
    -               13
    -               40
    -               6
    -               84
    -               97
    -               66
    -               50
    -               6
    -               52
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    -               1
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    -               1
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    -               67
    -               46
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    -  tol_154.xml
    -      131567
    -      cellular organisms
    -        Neomura
    -          2759
    -          Eukaryota
    -          superkingdom
    -          Unikonta
    -              33154
    -              Opisthokonta
    -              Fungi/Metazoa group
    -                Holozoa
    -                Choanoflagellatea & Metazoa
    -                    33208
    -                    Metazoa
    -                    kingdom
    -                      6072
    -                      Eumetazoa
    -                      Bilateria & Cnidaria
    -                          33213
    -                          Bilateria
    -                            33511
    -                            Deuterostomia
    -                              7711
    -                              Chordata
    -                              phylum
    -                              Urochordata & Vertebrata
    -                                  7742
    -                                  Vertebrata
    -                                    7776
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    -                                    jawed vertebrates
    -                                    superclass
    -                                      117571
    -                                      Euteleostomi
    -                                      bony vertebrates
    -                                        8287
    -                                        Sarcopterygii
    -                                        lobe-finned fish
    -                                          32523
    -                                          Tetrapoda
    -                                            32524
    -                                            Amniota
    -                                              40674
    -                                              Mammalia
    -                                              class
    -                                              Theria
    -                                                  9347
    -                                                  Eutheria
    -                                                  Placental mammals
    -                                                  The new framework for understanding placental mammal evolution
    -                                                    Boreoeutheria
    -                                                    Boreotheria
    -                                                      314146
    -                                                      Euarchontoglires
    -                                                      superorder
    -                                                        Euarchonta
    -                                                          9443
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    -                                                          order
    -                                                            376913
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    -                                                            suborder
    -                                                              314293
    -                                                              Simiiformes
    -                                                              infraorder
    -                                                                9526
    -                                                                Catarrhini
    -                                                                  314295
    -                                                                  Hominoidea
    -                                                                  Apes
    -                                                                  superfamily
    -                                                                    9604
    -                                                                    Hominidae
    -                                                                    Great apes
    -                                                                    family
    -                                                                      207598
    -                                                                      Homininae
    -                                                                      subfamily
    -                                                                        Hominini
    -                                                                        tribe
    -                                                                          9606
    -                                                                          HUMAN
    -                                                                          Homo sapiens
    -                                                                          Human
    -                                                                          species
    -                                                                          http://www.thehindu.com/multimedia/dynamic/00029/IN05_DARWIN_29896f.jpg
    -                                                                          9598
    -                                                                          PANTR
    -                                                                          Pan troglodytes
    -                                                                          Chimpanzee
    -                                                                          species
    -                                                                          http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8b/Schimpanse_zoo-leipig.jpg/800px-Schimpanse_zoo-leipig.jpg
    -                                                                        9595
    -                                                                        GORGO
    -                                                                        Gorilla gorilla gorilla
    -                                                                        Western lowland gorilla
    -                                                                        subspecies
    -                                                                        http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c7/Stavenn_Gorilla_gorilla_00.jpg
    -                                                                      9601
    -                                                                      PONAB
    -                                                                      Pongo abelii
    -                                                                      Sumatran orangutan
    -                                                                      Pongo pygmaeus abelii
    -                                                                      species
    -                                                                      http://www.ism.ac.jp/~hasegawa/photos/animal3b.jpg
    -                                                                    61853
    -                                                                    NOMLE
    -                                                                    Nomascus leucogenys
    -                                                                    Northern white-cheeked gibbon
    -                                                                    Hylobates leucogenys
    -                                                                    Hylobates concolor leucogenys
    -                                                                    species
    -                                                                    http://uswest.ensembl.org/img/species/pic_Nomascus_leucogenys.png
    -                                                                    http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1b/Hylobates_concolor2.jpg/450px-Hylobates_concolor2.jpg
    -                                                                  9528
    -                                                                  Cercopithecinae
    -                                                                  subfamily
    -                                                                    9544
    -                                                                    MACMU
    -                                                                    Macaca mulatta
    -                                                                    Rhesus macaque
    -                                                                    species
    -                                                                    http://www.our-pets.net/images/rhesus1.jpg
    -                                                                    9557
    -                                                                    PAPHA
    -                                                                    Papio hamadryas
    -                                                                    Hamadryas baboon
    -                                                                    species
    -                                                                    http://pin.primate.wisc.edu/fs/sheets/images/227lg.jpg
    -                                                                9483
    -                                                                CALJA
    -                                                                Callithrix jacchus
    -                                                                White-tufted-ear marmoset
    -                                                                Callithrix jacchus jacchus
    -                                                                species
    -                                                                http://www.arthurgrosset.com/mammals/photos/caljac28086.jpg
    -                                                              9478
    -                                                              TARSY
    -                                                              Tarsius syrichta
    -                                                              Philippine tarsier
    -                                                              species
    -                                                              http://calphotos.berkeley.edu/imgs/512x768/0000_0000/0408/1425.jpeg
    -                                                            376911
    -                                                            Strepsirrhini
    -                                                            suborder
    -                                                              30608
    -                                                              MICMU
    -                                                              Microcebus murinus
    -                                                              Lesser mouse lemur
    -                                                              Gray Mouse Lemur
    -                                                              species
    -                                                              http://daniel.montagnon.pagesperso-orange.fr/images/MicrocbusMurinus.jpg
    -                                                              30611
    -                                                              OTOGA
    -                                                              Otolemur garnettii
    -                                                              Garnett's greater bushbaby
    -                                                              Galago garnetti
    -                                                              Small-eared galago
    -                                                              Garnett's greater bushbaby
    -                                                              species
    -                                                              http://www.mbweni.com/images/Mbweni%20Images/naturetrail/small-earedgalago.jpg
    -                                                          37347
    -                                                          TUPBE
    -                                                          Tupaia belangeri
    -                                                          Common tree shrew
    -                                                          Tupaia glis belangeri
    -                                                          species
    -                                                          http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/44/Tupaia_belangeri.JPG/800px-Tupaia_belangeri.JPG
    -                                                        314147
    -                                                        Glires
    -                                                        Rodents and rabbits
    -                                                          9989
    -                                                          Rodentia
    -                                                          order
    -                                                          Hystricomorpha & Sciurognathi
    -                                                            Rodent phylogeny revised: analysis of six nuclear genes from all major rodent clades.
    -                                                              33553
    -                                                              Sciurognathi
    -                                                              suborder
    -                                                                337687
    -                                                                Muroidea
    -                                                                  39107
    -                                                                  Murinae
    -                                                                  subfamily
    -                                                                    10090
    -                                                                    MOUSE
    -                                                                    Mus musculus
    -                                                                    Mouse
    -                                                                    species
    -                                                                    http://www.nsrl.ttu.edu/tmot1/images/mus_musc.jpg
    -                                                                    10116
    -                                                                    RAT
    -                                                                    Rattus norvegicus
    -                                                                    Rat
    -                                                                    species
    -                                                                    http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/01/Rattus_norvegicus_1.jpg
    -                                                                  10036
    -                                                                  MESAU
    -                                                                  Mesocricetus auratus
    -                                                                  Golden hamster
    -                                                                  species
    -                                                                  http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/85/Syrian_hamster_filling_his_cheek_pouches_with_Dandelion_leaves.JPG/800px-Syrian_hamster_filling_his_cheek_pouches_with_Dandelion_leaves.JPG
    -                                                                10020
    -                                                                DIPOR
    -                                                                Dipodomys ordii
    -                                                                Ord's kangaroo rat
    -                                                                species
    -                                                                http://www.nsrl.ttu.edu/tmot1/images/dipoordi.jpg
    -                                                              33550
    -                                                              Hystricognathi
    -                                                              suborder
    -                                                                10141
    -                                                                CAVPO
    -                                                                Cavia porcellus
    -                                                                Guinea pig
    -                                                                species
    -                                                                http://archive.vetknowledge.com/files/images/guinea-pig---tan.jpg
    -                                                                10181
    -                                                                HETGA
    -                                                                Heterocephalus glaber
    -                                                                Naked mole rat
    -                                                                species
    -                                                                http://calphotos.berkeley.edu/imgs/512x768/9092_3191/3555/0080.jpeg
    -                                                            43179
    -                                                            SPETR
    -                                                            Spermophilus tridecemlineatus
    -                                                            Thirteen-lined ground squirrel
    -                                                            Ictidomys tridecemlineatus
    -                                                            species
    -                                                            http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/resources/phil_myers/ADW_mammals/Rodentia/Spermophilus4345.jpg/medium.jpg
    -                                                          9975
    -                                                          Lagomorpha
    -                                                          order
    -                                                            9978
    -                                                            OCHPR
    -                                                            Ochotona princeps
    -                                                            Southern American pika
    -                                                            species
    -                                                            http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3b/Ochotona_princeps.jpg
    -                                                            9986
    -                                                            RABIT
    -                                                            Oryctolagus cuniculus
    -                                                            Rabbit
    -                                                            species
    -                                                            http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3b/Rabbit_in_montana.jpg/675px-Rabbit_in_montana.jpg
    -                                                      314145
    -                                                      Laurasiatheria
    -                                                      superorder
    -                                                        Scrotifera
    -                                                        Perissodactyla & Cetartiodactyla & Chiroptera
    -                                                          Perissodactyla & Cetartiodactyla
    -                                                              91561
    -                                                              Cetartiodactyla
    -                                                              Even-toed ungulates
    -                                                              Cetruminantia & Suina
    -                                                                  Cetruminantia
    -                                                                    9895
    -                                                                    Bovidae
    -                                                                    family
    -                                                                      9913
    -                                                                      BOVIN
    -                                                                      Bos taurus
    -                                                                      Bovine
    -                                                                      Bos bovis
    -                                                                      species
    -                                                                      http://bioweb.uwlax.edu/bio203/s2007/hayes_katy/images/DSC01638.JPG
    -                                                                      9940
    -                                                                      SHEEP
    -                                                                      Ovis aries
    -                                                                      Sheep
    -                                                                      species
    -                                                                      http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/resources/james_dowlinghealey/blacksheep.jpg/medium.jpg
    -                                                                    9721
    -                                                                    Cetacea
    -                                                                    Whales
    -                                                                    order
    -                                                                      9771
    -                                                                      BALMU
    -                                                                      Balaenoptera musculus
    -                                                                      Blue whale
    -                                                                      species
    -                                                                      http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_W90V87w3sr8/TT63uRT_U9I/AAAAAAAAAo8/to9O8zEeo7k/s1600/bluewhale.jpg
    -                                                                      9739
    -                                                                      TURTR
    -                                                                      Tursiops truncatus
    -                                                                      Atlantic bottle-nosed dolphin
    -                                                                      Delphinus truncatus
    -                                                                      species
    -                                                                      http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a6/Bottlenose_Dolphin_KSC04pd0178.jpg/800px-Bottlenose_Dolphin_KSC04pd0178.jpg
    -                                                                  9823
    -                                                                  PIG
    -                                                                  Sus scrofa
    -                                                                  Pig
    -                                                                  species
    -                                                                  http://www.batraciens-reptiles.com/sus%20scrofa2.jpg
    -                                                                30538
    -                                                                LAMPA
    -                                                                Lama guanicoe pacos
    -                                                                Alpaca
    -                                                                Lama pacos
    -                                                                species
    -                                                                http://calphotos.berkeley.edu/imgs/512x768/0000_0000/1206/0658.jpeg
    -                                                              9796
    -                                                              HORSE
    -                                                              Equus caballus
    -                                                              Horse
    -                                                              species
    -                                                              http://calphotos.berkeley.edu/imgs/512x768/0000_0000/0801/0088.jpeg
    -                                                            9397
    -                                                            Chiroptera
    -                                                            Bats
    -                                                            order
    -                                                              59463
    -                                                              MYOLU
    -                                                              Myotis lucifugus
    -                                                              Little brown bat
    -                                                              species
    -                                                              http://biology.lakeheadu.ca/uploads/Nature_photography/brown_bat.jpg
    -                                                              132908
    -                                                              PTEVA
    -                                                              Pteropus vampyrus
    -                                                              Large flying fox
    -                                                              species
    -                                                              http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5e/Pteropus_vampyrus1.jpg/412px-Pteropus_vampyrus1.jpg
    -                                                        Carnivora
    -                                                          33554
    -                                                          Carnivora
    -                                                          order
    -                                                            379584
    -                                                            Caniformia
    -                                                            suborder
    -                                                              9646
    -                                                              AILME
    -                                                              Ailuropoda melanoleuca
    -                                                              Giant panda
    -                                                              species
    -                                                              http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3c/Giant_Panda_2004-03-2.jpg/800px-Giant_Panda_2004-03-2.jpg
    -                                                              9615
    -                                                              CANFA
    -                                                              Canis familiaris
    -                                                              Dog
    -                                                              Canis lupus familiaris
    -                                                              subspecies
    -                                                              http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ab/Wikilabrador_jardin.JPG
    -                                                            9685
    -                                                            FELCA
    -                                                            Felis catus
    -                                                            Cat
    -                                                            Felis silvestris catus
    -                                                            species
    -                                                            http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9b/Domestic_cat_cropped.jpg/755px-Domestic_cat_cropped.jpg
    -                                                        9362
    -                                                        Insectivora
    -                                                        hedgehogs, shrews, moles and others
    -                                                        order
    -                                                          9365
    -                                                          ERIEU
    -                                                          Erinaceus europaeus
    -                                                          Western European hedgehog
    -                                                          species
    -                                                          http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d4/Igel01.jpg
    -                                                          42254
    -                                                          SORAR
    -                                                          Sorex araneus
    -                                                          Eurasian common shrew
    -                                                          European shrew
    -                                                          species
    -                                                          http://www.batraciens-reptiles.com/musaraigne2.jpg
    -                                                    Atlantogenata
    -                                                      311790
    -                                                      Afrotheria
    -                                                      superorder
    -                                                        Paenungulata
    -                                                          9785
    -                                                          LOXAF
    -                                                          Loxodonta africana
    -                                                          African savanna elephant
    -                                                          species
    -                                                          http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/resources/susan_hoffman/elephants.jpg
    -                                                          9813
    -                                                          PROCA
    -                                                          Procavia capensis
    -                                                          Cape hyrax
    -                                                          Rock dassie
    -                                                          species
    -                                                          http://calphotos.berkeley.edu/imgs/512x768/0000_0000/1206/0460.jpeg
    -                                                        9371
    -                                                        ECHTE
    -                                                        Echinops telfairi
    -                                                        Lesser hedgehog tenrec
    -                                                        species
    -                                                        http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/resources/david_kupitz/etelfairi.jpg
    -                                                      9348
    -                                                      Xenarthra
    -                                                      Edentata
    -                                                      superorder
    -                                                        9358
    -                                                        CHOHO
    -                                                        Choloepus hoffmanni
    -                                                        Hoffmann's two-fingered sloth
    -                                                        species
    -                                                        http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/89/Sloth8.jpg/800px-Sloth8.jpg
    -                                                        9361
    -                                                        DASNO
    -                                                        Dasypus novemcinctus
    -                                                        Nine-banded armadillo
    -                                                        species
    -                                                        http://anthropometaphors.files.wordpress.com/2008/11/nine-banded-armadillo41.jpg
    -                                                  9263
    -                                                  Metatheria
    -                                                  Marsupials
    -                                                  First combined cladistic analysis of marsupial mammal interrelationships
    -                                                    Eometatheria
    -                                                      9315
    -                                                      MACEU
    -                                                      Macropus eugenii
    -                                                      Tammar wallaby
    -                                                      species
    -                                                      http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/de/Macropus_eugenii.jpg
    -                                                      9305
    -                                                      SARHA
    -                                                      Sarcophilus harrisii
    -                                                      Tasmanian devil
    -                                                      Sarcophilus laniarius
    -                                                      species
    -                                                      http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3b/Sarcophilus_harrisii_-Healesville_Sanctuary-8a.jpg/727px-Sarcophilus_harrisii_-Healesville_Sanctuary-8a.jpg
    -                                                    13616
    -                                                    MONDO
    -                                                    Monodelphis domestica
    -                                                    Short-tailed gray opossum
    -                                                    species
    -                                                    http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/resources/phil_myers/classic/monodelphis.jpg/medium.jpg
    -                                                9258
    -                                                ORNAN
    -                                                Ornithorhynchus anatinus
    -                                                Duckbill platypus
    -                                                species
    -                                                http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/12/Platypus_BrokenRiver_QLD_Australia2.png
    -                                              8457
    -                                              Sauropsida
    -                                                1329799
    -                                                Testudines + Archosauria group
    -                                                The draft genomes of soft-shell turtle and green sea turtle yield insights into the development and evolution of the turtle-specific body plan
    -                                                  8492
    -                                                  Archosauria
    -                                                    8825
    -                                                    Neognathae
    -                                                    superorder
    -                                                    Phasianidae & Anatidae (waterfowl)
    -                                                        9005
    -                                                        Phasianidae
    -                                                        family
    -                                                          9031
    -                                                          CHICK
    -                                                          Gallus gallus
    -                                                          Chicken
    -                                                          Gallus domesticus
    -                                                          species
    -                                                          http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f8/Rooster04_adjusted.jpg/800px-Rooster04_adjusted.jpg
    -                                                          9103
    -                                                          MELGA
    -                                                          Meleagris gallopavo
    -                                                          Common turkey
    -                                                          species
    -                                                          http://calphotos.berkeley.edu/imgs/512x768/0000_0000/0205/0858.jpeg
    -                                                        8839
    -                                                        ANAPL
    -                                                        Anas platyrhynchos
    -                                                        Domestic duck
    -                                                        Anas boschas
    -                                                        species
    -                                                        http://content.ornith.cornell.edu/UEWebApp/images/MPR_070302_100009_L.jpg
    -                                                      9126
    -                                                      Passeriformes
    -                                                      order
    -                                                        59729
    -                                                        TAEGU
    -                                                        Taeniopygia guttata
    -                                                        Zebra finch
    -                                                        Poephila guttata
    -                                                        species
    -                                                        http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/84/Taeniopygia_guttata_-_front_view_-_dundee_wildlife_park.jpg/355px-Taeniopygia_guttata_-_front_view_-_dundee_wildlife_park.jpg
    -                                                        59894
    -                                                        FICAL
    -                                                        Ficedula albicollis
    -                                                        Collared flycatcher
    -                                                        Muscicapa albicollis
    -                                                        species
    -                                                        http://www.biolib.cz/IMG/GAL/156619.jpg
    -                                                    8496
    -                                                    ALLMI
    -                                                    Alligator mississippiensis
    -                                                    American alligator
    -                                                    species
    -                                                    http://www.herpcenter.com/reptile-caresheets/images/american_alligator.jpg
    -                                                  13735
    -                                                  PELSI
    -                                                  Pelodiscus sinensis
    -                                                  (Wiegmann, 1835) Cox et al. 1998
    -                                                  Chinese softshell turtle
    -                                                  Trionyx sinensis
    -                                                  species
    -                                                  http://www.chelonia.org/PsinensisTR1.jpg
    -                                                1329911
    -                                                Toxicofera
    -                                                  8570
    -                                                  Serpentes
    -                                                  snakes
    -                                                  infraorder
    -                                                    8665
    -                                                    OPHHA
    -                                                    Ophiophagus hannah
    -                                                    King cobra
    -                                                    Naja hannah
    -                                                    species
    -                                                    http://www.thehindu.com/multimedia/dynamic/01674/KING_COBRA_1674012e.jpg
    -                                                    176946
    -                                                    PYTBI
    -                                                    Python bivittatus
    -                                                    Burmese python
    -                                                    Python molurus bivittatus
    -                                                    species
    -                                                    http://www.nps.gov/ever/parknews/images/KLwoodrat_python_5626.jpg
    -                                                  28377
    -                                                  ANOCA
    -                                                  Anolis carolinensis
    -                                                  Voigt, 1832
    -                                                  Green anole
    -                                                  American chameleon
    -                                                  species
    -                                                  http://content61.eol.org/content/2009/09/20/01/05528_580_360.jpg
    -                                                  http://content61.eol.org/content/2008/10/08/13/66818_580_360.jpg
    -                                            8353
    -                                            Xenopus
    -                                            genus
    -                                              8355
    -                                              XENLA
    -                                              Xenopus laevis
    -                                              Daudin, 1802
    -                                              African clawed frog
    -                                              Bufo laevis
    -                                              species
    -                                              http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e3/Xenopus_laevis.jpg
    -                                              8364
    -                                              XENTR
    -                                              Xenopus tropicalis
    -                                              Western clawed frog
    -                                              Silurana tropicalis
    -                                              species
    -                                              http://genoweb.univ-rennes1.fr/OGP/xenopus%20tropicalis.jpg
    -                                          7897
    -                                          LATCH
    -                                          Latimeria chalumnae
    -                                          West Indian ocean coelacanth
    -                                          species
    -                                          http://marinebio.org/upload/Latimeria-chalumnae/1.jpg
    -                                          http://images.nationalgeographic.com/wpf/media-live/photos/000/005/cache/coelacanth_501_600x450.jpg
    -                                      Teleostei
    -                                        32443
    -                                        Teleostei
    -                                          123368
    -                                          Acanthomorpha
    -                                            32485
    -                                            Percomorpha
    -                                              129949
    -                                              Smegmamorpha
    -                                                32456
    -                                                Atherinomorpha
    -                                                  8090
    -                                                  ORYLA
    -                                                  Oryzias latipes
    -                                                  Medaka fish
    -                                                  Japanese ricefish
    -                                                  species
    -                                                  http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/49/Nihonmedaka.jpg
    -                                                  8083
    -                                                  XIPMA
    -                                                  Xiphophorus maculatus
    -                                                  Guenther, 1866
    -                                                  Southern platyfish
    -                                                  Platypoecilus maculatus
    -                                                  species
    -                                                  http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6b/Poissons_06.jpg
    -                                                69293
    -                                                GASAC
    -                                                Gasterosteus aculeatus
    -                                                Three-spined stickleback
    -                                                species
    -                                                http://www.jjphoto.dk/fish_archive/freshwater/gasterosteus_aculeatus.jpg
    -                                              31031
    -                                              Tetraodontidae
    -                                              puffers
    -                                              family
    -                                                31033
    -                                                TAKRU
    -                                                Takifugu rubripes
    -                                                Japanese pufferfish
    -                                                Fugu rubripes
    -                                                species
    -                                                http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/25/Fugu_in_Tank.jpg/800px-Fugu_in_Tank.jpg
    -                                                99883
    -                                                TETNG
    -                                                Tetraodon nigroviridis
    -                                                Green puffer
    -                                                Chelonodon nigroviridis
    -                                                species
    -                                                http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b6/Tetraodon_nigroviridis_1.jpg/800px-Tetraodon_nigroviridis_1.jpg
    -                                              8128
    -                                              ORENI
    -                                              Tilapia nilotica
    -                                              Linnaeus, 1758
    -                                              Nile tilapia
    -                                              Tilapia nilotica
    -                                              species
    -                                              http://www.jjphoto.dk/fish_archive/warm_freshwater/oreochromis_niloticus_niloticus.jpg
    -                                            8049
    -                                            GADMO
    -                                            Gadus morhua
    -                                            Atlantic cod
    -                                            species
    -                                            http://www.marinbi.com/g-morhua.jpg
    -                                          7955
    -                                          DANRE
    -                                          Danio rerio
    -                                          Zebrafish
    -                                          Brachydanio rerio
    -                                          species
    -                                          http://fishbase.org.cn/images/species/Darer_m0.jpg
    -                                      7868
    -                                      CALMI
    -                                      Callorhynchus milii
    -                                      Australian ghost shark
    -                                      Australian ghost shark
    -                                      species
    -                                      http://www.tudiscovery.com/tiburones/que_es/popup_que/asset/07914907646434433_elephant_shark_380x290.jpg
    -                                    7757
    -                                    PETMA
    -                                    Petromyzon marinus
    -                                    Sea lamprey
    -                                    species
    -                                    http://www.uk-fish.info/pics/sealampray01.jpg
    -                                Urochordata
    -                                  7712
    -                                  Urochordata
    -                                  subphylum
    -                                    7718
    -                                    Ciona
    -                                    genus
    -                                      7719
    -                                      CIOIN
    -                                      Ciona intestinalis
    -                                      Transparent sea squirt
    -                                      Ascidia intestinalis
    -                                      species
    -                                      http://adl.brs.gov.au/marinepests/images/Ciona_intestinalis2.jpg
    -                                      51511
    -                                      CIOSA
    -                                      Ciona savignyi
    -                                      Pacific transparent sea squirt
    -                                      species
    -                                      http://www.pnwscuba.com/invasives/photos/ciona4.jpg
    -                                    34765
    -                                    OIKDI
    -                                    Oikopleura dioica
    -                                    Tunicate
    -                                    species
    -                                    http://jellieszone.com/images/oikopleura.jpg
    -                                7739
    -                                BRAFL
    -                                Branchiostoma floridae
    -                                Florida lancelet
    -                                Amphioxus
    -                                species
    -                                http://www.nicerweb.com/sketches/video/PBS-ShapeOfLife/4.8_BonesBrawnBrains/Branchiostoma_floridae.jpg
    -                            Hemichordata & Echinodermata
    -                                7586
    -                                Echinodermata
    -                                phylum
    -                                  133551
    -                                  Eleutherozoa
    -                                  subphylum
    -                                    7674
    -                                    Echinacea
    -                                    superorder
    -                                      7654
    -                                      LYTVA
    -                                      Lytechinus variegatus
    -                                      Green sea urchin
    -                                      Variegated urchin
    -                                      species
    -                                      http://imagess3.enature.com/seashore/seashore_l/sc0090_1l.jpg
    -                                      7668
    -                                      STRPU
    -                                      Strongylocentrotus purpuratus
    -                                      Purple sea urchin
    -                                      species
    -                                      http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f4/Strongylocentrotus_purpuratus_1.jpg/724px-Strongylocentrotus_purpuratus_1.jpg
    -                                    46514
    -                                    PATMI
    -                                    Patiria miniata
    -                                    Bat star
    -                                    Asterina miniata
    -                                    species
    -                                    http://calphotos.berkeley.edu/imgs/256x384/9092_3191/3549/0105.jpeg
    -                                  73431
    -                                  Florometra serratissima
    -                                  common feather star
    -                                  species
    -                                  http://www.alaska-in-pictures.com/data/media/1/feather-star-pattern_6081.jpg
    -                                10224
    -                                SACKO
    -                                Saccoglossus kowalevskii
    -                                Agassiz, 1873
    -                                Acorn worm
    -                                species
    -                                http://faculty.washington.edu/bjswalla/Hemichordata/Enteropneusta/SkowAK.jpg
    -                            33317
    -                            Protostomia
    -                              1206794
    -                              Ecdysozoa
    -                              The evolution of the Ecdysozoa
    -                                88770
    -                                Panarthropoda
    -                                Onychophora & Arthropoda
    -                                  MicroRNAs and phylogenomics resolve the relationships of Tardigrada and suggest that velvet worms are the sister group of Arthropoda
    -                                    6656
    -                                    Arthropoda
    -                                    phylum
    -                                    A congruent solution to arthropod phylogeny: phylogenomics, microRNAs and morphology support monophyletic Mandibulata
    -                                      197563
    -                                      Mandibulata
    -                                      Arthropod fossil data increase congruence of morphological and molecular phylogenies
    -                                        197562
    -                                        Pancrustacea
    -                                          6960
    -                                          Hexapoda
    -                                          superclass
    -                                            50557
    -                                            Insecta
    -                                            true insects
    -                                            class
    -                                              33340
    -                                              Neoptera
    -                                              subclass
    -                                                33392
    -                                                Endopterygota
    -                                                infraclass
    -                                                Hymenoptera & Lepidoptera & Diptera
    -                                                  Lepidoptera & Diptera
    -                                                      7147
    -                                                      Diptera
    -                                                      order
    -                                                        7215
    -                                                        Drosophila
    -                                                        fruit flies
    -                                                        genus
    -                                                        The 19 Genomes of Drosophila: A BAC Library Resource for Genus-Wide and Genome-Scale Comparative Evolutionary Research
    -                                                          32341
    -                                                          Sophophora
    -                                                          subgenus
    -                                                          melanogaster & pseudoobscura subgroups
    -                                                              32346
    -                                                              melanogaster group
    -                                                                32351
    -                                                                melanogaster subgroup
    -                                                                DROSE & DROSI & DROME & DROYA
    -                                                                  DROSE & DROSI & DROME
    -                                                                    DROSE & DROSI
    -                                                                        7238
    -                                                                        DROSE
    -                                                                        Drosophila sechellia
    -                                                                        Fruit fly
    -                                                                        species
    -                                                                        7240
    -                                                                        DROSI
    -                                                                        Drosophila simulans
    -                                                                        Fruit fly
    -                                                                        species
    -                                                                      7227
    -                                                                      DROME
    -                                                                      Drosophila melanogaster
    -                                                                      Fruit fly
    -                                                                      species
    -                                                                      http://www.snv.jussieu.fr/bmedia/ATP/images/dro-mal1.jpg
    -                                                                    7245
    -                                                                    DROYA
    -                                                                    Drosophila yakuba
    -                                                                    Fruit fly
    -                                                                    species
    -                                                                  7220
    -                                                                  DROER
    -                                                                  Drosophila erecta
    -                                                                  Fruit fly
    -                                                                  species
    -                                                                7217
    -                                                                DROAN
    -                                                                Drosophila ananassae
    -                                                                Fruit fly
    -                                                                species
    -                                                              32358
    -                                                              pseudoobscura subgroup
    -                                                                7234
    -                                                                DROPE
    -                                                                Drosophila persimilis
    -                                                                Fruit fly
    -                                                                species
    -                                                                46245
    -                                                                DROPS
    -                                                                Drosophila pseudoobscura pseudoobscura
    -                                                                Fruit fly
    -                                                                subspecies
    -                                                                http://www.naylorgallery.com/wp-content/uploads/fly4stack01small.jpg
    -                                                            7260
    -                                                            DROWI
    -                                                            Drosophila willistoni
    -                                                            Fruit fly
    -                                                            species
    -                                                        Drosophila subgenus & Hawaiian Drosophila
    -                                                          Drosophila subgenus
    -                                                              7230
    -                                                              DROMO
    -                                                              Drosophila mojavensis
    -                                                              Fruit fly
    -                                                              species
    -                                                              7244
    -                                                              DROVI
    -                                                              Drosophila virilis
    -                                                              Fruit fly
    -                                                              species
    -                                                            7222
    -                                                            DROGR
    -                                                            Drosophila grimshawi
    -                                                            Fruit fly
    -                                                            Idiomyia grimshawi
    -                                                            species
    -                                                            http://www.pacificislandbooks.com/fruitf~1.jpg
    -                                                        7157
    -                                                        Culicidae
    -                                                        mosquitos
    -                                                        family
    -                                                          7159
    -                                                          AEDAE
    -                                                          Aedes aegypti
    -                                                          Yellowfever mosquito
    -                                                          Culex aegypti
    -                                                          species
    -                                                          http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/48/Aedes_aegypti_biting_human.jpg/757px-Aedes_aegypti_biting_human.jpg
    -                                                          7165
    -                                                          ANOGA
    -                                                          Anopheles gambiae
    -                                                          African malaria mosquito
    -                                                          species
    -                                                          http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e9/Anopheles_gambiae_Mosquito.jpg
    -                                                          7175
    -                                                          CULPI
    -                                                          Culex pipiens
    -                                                          House mosquito
    -                                                          species
    -                                                          http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/35/Culex_pipiens_2007-1.jpg
    -                                                      104431
    -                                                      Obtectomera
    -                                                        7091
    -                                                        BOMMO
    -                                                        Bombyx mori
    -                                                        Silk moth
    -                                                        species
    -                                                        http://lepidoptera.butterflyhouse.com.au/bomb/mori5.jpg
    -                                                        13037
    -                                                        DANPL
    -                                                        Danaus plexippus
    -                                                        Monarch butterfly
    -                                                        species
    -                                                        http://bugguide.net/images/cache/7QFRQQYRJKQ0X0YQM0Z02000U0ORKQR090H07QBRFKNRQQH0P0YRE0YRZQARLQWR70JQG09RYKDQJKCQFKFQJKTQI0.jpg
    -                                                        http://bugguide.net/images/raw/7RTZXR3Z6RRHKZHH8RVL8RRHMZKHERKHQZLHGRLHPR1LERQH4RCZYL1LGRHH7ZZHER1LGRSH7R6L.jpg
    -                                                    7400
    -                                                    Apocrita
    -                                                    wasps, ants and bees
    -                                                      7434
    -                                                      Aculeata
    -                                                      suborder
    -                                                        36668
    -                                                        Formicidae
    -                                                        ants
    -                                                        family
    -                                                          143999
    -                                                          Attini
    -                                                          tribe
    -                                                            12957
    -                                                            ATTCE
    -                                                            Atta cephalotes
    -                                                            Linnaeus, 1758
    -                                                            Leafcutter ant
    -                                                            species
    -                                                            http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4e/Leaf-cutting_ant.jpg
    -                                                            103372
    -                                                            ACREC
    -                                                            Acromyrmex echinatior
    -                                                            Forel, 1899
    -                                                            Panamanian leafcutter ant
    -                                                            Acromyrmex octospinosus echinatior
    -                                                            species
    -                                                            http://hymenopteragenome.org/acromyrmex/sites/hymenopteragenome.org.acromyrmex/files/Acromyrmex_echinatior2.jpg
    -                                                          104421
    -                                                          CAMFO
    -                                                          Camponotus floridanus
    -                                                          Buckley, 1866
    -                                                          Florida carpenter ant
    -                                                          species
    -                                                          http://bugguide.net/images/cache/5RLH6RRHXRALZZ9LZZ6L3LBLXZBL2RFZHZ9L7ZKH4RDZ3L3Z2RZHKZCLMZKH4R0H6R3Z6RSHMZBL5RRH5ROLKZELLZ.jpg
    -                                                        7460
    -                                                        APIME
    -                                                        Apis mellifera
    -                                                        Honeybee
    -                                                        species
    -                                                        http://www.floridanature.org/photos/Apis_mellifera_6b_&_Trifolium_sp.,_TBP,_Tallahassee,_20030323.jpg
    -                                                      7425
    -                                                      NASVI
    -                                                      Nasonia vitripennis
    -                                                      Parasitic wasp
    -                                                      species
    -                                                      http://www.freshpond.org/nasonia.jpg
    -                                                  7070
    -                                                  TRICA
    -                                                  Tribolium castaneum
    -                                                  Red flour beetle
    -                                                  species
    -                                                  http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/da/Tribolium_castaneum.jpg
    -                                                33342
    -                                                Paraneoptera
    -                                                infraclass
    -                                                  7524
    -                                                  Hemiptera
    -                                                  order
    -                                                    7029
    -                                                    ACYPI
    -                                                    Acyrthosiphon pisum
    -                                                    Pea aphid
    -                                                    species
    -                                                    http://www.agroatlas.ru/content/pests/Acyrthosiphon_pisum/Acyrthosiphon_pisum.jpg
    -                                                    13249
    -                                                    RHOPR
    -                                                    Rhodnius prolixus
    -                                                    Triatomid bug
    -                                                    species
    -                                                    http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b9/Rhodnius_prolixus.jpg
    -                                                  121224
    -                                                  PEDHC
    -                                                  Pediculus humanus subsp. corporis
    -                                                  Body louse
    -                                                  subspecies
    -                                                  http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/92/Body_lice.jpg/436px-Body_lice.jpg
    -                                              568273
    -                                              Machilis germanica
    -                                              species
    -                                              http://www.naturefg.com/images/c-animals/machilis.jpg
    -                                            383857
    -                                            Campodea fragilis
    -                                            species
    -                                            http://images.wikia.com/insect/images/3/3c/Campodea_fragilis.jpg
    -                                          6657
    -                                          Crustacea
    -                                          subphylum
    -                                            6658
    -                                            Branchiopoda
    -                                            class
    -                                              6661
    -                                              ARTSF
    -                                              Artemia franciscana
    -                                              Brine shrimp
    -                                              Artemia sanfranciscana
    -                                              species
    -                                              http://www.aslo.org/photopost/data/518/medium/8Brine_shrimp.jpg
    -                                              6669
    -                                              DAPPU
    -                                              Daphnia pulex
    -                                              Water flea
    -                                              species
    -                                              http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/mag/imgjun99/daphni.jpg
    -                                            6706
    -                                            HOMAM
    -                                            Homarus americanus
    -                                            American lobster
    -                                            http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5e/Lobster.jpg
    -                                        61985
    -                                        Myriapoda
    -                                        subphylum
    -                                          7553
    -                                          Diplopoda
    -                                          millipedes
    -                                          class
    -                                            118561
    -                                            Helminthomorpha
    -                                            subclass
    -                                              364406
    -                                              ANTGC
    -                                              Antrokoreana gracilipes
    -                                              Troglobite millipede
    -                                              species
    -                                              174156
    -                                              NARAN
    -                                              Narceus annularis
    -                                              Millipede
    -                                              species
    -                                              http://i.pbase.com/g4/59/68959/2/59864073.narceus0705062large.jpg
    -                                            52428
    -                                            Polyxenus lagurus
    -                                            bristly millipede
    -                                            species
    -                                            http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/54/Polyxenus.lagurus.1.jpg
    -                                          7540
    -                                          Chilopoda
    -                                          centipedes
    -                                          class
    -                                            29022
    -                                            SCUCO
    -                                            Scutigera coleoptrata
    -                                            House centipede
    -                                            species
    -                                            http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/14/Scutigera_coleoptrata.JPG
    -                                            126957
    -                                            STRMM
    -                                            Strigamia maritima
    -                                            European centipede
    -                                            Geophilus maritimus
    -                                            species
    -                                            http://images.marinespecies.org/resized/22703_strigamia-maritima-male-loch-linnhe-scotland.jpg
    -                                      6843
    -                                      Chelicerata
    -                                      subphylum
    -                                      A 454 sequencing approach for large scale phylogenomic analysis of the common emperor scorpion (Pandinus imperator)
    -                                      Arachnida & Merostomata
    -                                        Sea spider
    -                                          6854
    -                                          Arachnida
    -                                          class
    -                                            6933
    -                                            Acari
    -                                            mites & ticks
    -                                            subclass
    -                                              6945
    -                                              IXOSC
    -                                              Ixodes scapularis
    -                                              Black-legged tick
    -                                              Deer tick
    -                                              species
    -                                              http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8c/Deertick.jpg
    -                                              32264
    -                                              TETUR
    -                                              Tetranychus urticae
    -                                              Two-spotted spider mite
    -                                              species
    -                                              http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c5/Tetranychus-urticae.jpg/472px-Tetranychus-urticae.jpg
    -                                            34649
    -                                            MESMA
    -                                            Mesobuthus martensii
    -                                            Karsch, 1879
    -                                            Manchurian scorpion
    -                                            Buthus martensi
    -                                            Buthus martensii
    -                                            species
    -                                            http://www.ntnu.no/ub/scorpion-files/m_martensii1.jpg
    -                                          6850
    -                                          LIMPO
    -                                          Limulus polyphemus
    -                                          Atlantic horseshoe crab
    -                                          species
    -                                          http://www.biopix.eu/photosmedium/Limulus%20polyphemus%2000008.JPG
    -                                        258330
    -                                        Ammothea hilgendorfi
    -                                        species
    -                                        http://nathistoc.bio.uci.edu/Pycnogonida/DSCF0073b.jpg
    -                                    488523
    -                                    Euperipatoides kanangrensis
    -                                    Reid, 1996
    -                                    species
    -                                    http://content60.eol.org/content/2012/04/05/01/26600_580_360.jpg
    -                                    http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/67/Euperipatoides_kanangrensis_crop.jpg
    -                                  232323
    -                                  HYPDU
    -                                  Hypsibius dujardini
    -                                  Water bear
    -                                  Macrobiotus dujardini
    -                                  species
    -                                  http://content62.eol.org/content/2013/08/23/23/61018_580_360.jpg
    -                                6231
    -                                Nematoda
    -                                roundworms
    -                                phylum
    -                                  119089
    -                                  Chromadorea
    -                                  class
    -                                  nematode Clade V
    -                                      6237
    -                                      Caenorhabditis
    -                                      genus
    -                                      Caenorhabditis phylogeny predicts convergence of hermaphroditism and extensive intron loss
    -                                      CAEBR & CAERE & CAEBE & CAEEL
    -                                        CAEBR & CAERE & CAEBE
    -                                          CAEBR & CAERE
    -                                              6238
    -                                              CAEBR
    -                                              Caenorhabditis briggsae
    -                                              species
    -                                              http://www.life.umd.edu/biology/haag/briggsae_herm.jpg
    -                                              31234
    -                                              CAERE
    -                                              Caenorhabditis remanei
    -                                              Caenorhabditis vulgaris
    -                                              species
    -                                              http://lemur.amu.edu.pl/share/php/mirnest_1.0/species_images/Caenorhabditis_remanei.jpg
    -                                            135651
    -                                            CAEBE
    -                                            Caenorhabditis brenneri
    -                                            Nematode worm
    -                                            Caenorhabditis CB5161
    -                                            species
    -                                          6239
    -                                          CAEEL
    -                                          Caenorhabditis elegans
    -                                          species
    -                                          http://homepages.ed.ac.uk/mbx/C_elegans/N2_picture.gif
    -                                        281687
    -                                        CAEJA
    -                                        Caenorhabditis japonica
    -                                        species
    -                                      54126
    -                                      PRIPA
    -                                      Pristionchus pacificus
    -                                      Parasitic nematode
    -                                      species
    -                                      http://smithlabdb.usc.edu/images/Pristionchus_pacificus.jpg
    -                                    6296
    -                                    Onchocercidae
    -                                    family
    -                                      6279
    -                                      BRUMA
    -                                      Brugia malayi
    -                                      Filarial nematode worm
    -                                      species
    -                                      http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4a/Brugia_malayi.JPG
    -                                      6293
    -                                      WUCBA
    -                                      Wuchereria bancrofti
    -                                      species
    -                                      http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a9/Wuchereria_bancrofti_1_DPDX.JPG
    -                                  6334
    -                                  TRISP
    -                                  Trichinella spiralis
    -                                  Trichina worm
    -                                  species
    -                                  http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e8/Trichinella_larv1_DPDx.JPG
    -                              1206795
    -                              Lophotrochozoa
    -                              Annelida & Mollusca
    -                                  6447
    -                                  Mollusca
    -                                  phylum
    -                                    6448
    -                                    Gastropoda
    -                                    class
    -                                      6500
    -                                      APLCA
    -                                      Aplysia californica
    -                                      California sea hare
    -                                      species
    -                                      http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ef/Aplysia_californica.jpg
    -                                      225164
    -                                      LOTGI
    -                                      Lottia gigantea
    -                                      Owl limpet
    -                                      species
    -                                      http://nathistoc.bio.uci.edu/Molluscs/OwlLimpet1.jpg
    -                                    6545
    -                                    Pteriomorphia
    -                                    Pteriomorpha
    -                                    subclass
    -                                      29159
    -                                      CRAGI
    -                                      Crassostrea gigas
    -                                      Thunberg, 1793
    -                                      Pacific oyster
    -                                      Crassotrea gigas
    -                                      Crassostrea angulata
    -                                      Ostrea gigas
    -                                      species
    -                                      http://www.marlin.ac.uk/imgs/o_cragig.jpg
    -                                      50426
    -                                      PINFU
    -                                      Pinctada fucata
    -                                      Pearl oyster
    -                                      species
    -                                      http://www.elrincondelmalacologo.com/Web%20fotos%20marinos%20no%20gasteropodos/Fotos%20coleccion/Pteriidae/Pinctada%20fucata.jpg
    -                                  6340
    -                                  Annelida
    -                                  phylum
    -                                    283909
    -                                    CAPTE
    -                                    Capitella teleta
    -                                    Blake, Grassle & Eckelbarger, 2009
    -                                    Polychaete worm
    -                                    Capitella sp. I
    -                                    species
    -                                    http://genome.jgi-psf.org/Capca1/capitella.jpg
    -                                    6412
    -                                    HELRO
    -                                    Helobdella robusta
    -                                    Californian leech
    -                                    species
    -                                    http://genome.jgi-psf.org/Helro1/Helro_leech.jpg
    -                                6157
    -                                Platyhelminthes
    -                                phylum
    -                                  Neodermata
    -                                    6179
    -                                    Digenea
    -                                    flukes
    -                                    subclass
    -                                      6183
    -                                      SCHMA
    -                                      Schistosoma mansoni
    -                                      Blood fluke
    -                                      species
    -                                      http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/resources/Grzimek_inverts/Trematoda/Schistosoma_mansoni.jpg/medium.jpg
    -                                      79923
    -                                      CLOSI
    -                                      Clonorchis sinensi
    -                                      Cobbold, 1875
    -                                      Chinese liver fluke
    -                                      species
    -                                      http://people.bethel.edu/~kisrob/VirtualBiology/Planaria/Chlonorchis_sinensis.jpg
    -                                    6211
    -                                    ECHMU
    -                                    Echinococcus multilocularis
    -                                    species
    -                                    http://www.stanford.edu/group/parasites/ParaSites2003/Echinococcus/images/Echino_generalinfo.jpg
    -                                  79327
    -                                  SCHMD
    -                                  Schmidtea mediterranea
    -                                  Freshwater planarian flatworm
    -                                  species
    -                                  http://www.astrobio.net/images/galleryimages_images/Gallery_Image_8136.jpg
    -                        Cnidaria
    -                          6073
    -                          Cnidaria
    -                          phylum
    -                            6102
    -                            Hexacorallia
    -                            Ceriantipatharia
    -                            Zoantharia
    -                            subclass
    -                              70779
    -                              ACRDI
    -                              Acropora digitifera
    -                              Staghorn coral
    -                              species
    -                              http://www.botany.hawaii.edu/basch/uhnpscesu/htms/NPSAcorl/images/acropori/acrdigitif7.jpg
    -                              45351
    -                              NEMVE
    -                              Nematostella vectensis
    -                              Starlet sea anemone
    -                              species
    -                              http://genome.jgi-psf.org/Nemve1/Nematostellapolyp.jpg
    -                            6087
    -                            HYDVU
    -                            Hydra vulgaris
    -                            Pallas, 1766
    -                            Hydra
    -                            Hydra attenuata
    -                            Hydra magnipapillata
    -                            species
    -                            http://www.nig.ac.jp/labs/OntoGen/A10.jpg
    -                            http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/15/Hydra_biology.jpg
    -                        10228
    -                        TRIAD
    -                        Trichoplax adhaerens
    -                        Trichoplax reptans
    -                        species
    -                        http://genome.jgi-psf.org/Triad1/placozoan_signorovitch.jpg
    -                      27923
    -                      MNELE
    -                      Mnemiopsis leidyi
    -                      A. gassiz, 1865
    -                      Sea walnut
    -                      Warty comb jellyfish
    -                      species
    -                      http://images.marinespecies.org/resized/12797_mnemiopsis-leidyi.jpg
    -                      http://i.livescience.com/images/i/000/014/544/original/mnemiopsis-leidyi-jellyfish-101014-02.jpg
    -                      400682
    -                      AMPQE
    -                      Amphimedon queenslandica
    -                      Hooper & Van Soest, 2006
    -                      Sponge
    -                      Reniera sp. JGI-2005
    -                      species
    -                      http://images.marinespecies.org/resized/46694_amphimedon-queenslandica.jpg
    -                    81524
    -                    Codonosigidae
    -                    family
    -                      81824
    -                      MONBE
    -                      Monosiga brevicollis
    -                      Choanoflagellate
    -                      species
    -                      http://genome.jgi-psf.org/Monbr1/Monosiga_1.jpg
    -                      946362
    -                      SALS5
    -                      Salpingoeca rosetta
    -                      Proterospongia sp. ATCC 50818
    -                      Salpingoeca sp. ATCC 50818
    -                      Proterospongia sp. (strain ATCC 50818 / BSB-021)
    -                      species
    -                      http://cfb.unh.edu/phycokey/Choices/Amoebae_Flagellates_Ciliates/Choanoflagellates/SALPINGOECA/salpingoeca_02_300x240_Kalle%20Olli_botany.ut.ee.jpg
    -                Ichthyophonida & Filasterea
    -                    198625
    -                    Ichthyophonida
    -                    order
    -                      4881
    -                      AMOPA
    -                      Amoebidium parasiticum
    -                      species
    -                      http://www.nhm.ku.edu/~fungi/Ilustgenera/amoebi.jpg
    -                      72019
    -                      SARXX
    -                      Sphaeroforma arctica
    -                      species
    -                      http://www.sciencedirect.com/cache/MiamiImageURL/1-s2.0-S0168952507000236-gr2.jpg
    -                    Filasterea
    -                      595528
    -                      CAPO3
    -                      Capsaspora owczarzaki (strain ATCC 30864)
    -                      http://www.berfrois.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Capsaspora_owczarzaki.jpg
    -                      134558
    -                      Ministeria vibrans
    -                      species
    -                      http://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0959437X03001382-gr2.jpg
    -                Holomycota
    -                Nucletmycea
    -                Phylogenomic analyses predict sistergroup relationship of nucleariids and Fungi and paraphyly of zygomycetes with significant support
    -                  4751
    -                  Fungi
    -                  kingdom
    -                  Phylogenomics supports microsporidia as the earliest diverging clade of sequenced fungi
    -                  Dikarya & Mucoromycotina & Kickxellomycotina & Blastocladiomycota & Chytridiomycota & Neocallimastigomycota
    -                    Dikarya & Mucoromycotina & Kickxellomycotina & Blastocladiomycota & Chytridiomycota
    -                      Dikarya & Mucoromycotina & Kickxellomycotina & Blastocladiomycota
    -                        Dikarya & Mucoromycotina & Kickxellomycotina
    -                          Dikarya & Mucoromycotina
    -                              451864
    -                              Dikarya
    -                              subkingdom
    -                                4890
    -                                Ascomycota
    -                                phylum
    -                                Pezizomycotina & Saccharomycetales
    -                                    147538
    -                                    Pezizomycotina
    -                                    Euascomycota
    -                                    subphylum
    -                                    A five-gene phylogeny of Pezizomycotina
    -                                      716546
    -                                      Leotiomyceta
    -                                      Sordariomyceta & Dothideomycetes & Trichocomaceae & Lecanoromycetes
    -                                        Sordariomyceta & Dothideomycetes & Lecanoromycetes
    -                                          Sordariomyceta & Lecanoromycetes
    -                                              715989
    -                                              Sordariomyceta
    -                                                147550
    -                                                Sordariomycetes
    -                                                class
    -                                                Magnaporthales & Hypocreales
    -                                                    5125
    -                                                    Hypocreales
    -                                                    order
    -                                                      398408
    -                                                      AALXX
    -                                                      Acremonium alcalophilum
    -                                                      species
    -                                                      http://genome.jgi-psf.org/public/Acral1_c3a/Acral1.jpg
    -                                                      229533
    -                                                      GIBZE
    -                                                      Gibberella zeae (strain PH-1 / ATCC MYA-4620 / FGSC 9075 / NRRL 31084)
    -                                                      Wheat head blight fungus
    -                                                      Fusarium graminearum
    -                                                      Gibberella zeae PH-1
    -                                                      strain
    -                                                      http://www.apsnet.org/publications/apsnetfeatures/PublishingImages/1999%20Features/Fusarium02sm.jpg
    -                                                      413071
    -                                                      HYPVG
    -                                                      Hypocrea virens (strain Gv29-8 / FGSC 10586)
    -                                                      Gliocladium virens
    -                                                      Trichoderma virens
    -                                                      Gliocladium flavofuscum
    -                                                      Trichoderma virens Gv29-8
    -                                                      Gliocladium virens
    -                                                      strain
    -                                                      http://www.ars.usda.gov/images/docs/10920_11114/Stroma1.jpg
    -                                                    148305
    -                                                    MAGGR
    -                                                    Magnaporthe grisea
    -                                                    Rice blast fungus
    -                                                    Pyricularia grisea
    -                                                    species
    -                                                    http://www.forestryimages.org/images/768x512/5369002.jpg
    -                                                  5139
    -                                                  Sordariales
    -                                                  order
    -                                                    35718
    -                                                    Chaetomiaceae
    -                                                    family
    -                                                      35719
    -                                                      Thielavia
    -                                                      genus
    -                                                        573729
    -                                                        THIHA
    -                                                        Thielavia heterothallica (strain ATCC 42464 / BCRC 31852 / DSM 1799)
    -                                                        (Apinis) Oorschot 1977
    -                                                        Sporotrichum thermophilum
    -                                                        Myceliophthora thermophila
    -                                                        species
    -                                                        http://genome.jgi-psf.org/public/Spoth2/Spoth0.jpg
    -                                                        578455
    -                                                        THITE
    -                                                        Thielavia terrestris (strain ATCC 38088 / NRRL 8126)
    -                                                        Acremonium alabamense
    -                                                        Thielavia terrestris NRRL 8126
    -                                                        http://genome.jgi-psf.org/public/Thite2/Thite1.jpg
    -                                                      306901
    -                                                      CHAGB
    -                                                      Chaetomium globosum (strain ATCC 6205 / CBS 148.51 / DSM 1962 / NBRC 6347 / NRRL 1970)
    -                                                      Kunze 1817
    -                                                      Soil fungus
    -                                                      strain
    -                                                    367110
    -                                                    NEUCR
    -                                                    Neurospora crassa (strain ATCC 24698 / 74-OR23-1A / CBS 708.71 / DSM 1257 / FGSC 987)
    -                                                    strain
    -                                                147548
    -                                                Leotiomycetes
    -                                                class
    -                                                  28983
    -                                                  Sclerotiniaceae
    -                                                  family
    -                                                    999810
    -                                                    BOTF4
    -                                                    Botryotinia fuckeliana (strain T4)
    -                                                    Noble rot fungus
    -                                                    Botrytis cinerea
    -                                                    strain
    -                                                    665079
    -                                                    SCLS1
    -                                                    Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (strain ATCC 18683 / 1980 / Ss-1)
    -                                                    White mold
    -                                                    Whetzelinia sclerotiorum
    -                                                    strain
    -                                                  78148
    -                                                  Oidiodendron maius
    -                                                  species
    -                                              388435
    -                                              Lecanoromycetidae
    -                                              subclass
    -                                                27339
    -                                                Cladonia grayi
    -                                                Cladonia grayi Merr
    -                                                species
    -                                                http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b6/Cladonia_grayi-11.jpg
    -                                                107463
    -                                                Xanthoria parietina
    -                                                species
    -                                                http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/70/Xanthoria_parietina_%2806_03_31%29.jpg/800px-Xanthoria_parietina_%2806_03_31%29.jpg
    -                                            147541
    -                                            Dothideomycetes
    -                                            bitunicate ascomycetes
    -                                            class
    -                                            A class-wide phylogenetic assessment of Dothideomycetes
    -                                              451867
    -                                              Dothideomycetidae
    -                                              subclass
    -                                              A multigene phylogeny of the Dothideomycetes using four nuclear loci
    -                                                134362
    -                                                Capnodiales
    -                                                order
    -                                                  41254
    -                                                  Mycosphaerella
    -                                                  genus
    -                                                    83344
    -                                                    PFIXX
    -                                                    Pseudocercospora fijiensis
    -                                                    Mycosphaerella fijiensis
    -                                                    species
    -                                                    336722
    -                                                    MYCGM
    -                                                    Mycosphaerella graminicola (strain CBS 115943 / IPO323)
    -                                                    Speckled leaf blotch fungus
    -                                                    Zymoseptoria tritici IPO323
    -                                                    Mycosphaerella graminicola IPO323
    -                                                    Septoria tritici
    -                                                    strain
    -                                                    64363
    -                                                    MYCPJ
    -                                                    Mycosphaerella pini
    -                                                    Red band needle blight disease fungus
    -                                                    Dothistroma septosporum
    -                                                    Dothistroma pini
    -                                                    species
    -                                                    692275
    -                                                    SPHMS
    -                                                    Sphaerulina musiva (strain SO2202)
    -                                                    Poplar stem canker fungus
    -                                                    Septoria musiva
    -                                                    Mycosphaerella populorum SO2202
    -                                                    Septoria musiva SO2202
    -                                                    Sphaerulina musiva SO2202
    -                                                    strain
    -                                                    http://genome.jgi-psf.org/public/Sepmu1/Septoria-musiva-colony-abundantly-sporulating-2.jpg
    -                                                  430998
    -                                                  BCOXX
    -                                                  Baudoinia compniacensis
    -                                                  Angels' Share fungus
    -                                                  Torula compniacensis
    -                                                  species
    -                                                  http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/potd/images/2011/baudoinia-compniacensis2.jpg
    -                                                5580
    -                                                AURPU
    -                                                Aureobasidium pullulans
    -                                                Black yeast
    -                                                Pullularia pullulans
    -                                                species
    -                                                  178873
    -                                                  APPXX
    -                                                  Aureobasidium pullulans var. pullulans
    -                                                  varietas
    -                                                  46634
    -                                                  APMXX
    -                                                  Aureobasidium pullulans var. melanogenum
    -                                                  varietas
    -                                                  http://genome.jgi-psf.org/public/Aurpu_var_mel1/Aurpu_var_mel1_P1010309ApM+(2).JPG
    -                                                  1042127
    -                                                  APSXX
    -                                                  Aureobasidium pullulans var. subglaciale
    -                                                  Aureobasidium pullulans var. nov. PZ-2008
    -                                                  varietas
    -                                              715340
    -                                              Pleosporineae
    -                                              suborder
    -                                                28556
    -                                                Pleosporaceae
    -                                                family
    -                                                Cochliobolus & Setosphaeria
    -                                                    45130
    -                                                    COCSA
    -                                                    Cochliobolus sativus
    -                                                    Bipolaris sorokiniana
    -                                                    species
    -                                                    http://www.plantmanagementnetwork.org/pub/php/diagnosticguide/2003/rootrot/image/mathre6sm.jpg
    -                                                    93612
    -                                                    SETTU
    -                                                    Setosphaeria turcica
    -                                                    (Luttr.) K.J. Leonard & Suggs, (1974)
    -                                                    Northern corn leaf blight disease fungus
    -                                                    Exserohilum turcicum
    -                                                    Helminthosporium turcicum
    -                                                    species
    -                                                  426418
    -                                                  PYRTR
    -                                                  Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (strain Pt-1C-BFP)
    -                                                  Wheat tan spot fungus
    -                                                  Drechslera tritici-repentis
    -                                                  strain
    -                                                321614
    -                                                PHANO
    -                                                Phaeosphaeria nodorum (strain SN15 / ATCC MYA-4574 / FGSC 10173)
    -                                                Glume blotch fungus
    -                                                Septoria nodorum
    -                                                strain
    -                                          28568
    -                                          Trichocomaceae
    -                                          family
    -                                            5052
    -                                            Aspergillus
    -                                            genus
    -                                              332952
    -                                              ASPFN
    -                                              Aspergillus flavus (strain ATCC 200026 / FGSC A1120 / NRRL 3357 / JCM 12722 / SRRC 167)
    -                                              Aspergillus flavus NRRL3357
    -                                              strain
    -                                              http://www.jhunewsletter.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/b8fungi.jpeg
    -                                              425011
    -                                              ASPNC
    -                                              Aspergillus niger (strain CBS 513.88 / FGSC A1513)
    -                                              Aspergillus niger CBS 513.88
    -                                              strain
    -                                              http://www.vetmed.wisc.edu/students/vetmycology/15.jpg
    -                                              344612
    -                                              ASPCL
    -                                              Aspergillus clavatus (strain ATCC 1007 / CBS 513.65 / DSM 816 / NCTC 3887 / NRRL 1)
    -                                              Aspergillus clavatus NRRL 1
    -                                          Neosartorya & Emericella
    -                                              227321
    -                                              EMENI
    -                                              Emericella nidulans (strain FGSC A4 / ATCC 38163 / CBS 112.46 / NRRL 194 / M139)
    -                                              Vuill. 1927
    -                                              Aspergillus nidulans
    -                                              strain
    -                                              331117
    -                                              NEOFI
    -                                              Neosartorya fischeri (strain ATCC 1020 / DSM 3700 / FGSC A1164 / NRRL 181)
    -                                              Aspergillus fischerianus
    -                                              strain
    -                                        33183
    -                                        Onygenales
    -                                        order
    -                                        The Ajellomycetaceae, a new family of vertebrate-associated Onygenales
    -                                        mitosporic Onygenales & Onygenaceae
    -                                            246410
    -                                            COCIM
    -                                            Coccidioides immitis (strain RS)
    -                                            Valley fever fungus
    -                                            Coccidioides immitis RS
    -                                            336963
    -                                            UNCRE
    -                                            Uncinocarpus reesii (strain UAMH 1704)
    -                                            strain
    -                                          447093
    -                                          AJECG
    -                                          Ajellomyces capsulata (strain G186AR / H82 / ATCC MYA-2454 / RMSCC 2432)
    -                                          Darling's disease fungus
    -                                          Histoplasma capsulatum
    -                                      656061
    -                                      TUBMM
    -                                      Tuber melanosporum (strain Mel28)
    -                                      Perigord black truffle
    -                                      Tuber melanosporum Mel28
    -                                      strain
    -                                      http://www.trufamania.com/trufas/Tuber%20melanosporum02.jpg
    -                                    4892
    -                                    Saccharomycetales
    -                                    budding yeasts
    -                                    order
    -                                    A fungal phylogeny based on 42 complete genomes derived from supertree and combined gene analysis
    -                                    mitosporic Saccharomycetales & Debaryomycetaceae & Saccharomycetaceae
    -                                        4893
    -                                        Saccharomycetaceae
    -                                        family
    -                                        Naumovozyma & Saccharomyces
    -                                            1064592
    -                                            NAUCC
    -                                            Naumovozyma castellii (strain ATCC 76901 / CBS 4309 / NBRC 1992 / NRRL Y-12630)
    -                                            Yeast
    -                                            Saccharomyces castellii
    -                                            strain
    -                                            559292
    -                                            YEAST
    -                                            Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 / S288c)
    -                                            Baker's yeast
    -                                            strain
    -                                        Eremothecium & Kluyveromyces
    -                                            284590
    -                                            KLULA
    -                                            Kluyveromyces lactis (strain ATCC 8585 / CBS 2359 / DSM 70799 / NBRC 1267 / NRRL Y-1140 / WM37)
    -                                            Yeast
    -                                            Candida sphaerica
    -                                            Kluyveromyces lactis NRRL Y-1140
    -                                            284811
    -                                            ASHGO
    -                                            Ashbya gossypii (strain ATCC 10895 / CBS 109.51 / FGSC 9923 / NRRL Y-1056)
    -                                            Yeast
    -                                            Eremothecium gossypii
    -                                      Debaryomyces & Candida
    -                                          5475
    -                                          Candida
    -                                          Torulopsis
    -                                          genus
    -                                            237561
    -                                            CANAL
    -                                            Candida albicans (strain SC5314 / ATCC MYA-2876)
    -                                            Yeast
    -                                            strain
    -                                            294747
    -                                            CANTT
    -                                            Candida tropicalis (strain ATCC MYA-3404 / T1)
    -                                            Yeast
    -                                            strain
    -                                          284592
    -                                          DEBHA
    -                                          Debaryomyces hansenii (strain ATCC 36239 / CBS 767 / JCM 1990 / NBRC 0083 / IGC 2968)
    -                                          Yeast
    -                                          Torulaspora hansenii
    -                                          Debaryomyces hansenii CBS767
    -                                      284591
    -                                      YARLI
    -                                      Yarrowia lipolytica (strain CLIB 122 / E 150)
    -                                      Yeast
    -                                      Candida lipolytica
    -                                      strain
    -                                  451866
    -                                  Taphrinomycotina
    -                                  subphylum
    -                                  Pneumocystidomycetes & Schizosaccharomycetes
    -                                      4895
    -                                      Schizosaccharomyces
    -                                      genus
    -                                        402676
    -                                        SCHJY
    -                                        Schizosaccharomyces japonicus (strain yFS275 / FY16936)
    -                                        Fission yeast
    -                                        strain
    -                                        4899
    -                                        SCHOT
    -                                        Schizosaccharomyces octosporus
    -                                        Fission yeast
    -                                        species
    -                                        http://www.dipbot.unict.it/sistematica/Immagini/12002.JPG
    -                                        284812
    -                                        SCHPO
    -                                        Schizosaccharomyces pombe (strain 972 / ATCC 24843)
    -                                        Fission yeast
    -                                        strain
    -                                      4754
    -                                      PNECA
    -                                      Pneumocystis carinii
    -                                      species
    -                                    5606
    -                                    Saitoella complicata
    -                                    species
    -                                5204
    -                                Basidiomycota
    -                                phylum
    -                                Agaricomycotina & Ustilaginomycotina & Pucciniomycotina
    -                                  Agaricomycotina & Ustilaginomycotina
    -                                      5302
    -                                      Agaricomycotina
    -                                        155619
    -                                        Homobasidiomycetes
    -                                        class
    -                                        Evolution of complex fruiting–body morphologies in homobasidiomycetes
    -                                        Agaricomycetidae & Gloeophyllum & Aphyllophorales
    -                                          Agaricomycetidae & Gloeophyllum
    -                                              452333
    -                                              Agaricomycetidae
    -                                              subclass
    -                                              Agaricales & Boletales
    -                                                  5338
    -                                                  Agaricales
    -                                                  order
    -                                                  Agaricus & Coprinopsis & Laccaria & Pleurotus
    -                                                    Agaricus & Coprinopsis & Laccaria
    -                                                      Agaricus & Coprinopsis
    -                                                          597362
    -                                                          AGABU
    -                                                          Agaricus bisporus var. burnettii (strain JB137-S8 / ATCC MYA-4627 / FGSC 10392)
    -                                                          White button mushroom
    -                                                          Agaricus bisporus var. burnettii JB137-S8
    -                                                          http://www.mykoweb.com/CAF/photos/Agaricus_bisporus(fs-03).jpg
    -                                                          5346
    -                                                          COPC7
    -                                                          Coprinopsis cinerea (strain Okayama-7 / 130 / ATCC MYA-4618 / FGSC 9003)
    -                                                          Inky cap fungus
    -                                                          Hormographiella aspergillata
    -                                                          strain
    -                                                          http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e9/Coprinopsis.cinerea.-.lindsey.jpg
    -                                                        486041
    -                                                        LACBS
    -                                                        Laccaria bicolor
    -                                                        Bicoloured deceiver
    -                                                        Laccaria laccata var. bicolor
    -                                                        Laccaria bicolor S238N-H82
    -                                                        strain
    -                                                        http://botit.botany.wisc.edu/toms_fungi/images/L_bicolor_NM.JPG
    -                                                      206324
    -                                                      Gymnopus luxurians
    -                                                      species
    -                                                      http://www.mushroomexpert.com/images/kuo3/gymnopus_luxurians_02.jpg
    -                                                    5322
    -                                                    PLEOS
    -                                                    Pleurotus ostreatus
    -                                                    Oyster mushroom
    -                                                    White-rot fungus
    -                                                    species
    -                                                    http://botit.botany.wisc.edu/toms_fungi/images/post1.jpg
    -                                                  68889
    -                                                  Boletales
    -                                                  Melanogastrales
    -                                                  Sclerodermatales
    -                                                  order
    -                                                    227334
    -                                                    Coniophorineae
    -                                                    suborder
    -                                                      80637
    -                                                      CPUXX
    -                                                      Coniophora puteana
    -                                                      Schum. ex Fries
    -                                                      cellar fungus
    -                                                      species
    -                                                      http://genome.jgi-psf.org/public/Conpu1/P1240066_dp.jpg
    -                                                      578457
    -                                                      SERL9
    -                                                      Serpula lacrymans var. lacrymans (strain S7.9)
    -                                                      Dry rot fungus
    -                                                      http://www.anbg.gov.au/fungi/images/0160.jpg
    -                                                    388859
    -                                                    Hydnomerulius pinastri
    -                                                    Spiny dry rot fungus
    -                                                    species
    -                                                    http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/public/Hydpi1/Hydnomerulius_pinastri.jpg
    -                                                202697
    -                                                JARXX
    -                                                Jaapia argillacea
    -                                                species
    -                                                http://mycor.nancy.inra.fr/blogGenomes/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/IMG_21261.jpg
    -                                              104355
    -                                              GLOTR
    -                                              Gloeophyllum trabeum
    -                                              Brown rot fungus
    -                                              species
    -                                              http://www.commanster.eu/commanster/Mushrooms/Basidio/SpBasidio/Gloeophyllum.trabeum.jpg
    -                                            5303
    -                                            Aphyllophorales
    -                                            Gäum. (1926)
    -                                            Shelf Fungi
    -                                            Polyporales
    -                                            order
    -                                              83233
    -                                              Coriolaceae
    -                                              family
    -                                              The phylogenetic distribution of resupinate forms across the major clades of mushroom-forming fungi (Homobasidiomycetes)
    -                                              Postia & Fomitopsis & Wolfiporia & Trametes
    -                                                Antrodia clade
    -                                                  Antrodia clade
    -                                                    40483
    -                                                    FPIXX
    -                                                    Fomitopsis pinicola
    -                                                    (Swartz) P. Karsten
    -                                                    Red banded polypore
    -                                                    Fomes pinicola
    -                                                    Boletus pinicola
    -                                                    species
    -                                                    http://www.mykoweb.com/CAF/photos/Fomitopsis_pinicola(mgw-02).jpg
    -                                                    104341
    -                                                    PPLXX
    -                                                    Postia placenta
    -                                                    Rhodonia placenta
    -                                                    species
    -                                                    http://www.commanster.eu/commanster/Mushrooms/Polypore/SuPolypore/Postia.placenta.jpg
    -                                                core polyporoid clade
    -                                                  core polyporoid clade
    -                                                    5325
    -                                                    TRAVE
    -                                                    Trametes versicolor
    -                                                    (L.) Lloyd 1921
    -                                                    White-rot fungus
    -                                                    Coriolus versicolor
    -                                                    Bjerkandera versicolor
    -                                                    species
    -                                                    http://calphotos.berkeley.edu/imgs/512x768/0000_0000/0304/0521.jpeg
    -                                                    742152
    -                                                    WOLCO
    -                                                    Wolfiporia cocos (strain MD-104)
    -                                                    Brown rot fungus
    -                                                    Wolfiporia cocos MD-104 SS10
    -                                                    http://genome.jgi-psf.org/public/Wolco1/W_cocos_CA-b1.jpg
    -                                                42742
    -                                                CERSU
    -                                                Ceriporiopsis subvermispora
    -                                                species
    -                                              732165
    -                                              DICSQ
    -                                              Dichomitus squalens (strain LYAD-421)
    -                                              Western red white-rot fungus
    -                                              Dichomitus squalens LYAD-421 SS1
    -                                              http://www.fs.fed.us/r3/resources/health/field-guide/images/large/sds-f199-large.jpg
    -                                          13563
    -                                          HETAN
    -                                          Heterobasidion annosum
    -                                          Root rot fungus
    -                                          species
    -                                        5215
    -                                        Tremellaceae
    -                                        family
    -                                          5207
    -                                          CRYNE
    -                                          Cryptococcus neoformans
    -                                          Filobasidiella neoformans
    -                                          species
    -                                          1029985
    -                                          TREME
    -                                          Tremella mesenterica
    -                                          Pers. 1800
    -                                          Jelly fungus
    -                                          Yellow Brain
    -                                          Tremella lutescens
    -                                          species
    -                                      452284
    -                                      Ustilaginomycotina
    -                                      subphylum
    -                                        425265
    -                                        MALGO
    -                                        Malassezia globosa (strain ATCC MYA-4612 / CBS 7966)
    -                                        Dandruff-associated fungus
    -                                        237631
    -                                        USTMA
    -                                        Ustilago maydis (strain 521 / FGSC 9021)
    -                                        Corn smut fungus
    -                                        species
    -                                    29000
    -                                    Pucciniomycotina
    -                                    subphylum
    -                                      5258
    -                                      Pucciniales
    -                                      rusts
    -                                      order
    -                                        747676
    -                                        MELLP
    -                                        Melampsora larici-populina (strain 98AG31 / pathotype 3-4-7)
    -                                        Kleb. 1902
    -                                        Poplar leaf rust fungus
    -                                        Melampsora larici-populina 98AG31
    -                                        Melampsora laricis-populina 98AG31
    -                                        strain
    -                                        5297
    -                                        PUCGR
    -                                        Puccinia graminis
    -                                        Pers. 1794
    -                                        Black stem rust fungus
    -                                        species
    -                                      89013
    -                                      mitosporic Sporidiobolales
    -                                        29898
    -                                        RHOGR
    -                                        Rhodotorula graminis
    -                                        Yeast
    -                                        species
    -                                        40563
    -                                        SPORO
    -                                        Sporobolomyces roseus
    -                                        Kluyver & C. B. Niel 1924
    -                                        species
    -                                  671144
    -                                  WALSC
    -                                  Wallemia sebi (strain ATCC MYA-4683 / CBS 633.66)
    -                                  strain
    -                              451507
    -                              Mucoromycotina
    -                              subphylum
    -                                34489
    -                                Mucoraceae
    -                                family
    -                                  36080
    -                                  MUCCI
    -                                  Mucor circinelloides
    -                                  Mucor griseo-roseus
    -                                  species
    -                                  4837
    -                                  PHYBL
    -                                  Phycomyces blakesleeanus
    -                                  species
    -                                  64495
    -                                  RHIOR
    -                                  Rhizopus oryzae
    -                                  Mucormycosis agent
    -                                  Rhizopus delemar
    -                                  Rhizopus arrhizus var. delemar
    -                                  species
    -                                1069443
    -                                MVNXX
    -                                Mortierella verticillata NRRL 6337
    -                                species
    -                                http://www.ual.es/GruposInv/myco-ual/galeria17/mortierella.jpg
    -                                http://www.diark.org/img/species_pict/Mortierella_verticillata
    -                            61392
    -                            CREXX
    -                            Coemansia reversa
    -                            species
    -                            http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/public/Coere1/Coemansia.jpg
    -                          28583
    -                          ALLMA
    -                          Allomyces macrogynus
    -                          species
    -                        4761
    -                        Chytridiomycota
    -                        chytrids
    -                        Mastigomycotina
    -                        phylum
    -                          451435
    -                          Chytridiomycetes
    -                          class
    -                            684364
    -                            BATDJ
    -                            Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (strain JAM81 / FGSC 10211)
    -                            Frog chytrid fungus
    -                            strain
    -                            109760
    -                            SPIPN
    -                            Spizellomyces punctatus
    -                            species
    -                          1123529
    -                          GONPR
    -                          Gonapodya prolifera
    -                          A. Fisch. 1892
    -                          Aquatic fungus
    -                          species
    -                          http://genome.jgi-psf.org/public/Ganpr1/Picture5.jpg
    -                      73868
    -                      PIRSE
    -                      Piromyces sp. (strain E2)
    -                      species
    -                      http://www.bsu.edu/classes/ruch/msa/barr/4-17.jpg
    -                    6029
    -                    Microsporidia
    -                    phylum
    -                    Disseminated Infection Caused by Novel Species of Microsporidium, Thailand
    -                      6032
    -                      Apansporoblastina
    -                      suborder
    -                        6033
    -                        Encephalitozoon
    -                        genus
    -                          284813
    -                          ENCCU
    -                          Encephalitozoon cuniculi (strain GB-M1)
    -                          Microsporidian parasite
    -                          strain
    -                          http://www.nature.com/modpathol/journal/v15/n5/images/3880566f7.jpg
    -                          907965
    -                          ENCHA
    -                          Encephalitozoon hellem (strain ATCC 50504)
    -                          Microsporidian parasite
    -                          strain
    -                          http://ruby.fgcu.edu/courses/davidb/50249/web/Encephalitozoonhellem91.jpg
    -                      Nosematidae & Enterocytozoonidae
    -                          993615
    -                          VITCO
    -                          Vittaforma corneae (strain ATCC 50505)
    -                          Microsporidian parasite
    -                          Nosema corneum
    -                          481877
    -                          ENTBH
    -                          Enterocytozoon bieneusi (strain H348)
    -                          Microsporidian parasite
    -                          http://www.biolib.cz/IMG/GAL/17310.jpg
    -                      35232
    -                      Pleistophoridae
    -                      family
    -                        72359
    -                        TRAHO
    -                        Trachipleistophora hominis
    -                        Microsporidian parasite
    -                        species
    -                        948595
    -                        VAVCU
    -                        Vavraia culicis (isolate floridensis)
    -                        Microsporidian parasite
    -                      1003232
    -                      EDHAE
    -                      Edhazardia aedis (strain USNM 41457)
    -                      Microsporidian parasite
    -                      http://wwx.inhs.illinois.edu/files/6813/4021/9153/4Edhazardia_aedis.jpg
    -                  1001604
    -                  Nucleariidae and Fonticula group
    -                  Phylogeny of the �Forgotten� Cellular Slime Mold, Fonticula alba, Reveals a Key Evolutionary Branch within Opisthokonta
    -                    691883
    -                    FALXX
    -                    Fonticula alba
    -                    Worley, Raper & Hohl. 1979
    -                    species
    -                    http://mbe.oxfordjournals.org/content/26/12/2699/F2.medium.gif
    -                    154970
    -                    Nuclearia simplex
    -                    species
    -              554915
    -              Amoebozoa
    -                33083
    -                Dictyosteliida
    -                dictyostelid cellular slime molds
    -                order
    -                  5782
    -                  Dictyostelium
    -                  genus
    -                  An expanded phylogeny of social amoebas (Dictyostelia) shows increasing diversity and new morphological patterns
    -                  group 4
    -                      44689
    -                      DICDI
    -                      Dictyostelium discoideum
    -                      Slime mold
    -                      species
    -                      http://www.tins.ne.jp/~tsukubagec/csm.GIF
    -                      5786
    -                      DICPU
    -                      Dictyostelium purpureum
    -                      Slime mold
    -                      species
    -                    1054147
    -                    DICFS
    -                    Dictyostelium fasciculatum (strain SH3)
    -                    Slime mold
    -                    strain
    -                  13642
    -                  POLPA
    -                  Polysphondylium pallidum
    -                  Cellular slime mold
    -                  species
    -                  http://cosmos.bot.kyoto-u.ac.jp/csm/photos2/Pp8s.jpeg
    -                5758
    -                Entamoeba
    -                genus
    -                  5759
    -                  ENTHI
    -                  Entamoeba histolytica
    -                  species
    -                  http://www.dpd.cdc.gov/dpdx/images/ParasiteImages/A-F/Amebiasis/E_histo/Ehistdisp_troph_wtmt2.jpg
    -                  370354
    -                  ENTDS
    -                  Entamoeba dispar (strain ATCC PRA-260 / SAW760)
    -          Bikonta
    -            Plants+HC+SAR megagroup
    -              Plants+HC
    -                Archaeplastida
    -                    33090
    -                    Viridiplantae
    -                    green plants
    -                    kingdom
    -                      3193
    -                      Embryophyta
    -                        58023
    -                        Tracheophyta
    -                          58024
    -                          Spermatophyta
    -                            3398
    -                            Magnoliophyta
    -                            eudicotyledons & Liliopsida
    -                                71240
    -                                eudicotyledons
    -                                  91827
    -                                  core eudicotyledons
    -                                    71275
    -                                    rosids
    -                                    subclass
    -                                    fabids & malvids
    -                                        91835
    -                                        fabids
    -                                        Rosales & Cucurbitales & Fabales
    -                                          Rosales & Cucurbitales
    -                                              3745
    -                                              Rosaceae
    -                                              family
    -                                                57918
    -                                                FRAVE
    -                                                Fragaria vesca
    -                                                Woodland strawberry
    -                                                Fragaria vesca L.
    -                                                European strawberry
    -                                                alpine strawberry
    -                                                species
    -                                                http://www.boga.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/html/Fragaria.vesca.ja6.jpg
    -                                                http://caliban.mpiz-koeln.mpg.de/thome/band3/tafel_092_small.jpg
    -                                                3760
    -                                                PRUPE
    -                                                Prunus persica
    -                                                Peach
    -                                                Persica vulgaris
    -                                                Amygdalus persica
    -                                                species
    -                                                http://www.mezhenskyjv.narod.ru/foto_sortov/dokaz.jpg
    -                                              3659
    -                                              CUCSA
    -                                              Cucumis sativus
    -                                              Cucumber
    -                                              species
    -                                            3814
    -                                            Papilionoideae
    -                                            subfamily
    -                                              3847
    -                                              SOYBN
    -                                              Glycine max
    -                                              cv. Wye
    -                                              Soybean
    -                                              Glycine hispida
    -                                              species
    -                                              3880
    -                                              MEDTR
    -                                              Medicago truncatula
    -                                              Barrel medic
    -                                              Medicago tribuloides
    -                                              species
    -                                              http://crdp.ac-besancon.fr/flore/FABACEAE/photos/medicago_truncatula_30.jpg
    -                                          3646
    -                                          Malpighiales
    -                                          order
    -                                            3977
    -                                            Euphorbiaceae
    -                                            family
    -                                              3983
    -                                              MANES
    -                                              Manihot esculenta
    -                                              Tapioca
    -                                              Jatropha manihot
    -                                              species
    -                                              http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/99/Iwata_kenichi_cassava.jpg
    -                                              3988
    -                                              RICCO
    -                                              Ricinus communis
    -                                              Castor bean
    -                                              Ricinus sanguineus
    -                                              species
    -                                              http://nmorganics.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/castor.jpg
    -                                            3694
    -                                            POPTR
    -                                            Populus trichocarpa
    -                                            Western balsam poplar
    -                                            Populus balsamifera subsp. trichocarpa
    -                                            species
    -                                        91836
    -                                        malvids
    -                                        Brassicales & Sapindales
    -                                            3699
    -                                            Brassicales
    -                                            order
    -                                              3700
    -                                              Brassicaceae
    -                                              family
    -                                                3701
    -                                                Arabidopsis
    -                                                genus
    -                                                  59689
    -                                                  ARALY
    -                                                  Arabidopsis lyrata
    -                                                  Lyre-leaved rock-cress
    -                                                  Arabis lyrata
    -                                                  species
    -                                                  3702
    -                                                  ARATH
    -                                                  Arabidopsis thaliana
    -                                                  Mouse-ear cress
    -                                                  species
    -                                                98038
    -                                                THEHA
    -                                                Thellungiella halophila
    -                                                Salt cress
    -                                                species
    -                                                http://mplant.oxfordjournals.org/content/2/1/3/F1.large.jpg
    -                                              3649
    -                                              CARPA
    -                                              Carica papaya
    -                                              Papaya
    -                                              species
    -                                              http://www.biopix.com/photos/jko-carica-papaya-00412.jpg
    -                                              http://www.texasriviera.com/greenthumbs/papaya10.jpg
    -                                            2706
    -                                            Citrus
    -                                            genus
    -                                              85681
    -                                              CCLXX
    -                                              Citrus clementina
    -                                              Citrus clementina hort. ex Tanaka
    -                                              species
    -                                              http://www.citrusgenomedb.org/sites/default/files/tripal/tripal_organism/images/Citrus_clementina.jpg
    -                                              2711
    -                                              CITSI
    -                                              Citrus sinensis
    -                                              Sweet orange
    -                                              Citrus x sinensis
    -                                              Citrus aurantium var. sinensis
    -                                              species
    -                                              http://www.west-crete.com/flowers/photos/citrus_sinensis-1.jpg
    -                                          71139
    -                                          EUCGR
    -                                          Eucalyptus grandis
    -                                          Flooded gum
    -                                          species
    -                                          http://www.calflora.net/losangelesarboretum/images/eucalyptus_grandis.jpg
    -                                      582304
    -                                      VITVI
    -                                      Vitis vinifera
    -                                      Grape
    -                                      species
    -                                    91888
    -                                    lamiids
    -                                      4070
    -                                      Solanaceae
    -                                      family
    -                                        4107
    -                                        Solanum
    -                                        genus
    -                                          49274
    -                                          Lycopersicon
    -                                          subgenus
    -                                            4081
    -                                            SOLLC
    -                                            Solanum lycopersicum
    -                                            Tomato
    -                                            Lycopersicon esculentum
    -                                            species
    -                                            http://calphotos.berkeley.edu/imgs/512x768/0000_0000/0905/1214.jpeg
    -                                            4084
    -                                            SOLPI
    -                                            Solanum pimpinellifolium
    -                                            Currant tomato
    -                                            Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium
    -                                            species
    -                                            http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b8/Currant_tomato.jpg
    -                                          4113
    -                                          SOLTU
    -                                          Solanum tuberosum
    -                                          Potato
    -                                          species
    -                                          http://calphotos.berkeley.edu/imgs/512x768/0000_0000/0508/0344.jpeg
    -                                        4097
    -                                        TOBAC
    -                                        Nicotiana tabacum
    -                                        Common tobacco
    -                                        species
    -                                        http://calphotos.berkeley.edu/imgs/512x768/0000_0000/0105/2073.jpeg
    -                                      4155
    -                                      MIMGU
    -                                      Mimulus guttatus
    -                                      Yellow monkey flower
    -                                      Yellow monkey flower
    -                                      species
    -                                  218851
    -                                  AQUCA
    -                                  Aquilegia caerulea
    -                                  E.James
    -                                  Rocky mountain columbine
    -                                  Aquilegia coerulea
    -                                  species
    -                                  http://www.wildflower.org/image_archive/320x240/PCD3618/PCD3618_IMG0033.JPG
    -                                4447
    -                                Liliopsida
    -                                class
    -                                  4479
    -                                  Poaceae
    -                                  family
    -                                    147369
    -                                    Panicoideae
    -                                    subfamily
    -                                      147429
    -                                      Andropogoneae
    -                                      tribe
    -                                        4558
    -                                        SORBI
    -                                        Sorghum bicolor
    -                                        Sorghum
    -                                        Sorghum vulgare
    -                                        species
    -                                        4577
    -                                        MAIZE
    -                                        Zea mays
    -                                        Maize
    -                                        species
    -                                      147428
    -                                      Paniceae
    -                                      tribe
    -                                        38727
    -                                        PANVG
    -                                        Panicum virgatum
    -                                        switchgrass
    -                                        species
    -                                        http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/29/PanicumVirgatum.jpg/220px-PanicumVirgatum.jpg
    -                                        4555
    -                                        SETIT
    -                                        Setaria italica
    -                                        Foxtail millet
    -                                        Panicum italicum
    -                                        species
    -                                        http://en.academic.ru/pictures/enwiki/83/Setaria_italica0.jpg
    -                                    359160
    -                                    BEP clade
    -                                      4527
    -                                      Oryza
    -                                      genus
    -                                        4530
    -                                        ORYSA
    -                                        Oryza sativa
    -                                        Rice
    -                                        species
    -                                        39947
    -                                        ORYSJ
    -                                        Oryza sativa subsp. japonica
    -                                        Rice
    -                                      147368
    -                                      Pooideae
    -                                      subfamily
    -                                        15368
    -                                        BRADI
    -                                        Brachypodium distachyon
    -                                        Purple false brome
    -                                        Trachynia distachya
    -                                        species
    -                                        http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/01/Brachypodium_distachyon_Bd21-3.jpg
    -                                        112509
    -                                        HORVD
    -                                        Hordeum vulgare var. distichum
    -                                        Two-rowed barley
    -                                        subspecies
    -                                        http://www.missouriplants.com/Grasses/Hordeum_vulgare_plant.jpg
    -                                  214687
    -                                  MUSAM
    -                                  Musa acuminata subsp. malaccensis
    -                                  (Ridl.) N.W.Simmonds
    -                                  Wild banana
    -                                  Musa malaccensis
    -                                  subspecies
    -                                  http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4009/4572831376_07ca3089d1_z.jpg
    -                              13333
    -                              AMBTC
    -                              Amborella trichopoda
    -                              species
    -                              http://www.sciencemag.org/content/342/6165/1456/F1.medium.gif
    -                            3329
    -                            PICAB
    -                            Picea abies
    -                            H.Karst
    -                            Norway spruce
    -                            Picea excelsa
    -                            species
    -                            http://pharm1.pharmazie.uni-greifswald.de/allgemei/serturn/arzpfl-b/picea_a.jpg
    -                          88036
    -                          SELML
    -                          Selaginella moellendorffii
    -                          Hieron
    -                          Spikemoss
    -                          species
    -                          http://www.plantsystematics.org/users/robbin/5_22_06/upload121/Selag_moellendorffii3.JPG
    -                        145481
    -                        PHYPA
    -                        Physcomitrella patens subsp. patens
    -                        Moss
    -                        subspecies
    -                        http://www.aua.gr/plantdevelopment/Photos2/01%20Physcomitrella%20patens.jpg
    -                      3041
    -                      Chlorophyta
    -                      phylum
    -                        13792
    -                        Mamiellales
    -                        order
    -                          70447
    -                          Ostreococcus
    -                          genus
    -                            436017
    -                            OSTLU
    -                            Ostreococcus lucimarinus (strain CCE9901)
    -                            385169
    -                            ORCXX
    -                            Ostreococcus sp. RCC809
    -                            species
    -                            70448
    -                            OSTTA
    -                            Ostreococcus tauri
    -                            species
    -                            http://genome.jgi-psf.org/Ost9901_3/Ostta.jpg
    -                          38832
    -                          Micromonas
    -                          genus
    -                            564608
    -                            MICPC
    -                            Micromonas pusilla (strain CCMP1545)
    -                            Picoplanktonic green alga
    -                            http://www.mansfield.ohio-state.edu/~sabedon/microfla.jpg
    -                            296587
    -                            MICSR
    -                            Micromonas sp. (strain RCC299 / NOUM17)
    -                            Picoplanktonic green alga
    -                            Micromonas sp. RCC299
    -                            species
    -                      Trebouxiophyceae & Chlorophyceae
    -                          75966
    -                          Trebouxiophyceae
    -                          class
    -                            763042
    -                            ASCXX
    -                            Asterochloris sp. Cgr/DA1pho
    -                            species
    -                            http://genome.jgi-psf.org/Astpho1/Figure_3.jpg
    -                            554065
    -                            CHLVA
    -                            Chlorella variabilis
    -                            Shihira & Krauss 1965
    -                            Green alga
    -                            Chlorella sp. NC64A
    -                            Chlorella sp. Bnd1-ZK
    -                            species
    -                            http://www.sinice.cz/res/image/collection/Chlorella.jpg
    -                            574566
    -                            CSUXX
    -                            Coccomyxa subellipsoidea C-169
    -                            Chlorella vulgaris C-169
    -                            Coccomyxa sp. C-169
    -                            species
    -                            http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Coc_C169_1/Chlvu.jpg
    -                          3042
    -                          Chlamydomonadales
    -                          order
    -                            3055
    -                            CHLRE
    -                            Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
    -                            Chlamydomonas smithii
    -                            species
    -                            http://genome.jgi-psf.org/Chlre3/chlamy_BG.gif
    -                            3067
    -                            VOLCA
    -                            Volvox carteri
    -                            Green alga
    -                            species
    -                            http://genome.jgi-psf.org/Volca1/Volvox.jpg
    -                    2763
    -                    Rhodophyta
    -                    red algae
    -                      265316
    -                      Cyanidiaceae
    -                      family
    -                        45157
    -                        CYAME
    -                        Cyanidioschyzon merolae
    -                        Red alga
    -                        species
    -                        http://www.shigen.nig.ac.jp/algae_tree/CyanidiophyceaeIMG.jpg
    -                        130081
    -                        GALSU
    -                        Galdieria sulphuraria
    -                        Red alga
    -                        species
    -                        http://phenomena.nationalgeographic.com/files/2013/03/Alga.jpg
    -                      2769
    -                      CHOCR
    -                      Chondrus crispus
    -                      Carragheen moss
    -                      Irish moss
    -                      species
    -                      http://www.seaweed.ie/_images/MG3_0485.png
    -                    38254
    -                    Glaucocystophyceae
    -                    Glaucophyta
    -                    class
    -                      2762
    -                      CYAPA
    -                      Cyanophora paradoxa
    -                      species
    -                      http://www.people.vcu.edu/~rfisher/paradoxa.jpg
    -                      38271
    -                      Glaucocystis nostochinearum
    -                      species
    -                      http://protist.i.hosei.ac.jp/pdb/images/Others/Glaucocystis/sp_02.jpg
    -                Hacrobia (Cryptophyta & Haptophyceae & Centroheliozoa)
    -                    2903
    -                    EMIHU
    -                    Emiliania huxleyi
    -                    Pontosphaera huxleyi
    -                    species
    -                    http://research.kahaku.go.jp/zoology/kaisei/hp-2/images/hapto.jpg
    -                    55529
    -                    GUITH
    -                    Guillardia theta
    -                    Cryptomonas phi
    -                    species
    -                    http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/public/Guith1/Gtheta_SEM.jpg
    -                    Multiple Gene Phylogenies Support the Monophyly of Cryptomonad and Haptophyte Host Lineages
    -              Stramenopiles & Alveolata & Rhizaria
    -                Evolution of Rhizaria: new insights from phylogenomic analysis of uncultivated protists
    -                Stramenopiles & Alveolata
    -                    33630
    -                    Alveolata
    -                    Spliced Leader RNAs, Mitochondrial Gene Frameshifts and Multi-Protein Phylogeny Expand Support for the Genus Perkinsus as a Unique Group of Alveolates
    -                    Myzozoa
    -                        5794
    -                        Apicomplexa
    -                        phylum
    -                        The origins of apicomplexan sequence innovation (2009)
    -                        Aconoidasida & Coccidia
    -                            422676
    -                            Aconoidasida
    -                            class
    -                              5820
    -                              Plasmodium
    -                              genus
    -                                5825
    -                                PLACH
    -                                Plasmodium chabaudi
    -                                species
    -                                36329
    -                                PLAF7
    -                                Plasmodium falciparum (isolate 3D7)
    -                                73239
    -                                PLAYO
    -                                Plasmodium yoelii yoelii
    -                                subspecies
    -                                126793
    -                                PLAVS
    -                                Plasmodium vivax (strain Salvador I)
    -                              5863
    -                              Piroplasmida
    -                              Piroplasmids
    -                              Theileria
    -                                5873
    -                                Theileria
    -                                genus
    -                                  5874
    -                                  THEAN
    -                                  Theileria annulata
    -                                  species
    -                                  5875
    -                                  THEPA
    -                                  Theileria parva
    -                                  East coast fever infection agent
    -                                  species
    -                                5865
    -                                BABBO
    -                                Babesia bovis
    -                                species
    -                                http://www.perulactea.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Babesia_bovis.jpg
    -                            423054
    -                            Eimeriorina
    -                            suborder
    -                            The Apicomplexan Whole-Genome Phylogeny: An Analysis of Incongruence among Gene Trees
    -                              5802
    -                              EIMTE
    -                              Eimeria tenella
    -                              Coccidian parasite
    -                              species
    -                              http://www.k-state.edu/parasitology/625tutorials/FIGtenella.jpg
    -                              5811
    -                              TOXGO
    -                              Toxoplasma gondii
    -                              species
    -                          5806
    -                          Cryptosporidium
    -                          genus
    -                            237895
    -                            CRYHO
    -                            Cryptosporidium hominis
    -                            species
    -                            5807
    -                            CRYPV
    -                            Cryptosporidium parvum
    -                            species
    -                            353152
    -                            CRYPI
    -                            Cryptosporidium parvum (strain Iowa II)
    -                      Dinoflagellates & Perkinsus
    -                          2864
    -                          Dinophyceae
    -                          class
    -                            2866
    -                            CRYCO
    -                            Crypthecodinium cohnii
    -                            Dinoflagellate
    -                            species
    -                            http://www.lamolina.net/image/DHAcell.jpg
    -                            2923
    -                            THOHE
    -                            Thoracosphaera heimii
    -                            Dinoflagellate
    -                            species
    -                            http://planktonnet.awi.de/repository/rawdata-PlanktonNet2/viewable/fjouenne_21806a_20080123172436_small.jpg
    -                          423536
    -                          PERM5
    -                          Perkinsus marinus (strain ATCC 50983 / TXsc)
    -                          http://www.eurl-mollusc.eu/var/storage/images/medias-ifremer/medias-crlmollusc/images/perkinsus-zoosporangium/633746-1-eng-GB/Perkinsus-zoosporangium.jpg
    -                      5878
    -                      Ciliophora
    -                        431838
    -                        Intramacronucleata
    -                        subphylum
    -                          6020
    -                          Oligohymenophorea
    -                          class
    -                            31277
    -                            Hymenostomatida
    -                            order
    -                              857967
    -                              ICHMG
    -                              Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (strain G5)
    -                              White spot disease agent
    -                              Ich
    -                              http://www.vet.cornell.edu/microbiology/FishDisease/aquaticprog/highlights/ich/ICH2.JPG
    -                              312017
    -                              TETTS
    -                              Tetrahymena thermophila (strain SB210)
    -                              http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/08/Tetrahymena_thermophila.png/220px-Tetrahymena_thermophila.png
    -                            5888
    -                            PARTE
    -                            Paramecium tetraurelia
    -                            species
    -                            http://research.plattsburgh.edu/ciliates/images/jdopics208.jpg
    -                          1172189
    -                          OTRXX
    -                          Oxytricha trifallax
    -                          Stein, 1859
    -                          species
    -                          http://centexnaturalist.com/foldermainmenus/sfprotists/folderprotozoans/oxytricha04.gif
    -                        5961
    -                        BLEJA
    -                        Blepharisma japonicum
    -                        species
    -                        http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/23/Mikrofoto.de-Blepharisma_japonicum_15.jpg
    -                        http://protist.i.hosei.ac.jp/PDB/PCD0473/C/016.jpg
    -                    33634
    -                    Stramenopiles
    -                    Patterson 1989, emend. Adl et al. 2005
    -                    Chromophyta
    -                    heterokonts
    -                    Heterokontophyta
    -                    Labyrinthulomycetes & Ochrophyta & Oomycetes
    -                      Ochrophyta & Oomycetes
    -                        Seven Gene Phylogeny of Heterokonts
    -                          Ochrophyta
    -                            2836
    -                            Bacillariophyta
    -                            diatoms
    -                            class
    -                              33850
    -                              Bacillariophycidae
    -                                186039
    -                                FCYXX
    -                                Fragilariopsis cylindrus
    -                                Krieger
    -                                Nitzschia cylindrus
    -                                species
    -                                http://www.awi.de/fileadmin/user_upload/News/Press_Releases/2012/1._Quartal/000_Fragilariposis_Chloroplasten_GDieckmann_w.jpg
    -                                2850
    -                                PHATR
    -                                Phaeodactylum tricornutum
    -                                Bohlin
    -                                species
    -                                http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bf/Phaeodactylum_tricornutum.png/637px-Phaeodactylum_tricornutum.png
    -                              35127
    -                              Thalassiosira
    -                              genus
    -                                35128
    -                                THAPS
    -                                Thalassiosira pseudonana
    -                                Hasle & Heimdal
    -                                Marine diatom
    -                                Cyclotella nana
    -                                species
    -                                http://www.genomenewsnetwork.org/gnn_images/sequenced_genomes/thalassiosira_pseudonana.jpg
    -                                159749
    -                                THAOC
    -                                Thalassiosira oceanica
    -                                Marine diatom
    -                                species
    -                          Pelagophyceae & Phaeophyceae
    -                            Distribution patterns and phylogeny of marine stramenopiles in the north pacific ocean
    -                              44056
    -                              AURAN
    -                              Aureococcus anophagefferens
    -                              Hargraves & Sieburth
    -                              Harmful bloom alga
    -                              species
    -                              http://www.dec.ny.gov/images/fish_marine_images/alex1.jpg
    -                              2880
    -                              ECTSI
    -                              Ectocarpus siliculosus
    -                              Brown alga
    -                              species
    -                              http://www.research.kobe-u.ac.jp/rcis-ku-macc/j.p.folder/photo/KU-1110%20Ectocarpus%20siliculosus%20b%20x20.jpg
    -                          4762
    -                          Oomycetes
    -                            4776
    -                            Peronosporales
    -                            order
    -                              4783
    -                              Phytophthora
    -                              genus
    -                                4787
    -                                PHYIN
    -                                Phytophthora infestans
    -                                (Mont.) de Bary 1876
    -                                Potato late blight fungus
    -                                species
    -                                http://bioweb.uwlax.edu/bio203/s2007/benrud_jaco/index_files/image4901.jpg
    -                                164328
    -                                PHYRM
    -                                Phytophthora ramorum
    -                                Sudden oak death agent
    -                                species
    -                                http://genome.jgi-psf.org/Phyra1_1/pramorum.jpg
    -                                67593
    -                                PHYSO
    -                                Phytophthora sojae
    -                                Soybean stem and root rot agent
    -                                Phytophthora megasperma f. sp. glycines
    -                                species
    -                                http://www.apsnet.org/publications/imageresources/PublishingImages/2003/IW000025b.jpg
    -                                4785
    -                                PHYCI
    -                                Phytophthora cinnamomi
    -                                Cinnamon fungus
    -                                species
    -                                http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/public/Phyci1/Pcinnamomi_hyphae_and_chlamydospores.jpg
    -                                4784
    -                                PHYCP
    -                                Phytophthora capsici
    -                                species
    -                                http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/24/Phytophthora_capsici_sporangia.jpg
    -                              559515
    -                              HYAAE
    -                              Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis (strain Emoy2)
    -                              Downy mildew agent
    -                              Peronospora arabidopsidis
    -                              http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v470/n7332/images/470044a-f1.2.jpg
    -                            65071
    -                            PYTUL
    -                            Pythium ultimum
    -                            species
    -                            http://www.plantpath.cornell.edu/labs/enelson/images/Germ_Sporangia(small).jpg
    -                        33674
    -                        Thraustochytriaceae
    -                        Thraustochytriales
    -                        family
    -                          702273
    -                          AKEXX
    -                          Aplanochytrium kerguelense PBS07
    -                          http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/91/Aplanolm.jpg/120px-Aplanolm.jpg
    -                          876976
    -                          SAGXX
    -                          Schizochytrium aggregatum ATCC 28209
    -                          http://genome.jgi-psf.org/public/Schag1/120124-ATCC28209-22.JPG
    -                          87102
    -                          ALIXX
    -                          Aurantiochytrium limacinum
    -                          Schizochytrium limacinum
    -                          species
    -                          http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/38/Aurantiochytrium_limacinum_SR21.jpg
    -                      12968
    -                      BLAHO
    -                      Blastocystis hominis
    -                      species
    -                  543769
    -                  Rhizaria
    -                    71427
    -                    Allogromia laticollaris
    -                    species
    -                    http://forambarcoding.unige.ch/system/pictures/424/s600/A.laticollaris1.jpg
    -                    227086
    -                    BIGNA
    -                    Bigelowiella natans
    -                    Pedinomonas minutissima
    -                    Chlorarachnion sp. (strain CCMP621)
    -                    Pedinomonas minutissima
    -                    species
    -                    http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Bigna1/Bigna1.jpg
    -            Excavata
    -              Kinetoplastida & Heterolobosea
    -                  5653
    -                  Kinetoplastida
    -                  kinetoplasts
    -                  order
    -                    5654
    -                    Trypanosomatidae
    -                    family
    -                      5690
    -                      Trypanosoma
    -                      genus
    -                        999953
    -                        TRYB2
    -                        Trypanosoma brucei brucei (strain 927/4 GUTat10.1)
    -                        strain
    -                        5693
    -                        TRYCR
    -                        Trypanosoma cruzi
    -                        species
    -                        http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/0b/Trypanosoma_cruzi_crithidia.jpeg/220px-Trypanosoma_cruzi_crithidia.jpeg
    -                      5658
    -                      Leishmania
    -                      genus
    -                        5664
    -                        LEIMA
    -                        Leishmania major
    -                        species
    -                        5671
    -                        LEIIN
    -                        Leishmania infantum
    -                        species
    -                        5660
    -                        LEIBR
    -                        Leishmania braziliensis
    -                        species
    -                    75058
    -                    BODSA
    -                    Bodo saltans
    -                    Flagellated protozoan
    -                    species
    -                    http://protist.i.hosei.ac.jp/pdb/images/Mastigophora/Bodo/sp_1f.jpg
    -                  5762
    -                  NAEGR
    -                  Naegleria gruberi
    -                  Amoeba
    -                  species
    -                  http://media.npr.org/assets/news/2010/03/05/amoeba_custom-a24a7e20b8d9f1b681cf6a25d0d046d84f238349-s3.jpg
    -              Metamonada
    -                  184922
    -                  GIAIC
    -                  Giardia intestinalis (strain ATCC 50803 / WB clone C6)
    -                  Giardia intestinalis (strain ATCC 50803 / WB clone C6)
    -                  Giardia lamblia
    -                  species
    -                  5722
    -                  TRIVA
    -                  Trichomonas vaginalis
    -                  species
    -              554296
    -              Apusozoa
    -              Planomonadida ord. nov. (Apusozoa): Ultrastructural Affinity with Micronuclearia podoventralis and Deep Divergences within Planomonas gen. nov
    -                554453
    -                Planomonas micra
    -                (Cavalier-Smith, 2008) Heiss, Walker & Simpson 2010
    -                Apusomonadidae sp. micra
    -                species
    -                529818
    -                TTRXX
    -                Thecamonas trahens
    -                Larsen & Patterson 1990
    -                Amastigomonas trahens
    -                species
    -                http://bioinformatica.upf.edu/2011/projectes11/Cx/images/pro_t_tra.jpg
    -          2157
    -          Archaea
    -          superkingdom
    -          a_62
    -            a_56
    -                28890
    -                Euryarchaeota
    -                phylum
    -                a_44
    -                  a_28
    -                    a_26
    -                        224756
    -                        Methanomicrobia
    -                        class
    -                        a_14
    -                          a_12
    -                              2206
    -                              Methanosarcinaceae
    -                              family
    -                                2207
    -                                Methanosarcina
    -                                genus
    -                                a_2
    -                                    2214
    -                                    METAC
    -                                    Methanosarcina acetivorans
    -                                    species
    -                                    269797
    -                                    METBF
    -                                    Methanosarcina barkeri (strain Fusaro / DSM 804)
    -                                  2209
    -                                  METMA
    -                                  Methanosarcina mazei
    -                                  Methanosarcina frisia
    -                                  species
    -                                259564
    -                                METBU
    -                                Methanococcoides burtonii (strain DSM 6242)
    -                            a_11
    -                              2191
    -                              Methanomicrobiales
    -                              order
    -                              a_9
    -                                  456442
    -                                  METB6
    -                                  Methanoregula boonei (strain 6A8)
    -                                  2203
    -                                  METHU
    -                                  Methanospirillum hungatei
    -                                  species
    -                                368407
    -                                METMJ
    -                                Methanoculleus marisnigri (strain ATCC 35101 / DSM 1498 / JR1)
    -                            410358
    -                            METLZ
    -                            Methanocorpusculum labreanum (strain ATCC 43576 / DSM 4855 / Z)
    -                          349307
    -                          METTP
    -                          Methanosaeta thermophila (strain DSM 6194 / PT)
    -                          Methanothrix thermophila (strain DSM 6194 / PT)
    -                        2236
    -                        Halobacteriaceae
    -                        family
    -                        a_23
    -                          a_19
    -                              2238
    -                              HALMA
    -                              Haloarcula marismortui
    -                              Halobacterium marismortui
    -                              species
    -                              2257
    -                              NATPH
    -                              Natronomonas pharaonis
    -                              Natronobacterium pharaonis
    -                              species
    -                          a_22
    -                            2239
    -                            Halobacterium
    -                            genus
    -                              478009
    -                              HALS3
    -                              Halobacterium salinarum (strain ATCC 29341 / DSM 671 / R1)
    -                              2243
    -                              HALSP
    -                              Halobacterium sp.
    -                              species
    -                          362976
    -                          HALWD
    -                          Haloquadratum walsbyi (strain DSM 16790)
    -                      224325
    -                      ARCFU
    -                      Archaeoglobus fulgidus (strain ATCC 49558 / VC-16 / DSM 4304 / JCM 9628 / NBRC 100126)
    -                      strain
    -                  a_43
    -                    a_41
    -                        2182
    -                        Methanococcales
    -                        order
    -                        a_31
    -                            2190
    -                            METJA
    -                            Methanocaldococcus jannaschii
    -                            Methanococcus jannaschii
    -                            species
    -                            419665
    -                            META3
    -                            Methanococcus aeolicus (strain Nankai-3 / ATCC BAA-1280)
    -                        a_34
    -                          2184
    -                          Methanococcus
    -                          genus
    -                            39152
    -                            METMP
    -                            Methanococcus maripaludis
    -                            Methanococcus deltae
    -                            species
    -                            406327
    -                            METVS
    -                            Methanococcus vannielii (strain SB / ATCC 35089 / DSM 1224)
    -                      a_40
    -                        2159
    -                        Methanobacteriaceae
    -                        family
    -                        a_38
    -                            420247
    -                            METS3
    -                            Methanobrevibacter smithii (strain PS / ATCC 35061 / DSM 861)
    -                            339860
    -                            METST
    -                            Methanosphaera stadtmanae (strain DSM 3091)
    -                          187420
    -                          METTH
    -                          Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum
    -                          Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum
    -                      2320
    -                      METKA
    -                      Methanopyrus kandleri
    -                      species
    -                  2259
    -                  Thermococcaceae
    -                  family
    -                  PYRFU & THEKO & PYRAB & PYRHO
    -                    PYRFU & THEKO
    -                        2261
    -                        PYRFU
    -                        Pyrococcus furiosus
    -                        species
    -                        69014
    -                        THEKO
    -                        Thermococcus kodakaraensis (strain ATCC BAA-918 / JCM 12380 / KOD1)
    -                        Pyrococcus kodakaraensis (strain KOD1)
    -                      2260
    -                      Pyrococcus
    -                      genus
    -                        29292
    -                        PYRAB
    -                        Pyrococcus abyssi
    -                        species
    -                        53953
    -                        PYRHO
    -                        Pyrococcus horikoshii
    -                        species
    -                    523850
    -                    THEON
    -                    Thermococcus onnurineus (strain NA1)
    -              a_55
    -                  228908
    -                  NANEQ
    -                  Nanoarchaeum equitans (strain Kin4-M)
    -                  436308
    -                  NITMS
    -                  Nitrosopumilus maritimus (strain SCM1)
    -              2301
    -              Thermoplasmatales
    -              order
    -              a_59
    -                2302
    -                Thermoplasma
    -                genus
    -                  273075
    -                  THEAC
    -                  Thermoplasma acidophilum (strain ATCC 25905 / DSM 1728 / JCM 9062 / NBRC 15155 / AMRC-C165)
    -                  273116
    -                  THEVO
    -                  Thermoplasma volcanium (strain ATCC 51530 / DSM 4299 / IFO 15438 / JCM 9571 / GSS1)
    -                263820
    -                PICTO
    -                Picrophilus torridus (strain ATCC 700027 / DSM 9790 / JCM 10055 / NBRC 100828)
    -          a_93
    -              183924
    -              Thermoprotei
    -              class
    -              a_83
    -                a_81
    -                    2267
    -                    Thermoproteaceae
    -                    family
    -                    a_71
    -                      a_67
    -                        2276
    -                        Pyrobaculum
    -                        genus
    -                        a_65
    -                            340102
    -                            PYRAR
    -                            Pyrobaculum arsenaticum (strain DSM 13514 / JCM 11321)
    -                            410359
    -                            PYRCJ
    -                            Pyrobaculum calidifontis (strain JCM 11548 / VA1)
    -                          13773
    -                          PYRAE
    -                          Pyrobaculum aerophilum
    -                          species
    -                      a_70
    -                          384616
    -                          PYRIL
    -                          Pyrobaculum islandicum (strain DSM 4184 / JCM 9189)
    -                          444157
    -                          THENV
    -                          Thermoproteus neutrophilus (strain DSM 2338 / JCM 9278 / V24Sta)
    -                          Thermoproteus neutrophilus
    -                      397948
    -                      CALMQ
    -                      Caldivirga maquilingensis (strain ATCC 700844 / DSMZ 13496 / JCM 10307 / IC-167)
    -                  a_80
    -                    118883
    -                    Sulfolobaceae
    -                    family
    -                    a_78
    -                      2284
    -                      Sulfolobus
    -                      genus
    -                      a_76
    -                          2285
    -                          SULAC
    -                          Sulfolobus acidocaldarius
    -                          species
    -                          273063
    -                          SULTO
    -                          Sulfolobus tokodaii (strain DSM 16993 / JCM 10545 / NBRC 100140 / 7)
    -                        2287
    -                        SULSO
    -                        Sulfolobus solfataricus (strain ATCC 35092 / DSM 1617 / JCM 11322 / P2)
    -                        Sulfolobus solfataricus P2
    -                        strain
    -                      399549
    -                      METS5
    -                      Metallosphaera sedula (strain ATCC 51363 / DSM 5348)
    -                  56636
    -                  AERPE
    -                  Aeropyrum pernix
    -                  species
    -              a_90
    -                a_88
    -                  a_86
    -                      399550
    -                      STAMF
    -                      Staphylothermus marinus (strain ATCC 43588 / DSM 3639 / F1)
    -                      368408
    -                      THEPD
    -                      Thermofilum pendens (strain Hrk 5)
    -                    415426
    -                    HYPBU
    -                    Hyperthermus butylicus (strain DSM 5456 / JCM 9403)
    -                  453591
    -                  IGNH4
    -                  Ignicoccus hospitalis (strain KIN4/I / DSM 18386 / JCM 14125)
    -              374847
    -              KORCO
    -              Korarchaeum cryptofilum (strain OPF8)
    -        2
    -        Bacteria
    -        superkingdom
    -        b_278
    -          b_268
    -            b_226
    -              b_200
    -                b_194
    -                  b_104
    -                    b_80
    -                        1224
    -                        Proteobacteria
    -                        phylum
    -                        b_52
    -                          b_44
    -                            b_30
    -                              b_24
    -                                1236
    -                                Gammaproteobacteria
    -                                class
    -                                b_16
    -                                    543
    -                                    Enterobacteriaceae
    -                                    family
    -                                    b_8
    -                                      b_6
    -                                        b_4
    -                                            561
    -                                            Escherichia
    -                                            genus
    -                                              83333
    -                                              ECOLI
    -                                              Escherichia coli (strain K12)
    -                                              83334
    -                                              ECO57
    -                                              Escherichia coli O157:H7
    -                                            623
    -                                            SHIFL
    -                                            Shigella flexneri
    -                                            species
    -                                          90371
    -                                          SALTY
    -                                          Salmonella typhimurium
    -                                        632
    -                                        YERPE
    -                                        Yersinia pestis
    -                                        species
    -                                      29488
    -                                      PHOLU
    -                                      Photorhabdus luminescens
    -                                      Xenorhabdus luminescens
    -                                      species
    -                                  b_15
    -                                    b_13
    -                                      641
    -                                      Vibrionaceae
    -                                      family
    -                                        74109
    -                                        PHOPR
    -                                        Photobacterium profundum
    -                                        Photobacterium sp. (strain SS9)
    -                                        species
    -                                        666
    -                                        VIBCH
    -                                        Vibrio cholerae
    -                                        species
    -                                      318161
    -                                      SHEDO
    -                                      Shewanella denitrificans (strain OS217 / ATCC BAA-1090 / DSM 15013)
    -                                b_23
    -                                  b_21
    -                                    286
    -                                    Pseudomonas
    -                                    genus
    -                                    b_19
    -                                        220664
    -                                        PSEF5
    -                                        Pseudomonas fluorescens (strain Pf-5 / ATCC BAA-477)
    -                                        205922
    -                                        PSEPF
    -                                        Pseudomonas fluorescens (strain Pf0-1)
    -                                      287
    -                                      PSEAE
    -                                      Pseudomonas aeruginosa
    -                                      species
    -                                    290398
    -                                    CHRSD
    -                                    Chromohalobacter salexigens (strain DSM 3043 / ATCC BAA-138 / NCIMB 13768)
    -                              b_29
    -                                28216
    -                                Betaproteobacteria
    -                                class
    -                                  159087
    -                                  DECAR
    -                                  Dechloromonas aromatica (strain RCB)
    -                                  266264
    -                                  RALME
    -                                  Ralstonia metallidurans (strain CH34 / ATCC 43123 / DSM 2839)
    -                            b_43
    -                              b_41
    -                                b_35
    -                                  28216
    -                                  Betaproteobacteria
    -                                  class
    -                                  b_33
    -                                    206379
    -                                    Nitrosomonadaceae
    -                                    family
    -                                      915
    -                                      NITEU
    -                                      Nitrosomonas europaea
    -                                      species
    -                                      323848
    -                                      NITMU
    -                                      Nitrosospira multiformis (strain ATCC 25196 / NCIMB 11849)
    -                                    36861
    -                                    THIDE
    -                                    Thiobacillus denitrificans
    -                                    species
    -                                b_40
    -                                  135613
    -                                  Chromatiales
    -                                  order
    -                                  b_38
    -                                    72276
    -                                    Ectothiorhodospiraceae
    -                                    purple sulfur bacteria
    -                                    family
    -                                      187272
    -                                      ALHEH
    -                                      Alkalilimnicola ehrlichei (strain MLHE-1)
    -                                      349124
    -                                      HALHL
    -                                      Halorhodospira halophila (strain DSM 244 / SL1)
    -                                      Ectothiorhodospira halophila (strain DSM 244 / SL1)
    -                                    323261
    -                                    NITOC
    -                                    Nitrosococcus oceani (strain ATCC 19707 / NCIMB 11848)
    -                                317025
    -                                THICR
    -                                Thiomicrospira crunogena (strain XCL-2)
    -                          b_51
    -                            1236
    -                            Gammaproteobacteria
    -                            class
    -                            b_47
    -                                135577
    -                                IDILO
    -                                Idiomarina loihiensis
    -                                species
    -                                446
    -                                LEGPN
    -                                Legionella pneumophila
    -                                species
    -                            b_50
    -                              32033
    -                              Xanthomonadaceae
    -                              family
    -                                190486
    -                                XANAC
    -                                Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (strain 306)
    -                                Xanthomonas citri pv. citri str. 306
    -                                183190
    -                                XYLFT
    -                                Xylella fastidiosa (strain Temecula1 / ATCC 700964)
    -                        b_71
    -                          28211
    -                          Alphaproteobacteria
    -                          class
    -                          b_67
    -                            b_65
    -                              b_61
    -                                356
    -                                Rhizobiales
    -                                order
    -                                b_57
    -                                  227290
    -                                  Rhizobium/Agrobacterium group
    -                                    176299
    -                                    AGRT5
    -                                    Agrobacterium tumefaciens (strain C58 / ATCC 33970)
    -                                    347834
    -                                    RHIEC
    -                                    Rhizobium etli (strain CFN 42 / ATCC 51251)
    -                                b_60
    -                                  41294
    -                                  Bradyrhizobiaceae
    -                                  family
    -                                    375
    -                                    BRAJA
    -                                    Bradyrhizobium japonicum
    -                                    species
    -                                    395960
    -                                    RHOPT
    -                                    Rhodopseudomonas palustris (strain TIE-1)
    -                              b_64
    -                                31989
    -                                Rhodobacteraceae
    -                                family
    -                                  349101
    -                                  RHOS1
    -                                  Rhodobacter sphaeroides (strain ATCC 17029 / ATH 2.4.9)
    -                                  375451
    -                                  ROSDO
    -                                  Roseobacter denitrificans (strain ATCC 33942 / OCh 114)
    -                                  Erythrobacter sp. (strain OCh 114)
    -                                  Roseobacter denitrificans
    -                              155892
    -                              CAUCR
    -                              Caulobacter crescentus
    -                              Caulobacter vibrioides
    -                              species
    -                          b_70
    -                            204441
    -                            Rhodospirillales
    -                            order
    -                              524
    -                              ACICY
    -                              Acidiphilium cryptum
    -                              species
    -                              1085
    -                              RHORU
    -                              Rhodospirillum rubrum
    -                              species
    -                      b_79
    -                        b_77
    -                          1224
    -                          Proteobacteria
    -                          phylum
    -                          b_75
    -                            712
    -                            Pasteurellaceae
    -                            family
    -                              727
    -                              HAEIN
    -                              Haemophilus influenzae
    -                              species
    -                              747
    -                              PASMU
    -                              Pasteurella multocida
    -                              species
    -                            487
    -                            NEIME
    -                            Neisseria meningitidis
    -                            species
    -                          905
    -                          ACIFE
    -                          Acidaminococcus fermentans
    -                          species
    -                    b_103
    -                      b_91
    -                        28221
    -                        Deltaproteobacteria
    -                        class
    -                        b_87
    -                          b_83
    -                              84980
    -                              DESPS
    -                              Desulfotalea psychrophila
    -                              species
    -                              876
    -                              DESDE
    -                              Desulfovibrio desulfuricans
    -                              species
    -                            56780
    -                            SYNAS
    -                            Syntrophus aciditrophicus (strain SB)
    -                        b_90
    -                          28231
    -                          Geobacter
    -                          genus
    -                            28232
    -                            GEOME
    -                            Geobacter metallireducens
    -                            species
    -                            35554
    -                            GEOSL
    -                            Geobacter sulfurreducens
    -                            species
    -                      b_102
    -                        b_98
    -                          b_94
    -                            31
    -                            Myxococcaceae
    -                            family
    -                              290397
    -                              ANADE
    -                              Anaeromyxobacter dehalogenans (strain 2CP-C)
    -                              34
    -                              MYXXA
    -                              Myxococcus xanthus
    -                              species
    -                          b_97
    -                            57723
    -                            Acidobacteria
    -                            phylum
    -                              204669
    -                              KORVE
    -                              Koribacter versatilis (strain Ellin345)
    -                              Acidobacteria bacterium Ellin345
    -                              Candidatus Koribacter versatilis Ellin345
    -                              332163
    -                              SOLUS
    -                              Solibacter usitatus
    -                              species
    -                          265606
    -                          RHOBA
    -                          Rhodopirellula baltica
    -                          species
    -                  b_193
    -                    b_163
    -                      b_133
    -                        Chloroflexi & Actinobacteria
    -                            201174
    -                            Actinobacteria
    -                            phylum
    -                              2037
    -                              Actinomycetales
    -                              order
    -                              b_115
    -                                  266940
    -                                  KINRD
    -                                  Kineococcus radiotolerans (strain ATCC BAA-149 / DSM 14245 / SRS30216)
    -                                  378753
    -                                  KOCRD
    -                                  Kocuria rhizophila (strain ATCC 9341 / DSM 348 / NBRC 103217 / DC2201)
    -                                  1032480
    -                                  MICPN
    -                                  Microlunatus phosphovorus (strain ATCC 700054 / DSM 10555 / JCM 9379 / NBRC 101784 / NCIMB 13414 / VKM Ac-1990 / NM-1)
    -                                  Microlunatus phosphovorus NM-1
    -                                  strain
    -                                  1902
    -                                  STRCO
    -                                  Streptomyces coelicolor
    -                                  species
    -                                  269800
    -                                  THEFY
    -                                  Thermobifida fusca (strain YX)
    -                                85007
    -                                Corynebacterineae
    -                                suborder
    -                                  1763
    -                                  Mycobacterium
    -                                  genus
    -                                    1769
    -                                    MYCLE
    -                                    Mycobacterium leprae
    -                                    species
    -                                    1773
    -                                    MYCTU
    -                                    Mycobacterium tuberculosis
    -                                    species
    -                                  306537
    -                                  CORJK
    -                                  Corynebacterium jeikeium (strain K411)
    -                                  632772
    -                                  RHOOB
    -                                  Rhodococcus opacus (strain B4)
    -                                  strain
    -                              266117
    -                              RUBXD
    -                              Rubrobacter xylanophilus (strain DSM 9941 / NBRC 16129)
    -                            200795
    -                            Chloroflexi
    -                            GNS bacteria
    -                            Thermomicrobia
    -                            phylum
    -                              32061
    -                              Chloroflexi (class)
    -                              Chloroflecales
    -                              Chloroflexus/Deinococcus group
    -                              class
    -                                1106
    -                                Chloroflexaceae
    -                                filamentous anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria
    -                                family
    -                                  1108
    -                                  CHLAU
    -                                  Chloroflexus aurantiacus
    -                                  species
    -                                  383372
    -                                  ROSCS
    -                                  Roseiflexus castenholzii (strain DSM 13941 / HLO8)
    -                                  species
    -                                65
    -                                HERAU
    -                                Herpetosiphon aurantiacus
    -                                Herpetosiphon giganteus
    -                                species
    -                              479434
    -                              SPHTD
    -                              Sphaerobacter thermophilus (strain DSM 20745 / S 6022)
    -                              strain
    -                        b_132
    -                          188787
    -                          Deinococci
    -                          class
    -                            1298
    -                            Deinococcus
    -                            genus
    -                              319795
    -                              DEIGD
    -                              Deinococcus geothermalis (strain DSM 11300)
    -                              1299
    -                              DEIRA
    -                              Deinococcus radiodurans
    -                              species
    -                            300852
    -                            THET8
    -                            Thermus thermophilus (strain HB8 / ATCC 27634 / DSM 579)
    -                            strain
    -                      b_162
    -                        1117
    -                        Cyanobacteria
    -                        phylum
    -                        b_154
    -                          b_152
    -                            b_146
    -                              b_144
    -                                b_142
    -                                  b_138
    -                                    1162
    -                                    Nostocaceae
    -                                    family
    -                                    b_136
    -                                        240292
    -                                        ANAVT
    -                                        Anabaena variabilis (strain ATCC 29413 / PCC 7937)
    -                                        Anabaena flos-aquae (strain IUCC 1444)
    -                                        strain
    -                                        28072
    -                                        NOSS7
    -                                        Nostoc sp. (strain ATCC 29411 / PCC 7524)
    -                                        species
    -                                      63737
    -                                      NOSP7
    -                                      Nostoc punctiforme (strain ATCC 29133 / PCC 73102)
    -                                      strain
    -                                    329726
    -                                    ACAM1
    -                                    Acaryochloris marina (strain MBIC 11017
    -                                    strain
    -                                  449447
    -                                  MICAN
    -                                  Microcystis aeruginosa (strain NIES-843)
    -                                1206
    -                                TRIER
    -                                Trichodesmium erythraeum
    -                                species
    -                              1118
    -                              Chroococcales
    -                              order
    -                                32046
    -                                SYNEL
    -                                Synechococcus elongatus
    -                                species
    -                                1111708
    -                                SYNY3
    -                                Synechocystis sp. (strain PCC 6803 / Kazusa)
    -                            33072
    -                            GLOVI
    -                            Gloeobacter violaceus
    -                            species
    -                        b_161
    -                          b_159
    -                            1218
    -                            Prochlorococcus
    -                            genus
    -                            b_157
    -                                1219
    -                                PROMA
    -                                Prochlorococcus marinus
    -                                species
    -                                59919
    -                                PROMP
    -                                Prochlorococcus marinus subsp. pastoris (strain CCMP1986 / MED4)
    -                              74547
    -                              PROMM
    -                              Prochlorococcus marinus (strain MIT 9313)
    -                            64471
    -                            SYNS3
    -                            Synechococcus sp. (strain CC9311)
    -                            species
    -                    b_192
    -                      b_190
    -                        b_178
    -                          b_176
    -                            191412
    -                            Chlorobiaceae
    -                            family
    -                            b_170
    -                              b_166
    -                                  331678
    -                                  CHLPB
    -                                  Chlorobium phaeobacteroides (strain BS1)
    -                                  1102
    -                                  PROAE
    -                                  Prosthecochloris aestuarii
    -                                  species
    -                              b_169
    -                                274493
    -                                Chlorobium/Pelodictyon group
    -                                  1100
    -                                  PELLU
    -                                  Pelodictyon luteolum
    -                                  species
    -                                  290318
    -                                  PROVI
    -                                  Prosthecochloris vibrioformis (strain DSM 265)
    -                                  Chlorobium vibrioforme subsp. thiosulfatophilum (strain DSM 265)
    -                                  Chlorobium phaeovibrioides (strain DSM 265)
    -                            b_175
    -                                256319
    -                                Chlorobaculum
    -                                genus
    -                                  517417
    -                                  CHLP8
    -                                  Chlorobaculum parvum (strain NCIB 8327)
    -                                  Chlorobium vibrioforme subsp. thiosulfatophilum (strain DSM 263 / NCIB 8327)
    -                                  1097
    -                                  CHLTE
    -                                  Chlorobium tepidum
    -                                  species
    -                                340177
    -                                CHLCH
    -                                Chlorobium chlorochromatii (strain CaD3)
    -                            315277
    -                            CHLTA
    -                            Chlamydia trachomatis serovar A (strain HAR-13 / ATCC VR-571B)
    -                        b_189
    -                          976
    -                          Bacteroidetes
    -                          phylum
    -                          b_183
    -                            b_181
    -                              49546
    -                              Flavobacteriaceae
    -                              family
    -                                986
    -                                FLAJO
    -                                Flavobacterium johnsoniae
    -                                Cytophaga johnsonae
    -                                species
    -                                411154
    -                                GRAFK
    -                                Gramella forsetii (strain KT0803)
    -                              269798
    -                              CYTH3
    -                              Cytophaga hutchinsonii (strain ATCC 33406 / NCIMB 9469)
    -                          b_188
    -                            171549
    -                            Bacteroidales
    -                            order
    -                            b_186
    -                              816
    -                              Bacteroides
    -                              genus
    -                                817
    -                                BACFR
    -                                Bacteroides fragilis
    -                                species
    -                                818
    -                                BACTN
    -                                Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron
    -                                species
    -                              837
    -                              PORGI
    -                              Porphyromonas gingivalis
    -                              Bacteroides gingivalis
    -                              species
    -                        309807
    -                        SALRD
    -                        Salinibacter ruber (strain DSM 13855 / M31)
    -                b_199
    -                  b_197
    -                    Verrucomicrobia
    -                      349741
    -                      AKKM8
    -                      Akkermansia muciniphila (strain ATCC BAA-835)
    -                      481448
    -                      METI4
    -                      Methylacidiphilum infernorum (isolate V4)
    -                      Methylokorus infernorum (strain V4)
    -                    44275
    -                    LEPIC
    -                    Leptospira interrogans serogroup Icterohaemorrhagiae serovar copenhageni
    -              b_225
    -                b_219
    -                  1239
    -                  Firmicutes
    -                  phylum
    -                  b_213
    -                      1385
    -                      Bacillales
    -                      order
    -                        186817
    -                        Bacillaceae
    -                        family
    -                          1386
    -                          Bacillus
    -                          genus
    -                            86661
    -                            Bacillus cereus group
    -                              1392
    -                              BACAN
    -                              Bacillus anthracis
    -                              species
    -                              572264
    -                              BACC3
    -                              Bacillus cereus (strain 03BB102)
    -                              strain
    -                            224308
    -                            BACSU
    -                            Bacillus subtilis (strain 168)
    -                            Bacillus subtilis subsp. subtilis str. 168
    -                        b_206
    -                            86665
    -                            BACHD
    -                            Bacillus halodurans
    -                            species
    -                            1462
    -                            GEOKA
    -                            Geobacillus kaustophilus
    -                            species
    -                      b_210
    -                          1639
    -                          LISMO
    -                          Listeria monocytogenes
    -                          species
    -                          1280
    -                          STAAU
    -                          Staphylococcus aureus
    -                          species
    -                      195103
    -                      CLOP1
    -                      Clostridium perfringens (strain ATCC 13124 / NCTC 8237 / Type A)
    -                  Clostridia
    -                    186801
    -                    Clostridia
    -                    class
    -                    b_218
    -                      b_216
    -                        186814
    -                        Thermoanaerobacteriaceae
    -                        family
    -                          246194
    -                          CARHZ
    -                          Carboxydothermus hydrogenoformans (strain Z-2901 / DSM 6008)
    -                          119072
    -                          THETN
    -                          Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis
    -                          species
    -                        49338
    -                        DESHA
    -                        Desulfitobacterium hafniense
    -                        Desulfitobacterium frappieri
    -                        species
    -                      515619
    -                      EUBR3
    -                      Eubacterium rectale (strain ATCC 33656 / VPI 0990)
    -                b_224
    -                  188709
    -                  Thermotogaceae
    -                  family
    -                  b_222
    -                      381764
    -                      FERNB
    -                      Fervidobacterium nodosum (strain ATCC 35602 / DSM 5306 / Rt17-B1)
    -                      416591
    -                      THELT
    -                      Thermotoga lettingae (strain ATCC BAA-301 / DSM 14385 / TMO)
    -                    2336
    -                    THEMA
    -                    Thermotoga maritima
    -                    species
    -            b_267
    -              b_263
    -                b_251
    -                  b_249
    -                    b_245
    -                      b_237
    -                        b_233
    -                          31969
    -                          Mollicutes
    -                          class
    -                          b_231
    -                            b_229
    -                              Mycoplasma
    -                                2097
    -                                MYCGE
    -                                Mycoplasma genitalium
    -                                species
    -                                2104
    -                                MYCPN
    -                                Mycoplasma pneumoniae
    -                                species
    -                              2151
    -                              MESFL
    -                              Mesoplasma florum
    -                              Acholeplasma florum
    -                              species
    -                            134821
    -                            UREPA
    -                            Ureaplasma parvum
    -                            Ureaplasma urealyticum biotype 1
    -                            species
    -                        b_236
    -                          137
    -                          Spirochaetaceae
    -                          family
    -                            139
    -                            BORBU
    -                            Borrelia burgdorferi
    -                            Lyme disease spirochete
    -                            species
    -                            160
    -                            TREPA
    -                            Treponema pallidum
    -                            species
    -                      b_244
    -                        b_242
    -                          1113537
    -                          Chlamydia/Chlamydophila group
    -                          b_240
    -                              83558
    -                              CHLPN
    -                              Chlamydia pneumoniae
    -                              Chlamydophila pneumoniae
    -                              species
    -                              264202
    -                              CHLFF
    -                              Chlamydophila felis (strain Fe/C-56)
    -                            83560
    -                            CHLMU
    -                            Chlamydia muridarum
    -                            species
    -                          785
    -                          RICTY
    -                          Rickettsia typhi
    -                          species
    -                      28211
    -                      Alphaproteobacteria
    -                      class
    -                        38323
    -                        BARHE
    -                        Bartonella henselae
    -                        Rochalimaea henselae
    -                        species
    -                        198252
    -                        PELUB
    -                        Pelagibacter ubique
    -                        species
    -                        780
    -                        Rickettsia
    -                        genus
    -                          391896
    -                          RICB8
    -                          Rickettsia bellii (strain OSU 85-389)
    -                          452659
    -                          RICRO
    -                          Rickettsia rickettsii (strain Iowa)
    -                          strain
    -                    263
    -                    FRATU
    -                    Francisella tularensis
    -                    species
    -                b_262
    -                  b_260
    -                    b_258
    -                      186826
    -                      Lactobacillales
    -                      order
    -                      b_256
    -                        1300
    -                        Streptococcaceae
    -                        family
    -                        b_254
    -                          1301
    -                          Streptococcus
    -                          genus
    -                            1313
    -                            STRPN
    -                            Streptococcus pneumoniae
    -                            species
    -                            1314
    -                            STRPY
    -                            Streptococcus pyogenes
    -                            species
    -                          1360
    -                          LACLA
    -                          Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis
    -                          Streptococcus lactis
    -                          subspecies
    -                        1579
    -                        LACAC
    -                        Lactobacillus acidophilus
    -                        species
    -                      216816
    -                      BIFLO
    -                      Bifidobacterium longum
    -                      species
    -                    851
    -                    FUSNU
    -                    Fusobacterium nucleatum
    -                    species
    -              b_266
    -                61434
    -                Dehalococcoides
    -                genus
    -                  243164
    -                  DEHE1
    -                  Dehalococcoides ethenogenes (strain 195)
    -                  216389
    -                  DEHSB
    -                  Dehalococcoides sp. (strain BAV1)
    -                  species
    -          b_277
    -            29547
    -            Epsilonproteobacteria
    -            class
    -            b_273
    -                387092
    -                NITSB
    -                Nitratiruptor sp. (strain SB155-2)
    -                species
    -                387093
    -                SULNB
    -                Sulfurovum sp. (strain NBC37-1)
    -                species
    -            b_276
    -              213849
    -              Campylobacterales
    -              order
    -                197
    -                CAMJE
    -                Campylobacter jejuni
    -                species
    -                357544
    -                HELPH
    -                Helicobacter pylori (strain HPAG1)
    -          224324
    -          AQUAE
    -          Aquifex aeolicus (strain VF5)
    -          strain
    \ No newline at end of file
    diff --git a/samples/tree.newick b/samples/tree.newick
    deleted file mode 100755
    index 39c421e..0000000
    --- a/samples/tree.newick
    +++ /dev/null
    @@ -1 +0,0 @@
    -((raccoon:19.19959,bear:6.80041):0.84600,((sea_lion:11.99700, seal:12.00300):7.52973,((monkey:100.85930,cat:47.14069):20.59201, weasel:18.87953):2.09460):3.87382,dog:25.46154);
    \ No newline at end of file
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    deleted file mode 100644
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    +++ /dev/null
    @@ -1,7791 +0,0 @@
    -            0.04881499999999998
    -            90.0
    -               0.10658
    -               93.0
    -                  0.22805
    -                  100.0
    -                     0.04594
    -                     86.0
    -                        0.02216
    -                        70.0
    -                           0.03152
    -                           11.0
    -                              0.14823
    -                              97.0
    -                                 0.0067
    -                                 44.0
    -                                    MD00G318760
    -                                    http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Arabidopsis+thaliana
    -                                    Some more information displayed in popup
    -                                    0.02216
    -                                       mdo
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                    10
    -                                    MD03G018750
    -                                    0.14794
    -                                       mdo
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                    11
    -                                 9
    -                                 0.04435
    -                                 21.0
    -                                    PPE_004G18470
    -                                    0.05511
    -                                       ppe
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                    13
    -                                    FV3G27550
    -                                    0.22334
    -                                       fve
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                    14
    -                                 12
    -                              8
    -                              0.05375
    -                              70.0
    -                                 EG0006G08470
    -                                 0.13203
    -                                    egr
    -                                       IPR011992
    -                                       IPR002048
    -                                 16
    -                                 BV0G42860
    -                                 0.2183
    -                                    bvu
    -                                       IPR002048
    -                                       IPR011992
    -                                 17
    -                              15
    -                           7
    -                           0.12961
    -                           95.0
    -                              0.02772
    -                              13.0
    -                                 0.08548
    -                                 92.0
    -                                    0.05567
    -                                    94.0
    -                                       MT2G081440
    -                                       0.1079
    -                                          mtr
    -                                             IPR011992
    -                                             IPR002048
    -                                       22
    -                                       MT2G081350
    -                                       0.02674
    -                                          mtr
    -                                             IPR002048
    -                                             IPR011992
    -                                       23
    -                                    21
    -                                    MT2G081300
    -                                    0.01661
    -                                       mtr
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                    24
    -                                 20
    -                                 0.11099
    -                                 95.0
    -                                    GM12G34610
    -                                    0.13165
    -                                       gma
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                    26
    -                                    GM13G35890
    -                                    0.08537
    -                                       gma
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                    27
    -                                 25
    -                              19
    -                              GM12G21920
    -                              0.23001
    -                                 gma
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                              28
    -                           18
    -                        6
    -                        0.05152
    -                        85.0
    -                           0.19734
    -                           100.0
    -                              CS00012G00980
    -                              0.09682
    -                                 csi
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                              31
    -                              CS00012G00970
    -                              0.08364
    -                                 csi
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                              32
    -                           30
    -                           0.07641
    -                           91.0
    -                              0.02585
    -                              74.0
    -                                 0.08431
    -                                 83.0
    -                                    CP33359G00010
    -                                    0.20376
    -                                       cpa
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                    36
    -                                    GR02G07780
    -                                    0.09532
    -                                       gra
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                    37
    -                                 35
    -                                 TC0007G06390
    -                                 0.0114
    -                                    tca
    -                                       IPR011992
    -                                 38
    -                              34
    -                              GR09G42990
    -                              0.15285
    -                                 gra
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                              39
    -                           33
    -                        29
    -                     5
    -                     0.00964
    -                     48.0
    -                        0.01347
    -                        32.0
    -                           0.02594
    -                           25.0
    -                              0.12275
    -                              98.0
    -                                 0.03462
    -                                 82.0
    -                                    ME10810G00010
    -                                    0.07494
    -                                       mes
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                    45
    -                                    RC28250G00010
    -                                    0.15738
    -                                       rco
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                    46
    -                                 44
    -                                 ME11388G00190
    -                                 0.05072
    -                                    mes
    -                                       IPR002048
    -                                       IPR011992
    -                                 47
    -                              43
    -                              0.09997
    -                              96.0
    -                                 0.08336
    -                                 94.0
    -                                    PT11G12530
    -                                    0.02808
    -                                       ptr
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                    50
    -                                    PT00G02170
    -                                    0.01202
    -                                       ptr
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                    51
    -                                 49
    -                                 PT01G41460
    -                                 0.09551
    -                                    ptr
    -                                       IPR011992
    -                                       IPR002048
    -                                 52
    -                              48
    -                           42
    -                           0.17147
    -                           97.0
    -                              VV02G02840
    -                              0.13855
    -                                 vvi
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                              54
    -                              VV02G02850
    -                              0.29327
    -                                 vvi
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                                    IPR017884
    -                                    IPR001005
    -                                    IPR009057
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                                    IPR009057
    -                                    IPR001005
    -                              55
    -                           53
    -                        41
    -                        0.15979
    -                        90.0
    -                           0.16662
    -                           95.0
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    -                              0.00999
    -                                 sly
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                              58
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    -                              5.6E-4
    -                                 stu
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                              59
    -                           57
    -                           0.28847
    -                           100.0
    -                              SL10G006740
    -                              0.03491
    -                                 sly
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                              61
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    -                              0.03095
    -                                 stu
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                              62
    -                           60
    -                        56
    -                     40
    -                  4
    -                  0.02567
    -                  74.0
    -                     0.0221
    -                     10.0
    -                        0.12672
    -                        95.0
    -                           0.1678
    -                           99.0
    -                              SL02G079520
    -                              0.01198
    -                                 sly
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                              67
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    -                              0.03737
    -                                 stu
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                              68
    -                           66
    -                           0.10414
    -                           93.0
    -                              ST03G007850
    -                              0.021
    -                                 stu
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                              70
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    -                              0.00949
    -                                 sly
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                              71
    -                           69
    -                        65
    -                        BV0G04900
    -                        0.3784
    -                           bvu
    -                              IPR002048
    -                              IPR011992
    -                        72
    -                     64
    -                     0.02961
    -                     69.0
    -                        0.03345
    -                        74.0
    -                           0.05462
    -                           84.0
    -                              0.19405
    -                              98.0
    -                                 EG0005G27690
    -                                 0.01887
    -                                    egr
    -                                       IPR002048
    -                                       IPR011992
    -                                       IPR002048
    -                                 77
    -                                 EG0009G21000
    -                                 5.5E-4
    -                                    egr
    -                                       IPR002048
    -                                       IPR002048
    -                                       IPR011992
    -                                 78
    -                              76
    -                              EG0004G06210
    -                              0.2853
    -                                 egr
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                              79
    -                           75
    -                           0.03318
    -                           25.0
    -                              0.15836
    -                              100.0
    -                                 0.01602
    -                                 14.0
    -                                    MT2G011400
    -                                    0.13976
    -                                       mtr
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                    83
    -                                    GM13G32180
    -                                    5.6E-4
    -                                       gma
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                    84
    -                                 82
    -                                 GM15G07120
    -                                 0.01361
    -                                    gma
    -                                       IPR011992
    -                                       IPR002048
    -                                 85
    -                              81
    -                              0.03929
    -                              82.0
    -                                 0.06465
    -                                 92.0
    -                                    0.01037
    -                                    64.0
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    -                                       0.10135
    -                                          ppe
    -                                             IPR002048
    -                                             IPR011992
    -                                       89
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    -                                       0.08362
    -                                          ppe
    -                                             IPR011992
    -                                             IPR002048
    -                                       90
    -                                    88
    -                                    0.02407
    -                                    77.0
    -                                       0.03379
    -                                       63.0
    -                                          0.00806
    -                                          69.0
    -                                             MD00G312840
    -                                             0.0198
    -                                                mdo
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                             94
    -                                             MD00G378680
    -                                             0.07037
    -                                                mdo
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                             95
    -                                          93
    -                                          FV3G07540
    -                                          0.20381
    -                                             fve
    -                                                IPR011992
    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                          96
    -                                       92
    -                                       MD10G025260
    -                                       0.25666
    -                                          mdo
    -                                             IPR011992
    -                                             IPR002048
    -                                       97
    -                                    91
    -                                 87
    -                                 0.03453
    -                                 52.0
    -                                    0.04119
    -                                    83.0
    -                                       0.11402
    -                                       99.0
    -                                          0.01639
    -                                          100.0
    -                                             MD00G480060
    -                                             0.0
    -                                                mdo
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                             102
    -                                             MD00G312850
    -                                             0.0
    -                                                mdo
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                             103
    -                                             MD05G002860
    -                                             0.0
    -                                                mdo
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                             104
    -                                          101
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    -                                          0.04755
    -                                             mdo
    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                                IPR011992
    -                                          105
    -                                       100
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    -                                       0.06473
    -                                          ppe
    -                                             IPR002048
    -                                             IPR011992
    -                                       106
    -                                    99
    -                                    0.09038
    -                                    93.0
    -                                       0.07956
    -                                       94.0
    -                                          0.02453
    -                                          23.0
    -                                             GR10G14790
    -                                             0.03668
    -                                                gra
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                             110
    -                                             TC0006G19740
    -                                             0.01317
    -                                                tca
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                             111
    -                                          109
    -                                          GR09G17500
    -                                          0.0925
    -                                             gra
    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                                IPR011992
    -                                          112
    -                                       108
    -                                       0.02275
    -                                       17.0
    -                                          0.02098
    -                                          74.0
    -                                             0.02664
    -                                             77.0
    -                                                0.04444
    -                                                14.0
    -                                                   0.07578
    -                                                   95.0
    -                                                      0.02537
    -                                                      100.0
    -                                                         PT11G03960
    -                                                         0.0
    -                                                            ptr
    -                                                               IPR011992
    -                                                               IPR002048
    -                                                         119
    -                                                         PT11G03950
    -                                                         0.0
    -                                                            ptr
    -                                                               IPR002048
    -                                                               IPR011992
    -                                                         120
    -                                                      118
    -                                                      PT04G02720
    -                                                      0.08697
    -                                                         ptr
    -                                                            IPR002048
    -                                                            IPR011992
    -                                                      121
    -                                                   117
    -                                                   RC29933G00790
    -                                                   0.0969
    -                                                      rco
    -                                                         IPR002048
    -                                                         IPR011992
    -                                                   122
    -                                                116
    -                                                CS00010G02050
    -                                                0.121
    -                                                   csi
    -                                                      IPR011992
    -                                                      IPR002048
    -                                                123
    -                                             115
    -                                             CP00871G00060
    -                                             0.08116
    -                                                cpa
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                             124
    -                                          114
    -                                          0.0595
    -                                          94.0
    -                                             TC0006G19730
    -                                             0.03927
    -                                                tca
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                             126
    -                                             GR11G02100
    -                                             0.11118
    -                                                gra
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                             127
    -                                          125
    -                                       113
    -                                    107
    -                                 98
    -                              86
    -                           80
    -                        74
    -                        CL03G05240
    -                        0.66567
    -                           cla
    -                              IPR002048
    -                              IPR011992
    -                        128
    -                     73
    -                  63
    -               3
    -               0.05891
    -               80.0
    -                  0.0521
    -                  55.0
    -                     0.42928
    -                     100.0
    -                        ZM05G13370
    -                        0.08433
    -                           zma
    -                              IPR011992
    -                              IPR002048
    -                        132
    -                        OS06G46950
    -                        0.01687
    -                           osa
    -                              IPR011992
    -                              IPR002048
    -                        133
    -                     131
    -                     0.05992
    -                     85.0
    -                        0.20823
    -                        99.0
    -                           ATR_00057G00630
    -                           0.35911
    -                              atr
    -                                 IPR011992
    -                           136
    -                           ATR_00041G00750
    -                           0.0222
    -                              atr
    -                                 IPR002048
    -                                 IPR002048
    -                                 IPR011992
    -                           137
    -                        135
    -                        0.14577
    -                        93.0
    -                           0.2749
    -                           99.0
    -                              OS02G03020
    -                              0.07357
    -                                 osa
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                              140
    -                              ZM04G40340
    -                              0.2374
    -                                 zma
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                              141
    -                           139
    -                           0.10041
    -                           92.0
    -                              0.06203
    -                              89.0
    -                                 5.5E-4
    -                                 76.0
    -                                    0.00723
    -                                    73.0
    -                                       0.03469
    -                                       88.0
    -                                          BV1G04700
    -                                          0.13638
    -                                             bvu
    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                                IPR011992
    -                                          147
    -                                          CP02176G00020
    -                                          0.06558
    -                                             cpa
    -                                                IPR011992
    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                          148
    -                                       146
    -                                       0.02642
    -                                       81.0
    -                                          0.04143
    -                                          78.0
    -                                             MD07G013420
    -                                             0.02442
    -                                                mdo
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                             151
    -                                             FV7G04970
    -                                             0.01582
    -                                                fve
    -                                                   IPR004910
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                             152
    -                                          150
    -                                          0.02852
    -                                          46.0
    -                                             TC0001G33590
    -                                             0.04457
    -                                                tca
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                             154
    -                                             GR08G12710
    -                                             0.09337
    -                                                gra
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                             155
    -                                          153
    -                                       149
    -                                    145
    -                                    0.01125
    -                                    71.0
    -                                       0.06335
    -                                       97.0
    -                                          0.0196
    -                                          76.0
    -                                             0.0401
    -                                             87.0
    -                                                0.07277
    -                                                97.0
    -                                                   GM19G44710
    -                                                   0.03405
    -                                                      gma
    -                                                         IPR011992
    -                                                         IPR002048
    -                                                   161
    -                                                   GM03G42010
    -                                                   0.00469
    -                                                      gma
    -                                                         IPR002048
    -                                                         IPR011992
    -                                                   162
    -                                                160
    -                                                LJ3G034830
    -                                                0.07935
    -                                                   lja
    -                                                      IPR011992
    -                                                      IPR002048
    -                                                      IPR011992
    -                                                      IPR011992
    -                                                163
    -                                             159
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    -                                             0.06397
    -                                                mtr
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                             164
    -                                          158
    -                                          0.02227
    -                                          87.0
    -                                             GM07G05910
    -                                             5.6E-4
    -                                                gma
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                             166
    -                                             GM16G02511
    -                                             0.00926
    -                                                gma
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                             167
    -                                          165
    -                                       157
    -                                       CS00001G04680
    -                                       0.15469
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    -                                             IPR002048
    -                                             IPR011992
    -                                       168
    -                                    156
    -                                 144
    -                                 0.01801
    -                                 74.0
    -                                    5.5E-4
    -                                    87.0
    -                                       0.01849
    -                                       79.0
    -                                          0.0193
    -                                          65.0
    -                                             5.4E-4
    -                                             54.0
    -                                                PT02G17490
    -                                                0.08712
    -                                                   ptr
    -                                                      IPR002048
    -                                                      IPR011992
    -                                                174
    -                                                PT14G10170
    -                                                0.04429
    -                                                   ptr
    -                                                      IPR002048
    -                                                      IPR011992
    -                                                175
    -                                             173
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    -                                             0.15917
    -                                                sly
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                             176
    -                                          172
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    -                                          0.18791
    -                                             egr
    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                                IPR011992
    -                                          177
    -                                       171
    -                                       0.01958
    -                                       75.0
    -                                          ME02658G00040
    -                                          0.125
    -                                             mes
    -                                                IPR011992
    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                          179
    -                                          RC29742G00080
    -                                          0.0565
    -                                             rco
    -                                                IPR011992
    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                          180
    -                                       178
    -                                    170
    -                                    0.1988
    -                                    100.0
    -                                       5.4E-4
    -                                       0.0
    -                                          0.00941
    -                                          74.0
    -                                             TP4G28650
    -                                             0.02815
    -                                                tpa
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                             184
    -                                             BR05G01160
    -                                             0.05924
    -                                                bra
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                             185
    -                                          183
    -                                          0.00892
    -                                          74.0
    -                                             0.02889
    -                                             91.0
    -                                                0.00911
    -                                                76.0
    -                                                   CRU_004G28250
    -                                                   0.0473
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    -                                                         IPR002048
    -                                                         IPR011992
    -                                                   189
    -                                                   AL4G34740
    -                                                   0.00935
    -                                                      aly
    -                                                         IPR011992
    -                                                         IPR002048
    -                                                   190
    -                                                188
    -                                                AT2G46600
    -                                                0.00951
    -                                                   ath
    -                                                      IPR002048
    -                                                      IPR011992
    -                                                191
    -                                             187
    -                                             BR04G27710
    -                                             0.03705
    -                                                bra
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                             192
    -                                          186
    -                                       182
    -                                       BR03G22780
    -                                       0.05765
    -                                          bra
    -                                             IPR011992
    -                                             IPR002048
    -                                       193
    -                                    181
    -                                 169
    -                              143
    -                              CL06G03020
    -                              0.1351
    -                                 cla
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                              194
    -                           142
    -                        138
    -                     134
    -                  130
    -                  0.1548
    -                  96.0
    -                     ATR_00234G00010
    -                     0.14108
    -                        atr
    -                           IPR002048
    -                           IPR011992
    -                     196
    -                     ATR_00234G00020
    -                     0.14457
    -                        atr
    -                           IPR002048
    -                           IPR011992
    -                     197
    -                  195
    -               129
    -            2
    -            0.01829500000000002
    -            90.0
    -               0.04796
    -               84.0
    -                  0.04124
    -                  57.0
    -                     0.17212
    -                     100.0
    -                        SL07G053050
    -                        0.026
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    -                              IPR002048
    -                              IPR002048
    -                              IPR011992
    -                        202
    -                        ST07G020790
    -                        0.02135
    -                           stu
    -                              IPR011992
    -                              IPR002048
    -                              IPR002048
    -                        203
    -                     201
    -                     5.7E-4
    -                     0.0
    -                        0.18714
    -                        92.0
    -                           0.02397
    -                           0.0
    -                              0.02752
    -                              77.0
    -                                 0.08683
    -                                 93.0
    -                                    EG0006G28710
    -                                    0.20733
    -                                       egr
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                    209
    -                                    BV0G48970
    -                                    0.14135
    -                                       bvu
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                    210
    -                                 208
    -                                 0.08495
    -                                 96.0
    -                                    0.01037
    -                                    66.0
    -                                       SL10G006700
    -                                       0.01918
    -                                          sly
    -                                             IPR002048
    -                                             IPR011992
    -                                       213
    -                                       ST10G006910
    -                                       5.5E-4
    -                                          stu
    -                                             IPR002048
    -                                             IPR011992
    -                                       214
    -                                    212
    -                                    0.00885
    -                                    77.0
    -                                       ST10G006890
    -                                       5.5E-4
    -                                          stu
    -                                             IPR011992
    -                                             IPR002048
    -                                       216
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    -                                       0.00963
    -                                          sly
    -                                             IPR002048
    -                                             IPR011992
    -                                       217
    -                                    215
    -                                 211
    -                              207
    -                              0.02231
    -                              81.0
    -                                 0.01984
    -                                 80.0
    -                                    0.06108
    -                                    96.0
    -                                       0.01544
    -                                       55.0
    -                                          0.00738
    -                                          73.0
    -                                             MD14G006680
    -                                             0.03108
    -                                                mdo
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                             223
    -                                             MD00G326810
    -                                             0.05222
    -                                                mdo
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                             224
    -                                          222
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    -                                          0.02089
    -                                             ppe
    -                                                IPR011992
    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                          225
    -                                       221
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    -                                       0.08066
    -                                          fve
    -                                             IPR002048
    -                                             IPR011992
    -                                       226
    -                                    220
    -                                    0.01293
    -                                    65.0
    -                                       0.07065
    -                                       78.0
    -                                          0.05762
    -                                          83.0
    -                                             0.02443
    -                                             80.0
    -                                                GM12G34580
    -                                                0.01934
    -                                                   gma
    -                                                      IPR002048
    -                                                      IPR011992
    -                                                231
    -                                                GM13G35950
    -                                                0.01976
    -                                                   gma
    -                                                      IPR011992
    -                                                      IPR002048
    -                                                232
    -                                             230
    -                                             0.02649
    -                                             66.0
    -                                                0.08739
    -                                                98.0
    -                                                   GM06G40330
    -                                                   0.07414
    -                                                      gma
    -                                                         IPR002048
    -                                                         IPR011992
    -                                                   235
    -                                                   GM12G20830
    -                                                   5.7E-4
    -                                                      gma
    -                                                         IPR002048
    -                                                         IPR011992
    -                                                   236
    -                                                234
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    -                                                0.14899
    -                                                   mtr
    -                                                      IPR011992
    -                                                      IPR002048
    -                                                237
    -                                             233
    -                                          229
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    -                                          0.14236
    -                                             mtr
    -                                                IPR011992
    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                          238
    -                                       228
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    -                                       0.10765
    -                                          vvi
    -                                             IPR002048
    -                                             IPR011992
    -                                       239
    -                                    227
    -                                 219
    -                                 0.0197
    -                                 100.0
    -                                    0.00974
    -                                    0.0
    -                                       0.04315
    -                                       78.0
    -                                          CP00012G00050
    -                                          0.12513
    -                                             cpa
    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                                IPR011992
    -                                          243
    -                                          CS00012G01330
    -                                          0.15147
    -                                             csi
    -                                                IPR011992
    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                          244
    -                                       242
    -                                       0.04553
    -                                       86.0
    -                                          0.05686
    -                                          88.0
    -                                             GR02G07870
    -                                             0.05101
    -                                                gra
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                             247
    -                                             TC0007G06000
    -                                             0.06375
    -                                                tca
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                             248
    -                                          246
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    -                                          0.08424
    -                                             gra
    -                                                IPR011992
    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                          249
    -                                       245
    -                                    241
    -                                    0.01173
    -                                    72.0
    -                                       0.04322
    -                                       94.0
    -                                          0.02895
    -                                          81.0
    -                                             ME11388G00230
    -                                             0.07419
    -                                                mes
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                             253
    -                                             ME03423G00050
    -                                             0.01856
    -                                                mes
    -                                                   IPR011992
    -                                                   IPR002048
    -                                             254
    -                                          252
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    -                                          0.0607
    -                                             rco
    -                                                IPR011992
    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                          255
    -                                       251
    -                                       0.01098
    -                                       74.0
    -                                          PT01G41180
    -                                          0.0397
    -                                             ptr
    -                                                IPR011992
    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                          257
    -                                          PT11G12910
    -                                          0.05281
    -                                             ptr
    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                                IPR011992
    -                                          258
    -                                       256
    -                                    250
    -                                 240
    -                              218
    -                           206
    -                           0.04992
    -                           83.0
    -                              0.21258
    -                              100.0
    -                                 0.00713
    -                                 16.0
    -                                    0.01244
    -                                    40.0
    -                                       5.4E-4
    -                                       83.0
    -                                          AL7G14730
    -                                          5.5E-4
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    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                                IPR011992
    -                                          264
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    -                                          0.01945
    -                                             ath
    -                                                IPR011992
    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                          265
    -                                       263
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    -                                       0.05028
    -                                          cru
    -                                             IPR002048
    -                                             IPR011992
    -                                       266
    -                                    262
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    -                                    0.04723
    -                                       tpa
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                    267
    -                                 261
    -                                 0.08588
    -                                 96.0
    -                                    0.08132
    -                                    99.0
    -                                       0.00734
    -                                       76.0
    -                                          AL8G19750
    -                                          0.00952
    -                                             aly
    -                                                IPR011992
    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                          271
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    -                                          0.02842
    -                                             ath
    -                                                IPR011992
    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                          272
    -                                       270
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    -                                       0.04183
    -                                          cru
    -                                             IPR011992
    -                                             IPR002048
    -                                       273
    -                                    269
    -                                    5.4E-4
    -                                    0.0
    -                                       0.00987
    -                                       75.0
    -                                          BR10G08050
    -                                          0.02
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    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                                IPR011992
    -                                          276
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    -                                          0.0488
    -                                             tpa
    -                                                IPR002048
    -                                                IPR011992
    -                                          277
    -                                       275
    -                                       BR02G15090
    -                                       0.02001
    -                                          bra
    -                                             IPR011992
    -                                             IPR002048
    -                                       278
    -                                    274
    -                                 268
    -                              260
    -                              0.06708
    -                              77.0
    -                                 0.1296
    -                                 97.0
    -                                    CM00078G00800
    -                                    0.03275
    -                                       cme
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                    281
    -                                    CL10G05570
    -                                    0.10331
    -                                       cla
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                    282
    -                                 280
    -                                 0.08928
    -                                 93.0
    -                                    CM00028G01650
    -                                    0.01018
    -                                       cme
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                    284
    -                                    CL07G06870
    -                                    0.05027
    -                                       cla
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                    285
    -                                 283
    -                              279
    -                           259
    -                        205
    -                        0.07689
    -                        34.0
    -                           0.40952
    -                           99.0
    -                              OS01G57470
    -                              0.0647
    -                                 osa
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                              288
    -                              ZM01G32260
    -                              0.30451
    -                                 zma
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                              289
    -                           287
    -                           ST02G022730
    -                           0.42168
    -                              stu
    -                                 IPR002048
    -                                 IPR011992
    -                           290
    -                        286
    -                     204
    -                  200
    -                  0.04379
    -                  85.0
    -                     0.03959
    -                     52.0
    -                        0.04794
    -                        85.0
    -                           0.06039
    -                           88.0
    -                              PT13G15100
    -                              0.03164
    -                                 ptr
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                              295
    -                              PT19G12060
    -                              0.05542
    -                                 ptr
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                              296
    -                           294
    -                           CS02115G00010
    -                           0.11722
    -                              csi
    -                                 IPR002048
    -                                 IPR011992
    -                                 IPR002048
    -                           297
    -                        293
    -                        0.0405
    -                        71.0
    -                           0.02542
    -                           71.0
    -                              0.06883
    -                              95.0
    -                                 GR08G15070
    -                                 0.08687
    -                                    gra
    -                                       IPR002048
    -                                       IPR011992
    -                                 301
    -                                 GR13G07260
    -                                 0.13449
    -                                    gra
    -                                       IPR002048
    -                                       IPR011992
    -                                 302
    -                              300
    -                              CP00034G00500
    -                              0.09926
    -                                 cpa
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                              303
    -                           299
    -                           EG0011G07390
    -                           0.20972
    -                              egr
    -                                 IPR002048
    -                                 IPR011992
    -                                 IPR002048
    -                           304
    -                        298
    -                     292
    -                     0.02603
    -                     77.0
    -                        0.04024
    -                        83.0
    -                           0.06319
    -                           94.0
    -                              0.05249
    -                              93.0
    -                                 0.11402
    -                                 99.0
    -                                    GM13G37990
    -                                    0.07327
    -                                       gma
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                    310
    -                                    GM12G32420
    -                                    0.00917
    -                                       gma
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                    311
    -                                 309
    -                                 MT2G089210
    -                                 0.04686
    -                                    mtr
    -                                       IPR002048
    -                                       IPR011992
    -                                       IPR002048
    -                                 312
    -                              308
    -                              0.01659
    -                              77.0
    -                                 0.02125
    -                                 74.0
    -                                    MT1G052885
    -                                    0.06123
    -                                       mtr
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                    315
    -                                    GM12G11210
    -                                    0.03043
    -                                       gma
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                    316
    -                                 314
    -                                 LJ3G041130
    -                                 0.1032
    -                                    lja
    -                                       IPR002048
    -                                       IPR002048
    -                                       IPR011992
    -                                 317
    -                              313
    -                           307
    -                           0.02337
    -                           79.0
    -                              0.06951
    -                              96.0
    -                                 FV3G04390
    -                                 0.05378
    -                                    fve
    -                                       IPR011992
    -                                 320
    -                                 FV3G04370
    -                                 5.5E-4
    -                                    fve
    -                                       IPR011992
    -                                       IPR002048
    -                                 321
    -                              319
    -                              0.04691
    -                              86.0
    -                                 0.01977
    -                                 76.0
    -                                    MD09G007170
    -                                    0.02734
    -                                       mdo
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                    324
    -                                    MD17G007640
    -                                    0.01099
    -                                       mdo
    -                                          IPR011992
    -                                          IPR002048
    -                                    325
    -                                 323
    -                                 PPE_003G20430
    -                                 0.04893
    -                                    ppe
    -                                       IPR002048
    -                                       IPR011992
    -                                 326
    -                              322
    -                           318
    -                        306
    -                        0.04458
    -                        74.0
    -                           0.06474
    -                           87.0
    -                              ME12693G00020
    -                              0.1596
    -                                 mes
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                              329
    -                              RC30156G00550
    -                              0.26524
    -                                 rco
    -                                    IPR002048
    -                                    IPR011992
    -                              330
    -                           328
    -                           CL02G11010
    -                           0.22606
    -                              cla
    -                                 IPR011992
    -                                 IPR002048
    -                                 IPR002048
    -                           331
    -                        327
    -                     305
    -                  291
    -               199
    -               BV9G08800
    -               0.30399
    -                  bvu
    -                     IPR002048
    -                     IPR011992
    -                     IPR002048
    -               332
    -            198
    -         1
    -         Multibar test graph
    -               bar1
    -               0x8986BF
    -               bar2
    -               0x9D4FB0
    -               bar3
    -               0xF7BE81
    -               12
    -               61
    -               34
    -               57
    -               37
    -               8
    -               23
    -               27
    -               14
    -               23
    -               30
    -               92
    -               16
    -               81
    -               83
    -               2
    -               41
    -               9
    -               9
    -               89
    -               54
    -               16
    -               27
    -               31
    -               96
    -               33
    -               73
    -               82
    -               57
    -               23
    -               2
    -               69
    -               29
    -               8
    -               48
    -               11
    -               34
    -               82
    -               87
    -               77
    -               99
    -               58
    -               60
    -               6
    -               84
    -               71
    -               39
    -               8
    -               5
    -               79
    -               53
    -               12
    -               55
    -               86
    -               20
    -               46
    -               14
    -               75
    -               73
    -               50
    -               85
    -               59
    -               81
    -               9
    -               16
    -               80
    -               97
    -               85
    -               40
    -               23
    -               15
    -               45
    -               84
    -               83
    -               42
    -               27
    -               57
    -               32
    -               29
    -               71
    -               48
    -               86
    -               43
    -               24
    -               27
    -               7
    -               55
    -               61
    -               90
    -               98
    -               3
    -               88
    -               27
    -               8
    -               30
    -               36
    -               76
    -               0
    -               80
    -               51
    -               11
    -               19
    -               35
    -               23
    -               85
    -               5
    -               38
    -               88
    -               5
    -               18
    -               88
    -               85
    -               28
    -               56
    -               64
    -               83
    -               72
    -               78
    -               66
    -               59
    -               12
    -               84
    -               22
    -               47
    -               14
    -               91
    -               67
    -               45
    -               63
    -               15
    -               70
    -               74
    -               18
    -               67
    -               57
    -               64
    -               90
    -               0
    -               69
    -               49
    -               77
    -               14
    -               29
    -               53
    -               86
    -               85
    -               48
    -               61
    -               59
    -               85
    -               90
    -               16
    -               37
    -               8
    -               2
    -               24
    -               13
    -               96
    -               98
    -               14
    -               11
    -               6
    -               38
    -               64
    -               19
    -               76
    -               67
    -               10
    -               65
    -               41
    -               47
    -               93
    -               70
    -               42
    -               66
    -               55
    -               68
    -               2
    -               78
    -               3
    -               78
    -               20
    -               75
    -               24
    -               23
    -               55
    -               94
    -               44
    -               17
    -               84
    -               88
    -               56
    -               36
    -               86
    -               38
    -               82
    -               70
    -               14
    -               82
    -               70
    -               73
    -               79
    -               97
    -               79
    -               57
    -               39
    -               37
    -               86
    -               73
    -               62
    -               40
    -               28
    -               87
    -               65
    -               58
    -               5
    -               71
    -               45
    -               30
    -               67
    -               32
    -               70
    -               80
    -               10
    -               76
    -               67
    -               81
    -               28
    -               59
    -               80
    -               89
    -               48
    -               58
    -               41
    -               80
    -               97
    -               80
    -               84
    -               4
    -               63
    -               84
    -               88
    -               47
    -               14
    -               30
    -               66
    -               85
    -               24
    -               33
    -               2
    -               8
    -               14
    -               86
    -               40
    -               64
    -               68
    -               73
    -               60
    -               24
    -               85
    -               98
    -               1
    -               49
    -               12
    -               47
    -               41
    -               83
    -               36
    -               57
    -               61
    -               3
    -               11
    -               94
    -               31
    -               71
    -               99
    -               75
    -               58
    -               26
    -               41
    -               92
    -               33
    -               66
    -               51
    -               22
    -               66
    -               18
    -               36
    -               57
    -               77
    -               26
    -               60
    -               75
    -               90
    -               6
    -               21
    -               30
    -               31
    -               7
    -               47
    -               5
    -               7
    -               44
    -               44
    -               63
    -               42
    -               84
    -               96
    -               17
    -               5
    -               0
    -               5
    -               62
    -               10
    -               72
    -               45
    -               80
    -               51
    -               53
    -               68
    -               17
    -               87
    -               16
    -               94
    -               98
    -               27
    -               83
    -               23
    -               82
    -               21
    -               88
    -               85
    -               79
    -               80
    -               31
    -               68
    -               11
    -               72
    -               53
    -               66
    -               44
    -               56
    -               45
    -               23
    -               67
    -               28
    -               25
    -               19
    -               89
    -               3
    -               30
    -               30
    -               47
    -               4
    -               32
    -               49
    -               42
    -               32
    -               71
    -               74
    -               44
    -               70
    -               25
    -               33
    -               16
    -               63
    -               68
    -               77
    -               73
    -               62
    -               22
    -               51
    -               8
    -               2
    -               47
    -               11
    -               14
    -               89
    -               13
    -               84
    -               75
    -               38
    -               34
    -               82
    -               19
    -               70
    -               53
    -               48
    -               59
    -               49
    -               36
    -               28
    -               77
    -               66
    -               72
    -               84
    -               47
    -               43
    -               41
    -               38
    -               19
    -               41
    -               57
    -               1
    -               86
    -               50
    -               76
    -               64
    -               93
    -               31
    -               90
    -               41
    -               25
    -               61
    -               51
    -               74
    -               2
    -               58
    -               22
    -               8
    -               62
    -               25
    -               99
    -               39
    -               77
    -               60
    -               25
    -               71
    -               35
    -               19
    -               92
    -               45
    -               97
    -               77
    -               95
    -               33
    -               86
    -               60
    -               5
    -               70
    -               25
    -               94
    -               46
    -               72
    -               49
    -               45
    -               61
    -               2
    -               99
    -               94
    -               28
    -               6
    -               39
    -               87
    -               51
    -               36
    -               77
    -               63
    -               86
    -               76
    -               26
    -               48
    -               85
    -               0
    -               64
    -               78
    -               98
    -               90
    -               44
    -               14
    -               13
    -               59
    -               40
    -               90
    -               25
    -               79
    -               79
    -               74
    -               62
    -               72
    -               5
    -               63
    -               60
    -               12
    -               9
    -               80
    -               46
    -               89
    -               52
    -               50
    -               44
    -               4
    -               89
    -               92
    -               40
    -               44
    -               30
    -               11
    -               41
    -               37
    -               22
    -         Pie test graph
    -               pie1
    -               0xA9BFAB
    -               pie2
    -               0x37BD42
    -               pie3
    -               0xE3F434
    -               12
    -               61
    -               34
    -               57
    -               37
    -               8
    -               23
    -               27
    -               14
    -               23
    -               30
    -               92
    -               16
    -               81
    -               83
    -               2
    -               41
    -               9
    -               9
    -               89
    -               54
    -               16
    -               27
    -               31
    -               96
    -               33
    -               73
    -               82
    -               57
    -               23
    -               2
    -               69
    -               29
    -               8
    -               48
    -               11
    -               34
    -               82
    -               87
    -               77
    -               99
    -               58
    -               60
    -               6
    -               84
    -               71
    -               39
    -               8
    -               5
    -               79
    -               53
    -               12
    -               55
    -               86
    -               20
    -               46
    -               14
    -               75
    -               73
    -               50
    -               85
    -               59
    -               81
    -               9
    -               16
    -               80
    -               97
    -               85
    -               40
    -               23
    -               15
    -               45
    -               84
    -               83
    -               42
    -               27
    -               57
    -               32
    -               29
    -               71
    -               48
    -               86
    -               43
    -               24
    -               27
    -               7
    -               55
    -               61
    -               90
    -               98
    -               3
    -               88
    -               27
    -               8
    -               30
    -               36
    -               76
    -               0
    -               80
    -               51
    -               11
    -               19
    -               35
    -               23
    -               85
    -               5
    -               38
    -               88
    -               5
    -               18
    -               88
    -               85
    -               28
    -               56
    -               64
    -               83
    -               72
    -               78
    -               66
    -               59
    -               12
    -               84
    -               22
    -               47
    -               14
    -               91
    -               67
    -               45
    -               63
    -               15
    -               70
    -               74
    -               18
    -               67
    -               57
    -               64
    -               90
    -               0
    -               69
    -               49
    -               77
    -               14
    -               29
    -               53
    -               86
    -               85
    -               48
    -               61
    -               59
    -               85
    -               90
    -               16
    -               37
    -               8
    -               2
    -               24
    -               13
    -               96
    -               98
    -               14
    -               11
    -               6
    -               38
    -               64
    -               19
    -               76
    -               67
    -               10
    -               65
    -               41
    -               47
    -               93
    -               70
    -               42
    -               66
    -               55
    -               68
    -               2
    -               78
    -               3
    -               78
    -               20
    -               75
    -               24
    -               23
    -               55
    -               94
    -               44
    -               17
    -               84
    -               88
    -               56
    -               36
    -               86
    -               38
    -               82
    -               70
    -               14
    -               82
    -               70
    -               73
    -               79
    -               97
    -               79
    -               57
    -               39
    -               37
    -               86
    -               73
    -               62
    -               40
    -               28
    -               87
    -               65
    -               58
    -               5
    -               71
    -               45
    -               30
    -               67
    -               32
    -               70
    -               80
    -               10
    -               76
    -               67
    -               81
    -               28
    -               59
    -               80
    -               89
    -               48
    -               58
    -               41
    -               80
    -               97
    -               80
    -               84
    -               4
    -               63
    -               84
    -               88
    -               47
    -               14
    -               30
    -               66
    -               85
    -               24
    -               33
    -               2
    -               8
    -               14
    -               86
    -               40
    -               64
    -               68
    -               73
    -               60
    -               24
    -               85
    -               98
    -               1
    -               49
    -               12
    -               47
    -               41
    -               83
    -               36
    -               57
    -               61
    -               3
    -               11
    -               94
    -               31
    -               71
    -               99
    -               75
    -               58
    -               26
    -               41
    -               92
    -               33
    -               66
    -               51
    -               22
    -               66
    -               18
    -               36
    -               57
    -               77
    -               26
    -               60
    -               75
    -               90
    -               6
    -               21
    -               30
    -               31
    -               7
    -               47
    -               5
    -               7
    -               44
    -               44
    -               63
    -               42
    -               84
    -               96
    -               17
    -               5
    -               0
    -               5
    -               62
    -               10
    -               72
    -               45
    -               80
    -               51
    -               53
    -               68
    -               17
    -               87
    -               16
    -               94
    -               98
    -               27
    -               83
    -               23
    -               82
    -               21
    -               88
    -               85
    -               79
    -               80
    -               31
    -               68
    -               11
    -               72
    -               53
    -               66
    -               44
    -               56
    -               45
    -               23
    -               67
    -               28
    -               25
    -               19
    -               89
    -               3
    -               30
    -               30
    -               47
    -               4
    -               32
    -               49
    -               42
    -               32
    -               71
    -               74
    -               44
    -               70
    -               25
    -               33
    -               16
    -               63
    -               68
    -               77
    -               73
    -               62
    -               22
    -               51
    -               8
    -               2
    -               47
    -               11
    -               14
    -               89
    -               13
    -               84
    -               75
    -               38
    -               34
    -               82
    -               19
    -               70
    -               53
    -               48
    -               59
    -               49
    -               36
    -               28
    -               77
    -               66
    -               72
    -               84
    -               47
    -               43
    -               41
    -               38
    -               19
    -               41
    -               57
    -               1
    -               86
    -               50
    -               76
    -               64
    -               93
    -               31
    -               90
    -               41
    -               25
    -               61
    -               51
    -               74
    -               2
    -               58
    -               22
    -               8
    -               62
    -               25
    -               99
    -               39
    -               77
    -               60
    -               25
    -               71
    -               35
    -               19
    -               92
    -               45
    -               97
    -               77
    -               95
    -               33
    -               86
    -               60
    -               5
    -               70
    -               25
    -               94
    -               46
    -               72
    -               49
    -               45
    -               61
    -               2
    -               99
    -               94
    -               28
    -               6
    -               39
    -               87
    -               51
    -               36
    -               77
    -               63
    -               86
    -               76
    -               26
    -               48
    -               85
    -               0
    -               64
    -               78
    -               98
    -               90
    -               44
    -               14
    -               13
    -               59
    -               40
    -               90
    -               25
    -               79
    -               79
    -               74
    -               62
    -               72
    -               5
    -               63
    -               60
    -               12
    -               9
    -               80
    -               46
    -               89
    -               52
    -               50
    -               44
    -               4
    -               89
    -               92
    -               40
    -               44
    -               30
    -               11
    -               41
    -               37
    -               22
    -         Heatmap test graph with fields
    -               heat1
    -               heat2
    -               heat3
    -               heat4
    -               heat5
    -               heat6
    -               heat7
    -               heat8
    -               heat9
    -               YlOrRd
    -               9
    -               64
    -               38
    -               84
    -               9
    -               74
    -               33
    -               82
    -               37
    -               12
    -               6
    -               0
    -               95
    -               74
    -               62
    -               47
    -               1
    -               48
    -               53
    -               16
    -               63
    -               92
    -               35
    -               72
    -               24
    -               20
    -               7
    -               71
    -               85
    -               56
    -               23
    -               91
    -               8
    -               96
    -               32
    -               30
    -               65
    -               53
    -               64
    -               30
    -               39
    -               10
    -               9
    -               92
    -               59
    -               42
    -               29
    -               86
    -               0
    -               0
    -               99
    -               67
    -               89
    -               92
    -               40
    -               71
    -               89
    -               7
    -               31
    -               26
    -               51
    -               74
    -               90
    -               25
    -               46
    -               6
    -               13
    -               40
    -               6
    -               84
    -               97
    -               66
    -               50
    -               6
    -               52
    -               22
    -               22
    -               72
    -               89
    -               60
    -               71
    -               11
    -               91
    -               94
    -               27
    -               58
    -               72
    -               25
    -               80
    -               72
    -               89
    -               5
    -               90
    -               70
    -               11
    -               25
    -               28
    -               10
    -               32
    -               65
    -               12
    -               61
    -               74
    -               74
    -               51
    -               40
    -               12
    -               49
    -               20
    -               89
    -               31
    -               68
    -               64
    -               78
    -               43
    -               16
    -               40
    -               19
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    -               38
    -               23
    -               26
    -               82
    -               58
    -               78
    -               77
    -               2
    -               87
    -               51
    -               36
    -               96
    -               64
    -               83
    -               90
    -               15
    -               94
    -               35
    -               5
    -               53
    -               66
    -               54
    -               83
    -               60
    -               17
    -               16
    -               31
    -               91
    -               65
    -               18
    -               75
    -               95
    -               10
    -               12
    -               83
    -               72
    -               85
    -               11
    -               12
    -               31
    -               81
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    -               60
    -               99
    -               58
    -               61
    -               83
    -               62
    -               85
    -               45
    -               85
    -               76
    -               52
    -               65
    -               85
    -               79
    -               52
    -               21
    -               32
    -               30
    -               39
    -               51
    -               3
    -               97
    -               64
    -               42
    -               66
    -               45
    -               4
    -               10
    -               22
    -               27
    -               74
    -               99
    -               13
    -               54
    -               51
    -               91
    -               1
    -               24
    -               48
    -               30
    -               77
    -               38
    -               96
    -               41
    -               43
    -               8
    -               45
    -               0
    -               38
    -               95
    -               35
    -               14
    -               24
    -               19
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    -               22
    -               87
    -               50
    -               3
    -               84
    -               98
    -               48
    -               57
    -               22
    -               66
    -               15
    -               33
    -               25
    -               2
    -               68
    -               99
    -               40
    -               76
    -               91
    -               3
    -               13
    -               73
    -               64
    -               23
    -               97
    -               38
    -               6
    -               87
    -               51
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    -               60
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    -               66
    -               25
    -               77
    -               94
    -               20
    -               6
    -               29
    -               84
    -               55
    -               19
    -               28
    -               85
    -               55
    -               20
    -               9
    -               39
    -               6
    -               18
    -               16
    -               74
    -               97
    -               92
    -               18
    -               41
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    -               9
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    -               12
    -               67
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    -               65
    -               9
    -               85
    -               92
    -               92
    -               47
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    -               99
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    -               61
    -               4
    -               66
    -               46
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    -               55
    -               10
    -               3
    -               15
    -               8
    -               64
    -               14
    -               61
    -               50
    -               99
    -               9
    -               61
    -               27
    -               15
    -               25
    -               8
    -               91
    -               8
    -               91
    -               91
    -               4
    -               57
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    -               33
    -               39
    -               33
    -               62
    -               9
    -               90
    -               94
    -               80
    -               0
    -               59
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    -               36
    -               18
    -               80
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    -               8
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    -               7
    -               94
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    -               66
    -               7
    -               40
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    -               40
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    -               84
    -               61
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    -               82
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    -               93
    -               93
    -               6
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    -               48
    -               16
    -               6
    -               91
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    -               6
    -               93
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    -               73
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    -               50
    -               32
    -               14
    -               97
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    -               68
    -               32
    -               50
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    -               73
    -               21
    -               2
    -               58
    -               36
    -               12
    -               81
    -               25
    -               5
    -               6
    -               96
    -               79
    -               81
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    -               62
    -               18
    -               77
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    -               69
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    -               5
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    -               29
    -               34
    -               92
    -               29
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    -               2
    -               65
    -               62
    -               35
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    -               53
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    -               26
    -               99
    -               13
    -               27
    -               0
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    -               33
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    -               67
    -               30
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    -               31
    -               88
    -               3
    -               44
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    -               39
    -               6
    -               12
    -               61
    -               10
    -               8
    -               91
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    -               6
    -               36
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    -               0
    -               79
    -               84
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    -               79
    -               4
    -               36
    -               97
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    -               3
    -               71
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    -               70
    -               3
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    -               72
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    -               93
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    -               22
    -               88
    -               89
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    -               0
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    -               72
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    -               6
    -               46
    -               6
    -               95
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    -               1
    -               35
    -               61
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    -               90
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    -               49
    -               31
    -               85
    -               73
    -               1
    -               87
    -               80
    -               46
    -               3
    -               80
    -               2
    -               1
    -               99
    -               8
    -               9
    -               38
    -               89
    -               53
    -               44
    -               18
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    -               36
    -               65
    -               12
    -               68
    -               92
    -               12
    -               31
    -               71
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    -               58
    -               87
    -               5
    -               42
    -               9
    -               34
    -               33
    -               44
    -               96
    -               5
    -               41
    -               2
    -               74
    -               44
    -               1
    -               54
    -               88
    -               13
    -               11
    -               74
    -               0
    -               61
    -               59
    -               8
    -               66
    -               26
    -               59
    -               49
    -               72
    -               2
    -               21
    -               20
    -               50
    -               11
    -               31
    -               4
    -               85
    -               85
    -               86
    -               69
    -               88
    -               40
    -               38
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    -               98
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    -               74
    -               29
    -               93
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    -               82
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    -               44
    -               40
    -               17
    -               87
    -               44
    -               86
    -               27
    -               91
    -               2
    -               12
    -               90
    -               84
    -               69
    -               49
    -               7
    -               78
    -               25
    -               50
    -               65
    -               80
    -               83
    -               85
    -               41
    -               61
    -               84
    -               55
    -               51
    -               9
    -               74
    -               55
    -               78
    -               69
    -               80
    -               67
    -               25
    -               81
    -               80
    -               57
    -               2
    -               57
    -               96
    -               99
    -               64
    -               42
    -               83
    -               65
    -               34
    -               40
    -               21
    -               69
    -               18
    -               59
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    -               60
    -               42
    -               77
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    -               28
    -               68
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    -               74
    -               36
    -               72
    -               25
    -               95
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    -               33
    -               75
    -               61
    -               73
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    -               57
    -               87
    -               43
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    -               4
    -               19
    -               72
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    -               35
    -               11
    -               93
    -               58
    -               5
    -               30
    -               98
    -               32
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    -               21
    -               40
    -               82
    -               5
    -               55
    -               2
    -               10
    -               63
    -               46
    -               79
    -               66
    -               86
    -               52
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    -               69
    -               44
    -               89
    -               9
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    -               65
    -               90
    -               95
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    -               44
    -               89
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    -               68
    -               34
    -               1
    -               12
    -               74
    -               69
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    -               75
    -               8
    -               16
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    -               46
    -               86
    -               34
    -               52
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    -               18
    -               43
    -               46
    -               85
    -               72
    -               32
    -               17
    -               33
    -               92
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    -               41
    -               29
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    -               63
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    -               62
    -               93
    -               37
    -               11
    -               18
    -               75
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    -               55
    -               6
    -               66
    -               99
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    -               64
    -               1
    -               63
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    -               13
    -               74
    -               89
    -               74
    -               9
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    -               10
    -               29
    -               89
    -               89
    -               51
    -               84
    -               28
    -               8
    -               84
    -               86
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    -               48
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    -               41
    -               73
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    -               98
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    -               38
    -               31
    -               7
    -               83
    -               39
    -               6
    -               31
    -               67
    -               51
    -               67
    -               8
    -               0
    -               82
    -               46
    -               8
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    -               73
    -               20
    -               37
    -               37
    -               71
    -               85
    -               2
    -               45
    -               47
    -               74
    -               83
    -               34
    -               90
    -               48
    -               23
    -               64
    -               95
    -               29
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    -               35
    -               78
    -               26
    -               92
    -               70
    -               8
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    -               28
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    -               92
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    -               6
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    -               73
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    -               96
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    -               60
    -               24
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    -               93
    -               92
    -               48
    -               8
    -               70
    -               89
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    -               28
    -               14
    -               0
    -               23
    -               89
    -               32
    -               33
    -               71
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    -               46
    -               74
    -               93
    -               9
    -               90
    -               92
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    -               89
    -               21
    -               13
    -               1
    -               94
    -               77
    -               93
    -               4
    -               12
    -               32
    -               31
    -               18
    -               47
    -               19
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    -               51
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    -               32
    -               41
    -               84
    -               91
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    -               4
    -               84
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    -               89
    -               38
    -               38
    -               67
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    -               90
    -               5
    -               13
    -               48
    -               77
    -               70
    -               97
    -               94
    -               48
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    -               47
    -               54
    -               83
    -               45
    -               35
    -               18
    -               98
    -               73
    -               42
    -               27
    -               67
    -               27
    -               83
    -               99
    -               93
    -               9
    -               29
    -               30
    -               29
    -               26
    -               60
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    -               58
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    -               87
    -               10
    -               4
    -               52
    -               19
    -               28
    -               77
    -               1
    -               73
    -               42
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    -               27
    -               78
    -               6
    -               38
    -               18
    -               84
    -               93
    -               3
    -               11
    -               35
    -               92
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    -               63
    -               88
    -               90
    -               6
    -               96
    -               3
    -               14
    -               62
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    -               0
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    -               50
    -               79
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    -               5
    -               98
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    -               93
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    -               38
    -               73
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    -               90
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    -               5
    -               62
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    -               12
    -               89
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    -               70
    -               12
    -               25
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    -               87
    -               88
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    -               69
    -               6
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    -               95
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    -               87
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    -               54
    -               26
    -               20
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    -               37
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    -               6
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    -               73
    -               80
    -               6
    -               67
    -               80
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    -               90
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    -               66
    -               26
    -               26
    -               92
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    -               29
    -               8
    -               74
    -               29
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    -               45
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    -               78
    -               80
    -               29
    -               0
    -               85
    -               2
    -               93
    -               27
    -               2
    -               48
    -               4
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    -               13
    -               89
    -               84
    -               18
    -               42
    -               9
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    -               61
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    -               36
    -               96
    -               90
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    -               84
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    -               53
    -               5
    -               23
    -               64
    -               24
    -               82
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    -               80
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    -               99
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    -               17
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    -               83
    -               17
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    -               90
    -               40
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    -               72
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    -               12
    -               80
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    -               31
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    -               61
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    -               92
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    -               29
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    -               76
    -               89
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    -               86
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    -               87
    -               81
    -               52
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    +          96.0
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    +                            0.04808
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    +                              http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/genes/view/FV6G33050
    +                                  IPR006982
    +                                  IPR027483
    +                                  IPR003409
    +                                  IPR027483
    +                                  IPR027484
    +                                  IPR003409
    +                                  IPR003409
    +                                  IPR003409
    +                                  IPR003409
    +                                  IPR002489
    +                                  IPR003409
    +                                  IPR003409
    +                                  IPR003409
    +                                  IPR017932
    +                                  IPR002932
    +                                  IPR003409
    +                                  IPR016034
    +                                  IPR002489
    +                                  IPR003409
    +                                  IPR003409
    +                                  IPR000583
    +                                  IPR013785
    +                                  IPR013785
    +                                  IPR003409
    +                                  IPR002489
    +                                  IPR002498
    +                                  IPR003409
    +                                  IPR003409
    +                                  IPR002498
    +                          0.00687
    +                          88.0
    +                            0.00335
    +                            14.0
    +                              0.00852
    +                              30.0
    +                                VV08G10190
    +                                0.0541
    +                                    vvi
    +                                  http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/genes/view/VV08G10190
    +                                      IPR002489
    +                                      IPR000583
    +                                      IPR002489
    +                                      IPR006982
    +                                      IPR002932
    +                                      IPR013785
    +                                      IPR013785
    +                                      IPR002489
    +                                      IPR017932
    +                                EG0001G18800
    +                                0.07873
    +                                    egr
    +                                  http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/genes/view/EG0001G18800
    +                                      IPR002489
    +                                      IPR006982
    +                                      IPR002489
    +                                      IPR002932
    +                                      IPR013785
    +                                      IPR017932
    +                                      IPR000583
    +                                      IPR013785
    +                                      IPR002489
    +                              CP00005G01670
    +                              0.0791
    +                                  cpa
    +                                http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/genes/view/CP00005G01670
    +                                    IPR002489
    +                                    IPR013785
    +                                    IPR002489
    +                                    IPR006982
    +                                    IPR017932
    +                                    IPR013785
    +                                    IPR002489
    +                                    IPR002932
    +                                    IPR000583
    +                            0.00173
    +                            55.0
    +                              0.0096
    +                              95.0
    +                                0.02108
    +                                100.0
    +                                  TC0005G13670
    +                                  0.0295
    +                                      tca
    +                                    http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/genes/view/TC0005G13670
    +                                        IPR002489
    +                                        IPR002489
    +                                        IPR000583
    +                                        IPR006982
    +                                        IPR013785
    +                                        IPR013785
    +                                        IPR017932
    +                                        IPR002932
    +                                        IPR002489
    +                                  GR02G22660
    +                                  0.0439
    +                                      gra
    +                                    http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/genes/view/GR02G22660
    +                                        IPR006982
    +                                        IPR002489
    +                                        IPR002932
    +                                        IPR013785
    +                                        IPR002489
    +                                        IPR013785
    +                                        IPR000583
    +                                        IPR002489
    +                                        IPR017932
    +                                CS00537G00010
    +                                0.05842
    +                                    csi
    +                                  http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/genes/view/CS00537G00010
    +                                      IPR002489
    +                                      IPR000583
    +                                      IPR002932
    +                                      IPR002489
    +                                      IPR006982
    +                                      IPR013785
    +                                      IPR017932
    +                                      IPR002489
    +                                      IPR013785
    +                              0.01558
    +                              99.0
    +                                0.02832
    +                                100.0
    +                                  PT16G03690
    +                                  0.02457
    +                                      ptr
    +                                    http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/genes/view/PT16G03690
    +                                        IPR002489
    +                                        IPR006982
    +                                        IPR000583
    +                                        IPR002932
    +                                        IPR017932
    +                                        IPR013785
    +                                        IPR013785
    +                                        IPR002489
    +                                        IPR002489
    +                                  PT06G03840
    +                                  0.02464
    +                                      ptr
    +                                    http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/genes/view/PT06G03840
    +                                        IPR006982
    +                                        IPR002489
    +                                        IPR013785
    +                                        IPR002489
    +                                        IPR013785
    +                                        IPR002932
    +                                        IPR002489
    +                                        IPR017932
    +                                        IPR000583
    +                                0.015
    +                                99.0
    +                                  ME08100G00050
    +                                  0.03509
    +                                      mes
    +                                    http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/genes/view/ME08100G00050
    +                                        IPR006982
    +                                        IPR002932
    +                                        IPR002489
    +                                        IPR013785
    +                                        IPR013785
    +                                        IPR000583
    +                                        IPR002489
    +                                        IPR002489
    +                                        IPR017932
    +                                  RC29612G00060
    +                                  0.04136
    +                                      rco
    +                                    http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/genes/view/RC29612G00060
    +                                        IPR013785
    +                                        IPR013785
    +                                        IPR002489
    +                                        IPR006982
    +                                        IPR002489
    +                                        IPR017932
    +                                        IPR002932
    +                                        IPR000583
    +                                        IPR002489
    +                        0.00713
    +                        78.0
    +                          0.01216
    +                          80.0
    +                            0.0772
    +                            100.0
    +                              SL03G063560
    +                              0.00595
    +                                  sly
    +                                http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/genes/view/SL03G063560
    +                                    IPR006982
    +                                    IPR017932
    +                                    IPR002489
    +                                    IPR002489
    +                                    IPR000583
    +                                    IPR002932
    +                                    IPR013785
    +                                    IPR002489
    +                                    IPR013785
    +                              ST03G019370
    +                              0.0061
    +                                  stu
    +                                http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/genes/view/ST03G019370
    +                                    IPR002489
    +                                    IPR017932
    +                                    IPR002489
    +                                    IPR013785
    +                                    IPR002932
    +                                    IPR013785
    +                                    IPR002489
    +                                    IPR006982
    +                                    IPR000583
    +                            ATR_00063G00700
    +                            0.10731
    +                                atr
    +                              http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/genes/view/ATR_00063G00700
    +                                  IPR002932
    +                                  IPR013785
    +                                  IPR006982
    +                                  IPR013785
    +                                  IPR002489
    +                                  IPR000583
    +                                  IPR002489
    +                                  IPR002489
    +                                  IPR017932
    +                          0.04502
    +                          100.0
    +                            0.0206
    +                            100.0
    +                              GM03G28410
    +                              0.00733
    +                                  gma
    +                                http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/genes/view/GM03G28410
    +                                    IPR000583
    +                                    IPR017932
    +                                    IPR013785
    +                                    IPR006982
    +                                    IPR002489
    +                                    IPR002489
    +                                    IPR002489
    +                                    IPR013785
    +                                    IPR002932
    +                              GM19G31120
    +                              0.01655
    +                                  gma
    +                                http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/genes/view/GM19G31120
    +                                    IPR013785
    +                                    IPR002489
    +                                    IPR017932
    +                                    IPR002932
    +                                    IPR000583
    +                                    IPR002489
    +                                    IPR002489
    +                                    IPR006982
    +                                    IPR013785
    +                            MT7G089970
    +                            0.04336
    +                                mtr
    +                              http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/genes/view/MT7G089970
    +                                  IPR002932
    +                                  IPR002489
    +                                  IPR002489
    +                                  IPR013785
    +                                  IPR006982
    +                                  IPR000583
    +                                  IPR002489
    +                                  IPR017932
    +                                  IPR013785
    +                    0.11417
    +                    100.0
    +                      0.0133
    +                      97.0
    +                        0.00236
    +                        90.0
    +                          AT2G41220
    +                          0.00955
    +                              ath
    +                            http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/genes/view/AT2G41220
    +                                IPR017932
    +                                IPR013785
    +                                IPR013785
    +                                IPR002489
    +                                IPR006982
    +                                IPR002489
    +                                IPR002932
    +                                IPR000583
    +                                IPR002489
    +                          AL4G28170
    +                          0.00563
    +                              aly
    +                            http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/genes/view/AL4G28170
    +                                IPR002489
    +                                IPR002932
    +                                IPR006982
    +                                IPR002489
    +                                IPR017932
    +                                IPR000583
    +                                IPR002489
    +                                IPR013785
    +                                IPR013785
    +                        CRU_004G22730
    +                        0.01323
    +                            cru
    +                          http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/genes/view/CRU_004G22730
    +                              IPR002932
    +                              IPR006982
    +                              IPR013785
    +                              IPR002489
    +                              IPR000583
    +                              IPR002489
    +                              IPR002489
    +                              IPR013785
    +                              IPR017932
    +                      0.00815
    +                      85.0
    +                        0.00334
    +                        84.0
    +                          BR03G20680
    +                          0.01831
    +                              bra
    +                            http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/genes/view/BR03G20680
    +                                IPR002489
    +                                IPR013785
    +                                IPR000583
    +                                IPR002932
    +                                IPR006982
    +                                IPR002489
    +                                IPR013785
    +                                IPR017932
    +                                IPR002489
    +                          BR04G24660
    +                          0.01718
    +                              bra
    +                            http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/genes/view/BR04G24660
    +                                IPR002489
    +                                IPR000583
    +                                IPR013785
    +                                IPR002489
    +                                IPR013785
    +                                IPR002489
    +                                IPR017932
    +                                IPR002932
    +                                IPR006982
    +                        TP4G23520
    +                        0.01211
    +                            tpa
    +                          http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/genes/view/TP4G23520
    +                              IPR002932
    +                              IPR002489
    +                              IPR013785
    +                              IPR006982
    +                              IPR017932
    +                              IPR002489
    +                              IPR000583
    +                              IPR013785
    +                              IPR002489
    +                  BV3G12750
    +                  0.08576
    +                      bvu
    +                    http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/genes/view/BV3G12750
    +                        IPR002489
    +                        IPR002489
    +                        IPR013785
    +                        IPR002932
    +                        IPR000583
    +                        IPR006982
    +                        IPR017932
    +                        IPR002489
    +                        IPR013785
    +                0.09245
    +                100.0
    +                  0.00885
    +                  58.0
    +                    0.01132
    +                    99.0
    +                      0.00272
    +                      83.0
    +                        AL6G03480
    +                        0.01513
    +                            aly
    +                          http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/genes/view/AL6G03480
    +                              IPR002489
    +                              IPR013785
    +                              IPR002489
    +                              IPR013785
    +                              IPR002489
    +                              IPR017932
    +                              IPR013785
    +                              IPR000583
    +                              IPR006982
    +                              IPR002932
    +                        AT5G04140
    +                        0.01881
    +                            ath
    +                          http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/genes/view/AT5G04140
    +                              IPR002489
    +                              IPR002932
    +                              IPR006982
    +                              IPR002489
    +                              IPR013785
    +                              IPR000583
    +                              IPR013785
    +                              IPR002489
    +                              IPR017932
    +                      CRU_006G03010
    +                      0.01351
    +                          cru
    +                        http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/genes/view/CRU_006G03010
    +                            IPR013785
    +                            IPR002489
    +                            IPR000583
    +                            IPR006982
    +                            IPR002932
    +                            IPR002489
    +                            IPR017932
    +                            IPR002489
    +                            IPR013785
    +                    TP6G38610
    +                    0.01709
    +                        tpa
    +                      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/genes/view/TP6G38610
    +                          IPR002489
    +                          IPR017932
    +                          IPR013785
    +                          IPR006982
    +                          IPR002932
    +                          IPR002489
    +                          IPR000583
    +                          IPR002489
    +                          IPR013785
    +                  BR10G27480
    +                  0.01108
    +                      bra
    +                    http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/genes/view/BR10G27480
    +                        IPR013785
    +                        IPR000583
    +                        IPR013785
    +                        IPR002489
    +                        IPR002489
    +                        IPR002932
    +                        IPR006982
    +                        IPR002489
    +                        IPR017932
    +            PP00042G01290
    +            0.19366
    +                ppa
    +              http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/genes/view/PP00042G01290
    +                  IPR000583
    +                  IPR017932
    +                  IPR006982
    +                  IPR002489
    +                  IPR013785
    +                  IPR013785
    +                  IPR002932
    +                  IPR002489
    +                  IPR002489
    +          PP00212G00220
    +          0.12216
    +              ppa
    +            http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/genes/view/PP00212G00220
    +                IPR002489
    +                IPR002932
    +                IPR006982
    +                IPR013785
    +                IPR002489
    +                IPR017932
    +                IPR002489
    +                IPR000583
    +                IPR013785
    +        0.11596
    +        100.0
    +          OL20G02060
    +          0.34122
    +              olu
    +            http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/genes/view/OL20G02060
    +                IPR006982
    +                IPR013785
    +                IPR017932
    +                IPR000583
    +                IPR002489
    +                IPR002489
    +                IPR013785
    +                IPR002932
    +                IPR002489
    +          CR12G06740
    +          0.28998
    +              cre
    +            http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/genes/view/CR12G06740
    +                IPR000583
    +                IPR002932
    +                IPR002489
    +                IPR017932
    +                IPR013785
    +                IPR013785
    +                IPR002489
    +                IPR006982
    +                IPR002489
    +      0x186EB5
    +      Glycine max
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Glycine+max
    +      0x5E610B
    +      Zea mays
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Zea+mays
    +      0x4980AD
    +      Medicago truncatula
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Medicago+truncatula
    +      0x37BD42
    +      Theobroma cacao
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Theobroma+cacao
    +      0x25ACD9
    +      Fragaria vesca
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Fragaria+vesca
    +      0x40FF00
    +      Arabidopsis lyrata
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Arabidopsis+lyrata
    +      0x61210B
    +      Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Chlamydomonas+reinhardtii
    +      0x95C0CF
    +      Citrullus lanatus
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Citrullus+lanatus
    +      0xF7BE81
    +      Oryza sativa ssp. japonica
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Oryza+sativa+ssp.+japonica
    +      0xFE844E
    +      Amborella trichopoda
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Amborella+trichopoda
    +      0x6D68C4
    +      Manihot esculenta
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Manihot+esculenta
    +      0xC8FE2E
    +      Carica papaya
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Carica+papaya
    +      0x516B54
    +      Eucalyptus grandis
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Eucalyptus+grandis
    +      0xD8F6CE
    +      Brassica rapa
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Brassica+rapa
    +      0x610B0B
    +      Ostreococcus lucimarinus
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Ostreococcus+lucimarinus
    +      0x82FA58
    +      Arabidopsis thaliana
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Arabidopsis+thaliana
    +      0xA3389D
    +      Beta vulgaris
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Beta+vulgaris
    +      0x80FF00
    +      Capsella rubella
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Capsella+rubella
    +      0x37BA49
    +      Gossypium raimondii
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Gossypium+raimondii
    +      0xBCF5A9
    +      Thellungiella parvula
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Thellungiella+parvula
    +      0x9D4FB0
    +      Solanum tuberosum
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Solanum+tuberosum
    +      0x8986BF
    +      Ricinus communis
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Ricinus+communis
    +      0xA9C5CF
    +      Cucumis melo
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Cucumis+melo
    +      0x4DB4D6
    +      Malus domestica
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Malus+domestica
    +      0xA378AD
    +      Solanum lycopersicum
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Solanum+lycopersicum
    +      0xFE642E
    +      Physcomitrella patens
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Physcomitrella+patens
    +      0x095C10
    +      Citrus sinensis
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Citrus+sinensis
    +      0x73BAD1
    +      Prunus persica
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Prunus+persica
    +      0xB595CF
    +      Vitis vinifera
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Vitis+vinifera
    +      0x443DC4
    +      Populus trichocarpa
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Populus+trichocarpa
    +      0x6FC3D2
    +      Phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase, core, subgroup
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/interpro/view/IPR016034
    +      0xFCB87B
    +      Class II glutamine amidotransferase domain
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/interpro/view/IPR000583
    +      0x2DFDD8
    +      Aldolase-type TIM barrel
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/interpro/view/IPR013785
    +      0x8F7B5E
    +      Dihydroprymidine dehydrogenase domain II
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/interpro/view/IPR028261
    +      0x2819CC
    +      Alpha-helical ferredoxin
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/interpro/view/IPR009051
    +      0x8372B6
    +      Glutamate synthase, NADH/NADPH, small subunit 1
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/interpro/view/IPR006005
    +      0xABB167
    +      Phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase, N-terminal domain
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/interpro/view/IPR027484
    +      0xABB267
    +      Phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase, C-terminal
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/interpro/view/IPR027483
    +      0xE6FE96
    +      Glutamate synthase, central-C
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/interpro/view/IPR002932
    +      0xB143C9
    +      Glutamine amidotransferase type 2 domain
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/interpro/view/IPR017932
    +      0xF8E893
    +      Pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase, FAD/NAD(P)-binding domain
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/interpro/view/IPR023753
    +      0x6FC3D2
    +      NAD(P)-binding domain
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/interpro/view/IPR016040
    +      0xD9F79B
    +      MORN motif
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/interpro/view/IPR003409
    +      0x6136BE
    +      Glutamate synthase, central-N
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/interpro/view/IPR006982
    +      0x1EFCD8
    +      FAD-dependent pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/interpro/view/IPR013027
    +      0xF5E584
    +      Pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase, NAD-binding domain
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/interpro/view/IPR001327
    +      0xF1FC91
    +      Glutamate synthase, alpha subunit, C-terminal
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/interpro/view/IPR002489
    +      0xF1FC91
    +      Phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase, core
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/interpro/view/IPR002498
    diff --git a/samples/duplication.xml b/submissions/innergraphs.xml
    old mode 100755
    new mode 100644
    similarity index 97%
    rename from samples/duplication.xml
    rename to submissions/innergraphs.xml
    index 5a491db..6df013b
    --- a/samples/duplication.xml
    +++ b/submissions/innergraphs.xml
    @@ -1,2901 +1,2901 @@
    -      n606
    -      0.05772
    -      100.0
    -        Angiosperms
    -        1
    -        n364
    -        0.30545
    -        100.0
    -          Angiosperms
    -          1
    -          n362
    -          0.1586
    -          90.0
    -            Angiosperms
    -            1
    -            n292
    -            0.14002
    -            1.0
    -              Monocots
    -              1
    -              n290
    -              0.9043
    -              100.0
    -                Monocots
    -                1
    -                ZM04G38950
    -                0.18765
    -                  ZM
    -              zma
    -                OS02G07850
    -                0.31196
    -                  OS
    -              osa
    -              ZM05G04990
    -              0.50823
    -                ZM
    -            zma
    -          0.5
    -            n361
    -            0.1759
    -            99.0
    -              Dicots
    -              1
    -              n357
    -              0.03278
    -              82.0
    -                Dicots
    -                1
    -                n355
    -                0.02161
    -                89.0
    -                  Dicots
    -                  1
    -                  n345
    -                  0.0222
    -                  70.0
    -                    Dicots
    -                    1
    -                    n309
    -                    0.0307
    -                    70.0
    -                      Rosids1
    -                      1
    -                      n295
    -                      0.02455
    -                      63.0
    -                        ND_Malvids2
    -                        1
    -                        CS00050G00160
    -                        0.10482
    -                          CS
    -                      csi
    -                        CP00095G00310
    -                        0.19767
    -                          CP
    -                      cpa
    -                      n308
    -                      0.01554
    -                      80.0
    -                        Rosids1
    -                        1
    -                        n300
    -                        0.03234
    -                        72.0
    -                          Rosids1
    -                          1
    -                          n298
    -                          0.02265
    -                          80.0
    -                            Fabids
    -                            1
    -                            PT06G07700
    -                            0.14693
    -                              PT
    -                          ptr
    -                            LJ4G034970
    -                            0.47497
    -                              LJ
    -                          lja
    -                          TC0009G18120
    -                          0.11801
    -                            TC
    -                        tca
    -                        n307
    -                        0.06169
    -                        100.0
    -                          Rosaceae
    -                          1
    -                          n305
    -                          0.02508
    -                          68.0
    -                            Maloideae
    -                            1
    -                            n303
    -                            0.00964
    -                            20.0
    -                              Maloideae
    -                              1
    -                              PPE_004G23710
    -                              0.04686
    -                                PPE
    -                            ppe
    -                              MD05G012680
    -                              0.11939
    -                                MD
    -                            mdo
    -                            MD13G028600
    -                            0.40852
    -                              MD
    -                          mdo
    -                        0.5
    -                          FV4G04120
    -                          0.12172
    -                            FV
    -                        fve
    -                    0
    -                  0
    -                    n344
    -                    0.01579
    -                    54.0
    -                      Dicots
    -                      1
    -                      n342
    -                      0.01128
    -                      75.0
    -                        Dicots
    -                        1
    -                        n330
    -                        0.02456
    -                        56.0
    -                          Dicots
    -                          1
    -                          n328
    -                          0.17209
    -                          100.0
    -                            Brassicaceae
    -                            1
    -                            n320
    -                            0.09844
    -                            100.0
    -                              Brassicaceae
    -                              1
    -                              n314
    -                              0.01791
    -                              86.0
    -                                ND_Brassicaceae1
    -                                1
    -                                n312
    -                                0.01967
    -                                38.0
    -                                  BR
    -                                  1
    -                                  BR07G01540
    -                                  0.14024
    -                                    BR
    -                                bra
    -                                  BR09G10070
    -                                  0.11126
    -                                    BR
    -                                bra
    -                              1
    -                                TP3G32490
    -                                0.11837
    -                                  TP
    -                              tpa
    -                              n319
    -                              0.02181
    -                              66.0
    -                                Camelineae
    -                                1
    -                                n317
    -                                0.04971
    -                                99.0
    -                                  Camelineae
    -                                  1
    -                                  CRU_003G32080
    -                                  0.02153
    -                                    CRU
    -                                cru
    -                                  AT2G19090
    -                                  0.04291
    -                                    AT
    -                                ath
    -                                AL3G40650
    -                                0.0463
    -                                  AL
    -                              aly
    -                            0
    -                            n327
    -                            0.10685
    -                            100.0
    -                              Brassicaceae
    -                              1
    -                              n325
    -                              0.07367
    -                              94.0
    -                                Brassicaceae
    -                                1
    -                                n323
    -                                0.05092
    -                                60.0
    -                                  Brassicaceae
    -                                  1
    -                                  AT4G30130
    -                                  0.14431
    -                                    AT
    -                                ath
    -                                  TP7G27980
    -                                  0.1796
    -                                    TP
    -                                tpa
    -                                AL7G11480
    -                                0.03396
    -                                  AL
    -                              aly
    -                            0
    -                              BR01G07300
    -                              0.23615
    -                                BR
    -                            bra
    -                          0
    -                        0.8
    -                          BV8G06180
    -                          0.27962
    -                            BV
    -                        bvu
    -                        n341
    -                        0.0877
    -                        100.0
    -                          Papilionoideae
    -                          1
    -                          n335
    -                          0.05465
    -                          99.0
    -                            Papilionoideae
    -                            1
    -                            n333
    -                            0.07296
    -                            99.0
    -                              GM
    -                              1
    -                              GM15G17710
    -                              0.05105
    -                                GM
    -                            gma
    -                              GM09G06480
    -                              0.0561
    -                                GM
    -                            gma
    -                          1
    -                            MT2G036920
    -                            0.15216
    -                              MT
    -                          mtr
    -                          n340
    -                          0.03968
    -                          97.0
    -                            Papilionoideae
    -                            1
    -                            n338
    -                            0.06155
    -                            99.0
    -                              GM
    -                              1
    -                              GM17G06810
    -                              0.07395
    -                                GM
    -                            gma
    -                              GM13G00650
    -                              0.06301
    -                                GM
    -                            gma
    -                          1
    -                            MT4G127620
    -                            0.26455
    -                              MT
    -                          mtr
    -                      1
    -                    0
    -                      GR13G24690
    -                      0.25387
    -                        GR
    -                    gra
    -                  0
    -                0
    -                  n354
    -                  0.02848
    -                  88.0
    -                    Rosids1
    -                    1
    -                    n348
    -                    0.08522
    -                    100.0
    -                      Euphorbiaceae
    -                      1
    -                      RC29462G00150
    -                      0.20182
    -                        RC
    -                    rco
    -                      ME06616G00030
    -                      0.13042
    -                        ME
    -                    mes
    -                    n353
    -                    0.03292
    -                    87.0
    -                      Rosids1
    -                      1
    -                      n351
    -                      0.13045
    -                      100.0
    -                        Benincaseae
    -                        1
    -                        CL11G06180
    -                        0.06165
    -                          CL
    -                      cla
    -                        CM00003G01080
    -                        0.0511
    -                          CM
    -                      cme
    -                      EG0003G17730
    -                      0.24612
    -                        EG
    -                    egr
    -                0
    -              0
    -                VV11G00760
    -                0.21326
    -                  VV
    -              vvi
    -            0
    -              n360
    -              0.17838
    -              100.0
    -                Solanum
    -                1
    -                SL07G047830
    -                0.03694
    -                  SL
    -              sly
    -                ST07G017960
    -                0.03641
    -                  ST
    -              stu
    -          0
    -          ATR_00025G02160
    -          0.34948
    -            AT
    -        atr
    -      0.037
    -        n605
    -        0.30895
    -        99.0
    -          Angiosperms
    -          1
    -          n459
    -          0.11709
    -          79.0
    -            Angiosperms
    -            1
    -            n457
    -            0.1268
    -            97.0
    -              Angiosperms
    -              1
    -              n449
    -              0.07374
    -              92.0
    -                Dicots
    -                1
    -                n383
    -                0.20254
    -                100.0
    -                  Rosids
    -                  1
    -                  n381
    -                  0.11978
    -                  93.0
    -                    Rosids1
    -                    1
    -                    n377
    -                    0.0589
    -                    66.0
    -                      Rosids1
    -                      1
    -                      n375
    -                      0.11676
    -                      91.0
    -                        Brassicales
    -                        1
    -                        n373
    -                        0.74918
    -                        100.0
    -                          Brassicaceae
    -                          1
    -                          n369
    -                          0.04325
    -                          81.0
    -                            Camelineae
    -                            1
    -                            n367
    -                            0.06905
    -                            94.0
    -                              Arabidopsis
    -                              1
    -                              AL8G19740
    -                              0.06254
    -                                AL
    -                            aly
    -                              AT5G54480
    -                              0.12498
    -                                AT
    -                            ath
    -                            CRU_001G27430
    -                            0.16235
    -                              CRU
    -                          cru
    -                          n372
    -                          0.12495
    -                          98.0
    -                            ND_Brassicaceae1
    -                            1
    -                            BR10G08040
    -                            0.17957
    -                              BR
    -                          bra
    -                            TP6G16450
    -                            0.22977
    -                              TP
    -                          tpa
    -                        CP00037G00320
    -                        0.48211
    -                          CP
    -                      cpa
    -                      PT05G07020
    -                      0.54356
    -                        PT
    -                    ptr
    -                    n380
    -                    0.07243
    -                    56.0
    -                      Rosids1
    -                      1
    -                      MT3G096950
    -                      0.86208
    -                        MT
    -                    mtr
    -                      TC0001G13710
    -                      0.40171
    -                        TC
    -                    tca
    -                0
    -                  VV07G07430
    -                  0.4773
    -                    VV
    -                vvi
    -                n448
    -                0.03325
    -                61.0
    -                  Dicots
    -                  1
    -                  n446
    -                  0.08892
    -                  99.0
    -                    ND_Dicots
    -                    1
    -                    n408
    -                    0.02784
    -                    3.0
    -                      Rosids1
    -                      1
    -                      n406
    -                      0.02503
    -                      75.0
    -                        Rosids1
    -                        1
    -                        n386
    -                        0.21607
    -                        100.0
    -                          Benincaseae
    -                          1
    -                          CL11G09920
    -                          0.05208
    -                            CL
    -                        cla
    -                          CM00013G01300
    -                          0.05046
    -                            CM
    -                        cme
    -                        n405
    -                        0.16993
    -                        100.0
    -                          Brassicaceae
    -                          1
    -                          n395
    -                          0.04398
    -                          95.0
    -                            Brassicaceae
    -                            1
    -                            n391
    -                            0.02671
    -                            92.0
    -                              Camelineae
    -                              1
    -                              n389
    -                              0.02732
    -                              97.0
    -                                Arabidopsis
    -                                1
    -                                AL1G23010
    -                                0.01489
    -                                  AL
    -                              aly
    -                                AT1G21740
    -                                0.02116
    -                                  AT
    -                              ath
    -                              CRU_001G20310
    -                              0.03004
    -                                CRU
    -                            cru
    -                            n394
    -                            0.02184
    -                            77.0
    -                              ND_Brassicaceae1
    -                              1
    -                              BR06G15900
    -                              0.1221
    -                                BR
    -                            bra
    -                              TP1G19300
    -                              0.05237
    -                                TP
    -                            tpa
    -                          n404
    -                          0.06985
    -                          99.0
    -                            Brassicaceae
    -                            1
    -                            n400
    -                            0.02951
    -                            94.0
    -                              Camelineae
    -                              1
    -                              n398
    -                              0.02418
    -                              95.0
    -                                Arabidopsis
    -                                1
    -                                AT1G77500
    -                                0.09653
    -                                  AT
    -                              ath
    -                                AL2G26460
    -                                0.04458
    -                                  AL
    -                              aly
    -                              CRU_002G23040
    -                              0.05414
    -                                CRU
    -                            cru
    -                            n403
    -                            0.07677
    -                            99.0
    -                              ND_Brassicaceae1
    -                              1
    -                              BR07G32490
    -                              0.21894
    -                                BR
    -                            bra
    -                              TP5G32660
    -                              0.09264
    -                                TP
    -                            tpa
    -                      0.6667
    -                      EG0006G32470
    -                      0.45205
    -                        EG
    -                    egr
    -                  0
    -                    n445
    -                    0.01378
    -                    81.0
    -                      ND_Dicots
    -                      1
    -                      n423
    -                      0.03733
    -                      96.0
    -                        ND_Fabids2
    -                        1
    -                        n415
    -                        0.19945
    -                        100.0
    -                          Papilionoideae
    -                          1
    -                          n413
    -                          0.01219
    -                          33.0
    -                            Papilionoideae
    -                            1
    -                            n411
    -                            0.08429
    -                            100.0
    -                              GM
    -                              1
    -                              GM04G42710
    -                              0.09419
    -                                GM
    -                            gma
    -                              GM06G12070
    -                              0.03247
    -                                GM
    -                            gma
    -                          1
    -                            LJ1G011780
    -                            0.18293
    -                              LJ
    -                          lja
    -                          MT3G088190
    -                          0.14101
    -                            MT
    -                        mtr
    -                      0
    -                        n422
    -                        0.0696
    -                        99.0
    -                          Rosaceae
    -                          1
    -                          n420
    -                          0.04726
    -                          95.0
    -                            Maloideae
    -                            1
    -                            n418
    -                            0.02953
    -                            75.0
    -                              MD
    -                              1
    -                              MD00G501210
    -                              0.13319
    -                                MD
    -                            mdo
    -                              MD08G016360
    -                              0.07462
    -                                MD
    -                            mdo
    -                          1
    -                            PPE_001G49880
    -                            0.04289
    -                              PPE
    -                          ppe
    -                          FV2G29620
    -                          0.19295
    -                            FV
    -                        fve
    -                      n444
    -                      0.01106
    -                      82.0
    -                        ND_Dicots
    -                        1
    -                        n438
    -                        0.01194
    -                        60.0
    -                          Rosids
    -                          1
    -                          n436
    -                          0.01612
    -                          69.0
    -                            Rosids1
    -                            1
    -                            n434
    -                            0.0221
    -                            47.0
    -                              Rosids1
    -                              1
    -                              n430
    -                              0.06957
    -                              99.0
    -                                Malpighiales
    -                                1
    -                                n426
    -                                0.09321
    -                                97.0
    -                                  ME
    -                                  1
    -                                  ME04314G00130
    -                                  0.62361
    -                                    ME
    -                                mes
    -                                  ME07238G00350
    -                                  0.0634
    -                                    ME
    -                                mes
    -                              1
    -                                n429
    -                                0.12123
    -                                100.0
    -                                  PT
    -                                  1
    -                                  PT05G17910
    -                                  0.09879
    -                                    PT
    -                                ptr
    -                                  PT02G08200
    -                                  0.05942
    -                                    PT
    -                                ptr
    -                              1
    -                              n433
    -                              0.08637
    -                              100.0
    -                                Malvales
    -                                1
    -                                TC0008G12380
    -                                0.06206
    -                                  TC
    -                              tca
    -                                GR09G24680
    -                                0.08913
    -                                  GR
    -                              gra
    -                            CP00064G00980
    -                            0.19465
    -                              CP
    -                          cpa
    -                        0
    -                          VV18G01960
    -                          0.25111
    -                            VV
    -                        vvi
    -                        n443
    -                        0.04374
    -                        95.0
    -                          ND_Dicots
    -                          1
    -                          n441
    -                          0.29974
    -                          100.0
    -                            Solanum
    -                            1
    -                            ST06G019360
    -                            0.01477
    -                              ST
    -                          stu
    -                            SL06G060270
    -                            0.01083
    -                              SL
    -                          sly
    -                          CS00004G00610
    -                          0.16418
    -                            CS
    -                        csi
    -                    0
    -                  0
    -                0
    -                  BV1G09480
    -                  0.4475
    -                    BV
    -                bvu
    -            0.36
    -              n456
    -              0.19358
    -              99.0
    -                Monocots
    -                1
    -                n452
    -                0.38637
    -                100.0
    -                  Monocots
    -                  1
    -                  ZM06G24570
    -                  0.13269
    -                    ZM
    -                zma
    -                  OS05G35070
    -                  0.07981
    -                    OS
    -                osa
    -                n455
    -                0.45727
    -                100.0
    -                  Monocots
    -                  1
    -                  ZM08G27480
    -                  0.3039
    -                    ZM
    -                zma
    -                  OS01G72970
    -                  0.27997
    -                    OS
    -                osa
    -            1
    -            ATR_00054G00640
    -            0.42436
    -              AT
    -          atr
    -        0.0385
    -          n604
    -          0.1408
    -          98.0
    -            Angiosperms
    -            1
    -            n476
    -            0.08028
    -            80.0
    -              Monocots
    -              1
    -              n468
    -              0.45703
    -              100.0
    -                Monocots
    -                1
    -                n466
    -                0.06144
    -                46.0
    -                  Monocots
    -                  1
    -                  n464
    -                  0.1713
    -                  100.0
    -                    Monocots
    -                    1
    -                    n462
    -                    0.11715
    -                    100.0
    -                      ZM
    -                      1
    -                      ZM10G22410
    -                      0.10684
    -                        ZM
    -                    zma
    -                      ZM02G07100
    -                      0.07155
    -                        ZM
    -                    zma
    -                  1
    -                    OS04G47480
    -                    0.25951
    -                      OS
    -                  osa
    -                  ZM05G36150
    -                  0.16721
    -                    ZM
    -                zma
    -              0.5
    -                OS02G44900
    -                0.29325
    -                  OS
    -              osa
    -            0.5
    -              n475
    -              0.3422
    -              100.0
    -                Monocots
    -                1
    -                n471
    -                0.15685
    -                100.0
    -                  ZM
    -                  1
    -                  ZM07G21570
    -                  0.05584
    -                    ZM
    -                zma
    -                  ZM02G34610
    -                  0.05087
    -                    ZM
    -                zma
    -              1
    -                n474
    -                0.10373
    -                21.0
    -                  OS
    -                  1
    -                  OS08G43730
    -                  0.35931
    -                    OS
    -                osa
    -                  OS09G37520
    -                  0.13706
    -                    OS
    -                osa
    -              1
    -          1
    -            n603
    -            0.10952
    -            99.0
    -              Dicots
    -              1
    -              n557
    -              0.1194
    -              86.0
    -                Dicots
    -                1
    -                n549
    -                0.03406
    -                98.0
    -                  Dicots
    -                  1
    -                  n547
    -                  0.08923
    -                  76.0
    -                    Rosids
    -                    1
    -                    n541
    -                    0.03685
    -                    78.0
    -                      Rosids
    -                      1
    -                      n523
    -                      0.00962
    -                      94.0
    -                        Rosids
    -                        1
    -                        n507
    -                        0.01388
    -                        81.0
    -                          Rosids1
    -                          1
    -                          n485
    -                          0.08185
    -                          100.0
    -                            Rosaceae
    -                            1
    -                            n483
    -                            0.04904
    -                            94.0
    -                              Maloideae
    -                              1
    -                              n481
    -                              0.04798
    -                              98.0
    -                                MD
    -                                1
    -                                n479
    -                                0.03352
    -                                96.0
    -                                  MD
    -                                  1
    -                                  MD00G513340
    -                                  0.03911
    -                                    MD
    -                                mdo
    -                                  MD14G010560
    -                                  0.1003
    -                                    MD
    -                                mdo
    -                              1
    -                                MD08G010960
    -                                0.07047
    -                                  MD
    -                              mdo
    -                            1
    -                              PPE_008G19290
    -                              0.08962
    -                                PPE
    -                            ppe
    -                            FV2G11680
    -                            0.2443
    -                              FV
    -                          fve
    -                          n506
    -                          0.18684
    -                          100.0
    -                            Brassicaceae
    -                            1
    -                            n496
    -                            0.09507
    -                            99.0
    -                              Brassicaceae
    -                              1
    -                              n490
    -                              0.03958
    -                              90.0
    -                                ND_Brassicaceae1
    -                                1
    -                                n488
    -                                0.0185
    -                                86.0
    -                                  ND_Brassicaceae1
    -                                  1
    -                                  BR01G03050
    -                                  0.15195
    -                                    BR
    -                                bra
    -                                  TP7G33010
    -                                  0.05466
    -                                    TP
    -                                tpa
    -                                BR08G13360
    -                                0.15872
    -                                  BR
    -                              bra
    -                            0.5
    -                              n495
    -                              0.0445
    -                              96.0
    -                                Camelineae
    -                                1
    -                                n493
    -                                0.05905
    -                                89.0
    -                                  Arabidopsis
    -                                  1
    -                                  AL7G05680
    -                                  0.01652
    -                                    AL
    -                                aly
    -                                  AT4G35240
    -                                  0.02892
    -                                    AT
    -                                ath
    -                                CRU_007G04740
    -                                0.05944
    -                                  CRU
    -                              cru
    -                            n505
    -                            0.08204
    -                            98.0
    -                              Brassicaceae
    -                              1
    -                              n501
    -                              0.04879
    -                              97.0
    -                                Camelineae
    -                                1
    -                                n499
    -                                0.09235
    -                                100.0
    -                                  Arabidopsis
    -                                  1
    -                                  AL3G37830
    -                                  0.06968
    -                                    AL
    -                                aly
    -                                  AT2G17110
    -                                  0.0498
    -                                    AT
    -                                ath
    -                                CRU_003G29870
    -                                0.12895
    -                                  CRU
    -                              cru
    -                              n504
    -                              0.03724
    -                              30.0
    -                                ND_Brassicaceae1
    -                                1
    -                                BR06G24810
    -                                0.25075
    -                                  BR
    -                              bra
    -                                TP3G30410
    -                                0.16763
    -                                  TP
    -                              tpa
    -                        0.6667
    -                        n522
    -                        0.03991
    -                        24.0
    -                          Rosids
    -                          1
    -                          n512
    -                          0.07918
    -                          95.0
    -                            Rosids1
    -                            1
    -                            n510
    -                            0.29905
    -                            100.0
    -                              Benincaseae
    -                              1
    -                              CM00020G01860
    -                              0.17877
    -                                CM
    -                            cme
    -                              CL02G11360
    -                              0.08578
    -                                CL
    -                            cla
    -                            EG0009G12380
    -                            0.45761
    -                              EG
    -                          egr
    -                          n521
    -                          0.02029
    -                          100.0
    -                            Rosids
    -                            1
    -                            n519
    -                            0.12403
    -                            100.0
    -                              Malvales
    -                              1
    -                              n517
    -                              0.01114
    -                              43.0
    -                                Malvales
    -                                1
    -                                n515
    -                                0.02416
    -                                93.0
    -                                  GR
    -                                  1
    -                                  GR05G25820
    -                                  0.241
    -                                    GR
    -                                gra
    -                                  GR02G20540
    -                                  0.05378
    -                                    GR
    -                                gra
    -                              1
    -                                TC0002G04530
    -                                0.06995
    -                                  TC
    -                              tca
    -                              GR08G04020
    -                              0.10524
    -                                GR
    -                            gra
    -                          0.5
    -                            VV03G03920
    -                            0.34594
    -                              VV
    -                          vvi
    -                      0
    -                    0
    -                      n540
    -                      0.01476
    -                      68.0
    -                        Rosids1
    -                        1
    -                        n526
    -                        0.1416
    -                        100.0
    -                          Benincaseae
    -                          1
    -                          CL02G03540
    -                          0.02729
    -                            CL
    -                        cla
    -                          CM00019G01720
    -                          0.04286
    -                            CM
    -                        cme
    -                        n539
    -                        0.03619
    -                        95.0
    -                          Rosids1
    -                          1
    -                          n537
    -                          0.00555
    -                          57.0
    -                            Rosids1
    -                            1
    -                            n535
    -                            0.04956
    -                            98.0
    -                              Malpighiales
    -                              1
    -                              n529
    -                              0.03297
    -                              91.0
    -                                PT
    -                                1
    -                                PT09G14290
    -                                0.15115
    -                                  PT
    -                              ptr
    -                                PT04G18290
    -                                0.11515
    -                                  PT
    -                              ptr
    -                            1
    -                              n534
    -                              0.11909
    -                              100.0
    -                                Euphorbiaceae
    -                                1
    -                                n532
    -                                0.06063
    -                                97.0
    -                                  ME
    -                                  1
    -                                  ME09460G00330
    -                                  0.07949
    -                                    ME
    -                                mes
    -                                  ME07579G00030
    -                                  0.21031
    -                                    ME
    -                                mes
    -                              1
    -                                RC29797G00170
    -                                0.16143
    -                                  RC
    -                              rco
    -                            CS00023G01650
    -                            0.37068
    -                              CS
    -                          csi
    -                          CP00020G01810
    -                          0.26739
    -                            CP
    -                        cpa
    -                      0
    -                    0
    -                  0.1053
    -                    n546
    -                    0.1639
    -                    100.0
    -                      Papilionoideae
    -                      1
    -                      n544
    -                      0.08355
    -                      95.0
    -                        GM
    -                        1
    -                        GM14G00530
    -                        0.05973
    -                          GM
    -                      gma
    -                        GM02G48040
    -                        0.06629
    -                          GM
    -                      gma
    -                    1
    -                      MT5G098980
    -                      0.19315
    -                        MT
    -                    mtr
    -                0
    -                  BV9G01170
    -                  0.45998
    -                    BV
    -                bvu
    -                n556
    -                0.11499
    -                100.0
    -                  Solanum
    -                  1
    -                  n552
    -                  0.10912
    -                  100.0
    -                    Solanum
    -                    1
    -                    SL01G112050
    -                    0.01272
    -                      SL
    -                  sly
    -                    ST01G049470
    -                    0.02966
    -                      ST
    -                  stu
    -                  n555
    -                  0.15254
    -                  100.0
    -                    Solanum
    -                    1
    -                    ST10G017370
    -                    0.01239
    -                      ST
    -                  stu
    -                    SL10G074470
    -                    0.04013
    -                      SL
    -                  sly
    -              1
    -            0
    -              n602
    -              0.17222
    -              100.0
    -                Rosids
    -                1
    -                n600
    -                0.07825
    -                82.0
    -                  Rosids1
    -                  1
    -                  n598
    -                  0.03057
    -                  14.0
    -                    Rosids1
    -                    1
    -                    n564
    -                    0.81709
    -                    100.0
    -                      Brassicaceae
    -                      1
    -                      n562
    -                      0.02499
    -                      11.0
    -                        Brassicaceae
    -                        1
    -                        n560
    -                        0.09867
    -                        50.0
    -                          Brassicaceae
    -                          1
    -                          TP1G18240
    -                          0.20496
    -                            TP
    -                        tpa
    -                          CRU_001G19190
    -                          0.16697
    -                            CRU
    -                        cru
    -                        AL1G21650
    -                        0.15178
    -                          AL
    -                      aly
    -                    0
    -                      AT1G20530
    -                      0.09656
    -                        AT
    -                    ath
    -                  0
    -                    n597
    -                    0.05514
    -                    70.0
    -                      Rosids1
    -                      1
    -                      n579
    -                      0.05612
    -                      88.0
    -                        ND_Fabids2
    -                        1
    -                        n569
    -                        0.2887
    -                        100.0
    -                          Rosaceae
    -                          1
    -                          n567
    -                          0.18644
    -                          99.0
    -                            Maloideae
    -                            1
    -                            PPE_001G36390
    -                            0.26799
    -                              PPE
    -                          ppe
    -                            MD08G000350
    -                            0.31656
    -                              MD
    -                          mdo
    -                          FV2G37480
    -                          0.43688
    -                            FV
    -                        fve
    -                        n578
    -                        0.09393
    -                        8.0
    -                          ND_Fabids2
    -                          1
    -                          n572
    -                          0.87796
    -                          100.0
    -                            Benincaseae
    -                            1
    -                            CL08G09340
    -                            0.20696
    -                              CL
    -                          cla
    -                            CM00096G00530
    -                            0.09223
    -                              CM
    -                          cme
    -                          n577
    -                          0.36146
    -                          100.0
    -                            Papilionoideae
    -                            1
    -                            n575
    -                            0.13201
    -                            98.0
    -                              GM
    -                              1
    -                              GM06G02181
    -                              0.08784
    -                                GM
    -                            gma
    -                              GM04G02080
    -                              0.10599
    -                                GM
    -                            gma
    -                          1
    -                            MT3G115120
    -                            0.45262
    -                              MT
    -                          mtr
    -                    0
    -                      n596
    -                      0.03586
    -                      84.0
    -                        Rosids1
    -                        1
    -                        n594
    -                        0.05828
    -                        93.0
    -                          Rosids1
    -                          1
    -                          n584
    -                          0.01945
    -                          48.0
    -                            ND_Malvids1
    -                            1
    -                            n582
    -                            0.15156
    -                            99.0
    -                              Malvales
    -                              1
    -                              GR09G18850
    -                              0.3289
    -                                GR
    -                            gra
    -                              TC0008G05520
    -                              0.22099
    -                                TC
    -                            tca
    -                            CP00026G02120
    -                            0.54604
    -                              CP
    -                          cpa
    -                          n593
    -                          0.17979
    -                          100.0
    -                            Malpighiales
    -                            1
    -                            n587
    -                            0.19606
    -                            100.0
    -                              PT
    -                              1
    -                              PT05G24940
    -                              0.17069
    -                                PT
    -                            ptr
    -                              PT02G01170
    -                              0.25686
    -                                PT
    -                            ptr
    -                          1
    -                            n592
    -                            0.13169
    -                            99.0
    -                              Euphorbiaceae
    -                              1
    -                              n590
    -                              0.05815
    -                              95.0
    -                                ME
    -                                1
    -                                ME02943G00870
    -                                0.2694
    -                                  ME
    -                              mes
    -                                ME06708G00140
    -                                0.18961
    -                                  ME
    -                              mes
    -                            1
    -                              RC30170G06600
    -                              0.25236
    -                                RC
    -                            rco
    -                        CS00002G06430
    -                        0.4892
    -                          CS
    -                      csi
    -                    0
    -                  0
    -                0
    -                  EG0006G30230
    -                  0.82331
    -                    EG
    -                egr
    -              0
    -                VV18G00680
    -                0.50047
    -                  VV
    -              vvi
    -          0.6923
    -      0.7667
    -  0.8333
    -    Duplication
    -           Consistency score
    -           0xFF0000
    -           0x00FF00
    -        0
    -        1
    -    Speciations
    -           Speciations
    -           0x00FF00
    -           circle
    +      n606
    +      0.05772
    +      100.0
    +        Angiosperms
    +        1
    +        n364
    +        0.30545
    +        100.0
    +          Angiosperms
    +          1
    +          n362
    +          0.1586
    +          90.0
    +            Angiosperms
    +            1
    +            n292
    +            0.14002
    +            1.0
    +              Monocots
    +              1
    +              n290
    +              0.9043
    +              100.0
    +                Monocots
    +                1
    +                ZM04G38950
    +                0.18765
    +                  ZM
    +              zma
    +                OS02G07850
    +                0.31196
    +                  OS
    +              osa
    +              ZM05G04990
    +              0.50823
    +                ZM
    +            zma
    +          0.5
    +            n361
    +            0.1759
    +            99.0
    +              Dicots
    +              1
    +              n357
    +              0.03278
    +              82.0
    +                Dicots
    +                1
    +                n355
    +                0.02161
    +                89.0
    +                  Dicots
    +                  1
    +                  n345
    +                  0.0222
    +                  70.0
    +                    Dicots
    +                    1
    +                    n309
    +                    0.0307
    +                    70.0
    +                      Rosids1
    +                      1
    +                      n295
    +                      0.02455
    +                      63.0
    +                        ND_Malvids2
    +                        1
    +                        CS00050G00160
    +                        0.10482
    +                          CS
    +                      csi
    +                        CP00095G00310
    +                        0.19767
    +                          CP
    +                      cpa
    +                      n308
    +                      0.01554
    +                      80.0
    +                        Rosids1
    +                        1
    +                        n300
    +                        0.03234
    +                        72.0
    +                          Rosids1
    +                          1
    +                          n298
    +                          0.02265
    +                          80.0
    +                            Fabids
    +                            1
    +                            PT06G07700
    +                            0.14693
    +                              PT
    +                          ptr
    +                            LJ4G034970
    +                            0.47497
    +                              LJ
    +                          lja
    +                          TC0009G18120
    +                          0.11801
    +                            TC
    +                        tca
    +                        n307
    +                        0.06169
    +                        100.0
    +                          Rosaceae
    +                          1
    +                          n305
    +                          0.02508
    +                          68.0
    +                            Maloideae
    +                            1
    +                            n303
    +                            0.00964
    +                            20.0
    +                              Maloideae
    +                              1
    +                              PPE_004G23710
    +                              0.04686
    +                                PPE
    +                            ppe
    +                              MD05G012680
    +                              0.11939
    +                                MD
    +                            mdo
    +                            MD13G028600
    +                            0.40852
    +                              MD
    +                          mdo
    +                        0.5
    +                          FV4G04120
    +                          0.12172
    +                            FV
    +                        fve
    +                    0
    +                  0
    +                    n344
    +                    0.01579
    +                    54.0
    +                      Dicots
    +                      1
    +                      n342
    +                      0.01128
    +                      75.0
    +                        Dicots
    +                        1
    +                        n330
    +                        0.02456
    +                        56.0
    +                          Dicots
    +                          1
    +                          n328
    +                          0.17209
    +                          100.0
    +                            Brassicaceae
    +                            1
    +                            n320
    +                            0.09844
    +                            100.0
    +                              Brassicaceae
    +                              1
    +                              n314
    +                              0.01791
    +                              86.0
    +                                ND_Brassicaceae1
    +                                1
    +                                n312
    +                                0.01967
    +                                38.0
    +                                  BR
    +                                  1
    +                                  BR07G01540
    +                                  0.14024
    +                                    BR
    +                                bra
    +                                  BR09G10070
    +                                  0.11126
    +                                    BR
    +                                bra
    +                              1
    +                                TP3G32490
    +                                0.11837
    +                                  TP
    +                              tpa
    +                              n319
    +                              0.02181
    +                              66.0
    +                                Camelineae
    +                                1
    +                                n317
    +                                0.04971
    +                                99.0
    +                                  Camelineae
    +                                  1
    +                                  CRU_003G32080
    +                                  0.02153
    +                                    CRU
    +                                cru
    +                                  AT2G19090
    +                                  0.04291
    +                                    AT
    +                                ath
    +                                AL3G40650
    +                                0.0463
    +                                  AL
    +                              aly
    +                            0
    +                            n327
    +                            0.10685
    +                            100.0
    +                              Brassicaceae
    +                              1
    +                              n325
    +                              0.07367
    +                              94.0
    +                                Brassicaceae
    +                                1
    +                                n323
    +                                0.05092
    +                                60.0
    +                                  Brassicaceae
    +                                  1
    +                                  AT4G30130
    +                                  0.14431
    +                                    AT
    +                                ath
    +                                  TP7G27980
    +                                  0.1796
    +                                    TP
    +                                tpa
    +                                AL7G11480
    +                                0.03396
    +                                  AL
    +                              aly
    +                            0
    +                              BR01G07300
    +                              0.23615
    +                                BR
    +                            bra
    +                          0
    +                        0.8
    +                          BV8G06180
    +                          0.27962
    +                            BV
    +                        bvu
    +                        n341
    +                        0.0877
    +                        100.0
    +                          Papilionoideae
    +                          1
    +                          n335
    +                          0.05465
    +                          99.0
    +                            Papilionoideae
    +                            1
    +                            n333
    +                            0.07296
    +                            99.0
    +                              GM
    +                              1
    +                              GM15G17710
    +                              0.05105
    +                                GM
    +                            gma
    +                              GM09G06480
    +                              0.0561
    +                                GM
    +                            gma
    +                          1
    +                            MT2G036920
    +                            0.15216
    +                              MT
    +                          mtr
    +                          n340
    +                          0.03968
    +                          97.0
    +                            Papilionoideae
    +                            1
    +                            n338
    +                            0.06155
    +                            99.0
    +                              GM
    +                              1
    +                              GM17G06810
    +                              0.07395
    +                                GM
    +                            gma
    +                              GM13G00650
    +                              0.06301
    +                                GM
    +                            gma
    +                          1
    +                            MT4G127620
    +                            0.26455
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    +                          mtr
    +                      1
    +                    0
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    +                      0.25387
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    +                    gra
    +                  0
    +                0
    +                  n354
    +                  0.02848
    +                  88.0
    +                    Rosids1
    +                    1
    +                    n348
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    +                    100.0
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    +                      1
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    +                      0.20182
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    +                    rco
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    +                      0.13042
    +                        ME
    +                    mes
    +                    n353
    +                    0.03292
    +                    87.0
    +                      Rosids1
    +                      1
    +                      n351
    +                      0.13045
    +                      100.0
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    +                        1
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    +                        0.06165
    +                          CL
    +                      cla
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    +                    egr
    +                0
    +              0
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    +            0
    +              n360
    +              0.17838
    +              100.0
    +                Solanum
    +                1
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    +                0.03694
    +                  SL
    +              sly
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    +                0.03641
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    +              stu
    +          0
    +          ATR_00025G02160
    +          0.34948
    +            AT
    +        atr
    +      0.037
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    +        0.30895
    +        99.0
    +          Angiosperms
    +          1
    +          n459
    +          0.11709
    +          79.0
    +            Angiosperms
    +            1
    +            n457
    +            0.1268
    +            97.0
    +              Angiosperms
    +              1
    +              n449
    +              0.07374
    +              92.0
    +                Dicots
    +                1
    +                n383
    +                0.20254
    +                100.0
    +                  Rosids
    +                  1
    +                  n381
    +                  0.11978
    +                  93.0
    +                    Rosids1
    +                    1
    +                    n377
    +                    0.0589
    +                    66.0
    +                      Rosids1
    +                      1
    +                      n375
    +                      0.11676
    +                      91.0
    +                        Brassicales
    +                        1
    +                        n373
    +                        0.74918
    +                        100.0
    +                          Brassicaceae
    +                          1
    +                          n369
    +                          0.04325
    +                          81.0
    +                            Camelineae
    +                            1
    +                            n367
    +                            0.06905
    +                            94.0
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    +                              1
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    +                              0.06254
    +                                AL
    +                            aly
    +                              AT5G54480
    +                              0.12498
    +                                AT
    +                            ath
    +                            CRU_001G27430
    +                            0.16235
    +                              CRU
    +                          cru
    +                          n372
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    +                          98.0
    +                            ND_Brassicaceae1
    +                            1
    +                            BR10G08040
    +                            0.17957
    +                              BR
    +                          bra
    +                            TP6G16450
    +                            0.22977
    +                              TP
    +                          tpa
    +                        CP00037G00320
    +                        0.48211
    +                          CP
    +                      cpa
    +                      PT05G07020
    +                      0.54356
    +                        PT
    +                    ptr
    +                    n380
    +                    0.07243
    +                    56.0
    +                      Rosids1
    +                      1
    +                      MT3G096950
    +                      0.86208
    +                        MT
    +                    mtr
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    +                      0.40171
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    +                    tca
    +                0
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    +                  0.4773
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    +                vvi
    +                n448
    +                0.03325
    +                61.0
    +                  Dicots
    +                  1
    +                  n446
    +                  0.08892
    +                  99.0
    +                    ND_Dicots
    +                    1
    +                    n408
    +                    0.02784
    +                    3.0
    +                      Rosids1
    +                      1
    +                      n406
    +                      0.02503
    +                      75.0
    +                        Rosids1
    +                        1
    +                        n386
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    +                        100.0
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    +                          1
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    +                          0.05208
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    +                        cla
    +                          CM00013G01300
    +                          0.05046
    +                            CM
    +                        cme
    +                        n405
    +                        0.16993
    +                        100.0
    +                          Brassicaceae
    +                          1
    +                          n395
    +                          0.04398
    +                          95.0
    +                            Brassicaceae
    +                            1
    +                            n391
    +                            0.02671
    +                            92.0
    +                              Camelineae
    +                              1
    +                              n389
    +                              0.02732
    +                              97.0
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    +                                1
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    +                                0.01489
    +                                  AL
    +                              aly
    +                                AT1G21740
    +                                0.02116
    +                                  AT
    +                              ath
    +                              CRU_001G20310
    +                              0.03004
    +                                CRU
    +                            cru
    +                            n394
    +                            0.02184
    +                            77.0
    +                              ND_Brassicaceae1
    +                              1
    +                              BR06G15900
    +                              0.1221
    +                                BR
    +                            bra
    +                              TP1G19300
    +                              0.05237
    +                                TP
    +                            tpa
    +                          n404
    +                          0.06985
    +                          99.0
    +                            Brassicaceae
    +                            1
    +                            n400
    +                            0.02951
    +                            94.0
    +                              Camelineae
    +                              1
    +                              n398
    +                              0.02418
    +                              95.0
    +                                Arabidopsis
    +                                1
    +                                AT1G77500
    +                                0.09653
    +                                  AT
    +                              ath
    +                                AL2G26460
    +                                0.04458
    +                                  AL
    +                              aly
    +                              CRU_002G23040
    +                              0.05414
    +                                CRU
    +                            cru
    +                            n403
    +                            0.07677
    +                            99.0
    +                              ND_Brassicaceae1
    +                              1
    +                              BR07G32490
    +                              0.21894
    +                                BR
    +                            bra
    +                              TP5G32660
    +                              0.09264
    +                                TP
    +                            tpa
    +                      0.6667
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    +                      0.45205
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    +                    egr
    +                  0
    +                    n445
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    +                    81.0
    +                      ND_Dicots
    +                      1
    +                      n423
    +                      0.03733
    +                      96.0
    +                        ND_Fabids2
    +                        1
    +                        n415
    +                        0.19945
    +                        100.0
    +                          Papilionoideae
    +                          1
    +                          n413
    +                          0.01219
    +                          33.0
    +                            Papilionoideae
    +                            1
    +                            n411
    +                            0.08429
    +                            100.0
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    +                              1
    +                              GM04G42710
    +                              0.09419
    +                                GM
    +                            gma
    +                              GM06G12070
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    +                                GM
    +                            gma
    +                          1
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    +                            0.18293
    +                              LJ
    +                          lja
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    +                          0.14101
    +                            MT
    +                        mtr
    +                      0
    +                        n422
    +                        0.0696
    +                        99.0
    +                          Rosaceae
    +                          1
    +                          n420
    +                          0.04726
    +                          95.0
    +                            Maloideae
    +                            1
    +                            n418
    +                            0.02953
    +                            75.0
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    +                              1
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    +                              0.13319
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    +                            mdo
    +                              MD08G016360
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    +                                MD
    +                            mdo
    +                          1
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    +                            0.04289
    +                              PPE
    +                          ppe
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    +                          0.19295
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    +                        fve
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    +                      82.0
    +                        ND_Dicots
    +                        1
    +                        n438
    +                        0.01194
    +                        60.0
    +                          Rosids
    +                          1
    +                          n436
    +                          0.01612
    +                          69.0
    +                            Rosids1
    +                            1
    +                            n434
    +                            0.0221
    +                            47.0
    +                              Rosids1
    +                              1
    +                              n430
    +                              0.06957
    +                              99.0
    +                                Malpighiales
    +                                1
    +                                n426
    +                                0.09321
    +                                97.0
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    +                                  1
    +                                  ME04314G00130
    +                                  0.62361
    +                                    ME
    +                                mes
    +                                  ME07238G00350
    +                                  0.0634
    +                                    ME
    +                                mes
    +                              1
    +                                n429
    +                                0.12123
    +                                100.0
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    +                                  1
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    +                                  0.09879
    +                                    PT
    +                                ptr
    +                                  PT02G08200
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    +                                    PT
    +                                ptr
    +                              1
    +                              n433
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    +                              100.0
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    +                                1
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    +                                0.06206
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    +                                0.08913
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    +                              gra
    +                            CP00064G00980
    +                            0.19465
    +                              CP
    +                          cpa
    +                        0
    +                          VV18G01960
    +                          0.25111
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    +                        95.0
    +                          ND_Dicots
    +                          1
    +                          n441
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    +                          100.0
    +                            Solanum
    +                            1
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    +                          stu
    +                            SL06G060270
    +                            0.01083
    +                              SL
    +                          sly
    +                          CS00004G00610
    +                          0.16418
    +                            CS
    +                        csi
    +                    0
    +                  0
    +                0
    +                  BV1G09480
    +                  0.4475
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    +                bvu
    +            0.36
    +              n456
    +              0.19358
    +              99.0
    +                Monocots
    +                1
    +                n452
    +                0.38637
    +                100.0
    +                  Monocots
    +                  1
    +                  ZM06G24570
    +                  0.13269
    +                    ZM
    +                zma
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    +                  0.07981
    +                    OS
    +                osa
    +                n455
    +                0.45727
    +                100.0
    +                  Monocots
    +                  1
    +                  ZM08G27480
    +                  0.3039
    +                    ZM
    +                zma
    +                  OS01G72970
    +                  0.27997
    +                    OS
    +                osa
    +            1
    +            ATR_00054G00640
    +            0.42436
    +              AT
    +          atr
    +        0.0385
    +          n604
    +          0.1408
    +          98.0
    +            Angiosperms
    +            1
    +            n476
    +            0.08028
    +            80.0
    +              Monocots
    +              1
    +              n468
    +              0.45703
    +              100.0
    +                Monocots
    +                1
    +                n466
    +                0.06144
    +                46.0
    +                  Monocots
    +                  1
    +                  n464
    +                  0.1713
    +                  100.0
    +                    Monocots
    +                    1
    +                    n462
    +                    0.11715
    +                    100.0
    +                      ZM
    +                      1
    +                      ZM10G22410
    +                      0.10684
    +                        ZM
    +                    zma
    +                      ZM02G07100
    +                      0.07155
    +                        ZM
    +                    zma
    +                  1
    +                    OS04G47480
    +                    0.25951
    +                      OS
    +                  osa
    +                  ZM05G36150
    +                  0.16721
    +                    ZM
    +                zma
    +              0.5
    +                OS02G44900
    +                0.29325
    +                  OS
    +              osa
    +            0.5
    +              n475
    +              0.3422
    +              100.0
    +                Monocots
    +                1
    +                n471
    +                0.15685
    +                100.0
    +                  ZM
    +                  1
    +                  ZM07G21570
    +                  0.05584
    +                    ZM
    +                zma
    +                  ZM02G34610
    +                  0.05087
    +                    ZM
    +                zma
    +              1
    +                n474
    +                0.10373
    +                21.0
    +                  OS
    +                  1
    +                  OS08G43730
    +                  0.35931
    +                    OS
    +                osa
    +                  OS09G37520
    +                  0.13706
    +                    OS
    +                osa
    +              1
    +          1
    +            n603
    +            0.10952
    +            99.0
    +              Dicots
    +              1
    +              n557
    +              0.1194
    +              86.0
    +                Dicots
    +                1
    +                n549
    +                0.03406
    +                98.0
    +                  Dicots
    +                  1
    +                  n547
    +                  0.08923
    +                  76.0
    +                    Rosids
    +                    1
    +                    n541
    +                    0.03685
    +                    78.0
    +                      Rosids
    +                      1
    +                      n523
    +                      0.00962
    +                      94.0
    +                        Rosids
    +                        1
    +                        n507
    +                        0.01388
    +                        81.0
    +                          Rosids1
    +                          1
    +                          n485
    +                          0.08185
    +                          100.0
    +                            Rosaceae
    +                            1
    +                            n483
    +                            0.04904
    +                            94.0
    +                              Maloideae
    +                              1
    +                              n481
    +                              0.04798
    +                              98.0
    +                                MD
    +                                1
    +                                n479
    +                                0.03352
    +                                96.0
    +                                  MD
    +                                  1
    +                                  MD00G513340
    +                                  0.03911
    +                                    MD
    +                                mdo
    +                                  MD14G010560
    +                                  0.1003
    +                                    MD
    +                                mdo
    +                              1
    +                                MD08G010960
    +                                0.07047
    +                                  MD
    +                              mdo
    +                            1
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    +                              0.08962
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    +                            ppe
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    +                            0.2443
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    +                          n506
    +                          0.18684
    +                          100.0
    +                            Brassicaceae
    +                            1
    +                            n496
    +                            0.09507
    +                            99.0
    +                              Brassicaceae
    +                              1
    +                              n490
    +                              0.03958
    +                              90.0
    +                                ND_Brassicaceae1
    +                                1
    +                                n488
    +                                0.0185
    +                                86.0
    +                                  ND_Brassicaceae1
    +                                  1
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    +                                  0.15195
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    +                                bra
    +                                  TP7G33010
    +                                  0.05466
    +                                    TP
    +                                tpa
    +                                BR08G13360
    +                                0.15872
    +                                  BR
    +                              bra
    +                            0.5
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    +                              0.0445
    +                              96.0
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    +                                1
    +                                n493
    +                                0.05905
    +                                89.0
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    +                                  1
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    +                                  0.01652
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    +                                aly
    +                                  AT4G35240
    +                                  0.02892
    +                                    AT
    +                                ath
    +                                CRU_007G04740
    +                                0.05944
    +                                  CRU
    +                              cru
    +                            n505
    +                            0.08204
    +                            98.0
    +                              Brassicaceae
    +                              1
    +                              n501
    +                              0.04879
    +                              97.0
    +                                Camelineae
    +                                1
    +                                n499
    +                                0.09235
    +                                100.0
    +                                  Arabidopsis
    +                                  1
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    +                                  0.06968
    +                                    AL
    +                                aly
    +                                  AT2G17110
    +                                  0.0498
    +                                    AT
    +                                ath
    +                                CRU_003G29870
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    +                                  CRU
    +                              cru
    +                              n504
    +                              0.03724
    +                              30.0
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    +                                1
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    +                                  BR
    +                              bra
    +                                TP3G30410
    +                                0.16763
    +                                  TP
    +                              tpa
    +                        0.6667
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    +                        0.03991
    +                        24.0
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    +                          1
    +                          n512
    +                          0.07918
    +                          95.0
    +                            Rosids1
    +                            1
    +                            n510
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    +                            100.0
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    +                              1
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    +                              0.17877
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    +                            cla
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    +                            1
    +                            n519
    +                            0.12403
    +                            100.0
    +                              Malvales
    +                              1
    +                              n517
    +                              0.01114
    +                              43.0
    +                                Malvales
    +                                1
    +                                n515
    +                                0.02416
    +                                93.0
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    +                                  1
    +                                  GR05G25820
    +                                  0.241
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    +                                gra
    +                                  GR02G20540
    +                                  0.05378
    +                                    GR
    +                                gra
    +                              1
    +                                TC0002G04530
    +                                0.06995
    +                                  TC
    +                              tca
    +                              GR08G04020
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    +                                GR
    +                            gra
    +                          0.5
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    +                          vvi
    +                      0
    +                    0
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    +                      68.0
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    +                        1
    +                        n526
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    +                        100.0
    +                          Benincaseae
    +                          1
    +                          CL02G03540
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    +                            CL
    +                        cla
    +                          CM00019G01720
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    +                        cme
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    +                        95.0
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    +                          1
    +                          n537
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    +                          57.0
    +                            Rosids1
    +                            1
    +                            n535
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    +                            98.0
    +                              Malpighiales
    +                              1
    +                              n529
    +                              0.03297
    +                              91.0
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    +                                1
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    +                                  PT
    +                              ptr
    +                                PT04G18290
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    +                                  PT
    +                              ptr
    +                            1
    +                              n534
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    +                              100.0
    +                                Euphorbiaceae
    +                                1
    +                                n532
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    +                                97.0
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    +                                  1
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    +                                mes
    +                                  ME07579G00030
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    +                                    ME
    +                                mes
    +                              1
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    +                            0.37068
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    +                          csi
    +                          CP00020G01810
    +                          0.26739
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    +                      0
    +                    0
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    +                    0.1639
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    +                      1
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    +                      0.08355
    +                      95.0
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    +                        1
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    +                          GM
    +                      gma
    +                        GM02G48040
    +                        0.06629
    +                          GM
    +                      gma
    +                    1
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    +                      0.19315
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    +                0
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    +                  0.45998
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    +                bvu
    +                n556
    +                0.11499
    +                100.0
    +                  Solanum
    +                  1
    +                  n552
    +                  0.10912
    +                  100.0
    +                    Solanum
    +                    1
    +                    SL01G112050
    +                    0.01272
    +                      SL
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    +                    0.02966
    +                      ST
    +                  stu
    +                  n555
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    +                  100.0
    +                    Solanum
    +                    1
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    +                    0.01239
    +                      ST
    +                  stu
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    +                    0.04013
    +                      SL
    +                  sly
    +              1
    +            0
    +              n602
    +              0.17222
    +              100.0
    +                Rosids
    +                1
    +                n600
    +                0.07825
    +                82.0
    +                  Rosids1
    +                  1
    +                  n598
    +                  0.03057
    +                  14.0
    +                    Rosids1
    +                    1
    +                    n564
    +                    0.81709
    +                    100.0
    +                      Brassicaceae
    +                      1
    +                      n562
    +                      0.02499
    +                      11.0
    +                        Brassicaceae
    +                        1
    +                        n560
    +                        0.09867
    +                        50.0
    +                          Brassicaceae
    +                          1
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    +                        cru
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    +                        0.15178
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    +                      aly
    +                    0
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    +                      0.09656
    +                        AT
    +                    ath
    +                  0
    +                    n597
    +                    0.05514
    +                    70.0
    +                      Rosids1
    +                      1
    +                      n579
    +                      0.05612
    +                      88.0
    +                        ND_Fabids2
    +                        1
    +                        n569
    +                        0.2887
    +                        100.0
    +                          Rosaceae
    +                          1
    +                          n567
    +                          0.18644
    +                          99.0
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    +                            1
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    +                        8.0
    +                          ND_Fabids2
    +                          1
    +                          n572
    +                          0.87796
    +                          100.0
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    +                            1
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    +                            0.09223
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    +                          n577
    +                          0.36146
    +                          100.0
    +                            Papilionoideae
    +                            1
    +                            n575
    +                            0.13201
    +                            98.0
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    +                              1
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    +                              0.08784
    +                                GM
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    +                                GM
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    +                          1
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    +                    0
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    +                      0.03586
    +                      84.0
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    +                        1
    +                        n594
    +                        0.05828
    +                        93.0
    +                          Rosids1
    +                          1
    +                          n584
    +                          0.01945
    +                          48.0
    +                            ND_Malvids1
    +                            1
    +                            n582
    +                            0.15156
    +                            99.0
    +                              Malvales
    +                              1
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    +                              0.3289
    +                                GR
    +                            gra
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    +                              0.22099
    +                                TC
    +                            tca
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    +                            0.54604
    +                              CP
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    +                          n593
    +                          0.17979
    +                          100.0
    +                            Malpighiales
    +                            1
    +                            n587
    +                            0.19606
    +                            100.0
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    +                              1
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    +                              0.17069
    +                                PT
    +                            ptr
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    +                              0.25686
    +                                PT
    +                            ptr
    +                          1
    +                            n592
    +                            0.13169
    +                            99.0
    +                              Euphorbiaceae
    +                              1
    +                              n590
    +                              0.05815
    +                              95.0
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    +                                1
    +                                ME02943G00870
    +                                0.2694
    +                                  ME
    +                              mes
    +                                ME06708G00140
    +                                0.18961
    +                                  ME
    +                              mes
    +                            1
    +                              RC30170G06600
    +                              0.25236
    +                                RC
    +                            rco
    +                        CS00002G06430
    +                        0.4892
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    +                      csi
    +                    0
    +                  0
    +                0
    +                  EG0006G30230
    +                  0.82331
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    +                egr
    +              0
    +                VV18G00680
    +                0.50047
    +                  VV
    +              vvi
    +          0.6923
    +      0.7667
    +  0.8333
    +    Duplication
    +           Consistency score
    +           0xFF0000
    +           0x00FF00
    +        0
    +        1
    +    Speciations
    +           Speciations
    +           0x00FF00
    +           circle
    \ No newline at end of file
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    new file mode 100644
    index 0000000..7b3bfc3
    --- /dev/null
    +++ b/submissions/labels.xml
    @@ -0,0 +1,3599 @@
    +      n606
    +      0.05772
    +      100.0
    +        Angiosperms
    +        n364
    +        0.30545
    +        100.0
    +          Angiosperms
    +          n362
    +          0.1586
    +          90.0
    +            Angiosperms
    +            n292
    +            0.14002
    +            1.0
    +              Monocots
    +              n290
    +              0.9043
    +              100.0
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    +                0.18765
    +                  ZM
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    +                  4
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    +                0.31196
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    +                  3
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    +              0.50823
    +                ZM
    +                zma
    +                0
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    +            0.5
    +            n361
    +            0.1759
    +            99.0
    +              Dicots
    +              n357
    +              0.03278
    +              82.0
    +                Dicots
    +                n355
    +                0.02161
    +                89.0
    +                  Dicots
    +                  n345
    +                  0.0222
    +                  70.0
    +                    Dicots
    +                    n309
    +                    0.0307
    +                    70.0
    +                      Rosids1
    +                      n295
    +                      0.02455
    +                      63.0
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    +                        72.0
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    +                            0.47497
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    +                            0
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    +                        100.0
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    +                          n305
    +                          0.02508
    +                          68.0
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    +                            20.0
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    +                              MD
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    +                              3
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    +                    0
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    +                        Dicots
    +                        n330
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    +                        56.0
    +                          Dicots
    +                          n328
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    +                          100.0
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    +                            100.0
    +                              Brassicaceae
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    +                              86.0
    +                                ND_Brassicaceae1
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    +                                38.0
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    +                                    bra
    +                                    4
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    +                                1
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    +                                  TP
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    +                                  4
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    +                              n319
    +                              0.02181
    +                              66.0
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    +                                n317
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    +                                99.0
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    +                                  0.02153
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    +                            100.0
    +                              Brassicaceae
    +                              n325
    +                              0.07367
    +                              94.0
    +                                Brassicaceae
    +                                n323
    +                                0.05092
    +                                60.0
    +                                  Brassicaceae
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    +                                    AT
    +                                    ath
    +                                    3
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    +                              0
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    +                            0
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    +                          99.0
    +                            Papilionoideae
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    +                            99.0
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    +                                0
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    +                          97.0
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    +                            99.0
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    +                                GM
    +                                gma
    +                                1
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    +                              0.06301
    +                                GM
    +                                gma
    +                                5
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    +                            1
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    +                              mtr
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    +                        1
    +                      0
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    +                  0
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    +                      100.0
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    +                  0
    +                0
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    +                  0
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    +              0
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    +              100.0
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    +            Angiosperms
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    +            97.0
    +              Angiosperms
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    +              92.0
    +                Dicots
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    +                  93.0
    +                    Rosids1
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    +                    66.0
    +                      Rosids1
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    +                      91.0
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    +                        100.0
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    +                            92.0
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    +                              97.0
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    +                            94.0
    +                              Camelineae
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    +                        0
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    +                            red
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    +                            FV
    +                            fve
    +                            1
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    +                      82.0
    +                        ND_Dicots
    +                        n438
    +                        0.01194
    +                        60.0
    +                          Rosids
    +                          n436
    +                          0.01612
    +                          69.0
    +                            Rosids1
    +                            n434
    +                            0.0221
    +                            47.0
    +                              Rosids1
    +                              n430
    +                              0.06957
    +                              99.0
    +                                Malpighiales
    +                                n426
    +                                0.09321
    +                                97.0
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    +                                  0.62361
    +                                    ME
    +                                    mes
    +                                    2
    +                                  green
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    +                                  0.0634
    +                                    ME
    +                                    mes
    +                                    2
    +                                  red
    +                                1
    +                                n429
    +                                0.12123
    +                                100.0
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    +                                  PT05G17910
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    +                                    PT
    +                                    ptr
    +                                    5
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    +                                    PT
    +                                    ptr
    +                                    2
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    +                                1
    +                              n433
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    +                              100.0
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    +                                  3
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    +                                  1
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    +                          0
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    +                        95.0
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    +                          100.0
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    +                            4
    +                          red
    +                      0
    +                    0
    +                  0
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    +                    1
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    +              0.36
    +              n456
    +              0.19358
    +              99.0
    +                Monocots
    +                n452
    +                0.38637
    +                100.0
    +                  Monocots
    +                  ZM06G24570
    +                  0.13269
    +                    ZM
    +                    zma
    +                    4
    +                  red
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    +                  0.07981
    +                    OS
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    +                    0
    +                  red
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    +                100.0
    +                  Monocots
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    +                    ZM
    +                    zma
    +                    1
    +                  red
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    +                    OS
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    +              2
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    +          0.1408
    +          98.0
    +            Angiosperms
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    +            80.0
    +              Monocots
    +              n468
    +              0.45703
    +              100.0
    +                Monocots
    +                n466
    +                0.06144
    +                46.0
    +                  Monocots
    +                  n464
    +                  0.1713
    +                  100.0
    +                    Monocots
    +                    n462
    +                    0.11715
    +                    100.0
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    +                        3
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    +                        ZM
    +                        zma
    +                        4
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    +                    1
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    +                    ZM
    +                    zma
    +                    5
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    +                0.5
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    +                  OS
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    +                  2
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    +              0.5
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    +              0.3422
    +              100.0
    +                Monocots
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    +                100.0
    +                  ZM
    +                  ZM07G21570
    +                  0.05584
    +                    ZM
    +                    zma
    +                    2
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    +                    ZM
    +                    zma
    +                    4
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    +                1
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    +                21.0
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    +                    3
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    +                    OS
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    +                    1
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    +                1
    +            1
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    +            99.0
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    +              0.1194
    +              86.0
    +                Dicots
    +                n549
    +                0.03406
    +                98.0
    +                  Dicots
    +                  n547
    +                  0.08923
    +                  76.0
    +                    Rosids
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    +                    78.0
    +                      Rosids
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    +                      94.0
    +                        Rosids
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    +                        81.0
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    +                              98.0
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    +                                    1
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    +                                1
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    +                                0.07047
    +                                  MD
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    +                          100.0
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    +                            99.0
    +                              Brassicaceae
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    +                              90.0
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    +                                86.0
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    +                                  3
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    +                              96.0
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    +                                n493
    +                                0.05905
    +                                89.0
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    +                                    0
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    +                            98.0
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    +                              0.04879
    +                              97.0
    +                                Camelineae
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    +                                0.09235
    +                                100.0
    +                                  Arabidopsis
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    +                                    AL
    +                                    aly
    +                                    0
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    +                                  1
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    +                                  2
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    +                        24.0
    +                          Rosids
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    +                          95.0
    +                            Rosids1
    +                            n510
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    +                            100.0
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    +                            100.0
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    +                              43.0
    +                                Malvales
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    +                                93.0
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    +                                    GR
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    +                                    0
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    +                                1
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    +                                GR
    +                                gra
    +                                2
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    +                        0
    +                      0
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    +                          0.00555
    +                          57.0
    +                            Rosids1
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    +                            98.0
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    +                              91.0
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    +                        0
    +                      0
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    +                      95.0
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    +                100.0
    +                  Solanum
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    +                  100.0
    +                    Solanum
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    +                  14.0
    +                    Rosids1
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    +                    100.0
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    +                      11.0
    +                        Brassicaceae
    +                        n560
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    +                        50.0
    +                          Brassicaceae
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    +                            98.0
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    +                        93.0
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    +                            99.0
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    +                                1
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    +                      0
    +                    0
    +                  0
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    +++ b/submissions/outergraphs.xml
    @@ -7635,157 +7635,4 @@
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    -         http://www.example.com
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    -         0xA378AD
    -         stu
    -         0x9D4FB0
    -         tca
    -         0x37BD42
    -         tpa
    -         0xBCF5A9
    -         vvi
    -         0xB595CF
    -         zma
    -         0x5E610B
    -         0x12C6D7
    -         Pyruvate dehydrogenase
    -         http://www.example.com
    -         IPR002048
    -         0xFAF38C
    -         IPR001005
    -         0xF9D380
    -         IPR004910
    -         0xA9BFAB
    -         IPR017884
    -         0xAF45C9
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    @@ -0,0 +1,2505 @@
    +    100.0
    +      0.8758800000000001
    +      100.0
    +        0.17287
    +        100.0
    +          0.03877
    +          97.0
    +            0.12225
    +            100.0
    +              PP00079G00800
    +              0.03258
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    +                    IPR009051
    +                    IPR002489
    +                    IPR013785
    +                    IPR002489
    +                    IPR006005
    +                    IPR006982
    +                    IPR002489
    +                    IPR013785
    +                    IPR017932
    +                    IPR016040
    +                    IPR016040
    +                    IPR001327
    +                    IPR002932
    +                    IPR023753
    +                    IPR028261
    +                    IPR000583
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    +                    IPR002932
    +                    IPR016040
    +                    IPR028261
    +                    IPR023753
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    +                    IPR002489
    +                    IPR009051
    +                    IPR001327
    +                    IPR016040
    +                    IPR013785
    +                    IPR006982
    +                    IPR017932
    +                    IPR000583
    +                    IPR002489
    +                    IPR002489
    +                    IPR013785
    +            0.10527
    +            100.0
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    +                    IPR006982
    +                    IPR002489
    +                    IPR002489
    +                    IPR000583
    +                    IPR013785
    +                    IPR023753
    +                    IPR002932
    +                    IPR013785
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    +              0.05662
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    +                    IPR002932
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    +                    IPR000583
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    +                    IPR009051
    +                    IPR002489
    +                    IPR016040
    +                    IPR017932
    +                    IPR006005
    +                    IPR001327
    +                    IPR016040
    +                    IPR013785
    +                    IPR013785
    +                    IPR006982
    +                    IPR002489
    +                    IPR028261
    +          0.08021
    +          56.0
    +            0.08656
    +            100.0
    +              0.04406
    +              100.0
    +                0.03065
    +                100.0
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    +                  0.01433
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    +                        IPR002932
    +                        IPR002489
    +                        IPR023753
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    +                        IPR002489
    +                        IPR013785
    +                        IPR017932
    +                        IPR002489
    +                        IPR009051
    +                        IPR028261
    +                        IPR013785
    +                        IPR000583
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    +                        IPR002489
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    +                        IPR013785
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    +                        IPR017932
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    +                        IPR001327
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    +                      IPR002489
    +                      IPR002489
    +                      IPR017932
    +                      IPR002932
    +                      IPR006982
    +                      IPR028261
    +                      IPR006005
    +                      IPR013785
    +                      IPR002489
    +                      IPR023753
    +                      IPR000583
    +                      IPR013785
    +              0.04534
    +              100.0
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    +                0.12664
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    +                      IPR006005
    +                      IPR016040
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    +                      IPR006982
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    +                      IPR002489
    +                      IPR002489
    +                      IPR013785
    +                      IPR023753
    +                      IPR017932
    +                      IPR016040
    +                      IPR009051
    +                      IPR000583
    +                      IPR028261
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    +                0.0757
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    +                      IPR006005
    +                      IPR002932
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    +                      IPR013785
    +                      IPR016040
    +                      IPR013785
    +                      IPR009051
    +                      IPR016040
    +                      IPR002489
    +                      IPR023753
    +                      IPR006982
    +                      IPR000583
    +                      IPR002489
    +                      IPR017932
    +                      IPR028261
    +                      IPR001327
    +            0.01949
    +            100.0
    +              0.0217
    +              30.0
    +                0.00376
    +                95.0
    +                  0.00877
    +                  100.0
    +                    0.00935
    +                    92.0
    +                      0.02732
    +                      100.0
    +                        0.01312
    +                        93.0
    +                          0.02731
    +                          100.0
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    +                                  IPR023753
    +                                  IPR017932
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    +                                  IPR006005
    +                                  IPR016040
    +                                  IPR002932
    +                                  IPR013785
    +                                  IPR016040
    +                                  IPR006982
    +                                  IPR002489
    +                                  IPR000583
    +                                  IPR009051
    +                                  IPR002489
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    +                                  IPR013785
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    +                                  IPR002489
    +                                  IPR009051
    +                                  IPR001327
    +                                  IPR002932
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    +                                  IPR017932
    +                                  IPR016040
    +                                  IPR002489
    +                                  IPR002489
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    +                                IPR009051
    +                                IPR016040
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    +                                IPR023753
    +                                IPR016040
    +                                IPR013785
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    +                                IPR002489
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    +                              IPR016040
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    +                              IPR006982
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    +                              IPR017932
    +                              IPR000583
    +                              IPR002489
    +                              IPR028261
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    +                              IPR001327
    +                              IPR013785
    +                      0.00931
    +                      89.0
    +                        0.05318
    +                        100.0
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    +                                IPR017932
    +                                IPR013785
    +                                IPR002489
    +                                IPR006005
    +                                IPR028261
    +                                IPR002489
    +                                IPR000583
    +                                IPR009051
    +                                IPR002489
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    +                                IPR013785
    +                                IPR002932
    +                                IPR017932
    +                                IPR001327
    +                                IPR023753
    +                                IPR013785
    +                                IPR006982
    +                                IPR002489
    +                                IPR009051
    +                                IPR002489
    +                        0.04295
    +                        100.0
    +                          0.04096
    +                          100.0
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    +                                  IPR002489
    +                                  IPR002489
    +                                  IPR017932
    +                                  IPR023753
    +                                  IPR016040
    +                                  IPR013785
    +                                  IPR006982
    +                                  IPR000583
    +                                  IPR001327
    +                                  IPR013785
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    +                                  IPR002489
    +                                  IPR009051
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    +                                  IPR002932
    +                                  IPR013785
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    +                                  IPR000583
    +                                  IPR016040
    +                                  IPR016040
    +                                  IPR017932
    +                                  IPR002489
    +                                  IPR023753
    +                                  IPR001327
    +                          0.01435
    +                          98.0
    +                            0.01562
    +                            100.0
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    +                                    IPR002489
    +                                    IPR000583
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    +                                    IPR002489
    +                                    IPR017932
    +                                    IPR013785
    +                                    IPR006982
    +                                    IPR023753
    +                                    IPR013785
    +                                    IPR016040
    +                                    IPR002932
    +                                    IPR001327
    +                                    IPR028261
    +                                    IPR009051
    +                                    IPR002489
    +                                    IPR016040
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    +                                    IPR002932
    +                                    IPR013785
    +                                    IPR023753
    +                                    IPR002489
    +                                    IPR028261
    +                                    IPR006982
    +                                    IPR002489
    +                                    IPR013785
    +                                    IPR017932
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    +                                  IPR002932
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    +                                  IPR006982
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    +                                  IPR016040
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    +                          IPR013785
    +                          IPR006982
    +                          IPR013785
    +                          IPR000583
    +                          IPR002489
    +                          IPR006005
    +                          IPR002489
    +                          IPR023753
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    +                  0.00578
    +                  42.0
    +                    0.01143
    +                    53.0
    +                      0.05501
    +                      100.0
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    +                              IPR002489
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    +                              IPR016040
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    +                              IPR017932
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    +                              IPR028261
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    +                              IPR017932
    +                              IPR016040
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    +                              IPR006982
    +                              IPR002489
    +                      0.06267
    +                      100.0
    +                        0.00973
    +                        98.0
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    +                                IPR002932
    +                                IPR009051
    +                                IPR013785
    +                                IPR013785
    +                                IPR023753
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    +                                IPR006982
    +                                IPR000583
    +                                IPR002489
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    +                        0.01019
    +                        98.0
    +                          0.01008
    +                          100.0
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    +                                  IPR013785
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    +                                  IPR006982
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    +                                  IPR016040
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    +                                  IPR002489
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    +                                IPR002489
    +                                IPR002489
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    +                                IPR013785
    +                    0.01215
    +                    94.0
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    +                40.0
    +                  0.00348
    +                  18.0
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    +                            IPR013785
    +                            IPR016040
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    +                            IPR023753
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    +                            IPR006982
    +                            IPR002932
    +                            IPR002489
    +                            IPR017932
    +                            IPR002489
    +                            IPR013785
    +                    TP6G38610
    +                    0.01709
    +                        tpa
    +                      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/genes/view/TP6G38610
    +                          IPR002489
    +                          IPR017932
    +                          IPR013785
    +                          IPR006982
    +                          IPR002932
    +                          IPR002489
    +                          IPR000583
    +                          IPR002489
    +                          IPR013785
    +                  BR10G27480
    +                  0.01108
    +                      bra
    +                    http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/genes/view/BR10G27480
    +                        IPR013785
    +                        IPR000583
    +                        IPR013785
    +                        IPR002489
    +                        IPR002489
    +                        IPR002932
    +                        IPR006982
    +                        IPR002489
    +                        IPR017932
    +            PP00042G01290
    +            0.19366
    +                ppa
    +              http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/genes/view/PP00042G01290
    +                  IPR000583
    +                  IPR017932
    +                  IPR006982
    +                  IPR002489
    +                  IPR013785
    +                  IPR013785
    +                  IPR002932
    +                  IPR002489
    +                  IPR002489
    +          PP00212G00220
    +          0.12216
    +              ppa
    +            http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/genes/view/PP00212G00220
    +                IPR002489
    +                IPR002932
    +                IPR006982
    +                IPR013785
    +                IPR002489
    +                IPR017932
    +                IPR002489
    +                IPR000583
    +                IPR013785
    +        0.11596
    +        100.0
    +          OL20G02060
    +          0.34122
    +              olu
    +            http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/genes/view/OL20G02060
    +                IPR006982
    +                IPR013785
    +                IPR017932
    +                IPR000583
    +                IPR002489
    +                IPR002489
    +                IPR013785
    +                IPR002932
    +                IPR002489
    +          CR12G06740
    +          0.28998
    +              cre
    +            http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/genes/view/CR12G06740
    +                IPR000583
    +                IPR002932
    +                IPR002489
    +                IPR017932
    +                IPR013785
    +                IPR013785
    +                IPR002489
    +                IPR006982
    +                IPR002489
    +      0x186EB5
    +      Glycine max
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Glycine+max
    +      0x5E610B
    +      Zea mays
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Zea+mays
    +      0x4980AD
    +      Medicago truncatula
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Medicago+truncatula
    +      0x37BD42
    +      Theobroma cacao
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Theobroma+cacao
    +      0x25ACD9
    +      Fragaria vesca
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Fragaria+vesca
    +      0x40FF00
    +      Arabidopsis lyrata
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Arabidopsis+lyrata
    +      0x61210B
    +      Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Chlamydomonas+reinhardtii
    +      0x95C0CF
    +      Citrullus lanatus
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Citrullus+lanatus
    +      0xF7BE81
    +      Oryza sativa ssp. japonica
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Oryza+sativa+ssp.+japonica
    +      0xFE844E
    +      Amborella trichopoda
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Amborella+trichopoda
    +      0x6D68C4
    +      Manihot esculenta
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Manihot+esculenta
    +      0xC8FE2E
    +      Carica papaya
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Carica+papaya
    +      0x516B54
    +      Eucalyptus grandis
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Eucalyptus+grandis
    +      0xD8F6CE
    +      Brassica rapa
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Brassica+rapa
    +      0x610B0B
    +      Ostreococcus lucimarinus
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Ostreococcus+lucimarinus
    +      0x82FA58
    +      Arabidopsis thaliana
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Arabidopsis+thaliana
    +      0xA3389D
    +      Beta vulgaris
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Beta+vulgaris
    +      0x80FF00
    +      Capsella rubella
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Capsella+rubella
    +      0x37BA49
    +      Gossypium raimondii
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Gossypium+raimondii
    +      0xBCF5A9
    +      Thellungiella parvula
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Thellungiella+parvula
    +      0x9D4FB0
    +      Solanum tuberosum
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Solanum+tuberosum
    +      0x8986BF
    +      Ricinus communis
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Ricinus+communis
    +      0xA9C5CF
    +      Cucumis melo
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Cucumis+melo
    +      0x4DB4D6
    +      Malus domestica
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Malus+domestica
    +      0xA378AD
    +      Solanum lycopersicum
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Solanum+lycopersicum
    +      0xFE642E
    +      Physcomitrella patens
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Physcomitrella+patens
    +      0x095C10
    +      Citrus sinensis
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Citrus+sinensis
    +      0x73BAD1
    +      Prunus persica
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Prunus+persica
    +      0xB595CF
    +      Vitis vinifera
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Vitis+vinifera
    +      0x443DC4
    +      Populus trichocarpa
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/organism/view/Populus+trichocarpa
    +      0x6FC3D2
    +      Phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase, core, subgroup
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/interpro/view/IPR016034
    +      0xFCB87B
    +      Class II glutamine amidotransferase domain
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/interpro/view/IPR000583
    +      0x2DFDD8
    +      Aldolase-type TIM barrel
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/interpro/view/IPR013785
    +      0x8F7B5E
    +      Dihydroprymidine dehydrogenase domain II
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/interpro/view/IPR028261
    +      0x2819CC
    +      Alpha-helical ferredoxin
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/interpro/view/IPR009051
    +      0x8372B6
    +      Glutamate synthase, NADH/NADPH, small subunit 1
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/interpro/view/IPR006005
    +      0xABB167
    +      Phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase, N-terminal domain
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/interpro/view/IPR027484
    +      0xABB267
    +      Phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase, C-terminal
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/interpro/view/IPR027483
    +      0xE6FE96
    +      Glutamate synthase, central-C
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/interpro/view/IPR002932
    +      0xB143C9
    +      Glutamine amidotransferase type 2 domain
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/interpro/view/IPR017932
    +      0xF8E893
    +      Pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase, FAD/NAD(P)-binding domain
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/interpro/view/IPR023753
    +      0x6FC3D2
    +      NAD(P)-binding domain
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/interpro/view/IPR016040
    +      0xD9F79B
    +      MORN motif
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/interpro/view/IPR003409
    +      0x6136BE
    +      Glutamate synthase, central-N
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/interpro/view/IPR006982
    +      0x1EFCD8
    +      FAD-dependent pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/interpro/view/IPR013027
    +      0xF5E584
    +      Pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase, NAD-binding domain
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/interpro/view/IPR001327
    +      0xF1FC91
    +      Glutamate synthase, alpha subunit, C-terminal
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/interpro/view/IPR002489
    +      0xF1FC91
    +      Phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase, core
    +      http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/plaza/versions/plaza_v3_dicots/interpro/view/IPR002498
    diff --git a/submit.php b/submit.php
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