git branch -v
git checkout -b new_branch_name
git checkout branch_to_switch
git status
git log
git add .
To exlude file from git add :
git add . :^.env
git commit -m "your_message"
git push origin branch_name
git diff
git remote add origin https://github.com/vibhordubey333/GITCheatSheet.git
git remote set-url origin https://github.com/vibhordubey333/GITCheatSheet.git
git branch -d localBranchName // delete branch locally
git push origin --delete remoteBranchName // delete branch remotely
To sync changes with master branch or other branch -> git pull origin branch_name
git pull origin branch_name
Delete local branch [Forcefully] : git branch -D branch_name
git commit --amend -m "New commit message."
Removing Merge conflicts:
- Configure "git mergetool"
- Fire "git mergetool"
- After conflicts are resolved do below.
- git add .
- git commit
- git push origin branch_name
To fetch remote refs,commits from remote
- git fetch -a
Git Stash : https://www.linuxfordevices.com/tutorials/linux/git-stash
Merge Conflits Remocing Manually
- Everything between <<<<<<< and ======= is what was in one file, and
- Everything between ======= and >>>>>>> is what was in the other file
To resolve Carrige Return Line Feed [CRLF ] windows
- git config --list
- git config --global core.autocrlf false
To refer to private hosted library
- git config --global url."[email protected]_name.com:".insteadof "https://github.org_name.com"
Configuring name and email in git.
- Change Git user name by running: git config user.name “Your Name”
- Change Git user email by running: git config user.email “[email protected]”
Checking code which went with the commit
- git show HEAD
- git show commit_id
Deleting branch
- Remote:
git push origin -d Feature/SPR-1232
- Local:
git branch -D Feature/SPR-12140
- Remote:
Rebase [To sync the changes with other branch.]
- git checkout feature/movies_comment
- git rebase master
Mistake in commit, not pushed -Undo a commit & redo
$ git commit -m "Something terribly misguided" # (0: Your Accident) $ git reset HEAD~ # (1) [ edit files as necessary ] # (2) $ git add . # (3) $ git commit -c ORIG_HEAD # (4)
Reverting the changes
- git log -5
- git reset HEAD~3
- To push after reverting
git push -f origin branch_name
- Rollback the reverted changes
- Exactly the same no. of times which you mentioned in reverting
git reset HEAD@3
- Exactly the same no. of times which you mentioned in reverting
- Delete the local branch then fetch the changes again for proper sync.
Remove un-commited changes
- git clean -fdx
Remove file from commit [Not sure though, need to test]
- git rm -r --cached file_name
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37422221/git-remove-a-file-from-a-branch-keep-it-in-the-master
Amend last commit or add new change into last commit, instead of creating one.
- Original Post Link
$ (some_branch) git add changelog.md
- If you will use this you can re-write new commit message,
(some_branch) git commit --amend
- Opt for this one if you don't intend to edit the last commit message
(some_branch) git commit --amend --no-edit
- Be careful ! mention the correct branch
$ (some_branch) git push -f origin some_branch
Remove file after performing
git add file_name
git reset file_name
Create a new branch and push it to remote repository
git checkout -b Feature/Bug_ID
git push origin Above_created_Branch_Name
Error code's defined in GIT.
#define Z_STREAM_END 1 #define Z_NEED_DICT 2 #define Z_ERRNO (-1) #define Z_STREAM_ERROR (-2) #define Z_DATA_ERROR (-3) #define Z_MEM_ERROR (-4) #define Z_BUF_ERROR (-5) #define Z_VERSION_ERROR (-6)```
For Git error
fatal: pack has bad object at offset 196326059: inflate returned 1 fatal: fetch-pack: invalid index-pack output
git config --global core.compression 0 git clone --depth 1 ssh://[email protected]/path/to/git_repo/ git fetch --unshallow //For retrieving rest of the repo git pull --all
- May be you'll not be able to fetch all the branches inspite of doing
git pull --all
andgit fetch --all
. - Find the remote origin
git config --list
->[email protected]_name.com:org_name/repo_name.git
git remote set-url origin [email protected]_name.com:org_name/repo_name.git
- May be you'll not be able to fetch all the branches inspite of doing
Set local repo configuration:
git config user.email="[email protected]" --local
Handling multiple configurations in one machine
- https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-handle-multiple-git-configurations-in-one-machine/
- Note: When creating .gitconfig-perfonal/work enter 1 extra space
- https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-handle-multiple-git-configurations-in-one-machine/
Deleting files from Github without deleting them locally:
git rm --cached ssh_deployment ssh_deployment.pub
Renaming a branch
git branch -m old_branch new_branch # Rename branch locally git push --set-upstream origin new_branch # Push the new branch, set local branch to
Combining more than one commit into one.
git merge --squash
- unable to access Could not resolve proxy:
export http_proxy="" export https_proxy=""
- Accessing multiple github accounts from same machine
- Use https to clone
- Configure
git remote set-url origin https://[email protected]/vibhordubey333/POC.git
- Use personal token in
Reference: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3860112/multiple-github-accounts-on-the-same-computer
- Use https to clone