Support TreeTable.
Add new prop indent-size
, you can set the tree indent width.
Add new prop load-data
, used when the tree data is asynchronous.
supports String type, which must be String when using tree data.
column new attribute tree
is used for tree data. When opened, the column is an expandable column.
data new attribute _showChildren
, used for tree data, specifies whether the default child data is expanded.
data new attribute _loading
, used for tree data, for asynchronously requesting child data.
Add new prop context-menu
, when enabled, right-clicking on the current line prevents the default behavior.
Add new event @on-contextmenu
, triggered when the right button is clicked on the current row.
Select add new event @on-select
, triggered when an item is selected.
Carousel add new event @on-click
, triggered when the slide is clicked, returns the index value.
When Tree uses Render, you can use the selected function directly.
Affix add new prop use-capture
Fixed CarouselItem style overlap in Carousel.
Fixed an issue where Carousel did not trigger the on-click event when clicking on the indicator.
Fixed an issue where the Panel could not be opened when Collapse was loaded asynchronously.
Fixed Split style when split is used.
Fixed FormItem not listening for required property changes. #233
Fixed the problem that the transfer property of AutoComplete is sometimes incorrectly configured globally.
Fixed an issue where AutoComplete's event on-select sometimes didn't fire.
Fixed Modal confirm close button event issue.
Fixed an error when TimePicker selected using the up arrow. #237
Fixed the problem that DatePicker sometimes selects the date, wrong. 537403b
Fixed DatePicker setMonth issue.
Fixed split's min and max properties being incorrect when resizing the browser.
Fixed the problem that Time cannot set time property dynamically. #199
Fixed an issue where Avatar custom sizes sometimes had incorrect styles.
Fixed the problem that the arrow cannot be clicked when the Tree data is set to disabled.
Fixed some issues with TypeScript.
Added Uyghur language. #246
新增属性 indent-size
新增属性 load-data
支持 String 类型,使用树形数据时必须为 String。
column 新增属性 tree
data 新增属性 _showChildren
data 新增属性 _loading
新增属性 context-menu
新增事件 @on-contextmenu
Select 新增事件 @on-select
Carousel 新增事件 @on-click
Tree 使用 Render 时,可以直接使用选中功能。
Affix 新增属性 use-capture
修复 Carousel 内的 CarouselItem 样式重叠的问题。
修复 Carousel 点击指示器时,不触发 on-click 事件的问题。
修复 Collapse 异步加载时,不能打开面板的问题。
修复 Split 嵌套使用时,有时样式出错的问题。
修复 FormItem 没有监听 required 属性改变的问题。 #233
修复 AutoComplete 的 transfer 属性,在全局配置有时错误的问题。
修复 AutoComplete 的事件 on-select 有时不触发的问题。
修复 Modal confirm 关闭按钮事件问题。
修复 TimePicker 使用向上箭头选择时出错的问题。 #237
修复 DatePicker 有时选择日期,错误的问题。 537403b
修复 DatePicker setMonth 的问题。
修复 Split 的 min 和 max 属性在改变浏览器尺寸时不正确的问题。
修复 Time 不能动态设置 time 属性的问题。 #199
修复 Avatar 自定义尺寸有时样式出错的问题。
修复 Tree 数据设置 disabled 时,不能点击箭头的问题。
修复 TypeScript 的一些问题。
新增维吾尔语。 #246
You can’t perform that action at this time.