Version 1.0.6:
- Fixes a bug regarding date overflows in PostgreSQL
Version 1.0.5:
- Fixes a bug regarding quotation
Version 1.0.4:
- Fix for Rails 4.2 regression regarding reflection access
Version 1.0.3:
- Supporting Rails 4.2
- Dropped Arel dependencies
Version 1.0.2:
- Avoid eager loading when no associations referenced
- Prefer objects over class names
- Readme extended
Version 1.0.1:
- Inheritance fix
Version 1.0.0:
- Project name changed to SearchCop
- Scope support added
- Multiple DSL changes
Version 0.0.5:
- Supporting :default => false
- Datetime/Date greater operator fix
- Use reflection to find associated models
- Providing reflection
Version 0.0.4:
- Fixed date attributes
- Fail softly for mixed datatype attributes
- Support custom table, class and alias names via attr_searchable_alias
Version 0.0.3:
- belongs_to association fixes
Version 0.0.2:
- Arel abstraction layer added
- count() queries resulting in "Cannot visit AttrSearchableGrammar::Nodes..." fixed
- Better error messages
- Model#unsafe_search added