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Releases: vingerha/gtfs2

Introducing geojson

17 Nov 16:28
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Introducing geojson Pre-release

Clearly you know this is a DEV release...tests stil longoing and I appreciate feedback

The following only (!) applies if you have a vehicle location service as part of your realtime setup
Adding a geojson file in /config/www for displaying lat/long of vehiciles in the selected route and direction
The geojson file can then be consumes by the ootb geojson integration (using http(s)://yourserver/local/filename.json

attribute alignment

16 Nov 16:18
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attribute alignment Pre-release

#Breaking change
Due to attribute datetime reformatting, cards may show different now

Change log

  • Aligning atributes to HA requirements (UTC iso-format)
  • Finetuning
  • Bugfix for new entities

0.1.6b3 DEV : improvements om translations, realtime stability

12 Nov 16:07
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Contains a massive amount of debug log statements as still in DEV

Adds option for apikey and xapikey in case of authorizatin needed in realtime
Add lat/lon to the realtime attrs, in case vehicles are tracked
Make it less sensitive to realtime misshappening (and a lot goes wrong from source) Bugfix

11 Nov 06:51
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Adds necessary library to manifest.json

0.1.6b1 Adding realtime

10 Nov 14:23
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For now it only works with url not needing authentication
Unclear if all gtfs_rt sources are the 'same' discrepancies may apply

0.1.5 New features

10 Nov 09:04
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Refresh interval moved to 'CONFIGURE' (after initial setup), you need to define this after updating to 0.1.5

Change Log

Adding features:

  • new attribute: next_departure_headsigns
  • allow to set refresh interval after initial setup (configure)
  • adding route shortname in selection/list to overcome data discrepancies been short name and long name
  • for new datasource, allow to use a self-placed zip file in the gtfs2 folder. This for zip that are not available via URL or zip with data that may need modification to comply with extraction conditions by pygtfs
  • timezone for next_departure is now used in order: agency (delivering data), if not > HA system, if not > UTC. This to resolve TZ issues for datasets without agency (timezone)

0.1.4 Bugfix + indexing

07 Nov 13:16
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Fixes issue when gtfs2 folder does not exist
Adds indexes to stop_times table to improve performance (awaiting PR to apply this in pygtfs)

0.1.3 Tweaks to adhere to HACS

06 Nov 15:23
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Minor tweaks not affecting functionality and only meant to pass HACS validation

0.1.2 Fixes

06 Nov 06:48
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proper handling of include tomorrow
allow data collection from gtfs without calendar but with calendar_dates
update French translation ( merci @mxbssn )

0.1.0 Initial release

04 Nov 09:27
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Initial release