Unofficial Integration of AfterPay Payment gateway for spree
Add these lines to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'spree_afterpay', github: 'vinsol-spree-contrib/spree-afterpay', branch: 'master'
gem 'afterpay-ruby', github: 'rajneeshsharma9/afterpay-ruby', branch: 'master'
And then execute:
$ bundle
You need to configure Afterpay using your Merchant ID and secret.
For Rails, put this in your initializer.
Afterpay.configure do |config|
config.app_id = <app_id>
config.secret = <secret>
# Sets the environment for Afterpay
# defaults to sandbox
# config.env = "sandbox" # "live"
# Sets the user agent header for Afterpay requests
# Refer
# config.user_agent_header = {pluginOrModuleOrClientLibrary}/{pluginVersion} ({platform}/{platformVersion}; Merchant/{merchantId}) { merchantUrl }
# Example
# config.user_agent_header = "Afterpay Module / 1.0.0 (rails/ 5.1.2; Merchant/#{ merchant_id }) #{ merchant_website_url }"