Insomnia plugin that generates a random valid portuguese NIF value.
NIF is a portuguese individual (as opposed to organizations) fiscal identification number composed by 9 digits. The first digit must be in the range [1-3] and the last digit is a mod-11 check digit.
To install this package, you need to go to Insomnia's Preferences screen > Plugins tab and put insomnia-plugin-random-nif
in the npm-package-name
field and hit Install Plugin.
In case something similar happens to issue #905, you can always navigate to the Insomnia plugins folder and install the package manually, using one of the below commands.
yarn add insomnia-plugin-random-nif
npm install insomnia-plugin-random-nif
To get more info on this, read this comment.
Vinicius Seixas
Inspired by insomnia-plugin-random-cnpj by @gustaandrade which was inspired by insomnia-plugin-random-cpf by @edicarloslds
This project is licensed under the MIT License.