Yolov5-Service is a service that provides a RESTful API for Yolov5 models. run YOLOv5 with GPU. Easy As ABC
- Docker (https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/
- Docker Compose (https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/)
- Docker nvidia engine (https://docs.nvidia.com/datacenter/cloud-native/container-toolkit/install-guide.html#install-guide)
Put your pretrained weights in the folder (for example, weights
Config docker compose file (docker-compose.yml
docker compose up
send sample image with test_req.py
"label": "label Path or Coco annotation json",
"image_path": "images path",
"weights_path": "path tp pretrained weights",
"is_augment": "true or false for data augmentation",
"augment_params" : "Augmentation Params", -required if is_augment is True
"validation_split": "Validation Split Number to split train and validation",
"data_type": "Coco or yolo data type",
"image_size": "image size to resize",
"log_url": "log url to get training status",
"label_path": "label path to get label (used for yolo data type)",
"save_dir": "save directory to save trained model"