diff --git a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/.features-gen/features/sample.feature.spec.js-snapshots/rich-feature-failing-match-snapshot-1-darwin.txt b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/.features-gen/error-in-step/sample.feature.spec.js-snapshots/error-in-step-failing-match-snapshot-1-darwin.txt
similarity index 100%
rename from test/reporter-cucumber-html/.features-gen/features/sample.feature.spec.js-snapshots/rich-feature-failing-match-snapshot-1-darwin.txt
rename to test/reporter-cucumber-html/.features-gen/error-in-step/sample.feature.spec.js-snapshots/error-in-step-failing-match-snapshot-1-darwin.txt
diff --git a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/.features-gen/features/sample.feature.spec.js-snapshots/rich-feature-failing-match-snapshot-1-linux.txt b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/.features-gen/error-in-step/sample.feature.spec.js-snapshots/error-in-step-failing-match-snapshot-1-linux.txt
similarity index 100%
rename from test/reporter-cucumber-html/.features-gen/features/sample.feature.spec.js-snapshots/rich-feature-failing-match-snapshot-1-linux.txt
rename to test/reporter-cucumber-html/.features-gen/error-in-step/sample.feature.spec.js-snapshots/error-in-step-failing-match-snapshot-1-linux.txt
diff --git a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/.features-gen/features/sample.feature.spec.js-snapshots/rich-feature-failing-match-snapshot-1-win32.txt b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/.features-gen/error-in-step/sample.feature.spec.js-snapshots/error-in-step-failing-match-snapshot-1-win32.txt
similarity index 100%
rename from test/reporter-cucumber-html/.features-gen/features/sample.feature.spec.js-snapshots/rich-feature-failing-match-snapshot-1-win32.txt
rename to test/reporter-cucumber-html/.features-gen/error-in-step/sample.feature.spec.js-snapshots/error-in-step-failing-match-snapshot-1-win32.txt
diff --git a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/fixtures.ts b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/fixtures.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..264e3a9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/fixtures.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import { pathToFileURL } from 'node:url';
+import { test as base } from '@playwright/test';
+import { HtmlReport } from './poms/HtmlReport';
+import { Feature } from './poms/Feature';
+import { Scenario } from './poms/Scenario';
+type Fixtures = {
+ htmlReport: HtmlReport;
+ featureUri: string;
+ feature: Feature;
+ scenario: Scenario;
+export const test = base.extend({
+ page: async ({ page }, use) => {
+ await page.goto(pathToFileURL('actual-reports/report.html').href);
+ await use(page);
+ },
+ htmlReport: async ({ page }, use) => use(new HtmlReport(page)),
+ featureUri: ['', { option: true }], // will be overwritten in test files
+ feature: async ({ htmlReport, featureUri }, use) => {
+ if (!featureUri) throw new Error('Missing featureUri');
+ await use(htmlReport.getFeature(featureUri));
+ },
+ scenario: async ({ feature }, use, testInfo) => {
+ await use(feature.getScenario(testInfo.title));
+ },
diff --git a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/helpers.ts b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/helpers.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 25a42818..00000000
--- a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/helpers.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-import { pathToFileURL } from 'node:url';
-import { Locator, Page } from '@playwright/test';
-export async function openReport(page: Page) {
- await page.goto(pathToFileURL('actual-reports/report.html').href);
-export function getFeature(page: Page) {
- return new HtmlReport(page).getFeature('rich feature');
-export function getScenario(page: Page, title: string) {
- return getFeature(page).getScenario(title);
-export class HtmlReport {
- constructor(public page: Page) {}
- getFeature(title: string) {
- return new Feature(this.page, title);
- }
-export class Feature {
- root: Locator;
- header: Locator;
- constructor(
- public page: Page,
- public title: string,
- ) {
- this.header = page.getByRole('heading', { name: title, level: 1 });
- this.root = page.locator('section').filter({ has: this.header });
- }
- getBackground() {
- return new Scenario(this, `Background:`);
- }
- getScenario(title: string) {
- return new Scenario(this, `Scenario:${title}`);
- }
- getScenarioOutline(title: string) {
- return new Scenario(this, `Scenario Outline:${title}`);
- }
- getTags() {
- return this.root.locator('> [aria-label="Tags"]').getByRole('listitem');
- }
-export class Scenario {
- root: Locator;
- header: Locator;
- constructor(
- public feature: Feature,
- public title: string,
- ) {
- this.header = this.page.getByRole('heading', { name: title, exact: true });
- this.root = feature.root.locator('section').filter({ has: this.header });
- }
- get page() {
- return this.feature.page;
- }
- getSteps(status: 'all' | 'failed' | 'passed' | 'skipped' = 'all') {
- const steps = this.root.locator('[aria-label="Steps"]').getByRole('listitem');
- return status === 'all'
- ? steps
- : steps.filter({
- has: this.page.locator(`[data-status="${status.toUpperCase()}"]`),
- });
- }
- getAttachments() {
- return this.root.locator('details');
- }
- getLogs() {
- return this.root.locator('div > pre').filter({
- hasNot: this.getErrors(),
- });
- }
- getErrors() {
- return this.getSteps()
- .locator('div > pre')
- .filter({
- hasText: /error|timeout|expected|browser .*?closed/i,
- });
- }
- getTags() {
- return this.root.locator('[aria-label="Tags"]').getByRole('listitem');
- }
- getDataTable() {
- return this.root.getByRole('table');
- }
- getDocString() {
- // todo: distinguish from error
- return this.root.locator('div > pre');
- }
- getExamples() {
- return this.root.locator('section');
- }
diff --git a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/playwright.config.ts b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/playwright.config.ts
index 4d5d5266..21e534d6 100644
--- a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/playwright.config.ts
+++ b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/playwright.config.ts
@@ -4,10 +4,12 @@
import { defineConfig } from '@playwright/test';
export default defineConfig({
- expect: { timeout: 500 },
+ testDir: './specs',
outputDir: './test-results',
reporter: 'dot',
use: {
screenshot: 'only-on-failure',
+ viewport: { width: 800, height: 720 },
+ expect: { timeout: 500 },
diff --git a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/poms/Feature.ts b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/poms/Feature.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..32d457d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/poms/Feature.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+import { Locator, Page } from '@playwright/test';
+import { Scenario } from './Scenario';
+import path from 'node:path';
+export class Feature {
+ root: Locator;
+ constructor(
+ public page: Page,
+ public featureUri: string,
+ ) {
+ const container = page
+ .locator('[data-accordion-component="AccordionItem"]')
+ .filter({ has: this.getFileHeader() });
+ this.root = container.locator('[data-accordion-component="AccordionItemPanel"]');
+ }
+ getFileHeader() {
+ return this.page.locator('[data-accordion-component="AccordionItemHeading"]', {
+ hasText: path.normalize(this.featureUri),
+ });
+ }
+ getFeatureHeader() {
+ return this.root.getByRole('heading', { level: 1 });
+ }
+ getBackground() {
+ return new Scenario(this, `Background:`);
+ }
+ getScenario(title: string) {
+ return new Scenario(this, `Scenario:${title}`);
+ }
+ getScenarioOutline(title: string) {
+ return new Scenario(this, `Scenario Outline:${title}`);
+ }
+ getTags() {
+ return this.root.locator('> section > [aria-label="Tags"]').getByRole('listitem');
+ }
diff --git a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/poms/HtmlReport.ts b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/poms/HtmlReport.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c47ff198
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/poms/HtmlReport.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+import { Page } from '@playwright/test';
+import { Feature } from './Feature';
+export class HtmlReport {
+ constructor(public page: Page) {}
+ getFeature(featureUri: string) {
+ return new Feature(this.page, featureUri);
+ }
diff --git a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/poms/Scenario.ts b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/poms/Scenario.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1ec1de0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/poms/Scenario.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+import { Locator } from '@playwright/test';
+import { Feature } from './Feature';
+ * POM for scenario, scenario outline, and background
+ */
+export class Scenario {
+ root: Locator;
+ header: Locator;
+ constructor(
+ public feature: Feature,
+ public titleWithKeyword: string,
+ ) {
+ // important to use this.page here, not feature.root
+ this.header = this.page.getByRole('heading', { name: titleWithKeyword, level: 2 });
+ this.root = feature.root
+ .locator('section')
+ // filter out top section
+ .filter({ hasNot: this.page.getByRole('heading', { level: 1 }) })
+ .filter({ has: this.header });
+ }
+ get page() {
+ return this.feature.page;
+ }
+ getSteps(status: 'all' | 'failed' | 'passed' | 'skipped' = 'all') {
+ const steps = this.root.locator('[aria-label="Steps"]').getByRole('listitem');
+ return status === 'all'
+ ? steps
+ : steps.filter({
+ has: this.page.locator(`[data-status="${status.toUpperCase()}"]`),
+ });
+ }
+ getAttachments() {
+ return this.root.locator('details');
+ }
+ getLogs() {
+ return this.root.locator('div > pre').filter({
+ hasNot: this.getErrors(),
+ });
+ }
+ getErrors() {
+ return this.getSteps()
+ .locator('div > pre')
+ .filter({
+ hasText: /error|timeout|expected|browser .*?closed/i,
+ });
+ }
+ getTags() {
+ return this.root.locator('[aria-label="Tags"]').getByRole('listitem');
+ }
+ getDataTable() {
+ return this.root.getByRole('table');
+ }
+ getDocString() {
+ // todo: distinguish from error
+ return this.root.locator('div > pre');
+ }
+ getExamples() {
+ return this.root.locator('section');
+ }
diff --git a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/specs/error-in-after.test.ts b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/specs/error-in-after.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e974aeee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/specs/error-in-after.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+import { normalize } from 'node:path';
+import { expect } from '@playwright/test';
+import { test } from '../fixtures';
+import { getPackageVersion } from '../../../../src/utils';
+// Automatic screenshot for failing fixtures teardown depends on pw version.
+// see: https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/issues/29325
+const pwVersion = getPackageVersion('@playwright/test');
+const hasAutoScreenshotFixtureTeardown = pwVersion >= '1.42.0' && pwVersion < '1.45.0';
+test.use({ featureUri: 'error-in-after/sample.feature' });
+test('Failing by failingAfterFixtureNoStep', async ({ scenario }) => {
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps()).toContainText([
+ 'my attachment|before use',
+ 'Givenstep that uses failingAfterFixtureNoStep',
+ 'WhenAction 3',
+ `Hook "fixture: failingAfterFixtureNoStep" failed: ${normalize('features/error-in-after/fixtures.ts')}:`,
+ ]);
+ if (hasAutoScreenshotFixtureTeardown) {
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps()).toContainText(['screenshot']);
+ }
+ await expect(scenario.getAttachments()).toContainText([
+ 'my attachment|before use', // prettier-ignore
+ 'my attachment|after use',
+ ]);
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps('passed')).toHaveCount(2);
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps('failed')).toHaveCount(1);
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps('skipped')).toHaveCount(0);
+ await expect(scenario.getErrors()).toContainText(['error in failingAfterFixtureNoStep']);
+test('Failing by failingAfterFixtureWithStep', async ({ scenario }) => {
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps()).toContainText([
+ 'my attachment|outside step (before use)',
+ 'Givenstep that uses failingAfterFixtureWithStep',
+ 'WhenAction 4',
+ `Hook "step in failingAfterFixtureWithStep" failed: ${normalize('features/error-in-after/fixtures.ts')}:`,
+ 'my attachment|outside step (after use)',
+ ]);
+ if (hasAutoScreenshotFixtureTeardown) {
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps()).toContainText(['screenshot']);
+ }
+ await expect(scenario.getAttachments()).toContainText([
+ 'my attachment|outside step (before use)',
+ 'my attachment|in step',
+ 'my attachment|outside step (after use)',
+ ]);
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps('passed')).toHaveCount(2);
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps('failed')).toHaveCount(1);
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps('skipped')).toHaveCount(0);
+ await expect(scenario.getErrors()).toContainText(['error in failingAfterFixtureWithStep']);
+test('timeout in after fixture', async ({ scenario }) => {
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps()).toContainText([
+ 'GivenAction 0',
+ 'Givenstep that uses timeouted after fixture',
+ 'WhenAction 1',
+ /Hook "(After Hooks|fixture: timeoutedAfterFixture)" failed/,
+ ]);
+ // don't check screenshot as it's not reliable in timeouts
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps('passed')).toHaveCount(3);
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps('failed')).toHaveCount(1);
+ await expect(scenario.getErrors()).toContainText([
+ /but tearing down "timeoutedAfterFixture" ran out of time|Tearing down "timeoutedAfterFixture" exceeded the test timeout/,
+ ]);
+test('timeout in step and in after fixture', async ({ scenario }) => {
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps()).toContainText([
+ 'GivenAction 0',
+ 'Giventimeouted step',
+ 'WhenAction 1',
+ 'Givenstep that uses timeouted after fixture',
+ /Hook "(After Hooks|fixture: timeoutedAfterFixture)" failed/,
+ ]);
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps('passed')).toHaveCount(4);
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps('failed')).toHaveCount(1);
+ await expect(scenario.getErrors()).toContainText([
+ /Test timeout of \d+ms exceeded|Tearing down "timeoutedAfterFixture" exceeded the test timeout/,
+ ]);
diff --git a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/specs/error-in-before.test.ts b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/specs/error-in-before.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..07276e81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/specs/error-in-before.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+import { normalize } from 'node:path';
+import { expect } from '@playwright/test';
+import { test } from '../fixtures';
+test.use({ featureUri: 'error-in-before/sample.feature' });
+test('Failing by anonymous before hook', async ({ scenario }) => {
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps()).toContainText([
+ `Hook "BeforeEach hook" failed: ${normalize('features/error-in-before/steps.ts')}:`, // prettier-ignore
+ 'GivenAction 1',
+ 'screenshotDownload trace',
+ ]);
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps('failed')).toHaveCount(1);
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps('skipped')).toHaveCount(1);
+ await expect(scenario.getTags()).toContainText(['@failing-anonymous-hook']);
+ await expect(scenario.getErrors()).toContainText(['Timed out']);
+ await expect(scenario.getErrors()).toContainText([`Before({ tags: '@failing-anonymous-hook' }`]);
+test('Failing by named before hook', async ({ scenario }) => {
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps()).toContainText([
+ `Hook "failing named before hook" failed: ${normalize('features/error-in-before/steps.ts')}:`,
+ 'GivenAction 1',
+ 'screenshotDownload trace',
+ ]);
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps('failed')).toHaveCount(1);
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps('skipped')).toHaveCount(1);
+ await expect(scenario.getTags()).toContainText(['@failing-named-hook']);
+ await expect(scenario.getErrors()).toContainText(['Timed out']);
+ await expect(scenario.getErrors()).toContainText([`Before({ name: 'failing named before hook'`]);
+test('Failing by failingBeforeFixtureNoStep', async ({ scenario }) => {
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps()).toContainText([
+ `Hook "fixture: failingBeforeFixtureNoStep" failed: ${normalize('features/error-in-before/fixtures.ts')}:`,
+ 'Givenstep that uses failingBeforeFixtureNoStep',
+ 'WhenAction 1',
+ 'screenshot',
+ ]);
+ await expect(scenario.getAttachments()).toHaveText([
+ 'my attachment|outside step',
+ 'my attachment|in step',
+ 'screenshot',
+ ]);
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps('failed')).toHaveCount(1);
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps('skipped')).toHaveCount(2);
+ await expect(scenario.getErrors()).toContainText(['error in failingBeforeFixtureNoStep']);
+test('Failing by failingBeforeFixtureWithStep', async ({ scenario }) => {
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps()).toContainText([
+ `Hook "my step" failed: ${normalize('features/error-in-before/fixtures.ts')}:`,
+ 'Givenstep that uses failingBeforeFixtureWithStep',
+ 'WhenAction 2',
+ 'screenshot',
+ ]);
+ await expect(scenario.getAttachments()).toHaveText([
+ 'my attachment|in step',
+ 'my attachment|outside step',
+ 'screenshot',
+ ]);
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps('failed')).toHaveCount(1);
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps('skipped')).toHaveCount(2);
+ await expect(scenario.getErrors()).toContainText(['error in failingBeforeFixtureWithStep']);
+test('timeout in before fixture', async ({ scenario }) => {
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps()).toContainText([
+ 'GivenAction 0',
+ 'Givenstep that uses timeouted before fixture',
+ 'WhenAction 1',
+ ]);
+ // 1. position of error message sometimes appears in After Hooks, so check it separately
+ // 2. here can be different error messages
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps()).toContainText([/Hook "(.+)" failed/]);
+ // screenshot position changes between PW versions, so check it separately
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps()).toContainText(['screenshot']);
+ // sometimes error is the following:
+ // "browser.newContext: Target page, context or browser has been closed"
+ // in that case there are two errors in test report.
+ expect(await scenario.getSteps('failed').count()).toBeGreaterThan(0);
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps('skipped')).toHaveCount(3);
+ await expect(scenario.getErrors()).toContainText([
+ // here can be different error messages
+ /(Test timeout of \d+ms exceeded while setting up "timeoutedBeforeFixture")|(browser has been closed)|(Browser closed)/,
+ ]);
diff --git a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/specs/error-in-bg.test.ts b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/specs/error-in-bg.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6888f15f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/specs/error-in-bg.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+import { expect } from '@playwright/test';
+import { test } from '../fixtures';
+test.use({ featureUri: 'error-in-bg/sample.feature' });
+test('background is failing', async ({ feature }) => {
+ const background = feature.getBackground();
+ await expect(background.getSteps()).toContainText([
+ 'failing step', // prettier-ignore
+ ]);
+ await expect(background.getSteps('failed')).toHaveCount(1);
+ await expect(background.getErrors()).toContainText(['Timed out 1ms waiting for expect']);
+test('scenario 1', async ({ scenario }) => {
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps()).toContainText([
+ 'GivenAction 1', // prettier-ignore
+ 'screenshot',
+ ]);
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps('skipped')).toHaveCount(1);
+ await expect(scenario.getErrors()).not.toBeVisible();
+test('scenario 2', async ({ scenario }) => {
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps()).toContainText([
+ 'GivenAction 2', // prettier-ignore
+ 'screenshot',
+ ]);
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps('skipped')).toHaveCount(1);
+ await expect(scenario.getErrors()).not.toBeVisible();
diff --git a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/specs/error-in-step.test.ts b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/specs/error-in-step.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..687d4f9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/specs/error-in-step.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+import { expect } from '@playwright/test';
+import { test } from '../fixtures';
+test.use({ featureUri: 'error-in-step/sample.feature' });
+test('failing by step assertion', async ({ scenario }) => {
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps()).toContainText([
+ 'Givenfailing step', // prettier-ignore
+ 'screenshotDownload trace',
+ ]);
+ await expect(scenario.getErrors()).toContainText([
+ 'Timed out 1ms waiting for expect', // prettier-ignore
+ ]);
+test('failing by step timeout', async ({ scenario }) => {
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps()).toContainText([
+ 'GivenAction 0',
+ 'Giventimeouted step',
+ 'WhenAction 1',
+ // not 'screenshot', b/c no page
+ // 'screenshot',
+ 'Download trace',
+ ]);
+ // don't check passed/skipped steps counts b/c in different PW versions it's different
+ await expect(scenario.getErrors()).toContainText([/Test timeout of \d+ms exceeded/]);
+test('failing match snapshot', async ({ scenario }) => {
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps()).toContainText([
+ 'Whenopen page "https://example.com"',
+ 'Thenpage title snapshot matches the golden one',
+ ]);
+ await expect(scenario.getAttachments()).toHaveText([
+ 'error-in-step-failing-match-snapshot-1-expected.txtbla-bla',
+ 'error-in-step-failing-match-snapshot-1-actual.txtExample Domain',
+ 'screenshot',
+ ]);
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps('passed')).toHaveCount(1);
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps('failed')).toHaveCount(1);
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps('skipped')).toHaveCount(0);
+ // since pw 1.49 error text for snapshots was changed.
+ // before: Snapshot comparison failed
+ // after: expect(string).toMatchSnapshot(expected)
+ await expect(scenario.getErrors()).toContainText(
+ /Snapshot comparison failed|expect\(string\)\.toMatchSnapshot\(expected\)/,
+ );
+test('soft assertions', async ({ scenario }) => {
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps()).toHaveText([
+ /Givenfailing soft assertion "foo"/,
+ 'AndAction 1',
+ /Andfailing soft assertion "bar"/,
+ 'AndAction 2',
+ // not 'screenshot', b/c no page
+ // 'screenshot',
+ 'Download trace',
+ ]);
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps('passed')).toHaveCount(2);
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps('failed')).toHaveCount(2);
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps('skipped')).toHaveCount(0);
+ await expect(scenario.getErrors()).toContainText([
+ 'Expected: "foo" Received: "xxx"',
+ 'Expected: "bar" Received: "xxx"',
+ ]);
diff --git a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/specs/failed.test.ts b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/specs/failed.test.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ffaec77..00000000
--- a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/specs/failed.test.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-import { normalize } from 'node:path';
-import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
-import { getFeature, getScenario, openReport } from '../helpers';
-import { getPackageVersion } from '../../../../src/utils';
-const pwVersion = getPackageVersion('@playwright/test');
-// Automatic screenshot for failing fixtures teardown depends on pw version.
-// see: https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/issues/29325
-const hasAutoScreenshotFixtureTeardown = pwVersion >= '1.42.0' && pwVersion < '1.45.0';
-test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
- await openReport(page);
-test('Scenario: Failing by step', async ({ page }) => {
- const scenario = getScenario(page, 'Failing by step');
- await expect(scenario.getSteps()).toContainText(['Givenfailing step', 'screenshot']);
- await expect(scenario.getErrors()).toContainText(['Timed out']);
-test('Scenario: Failing by background step', async ({ page }) => {
- const scenario = getScenario(page, 'Failing by background step');
- await expect(scenario.getSteps()).toContainText(['GivenAction 1', 'screenshot']);
- await expect(scenario.getSteps('skipped')).toHaveCount(1);
- await expect(scenario.getErrors()).not.toBeVisible();
- const background = getFeature(page).getBackground();
- await expect(background.getSteps()).toContainText([
- 'step failing for scenario "Failing by background step"',
- ]);
- await expect(background.getSteps('failed')).toHaveCount(1);
- await expect(background.getErrors()).toContainText(['expect(true).toEqual(false)']);
-test('Scenario: Failing by anonymous before hook', async ({ page }) => {
- const scenario = getScenario(page, 'Failing by anonymous before hook');
- await expect(scenario.getSteps()).toContainText([
- `Hook "BeforeEach hook" failed: ${normalize('features/failed-steps.ts')}:`, // prettier-ignore
- 'GivenAction 1',
- 'screenshot',
- ]);
- await expect(scenario.getSteps('failed')).toHaveCount(1);
- await expect(scenario.getSteps('skipped')).toHaveCount(1);
- await expect(scenario.getTags()).toContainText(['@failing-anonymous-hook']);
- await expect(scenario.getErrors()).toContainText(['Timed out']);
- await expect(scenario.getErrors()).toContainText([`Before({ tags: '@failing-anonymous-hook' }`]);
-test('Scenario: Failing by named before hook', async ({ page }) => {
- const scenario = getScenario(page, 'Failing by named before hook');
- await expect(scenario.getSteps()).toContainText([
- `Hook "failing named before hook" failed: ${normalize('features/failed-steps.ts')}:`,
- 'GivenAction 1',
- 'screenshot',
- ]);
- await expect(scenario.getSteps('failed')).toHaveCount(1);
- await expect(scenario.getSteps('skipped')).toHaveCount(1);
- await expect(scenario.getTags()).toContainText(['@failing-named-hook']);
- await expect(scenario.getErrors()).toContainText(['Timed out']);
- await expect(scenario.getErrors()).toContainText([`Before({ name: 'failing named before hook'`]);
-test('Scenario: Failing by failingBeforeFixtureNoStep', async ({ page }) => {
- const scenario = getScenario(page, 'Failing by failingBeforeFixtureNoStep');
- await expect(scenario.getSteps()).toContainText([
- `Hook "fixture: failingBeforeFixtureNoStep" failed: ${normalize('features/fixtures.ts')}:`,
- 'Givenstep that uses failingBeforeFixtureNoStep',
- 'WhenAction 1',
- 'screenshot',
- ]);
- await expect(scenario.getAttachments()).toHaveText([
- 'my attachment|outside step',
- 'my attachment|in step',
- 'screenshot',
- ]);
- await expect(scenario.getSteps('failed')).toHaveCount(1);
- await expect(scenario.getSteps('skipped')).toHaveCount(2);
- await expect(scenario.getErrors()).toContainText(['error in failingBeforeFixtureNoStep']);
-test('Scenario: Failing by failingBeforeFixtureWithStep', async ({ page }) => {
- const scenario = getScenario(page, 'Failing by failingBeforeFixtureWithStep');
- await expect(scenario.getSteps()).toContainText([
- `Hook "my step" failed: ${normalize('features/fixtures.ts')}:`,
- 'Givenstep that uses failingBeforeFixtureWithStep',
- 'WhenAction 2',
- 'screenshot',
- ]);
- await expect(scenario.getAttachments()).toHaveText([
- 'my attachment|in step',
- 'my attachment|outside step',
- 'screenshot',
- ]);
- await expect(scenario.getSteps('failed')).toHaveCount(1);
- await expect(scenario.getSteps('skipped')).toHaveCount(2);
- await expect(scenario.getErrors()).toContainText(['error in failingBeforeFixtureWithStep']);
-test('Scenario: Failing by failingAfterFixtureNoStep', async ({ page }) => {
- const scenario = getScenario(page, 'Failing by failingAfterFixtureNoStep');
- await expect(scenario.getSteps()).toContainText([
- 'my attachment|before use',
- 'Givenstep that uses failingAfterFixtureNoStep',
- 'WhenAction 3',
- `Hook "fixture: failingAfterFixtureNoStep" failed: ${normalize('features/fixtures.ts')}:`,
- ]);
- if (hasAutoScreenshotFixtureTeardown) {
- await expect(scenario.getSteps()).toContainText(['screenshot']);
- }
- await expect(scenario.getAttachments()).toContainText([
- 'my attachment|before use', // prettier-ignore
- 'my attachment|after use',
- ]);
- await expect(scenario.getSteps('passed')).toHaveCount(2);
- await expect(scenario.getSteps('failed')).toHaveCount(1);
- await expect(scenario.getSteps('skipped')).toHaveCount(0);
- await expect(scenario.getErrors()).toContainText(['error in failingAfterFixtureNoStep']);
-test('Scenario: Failing by failingAfterFixtureWithStep', async ({ page }) => {
- const scenario = getScenario(page, 'Failing by failingAfterFixtureWithStep');
- await expect(scenario.getSteps()).toContainText([
- 'my attachment|outside step (before use)',
- 'Givenstep that uses failingAfterFixtureWithStep',
- 'WhenAction 4',
- `Hook "step in failingAfterFixtureWithStep" failed: ${normalize('features/fixtures.ts')}:`,
- 'my attachment|outside step (after use)',
- ]);
- if (hasAutoScreenshotFixtureTeardown) {
- await expect(scenario.getSteps()).toContainText(['screenshot']);
- }
- await expect(scenario.getAttachments()).toContainText([
- 'my attachment|outside step (before use)',
- 'my attachment|in step',
- 'my attachment|outside step (after use)',
- ]);
- await expect(scenario.getSteps('passed')).toHaveCount(2);
- await expect(scenario.getSteps('failed')).toHaveCount(1);
- await expect(scenario.getSteps('skipped')).toHaveCount(0);
- await expect(scenario.getErrors()).toContainText(['error in failingAfterFixtureWithStep']);
-test('Scenario: failing match snapshot', async ({ page }) => {
- const scenario = getScenario(page, 'failing match snapshot');
- await expect(scenario.getSteps()).toContainText([
- 'Whenopen page "https://example.com"',
- 'Thenpage title snapshot matches the golden one',
- ]);
- await expect(scenario.getAttachments()).toHaveText([
- 'rich-feature-failing-match-snapshot-1-expected.txtbla-bla',
- 'rich-feature-failing-match-snapshot-1-actual.txtExample Domain',
- 'screenshot',
- ]);
- await expect(scenario.getSteps('passed')).toHaveCount(1);
- await expect(scenario.getSteps('failed')).toHaveCount(1);
- await expect(scenario.getSteps('skipped')).toHaveCount(0);
- // since pw 1.49 error text for snapshots was changed.
- // before: Snapshot comparison failed
- // after: expect(string).toMatchSnapshot(expected)
- await expect(scenario.getErrors()).toContainText(
- /Snapshot comparison failed|expect\(string\)\.toMatchSnapshot\(expected\)/,
- );
-test('Scenario: soft assertions', async ({ page }) => {
- const scenario = getScenario(page, 'soft assertions');
- await expect(scenario.getSteps()).toHaveText([
- /Givenfailing soft assertion "foo"/,
- 'AndAction 1',
- /Andfailing soft assertion "bar"/,
- 'AndAction 2',
- 'screenshotDownload trace',
- ]);
- await expect(scenario.getSteps('passed')).toHaveCount(2);
- await expect(scenario.getSteps('failed')).toHaveCount(2);
- await expect(scenario.getSteps('skipped')).toHaveCount(0);
- await expect(scenario.getErrors()).toContainText([
- 'Expected: "foo" Received: "xxx"',
- 'Expected: "bar" Received: "xxx"',
- ]);
diff --git a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/specs/header.test.ts b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/specs/header.test.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index c7f16965..00000000
--- a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/specs/header.test.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
-import { getFeature, openReport } from '../helpers';
-// after changing this counts you should also update test/reporter-cucumber-junit
-const failed = 14;
-const passed = 8;
-const skipped = 1;
-test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
- await openReport(page);
-test('header info', async ({ page }) => {
- await expect(page.getByText(/\d+ failed/)).toHaveText(`${failed} failed`);
- await expect(page.getByText(/\d+ passed/)).toHaveText(`${passed} passed`);
- await expect(page.getByText(/\d+ skipped/)).toHaveText(`${skipped} skipped`);
- await expect(page.getByText(/\d+ executed/)).toHaveText(`${failed + passed + skipped} executed`);
- await expect(page.locator('dl').getByText('node.js')).toBeVisible();
- await expect(page.locator('dl').getByText('playwright-bdd')).toBeVisible();
- await expect(getFeature(page).getTags()).toHaveText(['@feature-tag']);
diff --git a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/specs/skipped.test.ts b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/specs/skipped.test.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index c2c05529..00000000
--- a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/specs/skipped.test.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
-import { getScenario, openReport } from '../helpers';
-test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
- await openReport(page);
-test('Scenario: Skipped scenario', async ({ page }) => {
- const scenario = getScenario(page, 'Skipped scenario');
- await expect(scenario.getSteps('skipped')).toHaveCount(2);
diff --git a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/specs/passed.test.ts b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/specs/success.test.ts
similarity index 63%
rename from test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/specs/passed.test.ts
rename to test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/specs/success.test.ts
index 570cb0d7..b4ecafd3 100644
--- a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/specs/passed.test.ts
+++ b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/specs/success.test.ts
@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
-import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
-import { getFeature, getScenario, openReport } from '../helpers';
+import { expect } from '@playwright/test';
+import { test } from '../fixtures';
-test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
- await openReport(page);
+test.use({ featureUri: 'success/sample.feature' });
+test('Feature tags', async ({ feature }) => {
+ await expect(feature.getTags()).toHaveText(['@feature-tag']);
// Cucumber html-formatter does not show failed retries
// See: https://github.com/cucumber/react-components/issues/75
-test('Scenario: Scenario with retries', async ({ page }) => {
- const scenario = getScenario(page, 'Scenario with retries');
+test('Scenario with retries', async ({ scenario }) => {
await expect(scenario.getSteps()).toHaveText([
'GivenAction 1',
'Andfails until retry 1',
@@ -19,8 +20,7 @@ test('Scenario: Scenario with retries', async ({ page }) => {
await expect(scenario.getSteps('passed')).toHaveCount(3);
-test('Scenario: Scenario with data table', async ({ page }) => {
- const scenario = getScenario(page, 'Scenario with data table');
+test('Scenario with data table', async ({ scenario }) => {
await expect(scenario.getSteps()).toContainText(['Step with data table']);
await expect(scenario.getDataTable().getByRole('cell')).toHaveText([
@@ -32,14 +32,12 @@ test('Scenario: Scenario with data table', async ({ page }) => {
-test('Scenario: Scenario with doc string', async ({ page }) => {
- const scenario = getScenario(page, 'Scenario with doc string');
+test('Scenario with doc string', async ({ scenario }) => {
await expect(scenario.getSteps()).toContainText(['Step with doc string']);
await expect(scenario.getDocString()).toHaveText('some text');
-test('Scenario: Scenario with attachments', async ({ page }) => {
- const scenario = getScenario(page, 'Scenario with attachments');
+test('Scenario with attachments', async ({ scenario }) => {
await expect(scenario.getSteps()).toContainText([
'attach text',
'attach image inline',
@@ -53,8 +51,7 @@ test('Scenario: Scenario with attachments', async ({ page }) => {
await expect(scenario.getLogs()).toHaveText(['123 some logs']);
-test('Scenario: Scenario with all keywords and success hooks', async ({ page }) => {
- const scenario = getScenario(page, 'Scenario with all keywords and success hooks');
+test('Scenario with all keywords and success hooks', async ({ scenario }) => {
await expect(scenario.getSteps('passed')).toHaveCount(7);
await expect(scenario.getSteps()).toHaveText([
'', // before hook
@@ -69,9 +66,16 @@ test('Scenario: Scenario with all keywords and success hooks', async ({ page })
-test('Scenario Outline: Check doubled', async ({ page }) => {
- const scenario = getFeature(page).getScenarioOutline('Check doubled');
- await expect(scenario.getSteps()).toContainText(['GivenAction ', 'ThenAction ']);
+test('Skipped scenario', async ({ scenario }) => {
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps('skipped')).toHaveCount(2);
+test('Check doubled', async ({ feature }) => {
+ const scenario = feature.getScenarioOutline('Check doubled');
+ await expect(scenario.getSteps()).toContainText([
+ 'GivenAction ', // prettier-ignore
+ 'ThenAction ',
+ ]);
await expect(scenario.getExamples().nth(0).getByRole('cell')).toContainText([
' ',
diff --git a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/specs/timeout.test.ts b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/specs/timeout.test.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 42cc804f..00000000
--- a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/check-report/specs/timeout.test.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
-import { getScenario, openReport } from '../helpers';
-test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
- await openReport(page);
-test('Scenario: timeout in before fixture', async ({ page }) => {
- const scenario = getScenario(page, 'timeout in before fixture');
- await expect(scenario.getSteps()).toContainText([
- 'GivenAction 0',
- 'Givenstep that uses timeouted before fixture',
- 'WhenAction 1',
- ]);
- // 1. position of error message sometimes appears in After Hooks, so check it separately
- // 2. here can be different error messages
- await expect(scenario.getSteps()).toContainText([/Hook "(.+)" failed/]);
- // screenshot position changes between PW versions, so check it separately
- await expect(scenario.getSteps()).toContainText(['screenshot']);
- // sometimes error is the following:
- // "browser.newContext: Target page, context or browser has been closed"
- // in that case there are two errors in test report.
- expect(await scenario.getSteps('failed').count()).toBeGreaterThan(0);
- await expect(scenario.getSteps('skipped')).toHaveCount(3);
- await expect(scenario.getErrors()).toContainText([
- // here can be different error messages
- /(Test timeout of \d+ms exceeded while setting up "timeoutedBeforeFixture")|(browser has been closed)|(Browser closed)/,
- ]);
-test('Scenario: timeout in step', async ({ page }) => {
- const scenario = getScenario(page, 'timeout in step');
- await expect(scenario.getSteps()).toContainText([
- 'GivenAction 0',
- 'Giventimeouted step',
- 'WhenAction 1',
- 'screenshot',
- ]);
- // don't check passed/skipped steps counts b/c in different PW versions it's different
- await expect(scenario.getErrors()).toContainText([/Test timeout of \d+ms exceeded/]);
-test('Scenario: timeout in after fixture', async ({ page }) => {
- const scenario = getScenario(page, 'timeout in after fixture');
- await expect(scenario.getSteps()).toContainText([
- 'GivenAction 0',
- 'Givenstep that uses timeouted after fixture',
- 'WhenAction 1',
- /Hook "(After Hooks|fixture: timeoutedAfterFixture)" failed/,
- ]);
- // don't check screenshot as it's not reliable in timeouts
- await expect(scenario.getSteps('passed')).toHaveCount(3);
- await expect(scenario.getSteps('failed')).toHaveCount(1);
- await expect(scenario.getErrors()).toContainText([
- /but tearing down "timeoutedAfterFixture" ran out of time|Tearing down "timeoutedAfterFixture" exceeded the test timeout/,
- ]);
-test('Scenario: timeout in step and in after fixture', async ({ page }) => {
- const scenario = getScenario(page, 'timeout in step and in after fixture');
- await expect(scenario.getSteps()).toContainText([
- 'GivenAction 0',
- 'Giventimeouted step',
- 'WhenAction 1',
- 'Givenstep that uses timeouted after fixture',
- /Hook "(After Hooks|fixture: timeoutedAfterFixture)" failed/,
- ]);
- await expect(scenario.getSteps('passed')).toHaveCount(4);
- await expect(scenario.getSteps('failed')).toHaveCount(1);
- await expect(scenario.getErrors()).toContainText([
- /Test timeout of \d+ms exceeded|Tearing down "timeoutedAfterFixture" exceeded the test timeout/,
- ]);
diff --git a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/error-in-after/fixtures.ts b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/error-in-after/fixtures.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f2527f2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/error-in-after/fixtures.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+import { test as base } from 'playwright-bdd';
+export const test = base.extend<{
+ failingAfterFixtureNoStep: void;
+ failingAfterFixtureWithStep: void;
+ timeoutedAfterFixture: void;
+ failingAfterFixtureNoStep: async ({}, use, testInfo) => {
+ await testInfo.attach('my attachment', { body: '|before use' });
+ await use();
+ await testInfo.attach('my attachment', { body: '|after use' });
+ throw new Error('error in failingAfterFixtureNoStep');
+ },
+ failingAfterFixtureWithStep: async ({}, use, testInfo) => {
+ await testInfo.attach('my attachment', { body: '|outside step (before use)' });
+ await use();
+ await testInfo.attach('my attachment', { body: '|outside step (after use)' });
+ await test.step('step in failingAfterFixtureWithStep', async () => {
+ await testInfo.attach('my attachment', { body: '|in step' });
+ throw new Error('error in failingAfterFixtureWithStep');
+ });
+ },
+ timeoutedAfterFixture: async ({}, use, testInfo) => {
+ await use();
+ await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, testInfo.timeout + 100));
+ },
diff --git a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/error-in-after/sample.feature b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/error-in-after/sample.feature
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..11be0aec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/error-in-after/sample.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Feature: error-in-after
+ Scenario: Failing by failingAfterFixtureNoStep
+ Given step that uses failingAfterFixtureNoStep
+ When Action 3
+ Scenario: Failing by failingAfterFixtureWithStep
+ Given step that uses failingAfterFixtureWithStep
+ When Action 4
+ # see: https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/issues/30175
+ Scenario: timeout in after fixture
+ Given Action 0
+ Given step that uses timeouted after fixture
+ When Action 1
+ Scenario: timeout in step and in after fixture
+ Given Action 0
+ Given timeouted step
+ When Action 1
+ Given step that uses timeouted after fixture
diff --git a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/error-in-after/steps.ts b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/error-in-after/steps.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..52bc3642
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/error-in-after/steps.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import { createBdd } from 'playwright-bdd';
+import { test } from './fixtures';
+const { Given } = createBdd(test);
+// todo: error in after hook
+Given('step that uses failingAfterFixtureNoStep', async ({ failingAfterFixtureNoStep }) => {
+ return failingAfterFixtureNoStep;
+Given('step that uses failingAfterFixtureWithStep', async ({ failingAfterFixtureWithStep }) => {
+ return failingAfterFixtureWithStep;
+Given('step that uses timeouted after fixture', async ({ timeoutedAfterFixture }) => {
+ return timeoutedAfterFixture;
diff --git a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/error-in-before-all/sample.feature b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/error-in-before-all/sample.feature
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..89df1568
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/error-in-before-all/sample.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Feature: error-in-before-all
diff --git a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/fixtures.ts b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/error-in-before/fixtures.ts
similarity index 54%
rename from test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/fixtures.ts
rename to test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/error-in-before/fixtures.ts
index b3613a1e..a5bd36cd 100644
--- a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/fixtures.ts
+++ b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/error-in-before/fixtures.ts
@@ -3,9 +3,6 @@ import { test as base } from 'playwright-bdd';
export const test = base.extend<{
failingBeforeFixtureNoStep: void;
failingBeforeFixtureWithStep: void;
- failingAfterFixtureNoStep: void;
- failingAfterFixtureWithStep: void;
- setTestTimeout: void;
timeoutedBeforeFixture: void;
timeoutedAfterFixture: void;
@@ -27,27 +24,8 @@ export const test = base.extend<{
await use();
await testInfo.attach('my attachment', { body: 'should not attach' });
- failingAfterFixtureNoStep: async ({}, use, testInfo) => {
- await testInfo.attach('my attachment', { body: '|before use' });
- await use();
- await testInfo.attach('my attachment', { body: '|after use' });
- throw new Error('error in failingAfterFixtureNoStep');
- },
- failingAfterFixtureWithStep: async ({}, use, testInfo) => {
- await testInfo.attach('my attachment', { body: '|outside step (before use)' });
- await use();
- await testInfo.attach('my attachment', { body: '|outside step (after use)' });
- await test.step('step in failingAfterFixtureWithStep', async () => {
- await testInfo.attach('my attachment', { body: '|in step' });
- throw new Error('error in failingAfterFixtureWithStep');
- });
- },
timeoutedBeforeFixture: async ({}, use, testInfo) => {
await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, testInfo.timeout + 100));
await use();
- timeoutedAfterFixture: async ({}, use, testInfo) => {
- await use();
- await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, testInfo.timeout + 100));
- },
diff --git a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/error-in-before/sample.feature b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/error-in-before/sample.feature
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f09ef3fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/error-in-before/sample.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Feature: error-in-before
+ @failing-anonymous-hook
+ Scenario: Failing by anonymous before hook
+ Given Action 1
+ @failing-named-hook
+ Scenario: Failing by named before hook
+ Given Action 1
+ Scenario: Failing by failingBeforeFixtureNoStep
+ Given step that uses failingBeforeFixtureNoStep
+ When Action 1
+ Scenario: Failing by failingBeforeFixtureWithStep
+ Given step that uses failingBeforeFixtureWithStep
+ When Action 2
+ Scenario: timeout in before fixture
+ Given Action 0
+ Given step that uses timeouted before fixture
+ When Action 1
diff --git a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/error-in-before/steps.ts b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/error-in-before/steps.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..702b699b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/error-in-before/steps.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+import { expect } from '@playwright/test';
+import { createBdd } from 'playwright-bdd';
+import { test } from './fixtures';
+const { Given, Before } = createBdd(test);
+Before({ name: 'failing named before hook', tags: '@failing-named-hook' }, async ({ page }) => {
+ await expect(page).toHaveTitle('Some title1');
+Before({ tags: '@failing-anonymous-hook' }, async ({ page }) => {
+ await expect(page).toHaveTitle('Some title2');
+Given('step that uses failingBeforeFixtureNoStep', async ({ failingBeforeFixtureNoStep }) => {
+ return failingBeforeFixtureNoStep;
+Given('step that uses failingBeforeFixtureWithStep', async ({ failingBeforeFixtureWithStep }) => {
+ return failingBeforeFixtureWithStep;
+Given('step that uses timeouted before fixture', async ({ timeoutedBeforeFixture }) => {
+ return timeoutedBeforeFixture;
diff --git a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/error-in-bg/sample.feature b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/error-in-bg/sample.feature
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..17ea3cb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/error-in-bg/sample.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Feature: error-in-bg
+ Background:
+ Given failing step
+ Scenario: scenario 1
+ Given Action 1
+ Scenario: scenario 2
+ Given Action 2
diff --git a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/error-in-step/sample.feature b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/error-in-step/sample.feature
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e0332f3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/error-in-step/sample.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Feature: error-in-step
+ # - Increased timeout b/c this test opens page
+ @timeout:10_000
+ Scenario: failing by step assertion
+ Given failing step
+ Scenario: failing by step timeout
+ Given Action 0
+ Given timeouted step
+ When Action 1
+ # - If this scenario name changed, snapshot file names should also change
+ # - Increased timeout b/c this test opens page
+ @timeout:10_000
+ Scenario: failing match snapshot
+ When open page "https://example.com"
+ Then page title snapshot matches the golden one
+ Scenario: soft assertions
+ Given failing soft assertion "foo"
+ And Action 1
+ And failing soft assertion "bar"
+ And Action 2
diff --git a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/error-in-step/steps.ts b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/error-in-step/steps.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a05c72ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/error-in-step/steps.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+import { createBdd } from 'playwright-bdd';
+import { expect } from '@playwright/test';
+const { Given, When, Then } = createBdd();
+Given('timeouted step', async ({ $testInfo }) => {
+ await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, $testInfo.timeout + 100));
+When('failing soft assertion {string}', async ({}, msg: string) => {
+ expect.soft('xxx').toEqual(msg);
+When('fails until retry {int}', async ({ $testInfo }, retry: number) => {
+ if ($testInfo.retry < retry) {
+ expect(1).toEqual(2);
+ }
+Then('page title snapshot matches the golden one', async ({ page }) => {
+ expect(await page.title()).toMatchSnapshot();
diff --git a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/failed-steps.ts b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/failed-steps.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index c56bf857..00000000
--- a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/failed-steps.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-import { expect } from '@playwright/test';
-import { createBdd } from 'playwright-bdd';
-import { test } from './fixtures';
-const { Given, Before, After } = createBdd(test);
-Before({ name: 'failing named before hook', tags: '@failing-named-hook' }, async ({ page }) => {
- await expect(page).toHaveTitle('Some title1');
-Before({ tags: '@failing-anonymous-hook' }, async ({ page }) => {
- await expect(page).toHaveTitle('Some title2');
-Given('step that uses failingBeforeFixtureNoStep', async ({ failingBeforeFixtureNoStep }) => {
- return failingBeforeFixtureNoStep;
-Given('step that uses failingBeforeFixtureWithStep', async ({ failingBeforeFixtureWithStep }) => {
- return failingBeforeFixtureWithStep;
-Given('step that uses failingAfterFixtureNoStep', async ({ failingAfterFixtureNoStep }) => {
- return failingAfterFixtureNoStep;
-Given('step that uses failingAfterFixtureWithStep', async ({ failingAfterFixtureWithStep }) => {
- return failingAfterFixtureWithStep;
-Given('step failing for scenario {string}', async ({ $testInfo }, title: string) => {
- if ($testInfo.title === title) expect(true).toEqual(false);
-Given('failing step', async ({ page }) => {
- await page.goto('https://example.com');
- await expect(page.getByText('missing string')).toBeVisible();
-Given('timeouted step', async ({ $testInfo }) => {
- await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, $testInfo.timeout + 100));
-Given('step that uses timeouted before fixture', async ({ timeoutedBeforeFixture }) => {
- return timeoutedBeforeFixture;
-Given('step that uses timeouted after fixture', async ({ timeoutedAfterFixture }) => {
- return timeoutedAfterFixture;
-Before({ name: 'success before hook', tags: '@success-before-hook' }, async ({}) => {});
-After({ name: 'success after hook', tags: '@success-after-hook' }, async ({}) => {});
diff --git a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/sample.feature b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/sample.feature
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b1cbaec..00000000
--- a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/sample.feature
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-Feature: rich feature
- Background:
- Given step failing for scenario "Failing by background step"
- # - Increased timeout b/c this test opens page
- @timeout:10_000
- Scenario: Failing by step
- Given failing step
- Scenario: Failing by background step
- Given Action 1
- @failing-anonymous-hook
- Scenario: Failing by anonymous before hook
- Given Action 1
- @failing-named-hook
- Scenario: Failing by named before hook
- Given Action 1
- Scenario: Failing by failingBeforeFixtureNoStep
- Given step that uses failingBeforeFixtureNoStep
- When Action 1
- Scenario: Failing by failingBeforeFixtureWithStep
- Given step that uses failingBeforeFixtureWithStep
- When Action 2
- Scenario: Failing by failingAfterFixtureNoStep
- Given step that uses failingAfterFixtureNoStep
- When Action 3
- Scenario: Failing by failingAfterFixtureWithStep
- Given step that uses failingAfterFixtureWithStep
- When Action 4
- # - If this scenario name changed, snapshot file names should also change
- # - Increased timeout b/c this test opens page
- @timeout:10_000
- Scenario: failing match snapshot
- When open page "https://example.com"
- Then page title snapshot matches the golden one
- Scenario: timeout in before fixture
- Given Action 0
- Given step that uses timeouted before fixture
- When Action 1
- Scenario: timeout in step
- Given Action 0
- Given timeouted step
- When Action 1
- # see: https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/issues/30175
- Scenario: timeout in after fixture
- Given Action 0
- Given step that uses timeouted after fixture
- When Action 1
- Scenario: timeout in step and in after fixture
- Given Action 0
- Given timeouted step
- When Action 1
- Given step that uses timeouted after fixture
- Scenario: soft assertions
- Given failing soft assertion "foo"
- And Action 1
- And failing soft assertion "bar"
- And Action 2
- # ----- Success scenarios ------
- @retries:1
- Scenario: Scenario with retries
- Given Action 1
- And fails until retry 1
- And Action 2
- Scenario: Scenario with data table
- When Step with data table
- | name | value |
- | foo | bar |
- | x | 42 |
- Scenario: Scenario with doc string
- Then Step with doc string
- ```
- some text
- ```
- Scenario: Scenario with attachments
- Given attach text
- And attach image inline
- And attach image as file
- And attach stdout
- @success-before-hook
- @success-after-hook
- Scenario: Scenario with all keywords and success hooks
- Given Action 1
- And Action 2
- When Action 3
- And Action 4
- Then Action 5
- But Action 6
- * Action 7
- @skip
- Scenario: Skipped scenario
- Given Action 1
- And Action 2
- Scenario Outline: Check doubled
- Given Action
- Then Action
- Examples:
- | start | end |
- | 2 | 4 |
- | 3 | 6 |
- Examples:
- | start | end |
- | 10 | 20 |
diff --git a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/shared.steps.ts b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/shared.steps.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3d5d0007
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/shared.steps.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+import { createBdd } from 'playwright-bdd';
+import { expect } from '@playwright/test';
+const { Given, When } = createBdd();
+When('Action {int}', () => {});
+Given('failing step', async ({ page }) => {
+ // using 'page' here to have a screenshot in report
+ await page.goto('https://example.com');
+ await expect(page.getByText('missing string')).toBeVisible();
+When('open page {string}', async ({ page }, url: string) => {
+ await page.goto(url);
diff --git a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/cucumber.png b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/success/cucumber.png
similarity index 100%
rename from test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/cucumber.png
rename to test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/success/cucumber.png
diff --git a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/success/sample.feature b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/success/sample.feature
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..16469d0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/success/sample.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+Feature: success
+ @retries:1
+ Scenario: Scenario with retries
+ Given Action 1
+ And fails until retry 1
+ And Action 2
+ Scenario: Scenario with data table
+ When Step with data table
+ | name | value |
+ | foo | bar |
+ | x | 42 |
+ Scenario: Scenario with doc string
+ Then Step with doc string
+ ```
+ some text
+ ```
+ Scenario: Scenario with attachments
+ Given attach text
+ And attach image inline
+ And attach image as file
+ And attach stdout
+ @success-before-hook
+ @success-after-hook
+ Scenario: Scenario with all keywords and success hooks
+ Given Action 1
+ And Action 2
+ When Action 3
+ And Action 4
+ Then Action 5
+ But Action 6
+ * Action 7
+ @skip
+ Scenario: Skipped scenario
+ Given Action 1
+ And Action 2
+ Scenario Outline: Check doubled
+ Given Action
+ Then Action
+ Examples:
+ | start | end |
+ | 2 | 4 |
+ | 3 | 6 |
+ Examples:
+ | start | end |
+ | 10 | 20 |
diff --git a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/steps.ts b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/success/steps.ts
similarity index 58%
rename from test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/steps.ts
rename to test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/success/steps.ts
index 89287552..c93e3811 100644
--- a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/steps.ts
+++ b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/features/success/steps.ts
@@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
import fs from 'node:fs';
import path from 'node:path';
import { createBdd } from 'playwright-bdd';
-import { test } from './fixtures';
-import { expect } from '@playwright/test';
-const { When, Then } = createBdd(test);
+const { When, Then, Before, After } = createBdd();
-When('Action {int}', () => {});
When('Step with data table', () => {});
When('Step with doc string', () => {});
@@ -33,20 +30,6 @@ Then('attach stdout', async () => {
// don't test console.error b/c it poisons the output
-When('open page {string}', async ({ page }, url: string) => {
- await page.goto(url);
-When('failing soft assertion {string}', async ({}, msg: string) => {
- expect.soft('xxx').toEqual(msg);
+Before({ name: 'success before hook', tags: '@success-before-hook' }, async ({}) => {});
-When('fails until retry {int}', async ({ $testInfo }, retry: number) => {
- if ($testInfo.retry < retry) {
- expect(1).toEqual(2);
- }
-Then('page title snapshot matches the golden one', async ({ page }) => {
- expect(await page.title()).toMatchSnapshot();
+After({ name: 'success after hook', tags: '@success-after-hook' }, async ({}) => {});
diff --git a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/playwright.config.ts b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/playwright.config.ts
index f022368e..fc69cfc9 100644
--- a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/playwright.config.ts
+++ b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/playwright.config.ts
@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@ import { defineBddConfig, cucumberReporter } from 'playwright-bdd';
import { testTimeout } from './timeout';
const testDir = defineBddConfig({
- paths: ['features/*.feature'],
- require: ['features/*.ts'],
+ featuresRoot: './features',
export default defineConfig({
diff --git a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/test.mjs b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/test.mjs
index a7549db0..a43035a5 100644
--- a/test/reporter-cucumber-html/test.mjs
+++ b/test/reporter-cucumber-html/test.mjs
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+ * Generate Cucumber HTML reporter and check the report via Playwright.
+ */
import {