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File metadata and controls

104 lines (80 loc) · 6.4 KB


This file documents any relevant changes done to ViUR html5 since version 2.

3.0.0 develop

  • Feature: Changed LGPLv3 licensing terms into MIT
  • Feature: Ported framework to Python 3.7 using Pyodide, with a full source code and library cleanup
  • Feature: html5.Widget.__init__() now allows for parameters equal to Widget.appendChild() to directly stack widgets together. Additionally, the following parameters can be used:
    • appendTo: Directly append the newly created widget to another widget.
    • style: Provide class attributes for styling added to the new Widget, using Widget.addClass().
  • Feature: html5.Widget.appendChild() and html5.Widget.prependChild() can handle arbitrary input now, including HTML, lists of widgets or just text, in any order. html5.Widget.insertChild() runs slightly different, but shares same features. This change mostly supersedes html5.Widget.fromHTML().
  • Feature: New replace-parameter for html5.Widget.appendChild() and html5.Widget.prependChild() which clears the content.
  • Feature: html5.ext.InputDialog refactored & disables OK-Button when no value is present.
  • Feature: html5.utils.doesEventHitWidgetOrChildren() and html5.utils.doesEventHitWidgetOrParent() now return the Widget or None instead of a boolean, to avoid creating loops and directly work with the recognized Widget.
  • Feature: New function html5.Widget.onBind() enables widgets to react when bound to other widgets using the HTML parser.
  • Feature: Replace HTML-parsing-related vars-parameter generally by **kwargs, with backward-compatibility.
  • Feature: Splitting SVG-Widgets into separate module.
  • Feature: Replaced _isVoid-class by class-attribute Widget._leafTag for easier leaf-widget-/tag configuration outside of html5.
  • Feature: HTML-parser improvements
    • Direct attribute assignments: Store attributes which are not HTML-element attributes directly, e.g. <div kind="internal"> becomes self.kind = "internal" on the created html5.Div() instance
    • ':'-notation on attributes to transfer objects from binder to its children
  • Feature: Unified usage of "hidden" and "disabled" attributes on Widgets
  • Speed-improvement: Hold static _WidgetClassWrapper per html5.Widget instead of creating one each time on the fly.

2.5.1 Vesuv

  • Feature: Allow to bind multiple [name] attributes to one widget in HTML parser
  • Feature: html5.utils.textToHtml() extended to clear-parameter

2.5.0 Vesuv

Release date: Jul 26, 2019

  • Bugfix: Widget.Th() now supporting full col-/rowspan getting and setting.
  • Bugfix: HTML-parser accepts tags in upper-/camel-case order now.
  • Bugfix: HTML-parser handles table tags with tbody/thead tags inside more gracefully.
  • Feature: Split HTML-parser into separate stages to compile and run; This allows to pre-compile HTML into a list/dict-structure and render it later on without parsing it again. parseHTML() is the new function, fromHTML() works like before and handles pre-compiled or raw HTML as parameter.
  • Feature: fromHTML() extended to vars parameter to replace key-value pairs in text-nodes and attribute values expressed as {{key}}.
  • Feature: HTML-parser dynamically reconizes void elements
  • Feature: html5.registerTag() can be used to define new or override existing HTML elements in the HTML parser by custom implementations based on html5.Widget()
  • Feature: New function Widget.isVisible() as counterpart for Widget.isHidden().

2.4.0 Agung

Release date: May 17, 2019

  • Bugfix: Fixed bug with disabling of input widgets.
  • Feature: Fully refactored the librarys source base into just two single files, to reduce number of required files to download and make the library easier to access.
  • Feature: New function Widget.isHidden() to check if a widget is currently shown.
  • Feature: Improved handling of key-events.
  • Feature: Allow to close popups by pressing ESC.
  • Feature: Improvements for SVG and TextNode.

2.3.0 Kilauea

Release date: Oct 2, 2018

  • Refactored html5.ext.SelectDialog
  • Extended html parser to apply data-attributes
  • Switching event handling to newer JavaScript event listener API
  • Added onFocusIn and onFocusOut events

2.2.0 Etna

Release date: Apr 23, 2018

  • Implemented html5.Head() to access the document's head object within the library.
  • Directly append text in construction of Li().

Release date: Nov 2, 2017

  • Introduced a build-in HTML parser (Widget.fromHTML()) that is capable to compile HTML-code into DOM-objects of the html5 library, and an extra-feature to bind them to their root node for further access. This attempt makes it possible to create PyJS apps using the HTML5 library without creating every single element by hand.
  • A more distinct way for Widget.hide() and that cannot be overridden by styling. (setting "hidden" does not work when another display value is set).
  • Utility functions Widget.enable() and Widget.disable()`.
  • Directly append text in construction of Div() and Span().
  • Allow for tuple and list processing in table cell assignments.
  • Adding utils.parseFloat() and utils.parseInt() utility functions.
  • Implemented colspan attribute for Th()
  • New and


Release date: Dec 22, 2016

  • v2.0.1: Directly append text in construction of Option().
  • v2.0.1: Anything added to Widget.appendChild() or Widget.prependChild() which is not a widget is handled as text (TextNode() is automatically created).
  • New functions Widget.prependChild(), Widget.insertBefore(), Widget.children(), Widget.removeAllChildren(), Widget.addClass(), Widget.removeClass(), Widget.toggleClass()
  • Utility functions utils.doesEventHitWidgetOrParents(), utils.doesEventHitWidgetOrChildren() taken from vi77
  • Insert text blocks easier with utils.textToHtml()
  • Several bugfixes