All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
nothing since last release
1.0.24 - 2016-08-16
- menu variation .menu-vRow
- single element spinner: .single-spinner
- single-spinner support for buttons and menu-links
- :focus states for inputs
- .switch (boolean selection)
- .radio buttons (single selection)
- .check boxes (multiple selection)
- .optionGroup to arrange radios and checks
- .optionGroup-vSelectionList to style radio and check groups as scrollable list
- NESW positioning for .popup element
- util.less elements: text transforms, repsosive format, show/hiding class
- image shapes (rounded, circle, thumbnail)
- .thumnail
- cite element to .blockquote
- kbd (key) element
- added support for .input-vBlock and .textarea-vBlock next to a label (inline)
- table.less: no-border variations
- build task:
- stylefmt for the correct syntax
- sourcemap support
- support for /* ... */ comments in style.css
- Small and large modifier for .popup element
- using .menuWrapper for mobile menu instead of .sidebar
- some responsive behaviour of form elements for increased consistency
- now each element is border-box: box-sizing (before there were some exceptions)
- .shd, .center (X, Y), .pointer are now native css classes so you can use those as mixin and in html
- restyled pre/code element
- grid sizes/offsets (third, quarter)
- redrawn headlines/sublines
- .popup-content and .popup-footer now use em instead of rem in font-size
- .content now uses min-width:0; instead of overflow:hidden;
- .single-spinner is now smaller
- .formActions are deprecated: please use the .bar element instead
- double scroller
- namespacing for tabs (styling affected radio buttons)
- .popup now has a max-height and proper content scrollbars
- .barGroup-vRight and .barGroup-vCenter now float correctly
1.0.23 - 2016-07-31
- center-functions [.center(), .centerX().centerY()]
- key element: a container to present key visuals, claims or slogans
- bar element: for vertical alignment and horizontal distribution, such as navigation bars or inline forms
- pagination
- tab variation: tab-vFullscreen
- monoFont to 'Source Code Pro'
- .tab label is now called .tab-label to increase the sturdiness
- .media-image.small is now called to increase consistency
- breadcrumb items are now namespaced
- placeholder.svg is now linked correctly in image.less
- Tabs work again
1.0.22 - 2016-07-28
- removed doc styles
1.0.21 - 2016-07-24
- several slider styles
1.0.20 - 2016-07-23
- Changelog started here