mvn clean install -DskipTests
Either you can cd to the core
dir and build/run the project
cd core
mvn clean install
mvn clean test
This way we don't need to run any Kafka containers as we are not firing Kafka tests.
You can issue a mvn build command for the specific module(being on the parent dir)
mvn -pl core clean install
mvn -pl core clean test
Some tests require a running Kafka (and some related components like kafka-rest, and kafka-schema-registry).
Download the file, and run(or cd to the docker/compose
dir and run)
docker-compose -f kafka-schema-registry.yml up -d
The above command brings up all necessary Kafka components in the docker containers.
There is no need of bringing up more containers.
We have provided other compose-files just in-case anyone has to experiment tests with
single-node or multi-node cluster(s) independently.
In the zerocode-docker-factory repository (direct download link) you'll find 'kafka-schema-registry.yml', a docker-compose file that provides these components.
Then you can run:
mvn clean install <---- To build and install all the modules
mvn -pl kafka-testing clean test <---- To run all the tests
mvn -pl kafka-testing clean install <---- To run all the tests and install it to .m2 repo
More info on the docker-compose file can be found in the wiki
As explained above, in the root/parent folder, please issue the below command(the usual way)
mvn clean install <---- To build and install all the modules