Finally, inner peace - Master Oogway
Connect with nc 21830, or find it on the shell server at /problems/2021/tranquil.
Author: JoshDaBosh
The compiler gives me a warning about gets... I wonder why.
Looking at the C source code, there is a section that uses the gets() function, and the win() function that reads flag.txt seems to be commented out and not executed. Since the gets() function has a buffer overflow vulnerability, we can read flag.txt by overwriting the return address when the gets() function is executed with the win() function.
Use gdb-peda to find out the offset to the return address.
gdb ./tranquil
patter_create 100
Copy the pattern string created by the command to your clipboard.
<paste your clipboard>
Copy the pattern string displayed in the RSP Address field to your clipboard.
patto <paste your clip board>
Thus, we found out that the offset to the return address is 72 bytes.2
Find out the address of the win() function with gdb-peda.
x/s win
The address is "0x401196".
Input the attack string in tranquil. Input "A" for the offset, and write the address of the win() function after them. Don't forget to write the address in little-endian format. In the shell,
Then, we get the flag