- As preparation for using Vivliostyle Pub α version, we will explain the detailed steps to obtain a GitHub account
- If you already have a GitHub account, proceed to Tasks Required for the First Login. If you already have an account but have not created a repository, proceed to How to Create a Repository
- The GitHub screenshots are as of September 2021. Please note that they may change in the future
- For the benefits of using GitHub, refer to Collaborative Editing by Multiple Users > Overview > Benefits of Using GitHub
- Access GitHub and click "Sign up"
- Enter your email address, password, username, whether to receive emails from GitHub (y/n), and complete the security verification test, then click "Create account"
- Check the email sent to the address you entered, titled "🚀 Your GitHub launch code", and enter the 6-digit verification code on the screen
- This is a survey by GitHub. "How many team members will be working with you?", "Are you a student or teacher?" You do not necessarily have to answer these questions. Then click "Continue"
- "What specific features are you interested in using?" You do not necessarily have to answer this either. Then click "Continue"
- Select the plan for your GitHub account. Choose the plan that suits you (if you are using it for the first time, "Free" is sufficient), and click the decision button
- On the dashboard screen that appears next, click "Create repository"
- If you want to make the document private, check "Private", if you want to make it public, check "Public" (red arrow). Next, enter the "Repository name" in alphanumeric characters (red circle ①). If the repository name is available, a green ✓ mark will be displayed and the "Create repository" button (red circle ②) will become active, click it
- If this screen is displayed, the repository has been successfully created. Proceed to Tasks Required for the First Login